Affiliate Cash Club Review – Mad cash today or scam?

Does Affiliate Cash Club live up to its promise of making up to $4,784.72 online every single day? In this review, I will give you the answers to your questions.

I received an email the other day from my numerous subscriptions, and this time I was invited to try this “revolutionary new system” that could help me make $35,000 per month and could be set up as soon as today “in under 5 minutes and 14 clicks”.

Now, who the heck counts clicks?

That was my first reaction!

What kind of system could this be that it can be up and running in 5 minutes and 14 clicks? (Red Flag No.1 already)

There are so many systems out there claiming to make you rich in a heartbeat that it’s hard to keep up.

Will this system be the one you are looking for? Or will it be just another one full of empty promises and fake like I have seen so many times before? Read on and find out the truth about Affiliate Cash Club.

If you want to learn from a 100% legit system, just click the link below and you will be able to follow my footsteps into the No.1 Affiliate Marketing platform on the Internet:

===>Click Here for my No.1 recommendation<===

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Name: Affiliate Cash Club


Owner: “Jordan Mathews” The only reference we find about the “owner” is a statement in the sales video. The spokesman introduces himself as Jordan Mathews. I did some research and could not find anyone under that name that would have anything to do with this system. This is red flag No.2 – The owner is hiding behind a pen name.

Price: $37 plus you will be hit with upsells over upsells telling you that you need them to guarantee more money from the system. Please don’t fall for them!

I watched the sales video and it’s typical of the many low-quality systems I have reviewed in the past. I have actually heard the same voice from the same narrator in the past on different systems I have reviewed.

This one starts the same way. They show screenshots of their ClickBank account showing how they make thousands each day.

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The thing is, they are most probably not making money with this system!

They are making money from past systems and they usually rehash the same product, and just give it another name and change the presentation a bit. That is how these guys can make that kind of money.

Then, they have the testimonies of supposedly current members living the “Big Life”:

This guy said that he made $102,710 in just 3 months spending just a few minutes on his laptop every morning.

He claims it’s so easy “it’s mind-blowing”!

Guess what…FAKE!!!!

Here is the guy, he’s a Fiverr actor and was paid to tell a scripted story!



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The same goes for this woman.

She claims she is recording her video from a hotel room in Sri Lanka and that she’s making money from anywhere in the world, last week she was in Thailand and before that in Bali. She claims that “this system is so easy it’s blowing my mind”.

Well here she is:

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If this system was so great, why would they have to hire actors to give FAKE testimonies? (Red flag no. 3)

That’s what’s “blowing my mind!”

Then the narrator goes on saying that the internet is full of scammers and tricksters who will try just about anything to get their hands on your hard-earned money!

WOW, what an understatement!

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Houston, we have a problem!

This statement is very true, but the fact that they are doing the exact same thing here leads me to believe what I thought in the first place.

They say everything you want to hear and make too good to be true just like all of the other “scammers and tricksters”! Then they take the money and run. Hoping that whoever buys the system doesn’t ask for a refund.

So this “system” is NO different from what he proclaims not to be, in fact, he’s describing the system perfectly!

The method that the spokesman is finally revealing after all this is Affiliate Marketing.

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Well, at least we know that this is a real method of making money online.

I have been using affiliate marketing for my online business for almost 4 years now and it does work, I am the living proof that it does really work.

However, ask anyone who has been in the industry for a while and they will tell you the same thing:

There are NO shortcuts, No magic system that will make you rich overnight.

Especially not “in under 5 minutes and 14 clicks!”

And of course, by the middle of the sales video he tells a sad story of how, some years ago, he was struggling financially and then his wife got sick, then, then blah blah blah! You know!

The kind of story that for someone who doesn’t know this is not real would probably connect to it emotionally. This is exactly what the sales video is doing, and I see it all the time.

They all have a struggle of some sort, then they find this wonderful secret system that makes them a boatload of money and all their problems are solved. Now they want to share the wealth with you by giving you “special access” to their system.

He even claims that he made $10,000 in his first week!

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Complete B.S.!!

Ugh! By this time I was fed up and just watched till the end to get it over with!

Does Affiliate Cash Club really work?

I can tell you right away that this system will not enable you to produce the kind of money they claim you are going to make.

I have seen it so many times before, with similar systems like Cash Formula, Instant Profit Sites, Private Cash sites and Bulletproof profits and may others too numerous to list here. If you want a complete list check out my blog.

What is going to happen if you do decide to buy the system, is you are probably going to get some bought PLR (Private Label Rights) PDF documents and guides that will give some training and probably some video training. It’s a very low-quality system with very limited and basic information. That is it!

This kind of “system” is so far from the “push-button done-for-you” that they claim in their sales video!

It just doesn’t live up to what it is claiming. It has the same elements (hyped up video and fake testimonies) as the ones I just listed here and are probably from the same creator.

Let me make a point here: There is absolutely NO business either online or brick and mortar that can be successful with 10 minutes of work per day. It’s impossible! This system will not do that!

Are you sick and tired of these fake systems claiming you can make unrealistic revenue? Then I want to direct you where I have learned the REAL way to learn and apply the Affiliate Marketing method:

===>Check out My No.1 Recommendation here<===

Pros & Cons


Nothing besides the fact that it’s sold on ClickBank and you can request your money back within 60 days when they don’t deliver what they have promised.


All the red flags:

-A system up and ready in 5 minutes and 14 clicks? Come on! We all know that it does not make sense.

-The real owner is hiding behind a pen name. See the following screenshot of the disclaimer at the bottom of the website:

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If he doesn’t want to be known, that should be a very good indicator that this system is NOT what it claims to be.

-FAKE testimonies from hired actors

-Unrealistic money claims. Nobody just starting out can make $10,000 in their first week!

-Done-for-you system that is not real.

I could go on and on, but you know what I mean by now!


This system promotes facts that are the absolute opposite of how Affiliate Marketing works. They say that you don’t need a website, you don’t need to create videos and you don’t have to use advertising or any type of marketing that requires you to actually do some work.

This not how it works!

In fact, its the actual owners that will make money with this and not the customers using the poor techniques that they provide. And once they realize that this system no longer works, they will rehash the product to a new name and start all over again.

I can tell you from experience that it takes work and persistence to actually build an online business based on affiliate marketing. You can’t expect to start from scratch and earn $10,000 in your first week. This is simply a ridiculous claim!

I will qualify this system as I already did in my article as a VERY LOW-QUALITY system and I do NOT recommend it!

The only reason I don’t call it a scam is that you can get your money back, and usually if you would be the victim of an online scam, getting your money back would be impossible.

Affiliate Marketing is awesome.

It is a very lucrative method of making money online. It’s probably the most popular!

But it is a kind of business where you have to be very patient and it’s also a kind of business that needs to be built on a solid foundation.

I know this for a fact since I have been using this method for well over 3 years now, and I have been able to build my online business to the point that I now make money while I sleep. It’s open 24/7/365.

It is NOT what this system makes it to be though. It actually takes time and actual work, but once you get it going, it does have its rewards! With the right training and Affiliate Marketing tools, anyone who is willing to put in the necessary work and dedication can succeed.

Affiliate marketing is what I use on this website. It has many advantages. The most prominent one is that you don’t have to create any product, you simply promote the millions of available products out there and when someone clicks on your “affiliate link” you make a commission.

The platform I use is not a Website builder, it’s an online BUSINESS builder

It has over 1.3 million members and is the best Internet marketing platform on the Internet!

I have also written an e-book that explains how I do it.

4 step method

I invite you to grab your FREE copy today and start your online journey.

Just click on the button below.

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When building an online business you need these essential elements:

Expert training, websites, and Education.

With my No.1 Recommended system, you will get all three along with my personal help dedicated to you.



If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to leave them in the comment section below.


6 thoughts on “Affiliate Cash Club Review – Mad cash today or scam?”

  1. That is really a bold claim to say that you could make $35,000 per month in just 14 clicks. It is really sad that scammers are out there spoiling the name of making money online and denying people the experience of actually making making money. If only things were this easy! I always like to check out the owner and I can’t find him on social media, YouTube or such, I just move on. It is amazing that you can even tell from the voice that the person talking could probably be the same actor in different programs. Thank you for taking your time to review Affiliate Cash Club or us. This is very informative.

    • Hi Carol,
      I had a chuckle when I read your statement “if only things were this easy”. It could not be more accurate. I see it all the time: Some sad story about how the “creator” was in a mess financially and by the luck of gods found a “secret method” that has made them a boatload of money “with 14 clicks”.

      I am grateful that you have found my review informative, as I try to expose these systems for what they really are!
      Thanks for stopping by and I wish you a ton of success in your endeavors!


  2. Well there we go again! 

    Thanks Denis, I shall have a peek at this guys website, I am just amazed that this still goes on and obviously hitting and hurting people who are possibly desperate to earn  quick money and will believe anything! I am surprised that ‘Fiverr ‘, hope I’m spelling that right, allow these sort of deliberate acts of lies, from their members,  they are aiding these people in really,  fraud.  Or does being an actor make it OK? Your view?

    Perhaps you should create a post detailing, specifically, just what to look for, when and where to go to, to validate the information given  on any Affiliate programs  Website before signing up!?


    • Hi Michelle,
      Well first off, Fiverr is just the “vessel” if you want to call it that. They have no saying on what these actors do or say outside of their platform, therefore, I can’t say that Fiverr is the culprit here. It’s the actors themselves that have no scruples saying that they make this much and that much money on a system that they don’t even know! But then again, they are just hired to say what the creator of the product wants them to say, and they get paid a couple of bucks for it.

      As far as writing a post to detail what to look for and where to go to validate the information given, I think you have the information already since you found my article. It’s up to people to do their due diligence and research the product/system prior to giving them a credit card number!

      Thanks for stopping by and good luck in your endeavors!

  3. Hi, Denis and thanks again for putting out another article warning those who are looking for ways to make money online to stay away.

    These people just don’t get it.  If they could put the same amount of energy into creating a real legit website (Like we are) they wouldn’t have to do this ever again and they would then be able to help others do the same.

    That’s what I like about your #1 recommendation.  The training is there and everything else one needs.  The only things they need to contribute is work and determination.

    7 minutes and 14 clicks?  NOT!  It takes less than 14 clicks (well maybe a couple of more) to get on board with a real site and no credit card necessary.


    • Well, Wayne, I couldn’t have said it better myself! You have hit the nail right on its head here! Nothing else to add except maybe thanking you for your awesome comment!

      I wish you a ton of success


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