Instant Profit Sites Review – Is $1,000 per day possible?

In this review, I will reveal the truth about this system and if in fact, you can make $1,000 per day starting today.

If you are on my website today, it’s the result of research you did prior to buying this product and I would like to congratulate you in doing so. You can never be too careful when buying these kinds of systems that make very bold promises.

So, is Instant Profit Sites a scam or is it your ticket to your financial freedom? There are so many low-quality systems out there that it has become very hard for the newcomer to make sense out of it

red flag



I can tell you right from the start that there are many red flags that came up when I watched the sales video, and that there is something very fishy going on here!


If you are looking for a way to make money online, I invite you to check my method. You can get a starter membership absolutely free that will give you 10 free lessons on how to build your online business, along with 2 free websites that are yours to keep. NO credit card required. Click on the link below and start right now!

===>My No.1 Recommendation<===

My Analysis

Name: Instant Profit Sites


Owner: “Jake” Nothing anywhere on the Internet about a Jake owning this system.

Price: $97 + upsells

Right away when I started watching the sales video, I knew that this was again one of “those” systems where they promise you that you will be rich in no time without any efforts on your part and this with an all-done-for-you system.

The first thing that “Jake” says is that he has created an online business for you.

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Now, pardon my being so bold but, and I’m not sure how you see this, but does he think we are that dumb? How the heck is he going to create an online business with a simple video??? But that’s not all, we are making money while watching!!!

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You can call me suspicious if you want, but this is a no-brainer for me! This kind of statement is an insult to people’s intelligence! There is absolutely no truth in this at all, it’s simply a pure lie! How could anyone make money just landing on a sales page? It just boggles my mind how unscrupulous and dishonest the people behind this system really are!!!!

But to get back to the actual sales video, Jake claims that his system has made him $10 million in 4 years and that he wants to share the wealth with you now.

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You know that anyone can use a photoshop software and change any figures from a website right?

Anyway, he says that the internet is full of scam artists and that is why you haven’t made any money yet!

Now, he’s supposed to do all the work for you, and let you copy his exact website that has made him a fortune so you can sit back and relax while you make money with his system.

Then he shows “Jay Watkins” from Clearwater FL. He supposedly has joined his system three days ago and Jake already transferred $500 to his PayPal account.

Well here is the true story:


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Jay Watkins is a “Stock Image” that I found on Media Bakery’s website. So he does exist but his name is not Jay and he has NOT been transferred $500! This is completely FAKE!

Then he goes on and on about how his system will do all of the technical work for you and basically don’t have to do any work and that you will be able to make $1,000 per day easily.

From what I had seen so far I knew that this was just simply a tactic to get people that are anxious and desperate to make money to get in and purchase his system.

By the end of the video, he shows another snapshot of the “account” that he has created for you and it now shows that you have made $175. And he urges you to “Grab it before somebody else does and steals your new account”. Yeah right!

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Oh, and you have to pay a fee of $37 to gain access to this account that has $175 in it?? But is it really there? Can you really make $138 right away just by watching a video?

The easy answer is NO!

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And by the way, if you want to access the system, you will be asked to pay $97, not $37!

Here is the proof from the check out page:

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It’s also indicated on the bottom of the sales page:

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A “Rip off” right from the start! They give you a price in the sales video but charges $60 more!!!

If you are like me and you are tired of Fake testimonies and empty promises, check out my method of making money online.

Its absolutely free to join and they will provide you with 10 free lessons and 2 websites to get you started.

NO credit card required!

Create your free account here

But how does Instant Profit Sites really works?

First, there is no way this system works like the spokesman says it does. You just can’t copy a website and expect to have the same results. Everything that is said in the video is all hype anyway! There is also the fact that the search engines (Google, Bing, and Yahoo) really don’t like duplicate content, so copying would not work!

The concept is that they are supposed to provide an “all-done-for-you” affiliate marketing website, which would be ready to generate $1,000 per day right away.

But the reality is that the website that they provide is a one-page site that is not original and these kinds of sites are just ignored by the search engines! So if you want to have any traffic at all, you will have to buy your traffic, either through paid advertising or solo ads.

Something else I noticed while watching the sales video that it does not mention the name of the system once during the whole presentation.

Then I remembered!

I saw this before, and it wasn’t called Instant profit sites it was called Profit with our sites and before that, it was Your Dream Website and the Easy Internet Plan.

There you have it, folks, Instant Profit Sites is just a rehashed version. No, actually it’s the same version, they just change the name multiple times and put it back out there. Actually, three versions are still active:

Your Dream Website:

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Profit With Our Site:

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Absolutely nothing. This is one of the worst systems I have reviewed and seen! Period! Or should I say these are the worst systems since all of them are the same!


Creating a false “online business” in the sales video making believe that your account has $175 in it!

Fake Testimonies – They take stock images and create a testimony out of nothing!

Unrealistic Income Claims – You will not make $1,000 per day with this!

Claims Of Automation – Sorry but there is not one system out there that is fully automatic and makes you money while you do nothing, it simply doesn’t exist!

The Disclaimer – They say it themselves that the “typical purchaser does not make money using this system” – See Conclusion!

Hiked up the price from $37 to $97 in the checkout page – Rip off from what they say the price is and what it actually is!

Rehashed from earlier versions!


Obviously, I did not purchase this system as there are way too many red flags and it’s just plain to see that it would have been just a waste of my time trying to get my money back.

Bottom line here is that this system is just a “get-rich-quick” scheme that only provides money to the creator and not the purchaser of this system. They even say it right on their sales page, if you take the time to read the fine prints:

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They even left the old name “Easy Internet Plan” in the disclaimer. Another proof of a rehashed system.


I will even go as far as giving it 0 out of 10. There is absolutely nothing in here that will help you make money online!

How about learning to make money the real way?

If you are interested in learning how to make extra money online and you are willing the necessary effort and time required to succeed, well, there is a real way to create your own successful online business.

My No. 1 recommendation will provide you with all the training, tools and support you will need to make your first dollar online. It’s the same platform I used to create my own successful online business.

RECOMMENDED: Click Here To Find Out How I Make Money Online

If you understand that making money online takes work and time, just like any other methods to make money offline, then you will stop wasting your precious time and money on systems that are just get-rich-quick methods that simply don’t work.

That being said, my method is very newbie-friendly. When I started, I thought I knew about Affiliate Marketing, but soon realized that I was missing a lot of important pieces of the puzzle. I found and learned about those missing pieces but following their step-by-step training and I am now the proud owner of a successful online business!

We, at Wealthy Affiliate, are over 1 million members strong. That means that it works!

If you would like to learn more, I invite you to download my FREE guide.

I wrote this guide to show how Affiliate marketing works and how I make money while I sleep!

4 step method free guide


Download your FREE copy HERE NOW!

To build an online business, you need three important elements to be successful:
Education, Websites, and Expert Help.

When you join, you will have access to all three and also my personal support.

I will be there for you every step of the way!


12 thoughts on “Instant Profit Sites Review – Is $1,000 per day possible?”

  1. I love your expressive way of sharing the BS value of this product. I hear you loud and clear. Anything that promises you that you’ve made money by watching a video is more about their marketing and trying to get you to open your wallet instead of actually being able to fulfil its promise. Anyone can make a video and put what they want in it. I’m  suspicious of products that usually also have starting price plus upsells too. Thanks heaps for writing this post and sharing your honest feedback about it. 

    • Hi Kat,

      Thanks for your kind words! I had to say it like it is on this one as it makes no sense to make believe that people are making money while watching a video. Anyway, I am grateful that you have found my article of value! I wish you success in your endeavors!


  2. Interesting… Thanks for this eye-opener. My cousin who has been searching for an online platform online that would end his financial problems and sustain him has asked me to do some research for him. This search has brought me here and I’m glad about this great review. 

    He saw this instant profit site and has wanted to be a part of it due to the huge amount that was said to be made. I felt suspicious and had to take this productive step and steer him off of this bogus digital product!

    I owe a big thank you for this great post… It’s helpful and remarkable… I hope to see more of your reviews. 


    • Hi Willy,

      I am grateful that I could be of help to you and your cousin! Just keep in touch if you want to get more of the same kind of reviews as it is my mission to help as many people as possible to avoid these low-quality systems that only make money to their creators!

  3. Why is it so difficult to find legit ways to make money online? The scams are just so plentiful. I thought instant profits site was going to be good, but from what I have found out from this post, it seems to be yet another scam program.  The red flag for this program is all over the place and I cannot see myself getting involved in this.

    Thanks for saving me time and money!

    • Hi Jay,
      Actually, it’s NOT that difficult to find a legit way to make money online when you know what to look for. If an offer is too good to be true, it usually is. I have recommended a training platform in my article called Wealthy Affiliate. They are very legit and they even let you try absolutely free. No strings attached! I recommend you check them out and see for yourself what they are all about. You will not regret it!

  4. Thanks for pointing out the various red flags of this instant profit sites. Seriously! Another get rich quick site with a done for you program? Its really disheartening to know that most people still fall for this dubious and scamy programs. Making money even without yet subscribing and being promised to make 1000$ daily by just copying others website. This is evidently scam. Also, the use of fake testimonials is disheartening to know about. I will never make the mistake of investing in this program. Thanks for pointing everything out to me and saving me from this one!

    • Hi Tracy,
      I am grateful that you have found my article of value to you and that it has made you take a second look at the “system”. These very low-quality systems are pretty much all the same and the only people making money are the creators. They make money off good people trying to make it in the online world and they always end up broken-hearted. At least I have a solution for you: Wealthy Affiliate! They are the real deal and you can start your own online business for FREE, no credit card and nothing to pay until you are convinced it is the right system for you! Click on —>this link Reply

  5. Thank you for putting this review together. I sincerely appreciate your sincerity towards instant profit site. So many people have fallen victim of this. You’ve done a great job by revealing the true identity of Jay Watkins picture on their website. I think there is a need for public enlightenment on such activities. Useful and informative, thanks.

    • Hi!
      I am grateful that I have enlightened you with my article. It is my purpose and motivation in my online business to expose these kinds of low-quality systems so that people don’t fall victim and lose their time and money with them! If you want to start a real online business, why not start for FREE. click on —>this link Reply

  6. Hi.

    Thank you for sharing such a important and honest review which was about Instant Profit Sites. You have said to be aware from these websites and also mentioned how to earn more money through online. You have also shared your experiences and said what you do for your earning. I think all the online worker should read this post, because it will help them to know what is fake and what is real earning websites.

    I will share this post to others and thanks again for this helpful post.

    • Hello Monalisha
      It is my purpose to expose these fake and low-quality systems that offer nothing to the persons who buy them. When I get a comment like yours it proves that I am doing the right thing!

      Thanks for your input


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