List Leverage Review – Is it Worth the Investment?

Liste Leverage Intro Image

Are you tired of trying out different automated systems that promise to help you build a large, high-quality email list quickly, only to find that they fall short of their promises? As an online marketer, I understand the value of a great email list, and I’ve seen my fair share of low-quality systems and even scams. That’s why I decided to check out List Leverage, a system put together by Matthew Neer a few years ago that’s been given a new twist lately.

In this review, I’ll share my experience with List Leverage and let you know if it’s really worth your time and money. I’ll also highlight what to watch for, the pros and cons of the system, and my suggested alternative. So, let’s dive in and find out what List Leverage is all about!

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Key Takeaways

  • List Leverage promises to help you build a large, high-quality email list quickly, but it’s important to be cautious of automated systems that may fall short of their promises.
  • In this review, I’ll share my experience with List Leverage and highlight what to watch for, the pros and cons of the system, and my suggested alternative.
  • Stay tuned to find out if List Leverage is really worth your time and money.


List Leverage is a digital product from Matthew Neer that promises to help you make money by building your email list. The owner of the product is Matthew Neer, a 7-figure internet marketer who has created other similar products in the past. The cost of List Leverage is $49 per month or $398 per year, and there may be additional hidden costs.

As someone who has reviewed other products by Matthew Neer, I am skeptical of any system that claims to make you money “on autopilot.” However, I do recognize the importance of building an email list for any online business. As the saying goes, “the money is in the list.”

List Leverage claims to help you build your email list quickly and easily. The system provides you with pre-built landing pages and lead magnets, as well as an autoresponder to manage your email list. The idea is that you can use these tools to generate leads and build your list without having to create everything from scratch.

While List Leverage may be a helpful tool for some online marketers, I do not recommend it. The cost is high, and there may be additional hidden costs that are not disclosed upfront. Additionally, I am always wary of products that promise to make you money quickly and easily. Building a successful online business takes time, effort, and dedication.

What is List Leverage?

List Leverage Website

List Leverage is a product that claims to teach its users how to become their own traffic source and build an email list of targeted buyers. According to the creators of the system, List Leverage is a “viral lead pass-up system” that allows users to build their email list without any effort.

The way List Leverage works is that when you join, you have to promote the system to others so that they, in turn, do the same. You are actually selling the product you have just bought. Once you have convinced 5 people to join, the fifth lead is given away to your upline. In other words, you pass up email addresses to your upline. The same applies to your own referrals, meaning that you get 1 lead from every 5 of theirs, and so on.

The theory behind this system is that if your referrals get lots of leads, you will build your email list without any effort.

However, in practice, not much should be going on unless one of your referrals would be really killing it, taking massive action and having a lot of success. But why would they do it if in fact everything is supposed to be on autopilot?

So, to describe briefly what List Leverage is, you join the List Leverage system, then you promote the List Leverage system, and you get your referrals to do the same.

Sounds more like an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) or and even a pyramid scheme to me…

The first thing you need to do is to connect your email autoresponder and the landing page to the member’s area, which is a must if you want to take advantage of the full program.

However, you will have to invest a lot of money on traffic if you want their “pre-built landing page” to generate the conversions needed to get referrals to your landing page.

The system itself promotes that they also provide traffic, but it’s part of a traffic exchange platform, which in my opinion, has no quality traffic. Therefore, the conversion from the traffic sent to your offer is very low, below 1%.

Matthew Neer is not at his first attempt here to create a digital product that promises “quick and easy money”. Actually this system has been out for a while, but it seems to have gained popularity lately.

I am not a big fan of Matthew Neer and his methods.

Speed Wealth System and Viral Cash App are just two of the digital products I have reviewed from him and they are also very hyped up and selling the “get-rich-quick on autopilot” method. On a positive side though, he does not hide behind a smokescreen, he’s a real person and a very successful 7-figure internet marketer.

That being said, I have to say that I am very skeptical when it comes to systems that claim they can do something, or make you money “on autopilot”.

I really disagree and despise these systems that create a big hype just to sell their product.

However, I have to say that I don’t disagree with everything that is being said in this one.

Building an email list will bring your online business to the next level, that is a fact, and every online marketer knows that the money is in the list some will even call it their own private ATM.

In conclusion, List Leverage is a traffic generating product that teaches you how to become your own traffic source and build an email list of targeted buyers. However, the system is based on a “viral lead pass-up system” that requires you to promote the system to others so that they, in turn, do the same. The quality of the traffic provided by the system is low, and you will have to invest a lot of money on traffic if you want to take advantage of the full program.

If you are fed up (like me) of trying these very low-quality systems that promise you riches overnight without ever delivering what they sell, let me tell you how I make money online and how you can take a FREE test drive – No credit card required.

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What to watch for

If you are considering joining List Leverage, there are a few things to watch out for before you make your decision.

Firstly, be prepared for a lot of spam. When you sign up, you will be asked for your email address, which will then be used to flood your inbox with emails from other members. While some members may have good intentions, others may not, and you could end up with a lot of unwanted emails.

Secondly, the system is set up in such a way that you are essentially required to promote it to make it work. When someone joins the List Leverage system with your affiliate link, they will be added to your email list and five other random ones. If they manage to get their own referral, their email list will be included in the six slots, and yours will also be included. This process continues, but the reality is that your email list may not be as profitable as you think.

Thirdly, be aware of extra costs. You will likely need more tools than just this system to make it work, such as an email autoresponder and paid traffic. These extras may not necessarily be covered by the revenue generated by the system.

Finally, it is important to note that the click-to-open rate for emails sent from within this system is very low. Most likely, the email you send will be directed to the spam folder of your subscriber’s inbox. Email spam filters are triggered by specific words, phrases, and symbols in the subject line of the email content you send out. If the email is spammy or uses these specific words, not much is going to happen for you.

In summary, while List Leverage may seem like a good idea at first, there are several things to watch out for before you decide to join. Be prepared for spam, understand the system’s requirements, be aware of extra costs, and know that the click-to-open rate for emails is low.

Pros & Cons


Relatively low cost to join

There is a real owner (Matthew Neer) and not some spokesperson hired to tell a story.

Some potential to build an email list, although the quality of the list is not certain here.


High advertising cost

Could be perceived as spam

Low click to open and high unsubscribe rate

Low conversion rate

Hyped up and not really what it is sold to be and low value for the money you spend

Frequently Asked Questions

How does List Leverage compare to other email marketing tools?

List Leverage is an email marketing tool that allows users to generate leads and build their email list. One of the main advantages of List Leverage is its automation capabilities, which can save users time and effort. Compared to other email marketing tools, List Leverage also offers a user-friendly interface and a range of templates to choose from. However, it’s important to note that List Leverage may not be the best fit for every user, as different tools may offer different features and pricing options.

What have users said about the effectiveness of List Leverage in 2024?

In 2024, users have reported positive results from using List Leverage to build their email list and engage with their audience. Many users have found that List Leverage’s automation features have helped them save time and increase their efficiency. Additionally, users have praised the tool’s user-friendly interface and range of templates. However, it’s important to note that individual results may vary and that List Leverage may not be the best fit for every user.

Are there any notable updates to List Leverage since 2019?

Since 2019, List Leverage has introduced several updates and improvements to its platform. One of the most notable updates has been the addition of new automation features, which allow users to create more complex and customized workflows. List Leverage has also introduced new templates and designs, as well as improved reporting and analytics capabilities. Additionally, List Leverage has continued to refine its user interface and improve its customer support.

What kind of support can users expect from List Leverage?

List Leverage offers a range of support options for its users, including email support, live chat, and a knowledge base. Users can also access training resources and tutorials to help them get started with the platform. Additionally, List Leverage offers a community forum where users can connect with each other and share tips and advice. Overall, List Leverage aims to provide its users with the support and resources they need to succeed with their email marketing efforts.


After conducting thorough research and analysis, I have come to the conclusion that List Leverage is not a scam. However, it is not a system that I would recommend to anyone looking to build a successful email list and make money online.

While List Leverage claims to be an easy way to build an email list, it is actually a pass-up system that hides a lot of information and does not deliver on its promises. In reality, making money online is not easy, and most people quit before they even start. With systems like List Leverage, only the creators are making money, not the users.

In my opinion, a real email list built from your own method will be much more effective than using List Leverage. Although it might seem like a good idea to create an email list without much effort, the actual potential of making money with such a list is not what it seems to be.

Therefore, I do not recommend List Leverage to anyone looking to build a successful email list and make money online. It is important to do your own research and find a system that works best for you.

My suggested Alternative

Suggestion: Live you dream

In conclusion, navigating the complex landscape of email marketing and online business tools can be daunting.

List Leverage, with its ambitious promises, represents the allure and pitfalls of seeking quick solutions to building an email list. The review has shed light on the significant challenges and limitations of relying solely on such a system, from hidden costs to the potential for low engagement rates.

Instead, the focus should shift towards a more sustainable and comprehensive approach to building an online business.

This is where My No. 1 AI-powered recommendation comes into play.

Unlike systems that focus narrowly on list building with uncertain outcomes, this alternative emphasizes a broader strategy encompassing affiliate marketing, content creation, and leveraging AI to optimize your online presence. It’s about building a business that grows and adapts, using technology to enhance your efforts rather than replace the foundational work of connecting with your audience.

Taking action based on this insight is your next crucial step.

If your goal is to create a lasting online business that transcends quick fixes and taps into the power of AI and affiliate marketing, exploring this AI-powered recommendation is a wise move. It offers a balanced approach, combining the efficiency of technology with the personal touch that truly resonates with audiences.

My final piece of advice?

Dive into the possibilities that an AI-supported online business model presents. It’s an opportunity to leverage the latest in technology while maintaining the core values that make your business unique and valuable to your audience.

This isn’t just another tool—it’s a pathway to transforming your approach to online business, making it more resilient, responsive, and ready for the future.

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Denis Signature 2022

2 thoughts on “List Leverage Review – Is it Worth the Investment?”

  1. While reading your article I thought the same thing: “MLM”! The truth that looks very complicated, and also what I see is that they are not really leads that you have earned with confidence and effort, but an amount of email lists of people you don’t know, and people who don’t meet you!

    Also, I agree 100% with you. If from the beginning they start telling me that “they work on autopilot” it is because there is something strange. I have gone through these “automatic miracles” and none is.

    And surely as soon as you get started the upseels starts to appear over and over, right?

    I was very interested in the alternative you mention about affiliate marketing and the platform to learn it. It seems that it is more a program, a “school” with real support than a simple “miracle platform in autopilot”

    I’ll take a look and let you know what I think

    Thanks for the review!

    • Hi Paul and thank you for reading and commenting on my review. I’m grateful that I could be of help to you. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about affiliate marketing.

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