Boosting Your Retirement Income: Strategies for Making Money Online!

Are you like many other retirees and still want to work to keep yourself busy and sharp? Or maybe you want to make ends meet a little easier when the month ends? Or are you looking for a home-based business, using your knowledge to leverage it?

Boosting Your Retirement Income Online Retired Couple walking on the beach

Tell you a well-known secret:  Making money to supplement your retirement income could be as easy as turning your computer on.

It doesn’t require any programming or coding knowledge. Basic knowledge of the Internet is all it takes.

There are so many ways you can leverage your experience with others and earn money online.

Here are some online income strategies for Boosting Your Retirement Income.

Boosting Your Retirement Income Online Savings in a jar

Participating in online surveys or market research studies.

Many online survey and market research companies will pay participants for their opinions. While the pay for individual surveys may be small, it can increase over time. Websites like Swagbucks, Survey Junkie and LifePoints are legit and payout their members, but you will not be making any significant amount of money with them. If you’re not expecting too much about their income potential, then, by all means, you can try them.

But suppose you’re looking for a business model online that can generate high profit and provide sustainable income. In that case, you may have to exercise your option and search for another income source online.

Renting out a spare room on Airbnb.

If you have a spare room in your home, you can rent it out on Airbnb to travellers looking for a place to stay. This can be an excellent way to earn extra income, especially if you live in a popular tourist destination. Or you can actually rent your whole home for a more profitable amount.

Becoming a virtual assistant or freelancer in a field you are experienced in!

The Internet has made it easier to work as a freelancer or virtual assistant, regardless of where you live. You can find work online and earn money from home if you have skills in demand, such as writing, graphic design, or programming, to name a few. However, it doesn’t have to be that specific. You can offer your experience and expertise in a wide variety of services to sites like Upwork, Fiverr or indeed.

Teaching or tutoring online

If you have expertise in a particular subject, you can use your knowledge to help others by teaching or tutoring online. Various platforms connect teachers and students, such as VIPKid and iTutorGroup, which can pay an excellent hourly rate.

Creating a website/blog and monetizing it!

If you have a hobby or interest that you’re passionate about, creating a website and starting a blog can be a way to share your knowledge and earn very good money through affiliate marketing and advertising.

You could share the knowledge gained through your career or hobbies with a money-making “blog.”

This is my preferred method.

Is it possible to Boost Your Retirement Income with a blog?

What the heck is a blog, you ask?

Wikipedia defines a blog by saying this:

blog (a truncation of the expression “web log“) is a discussion or an informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (“posts”). Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order so that the most recent post appears first at the top of the web page.

Boosting Your Retirement Income Computer and phone is all you need to create a profitable blog.

Ok, now that we have a definition of the “verb” blog, how do we start making money with it?

It is possible to boost your retirement income with a blog!

However, it depends on a variety of factors!

Without going into details, these factors can be the “niche” or topic of the blog, the amount of traffic it receives and the monetization methods used.

A popular and well-trafficked blog can generate income through advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and digital products such as ebooks or courses.

However, it is essential to note that building a successful blog takes time, effort, and dedication, and your financial success will be directly proportional to these three factors.

As I stated earlier, you don’t have to be a computer programmer or know any computer languages. 

Boosting Your Retirement Income Online Computer and cell phone

Nowadays, it’s elementary to start a website. 

As long as you know your way around a computer and the Internet, existing tools make it easy. Unlike 20 years ago, no programming is involved.

Of course, you will need guidance and training, and I’m sure that thought has crossed your mind. 

But you can and will find all the information you need, don’t worry! Just read on.

Boosting Your Retirement income with “Affiliate Marketing.”

Retirement online revenue

Affiliate Marketing is an arrangement between an online retailer who pays a commission to an external website for sales generated by its referral. The referred business rewards its affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts.

So, in layman’s terms, you promote someone else’s product or service on your own website. When people come to your website, click on your “affiliate link,” and buy the product from your “affiliate retailer/partner,” they pay you a commission.

It’s basically that simple.

Here is an image describing the whole process:

Boosting Your Retirement Income Online Affiliate Marketing Process

As you can see from the above image, commissions for promoting other people’s products can be very lucrative, depending on what you promote and with who you are dealing; it can range from 1% to 75% of the actual sale.

For example, Amazon (which receives billions of visits annually) only pays between 1% and 3% for a referred sale. So, in this case, for an Amazon affiliate to earn good money, they base their projected income on volume (traffic)!

Unfortunately, no simple, universal rule will enable you to find the perfect commission rate for your affiliate program. But I can confirm that a tool within Wealthy Affiliate called “Affiliate Program Search” will definitely help you choose the perfect company to promote to gain the highest payout!

Convinced that this can help you? Interested in changing your life and boosting your retirement income?

Then you can start right away by clicking this link or the button below:

No. 1 recommendation for earning money online

Making money online isn’t only for the younger generations.

For retirees like you who know their way around the Internet, there are thousands of opportunities to make extra cash online using the skills you gained over the course of your career.

I have been an online business owner since 2015, and I have had massive success with this method. And things are improving as my website(s) grows!

Got concerns? Here is some reassurance

How do I do this?

How do I create a website?

How do I find affiliates to promote? 

Sounds about what you have in mind right now?

I don’t blame you! It does sound a little bit overwhelming. 

You may have several fears when it comes to getting into online affiliate marketing, including:

  • Lack of technical knowledge and experience: You may be intimidated by the technical aspects of online marketing, such as building websites, creating content, and using social media platforms.
  • Fear of failure: You may be worried about failing at affiliate marketing, primarily when you have invested time and money into building a website or creating content.
  • Fear of scams and fraud: You may be skeptical of online opportunities, mainly if scams or frauds have targeted you in the past. The worry about losing money or being taken advantage of by unscrupulous marketers is still.
  • Fear of competition: worrying about competing with more experienced or better-funded marketers, you may feel at a disadvantage.
  • Fear of looking foolish: You may be concerned about appearing foolish or naive to your friends and family, especially those in your life who don’t know anything about affiliate marketing and think it`s a scam.
  • Fear of being overwhelmed: You may be worried about the amount of work required to succeed in affiliate marketing, and you may be concerned about being overwhelmed by the tasks involved.
  • Fear of age discrimination: You may be concerned that you will be viewed as less capable or less valuable than younger marketers and may worry that you will be passed over for opportunities because of your age.

It’s important to note that these fears are normal and are common among people of all ages and backgrounds who are starting a new venture.

It’s essential to do your research, educate yourself, and seek guidance from trusted sources to overcome these fears and succeed in affiliate marketing.

Like you, back at the end of 2015, I was looking to supplement my income. 

I searched high and low on the Internet for ways to earn money using the Internet.

I started a few shabby/scammy money-making systems that promised way too much for what they delivered and, of course, lost some money! 

Then, one day, I stumbled on a game-changing platform with everything I was looking for.

I didn’t know anything about Affiliate Marketing, so I joined this training platform called Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate University

I looked it up, and people all over the Internet were raving about the benefits and advantages they had found with it. 

I had been repeatedly burned by scammers and was skeptical, but I decided to join anyway.

Let me tell you that it was the best decision I have ever made to start my online business!

They have a FREE starter membership with NO credit card required, NO obligation, and NO commitment whatsoever, so I thought, “what do I have to lose?”

The best part? You can do the same and test-drive the platform without spending a dime!

Create a Free starter membership Today

Now, to show my gratitude for reading today’s topic, I’m also giving away my eBook for free to help you kickstart your affiliate marketing venture:

4 step-method toward success



Denis Signature 2022

8 thoughts on “Boosting Your Retirement Income: Strategies for Making Money Online!”

  1. Hi Denis,
    Indeed, Affiliate Marketing is the best way to make money online according to me too. And like you mentioned, being a Wealthy Affiliate member myself, I think it’s the best place to learn how it’s done!
    One more important aspect you mentioned about WA is the support! You have to try it to understand, the community is there to help you solve whatever issue and fast!
    According to me, you redirecting people to the perfect place to start learning and DOING affiliate marketing.
    Great post, thank you for sharing!

    • Hey Julien,

      Its true how the support at Wealthy Affiliate is not comparable to any other places on the Internet that I have seen.  It’s more of a community coming together helping each other.  And yes, you do have to try to understand.  It’s so easy to get answers to your problem.  It’s all about sharing knowledge for the greater good of everybody!

      Thanks for stopping by!

      I wish you success and wealth my WA friend


  2. Yeah, affiliate marketing is one of the greatest and easiest ways to make money online. There’s quite a lot of ways to do affiliate marketing, but the best way is with a website! And it’s not even that hard. It just takes some time and dedication to work on your website consistently. Search Engine Optimization is a great tool in the long term when you learn to master it. And, best of all, Wealthy Affiliate is the perfect place to learn how to do all that!

    • Hi there,

      I agree, a website is the best way to get a regular passive income when it comes to affiliate marketing.  You also  have the right frame of mind when you say that it takes time and dedication. At Wealthy Affiliate, we have tons of examples of people quitting their regular job and going full time online.  All they did is exactly that, they dedicated themselves and persisted until they succeeded.

      I wish you the same my friend



  3. Excellent article. You’ve explained affiliate marketing very well. I like the fact I don’t have to be a computer programmer to have a blog these days–at my age, it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks! You’re so right about Wealthy Affiliate, they teach you everything you need to know from start to money making. Finding your niche is not as hard as it may seem. Have you ever tried a niche in something besides retirement income? I have a different niche and am applying the same techniques.

    • Hi Lisa,

      It is a lot easier to blog nowadays than it was 10 or 15 years ago.  With WordPress and the different platforms out there to help you get started, anyone with a little computer knowledge can do it. Like you, my preferred platform is Wealthy Affiliate.  I have been a member for over 2 years now and I did start in a different niche than retirement income. As a matter of fact, this post is just part of a whole new website that I started to help all people who wants to start an online business, not just retirees. 🙂

      Thank you for your kind words.  I wish you success and wealth!



  4. Hi, Denis, a few months ago, I was looking to supplement my retirement income, and end up sign up with WA, I was a bit scare first to venture because I had no technical skills with a computer. I just follow the step by step training platform, use the tools included in the learning process, I am glad today to have decided to join the community, I have learned so much already about online marketing, learned how to build my own website, learned how to write articles, how to interact with others, it is definitely a wonderful program.
    Your article, Denis is very well done, for someone who wants to have information about Affiliate Marketing, is easy to understand, because all the details you are providing in your text.
    Thank you.

    • Hi Jacqueline,

      I know how you feel, it can be overwhelming at first.  But you made a great decision in joining Wealthy Affiliate.  It is unlike any other platform you would find online. It’s a community of online entrepreneurs helping each other build their online businesses.  You will find all the tools you need right there.

      Thank you for the really nice comment. I wish all the best in your online adventure!



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