Insta Profit Hack Review – [Truth Revealed] $3,784 in a week or scam?

Are you looking for information about Insta Profit Hack or did you get an invitation via email like me to check out this “new” hack that is supposedly making people a lot of cash?

I received the following email and I was just so curious I clicked on the link provided.

Your Private Link – Access Code #PDT100


Your access code has been verified and approved – it’s good for 60 minutes from opening this email. If this page works for you, you’re set. This is what finally made the difference for me – so I’m thrilled to be sharing it with you today.

Configure your earnings engine here:  >Start Your Journey<

Don’t overlook the simplistic nature of this. It works – fast, and beautifully…Get started right here, right now >>
Speak soon,


As I clicked on the link, I was redirected to this very plain sales page! No video, no images, just text!

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Whoever created this landing page was in a hurry and did not put much effort into it!  That is one of the worst sales pages I have seen in a long time!

It’s being sold on ClickBank, but this one actually doesn’t feel like the rest of the systems from ClickBank I have reviewed in the past.

This one is very simplistic.

Anyway, let’s find out what it’s all about shall we?

If you are looking for ways to make money online and don’t know where to start, then you should check out my


This is how I make money online. It is very “Newbie” friendly and FREE to join – NO credit card is required!

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My Analysis

Name: Insta Profit Hack


Owner: “Joseph Paul”

Price:$7 plus an upsell for $167

The supposed creator of this system is “Joseph Paul”. He says that he was able to make money with Instagram, and according to his testimonial (the only image from the sales page) with his “hack” that he only charges $7 you should be able to make over $1,630 within 4 days just like he did!

With this system, you too should be able to use this hack for only 15 minutes a day and that will generate “hundreds, if not thousands of dollars each day… day in, day out.”

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He says that he was scammed in the past and that he has found “A weird little known “profit hack” on the social media network Instagram.”

OK this sales page is way too short, and there is nothing in it proving anything that is being said, so let’s see what we can find out about it.

First, let’s look at the testimonial.

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“David Legg” was able to generate $1,630 in just 4 days right?

Well here is the real person behind the image:

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Found this guy on

His real name is Jamie Calder. And he has nothing to do with this system!

So the only “testimonial” we have on the page is FAKE.

The sales page itself is pretty much just a one-page sales pitch for a $7 system.

But is it worth it?

Are you sick of all these FAKE systems? Click on the link below and find out how I am making money online!

===>my NO.1 Recommendation<===

So what is Insta Profit hack?

When you enter the member’s area (after refusing a $167 upsell) what you find is this:

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So basically what you get for $7 are some PDFs documents. I actually did not expect much more than that for that price.

However, as I took a closer look at the documents, I figured there was something off, just take a look.

We have the cover page:

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Then on the second page, we have a Limited Time Offer on some Video Courses where it said “Insert your Upsell Offer URL”

I looked at that and it seemed out of place, there was something fishy about it.

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Why would a training document have an “Insert your Upsell Offer URL”?

Then I figured it out!!!!

This system/product is nothing more than a PLR.

A “Private Label Right” product. And they didn’t even bother either entering a URL where they were supposed to or they didn’t know how to do it!!!

This is NOT something that “Joseph Paul” has created and made a ton of money with it! I call B.S. on this one!

After finding out what this “system” really is, I did a little research and found the exact same product being sold on several PLR websites:

Here are a couple of them

PLR Behemoth:

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Master Resell

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And these are just a few of the multiple websites you can get a “resell right” from.

For those of you who don’t know what a PLR is, I found this great definition in Quora:

“PLR stands for Private Label Rights. Basically, it gives you the rights to do edits, replacements, additions, and more in the content to use it for different purposes. It may include informational products like videos, articles, blogs and more.”

So there you have it, folks.

For $7 you will get these “PLR” PDF documents that talk about Instagram and how to monetize it.

These are the documents that are related to Instagram that you will get if you buy it.

-Modern Instagram Marketing Training (61 pages) – This is the document shown in the image above.

-Modern Instagram Marketing Mind Map (5 pages) – Nothing much in here

-Modern Instagram Marketing Cheat Sheet (8 pages) – Not much more in this one

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-Instagram Traffic Tyrant (18 pages)

And two other “Bonus” product (Amazon and E-commerce) that I did not even bother to look at.

I cannot really qualify the training since I only browsed through the summary of the “training”.

It looked to be okay information and does have some tips about Instagram, and some guidance on how to become “social” and monetize this platform.

Here is an overview of the table of content.

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In summary, you will get some decent product for the $7 price tag.

You may end up creating some traffic to your Instagram account, BUT don’t expect to start making $3,784 per week with it.

In order to really succeed with social media (Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, etc.), it requires that you provide something worthwhile on your page.

This requires more than 15 minutes per day of work, I will tell you that much. There are no shortcuts, no magic systems to do this. You will have to put in the required effort to succeed.



  • Cheap. It’s only $7 and you will get the same PLR as if you were registered to one of the PLR database websites out there without anything changed in it, not even the “links” have been altered.
  • Money Back Guarantee for 60 days from ClickBank


  • Fake Owner – Who the heck is Joseph Paul? He’s not even real!
  • Fake Testimonies – Images from someone not related to this product as a “testimony” does not cut it!
  • Very hyped up sale page with no actual proof of any money making from all the examples given.
  • PLRs (all of the documents, not just one) are readily available for anyone who registers in any PLR distributing websites for a small fee per month. Whoever is promoting this one has not even taken the time to personalize it to its own benefit. It was done fast and without even taking the time to personalize it to its own.
  • No video, just PDF documents.
  • Improbable income claim on the sales page just to get you to buy the product and hopefully not request a refund so that they pocket the money for something that they didn’t even create.


Even though you will get some training, it really does not work as advertised. The only thing real about this sales page is that it’s about Instagram, and you will get PDF documents pertaining to Instagram and how to create a sales funnel within Instagram.

The reason they use the “Profit Hack” claim is to get you to buy the product and nothing more. And like I already have proven, there is nothing from any “Joseph Paul” here. The PDFs have been created to be a Private Label Right product right from the start.

Also, they could not sell this for more than $7, if it’s even worth that much. If you want some basic training on Instagram, you will be able to find better products on places like Udemy, for the same price and sometimes even for free.

Now to answer the title of my article, Is it a scam?

Well, the definition of an online scam is a “fraudulent online scheme”, meaning that someone would take some monetary value from you without your consent. So I guess we cannot call it a “Scam” since you do have the option of getting your money back from ClickBank.

I will call it what it is, it’s VERY CHEAP AND VERY LOW QUALITY and it’s not worth wasting your time with it!

I don’t recommend it and give it both thumbs down!

What if I told you that there is a real way to make money online, with real owners and 100% legit.

I have been working my way up in the online world for quite some time, probably over 8 or 9 years now. And I have bought these kinds of systems too many times to count only to get frustrated and disappointed every time.

Until one day, in January 2016, I stumbled on a website just like this one who was reviewing a system I had doubts about.

He was recommending a platform called Wealthy Affiliate. I quickly realized that this one was REAL. With real owners and real members interacting with each other.

Wealthy Affiliate is a training platform to create an online business using affiliate marketing.

You will get step by step training on how to become a successful online business owner. There is nothing to buy, no recruiting.

Affiliate Marketing is a way to make money promoting other people’s product, and when someone (that you have referred to the seller) buys the product, you get a hefty commission, sometimes as high as 75% of the sale!

You can start today with Wealthy Affiliate for FREE! No credit card or commitment from your part. You will have full access to the whole system for 7 days, and they will provide you with 2 free websites to get started (and these are yours to keep)!

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If you are ready to create your own online business you need 3 important elements to start with:

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12 thoughts on “Insta Profit Hack Review – [Truth Revealed] $3,784 in a week or scam?”

  1. I must commend you for taking your time to share review because you must have done a lot of research. I never knew about insta profit hack before until I read this article. Actually, it is expensive and it’s features to me are not really convincing. By seeing that you don’t recommend it gave me the assurance that truly it’s not worth investing money and time. Thanks for this eye opener!

    • Hi and thanks for taking the time to comment on my article. I do not recommend this system for the obvious reasons I have n=enumerated in my article. I want to expose these systems for what they really are!
      I wish you success in your endeavors!

  2. This is an informative and educative article.
    Thanks for your honest review of this Insta Profit Hack. It’s obviously very hard to believe $ $3,784 per in a week! You have put everything in perspective for anyone reading this post to understand all about Insta Profit Hack and make an informed decision. My own  philosophy especially in affiliate marketing has always been “If it’s too good to be true then it’s not true”. Once I see unreasonable and unrealistic promise or return I always take cover! Like you said they are not scam but low quality materials being sold.
     I will like to hear more on this in future. Thanks for sharing.

    • Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to comment on my article. I try and expose these systems for what they really are!

  3. Interesting. I learned about private label stuff for online tutorials. Crazy. It’s probably even legal. But I definitely wouldn’t have tried it for even $7. Seems very close to a scam. And despite being on Clickbank, which I’ve noticed doesn’t really investigate it’s affiliate stuff well, I would be seriously upset to see such poor quality work. Plus I hate upsells.

    Thanks for the review and new information on crazy online get rich quick schemes. It makes me sad so many people lie for a quick buck. Morals on the internet is so rare nowadays. Fake founder, fake testimonial. Bleh.

    • Hi, I am grateful that you have found my article of value to you and that I have given you information that you need to make a decision based on facts. These kind of “systems” are very popular for the inexperienced online marketer trying to find a way to make a quick buck. However, the only ones making money here are the creators of these low-quality products!

  4. In my opinion, the insta profit hack review is a scam and definitely a waste of time. If the product was legit, and offers as much as it says, there wouldn’t be need for a fake owner or fake testimonials.

    Irrespective of the training they offer, because of the presence of fake information and over hyped expectations, I believe this product is not worth anyone’s time. Totally a no-no!

    • I totally agree with you, Louis.
      Nothing more than a rehashed PLR that you could get on your own if you wanted to. The thing is they will try and make money with the upsells too. At $167 I did not even think twice about refusing the upsell!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Nice one. Information on making money online is the most search phrase on search engines like Google. Many scammers and fraudsters are having a field day with this. I’ve heard of Insta profit, and as a rule of thumb, I don’t join a system with getting plenty of reviews, in addition, if the offer looks too good to be true, it is probably a scam. Thanks for taking the time to find out the real figure in the testimony page; why should a company descend so low in falsehood? This alone is okay for me to know that Insta profit and its owners are not legit business people

    • Yes, there are a lot of scams and frauds on the Internet and one must be very careful as to where you should invest your money. In this case, the main program is only $7, but as soon as someone gets it they are bombarded by upsells in the hundreds ($167) and that is where these guys make money, with the upsell! They lure their potential customers in for $7 than they say that this “upgrade” will make them even more money… Yeah right!
      I am grateful that you have found my review of value to you and I wish you all kinds of success!!!
      Thank you for taking the time to comment!

  6. Thanks for writing this review on Insta Profit Hack. I must commend you for a job well done and for taking your time to write this article and saving many from scam program like Insta Profit Hack make, especially newbies. As he claims that you can make $3,784 with $7 is an unrealistic claim because when I look at it from my own point of view, if he truly has a system that can make that he would never sell it for that amount of money. I hope other people find this article as helpful as I have before purchasing programs like this online.

    • Thanks for taking the time to comment on my article and for your kind words! I truly hope (like you) that people will be warned about this system, especially the upsells! I wish you success!


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