Easy Cash Club Review – Can you really make $2K per day?

I receive daily emails about different systems and products. I received one this morning that said it had a point and click system to make fast income.

Here is a copy of the email I received:

Very Controversial…

This odd method will potentially make you a regular, daily income! The results will SHOCK YOU! However, it’s legal and proven to work. See the results for yourself: [LINK]

It involves using a point & click System designed to make “fast income” from Affiliate Marketing. The reason it’s controversial is because of the secret $480 MILLION industry it exploits. I’ll be amazed if you’ve come across this before.

Of course, I was curious to find out what this system had to offer so I clicked on the link and was directed to their sales page.

Right away, I was greeted by a claim on their sales video that you can make $2,000 per day with this system.

Easy Cash Club 1

I don’t know about you, but when I see this kind of statement, I really get suspicious. Making $2,000 per day is a really BOLD and “controversial” claim!

So let’s dig in and see what this system is all about

However, before I start, l want to direct you to my No.1 recommendation to create a REAL and sustainable online business.

===>Click here and create your FREE account now<===


Easy Cash Club 2

Name: Easy Cash Club

Website: easycash.club

Owner: “Steve Johnson” I am not sure who this guy is.  We don’t see his face and I could not find anyone under that name that was claiming this system as theirs anywhere online.

Price: $37 + multiple upsells

Score:  – I gave it a one-star rating because you get a 60-day money back guarantee

Recommended:  NO

Overview of Sales video:

“Easy Cash Club”.

Just the name itself points to a “get-rich-quick” method, and I would not be surprised that it is in fact just another overhyped ClickBank product.

This is most probably the kind of system that promises riches for little or no work like many other systems I have reviewed.

Here are a few similar systems that claim the same thing: Cash Formula and Ecom Cash Crusher.


.Easy Cash Club 2


So, according to the sales video, Easy Cash Club was created by a computer programmer named “Steve Johnson”.

As I started to watch the sales video, I was instantly convinced that this was one of “those” videos.

If it’s the first time you watch one of these, let me tell you that they will make it a big fairy tale, and they will hype everything up just like a lot of ClickBank’s products I have reviewed before.

First, there is a huge amount of “cash” that you can generate with their system, and this video flashes a lot of it! And repeatedly!

Easy Cash Club 3

Then there is the big mansion and the fancy cars! He says in his video that he’s a multi-millionaire and that he wants to show you what his daily routine looks like:

Easy Cash Club 4

He says that he hardly ever works because his automated, “all-done-for-you” software does all the work for him.

And he shows his PayPal account with over 1 million dollars in it:

Easy Cash Club 6

Notice how the figures on his 1,003,850.90 are not even? Well, this is obviously a “photoshop” thing here.

There are easy ways to change anything on a website by doing some changes in the page source. This is probably what was done here.

I have a PayPal account and I know for a fact that it’s not personalized by saying something like “Welcome, Steve Johnson” or anything like that. It’s not personalized at all.

So we can qualify this image as FAKE.

Then we have the multiple testimonies at the bottom of the video. Again all FAKE.

This system even has the audacity to steal images of real people from a research website called researchgate.

Here is the “testimony” from Easy Cass Club:

Easy Cash Club 7

But by doing a little research, here is the real person behind the fake testimony.

He’s from the University of Illinois, Department of Psychology!!!

Easy Cash Club 8

As you can see there is nothing real in the sales video and the sales page itself. Everything is either pure hype or just plain fake!

There are multiple other testimonies, but they are also just stock images and also FAKE. I did not show them here, but just the example of the University person being portrayed as a member and user is enough to say that this system is really hyped-up and full of false promises. I think you get the “picture” here (pun intended)!

If you are sick and tired of fake and hyped-up systems that don’t deliver what they claim, then click on the link below and find out

===>MY NO.1 Recommendation<===

But how does Easy Cash Club really works?

OK, now that we have established that the sales video is full of fake testimonials and hyped up claims, let’s see if it’s actually worth trying at all.

In retrospect, this system is supposed to use some kind of special and secret software that uses AI (Artificial Intelligence) and takes text and/or audio files and then creates a video that you can upload on YouTube. This is supposedly all done automatically and very easy to use.

From there, when you post a video on YouTube, you are told that you will make money using both Affiliate Marketing links that you insert in the comment section of the video and Google AdSense.

There is, however, something that is not mentioned in the sales video though.

First, you need to have a YouTube account.

But did you know that YouTube has a program threshold that you need to attain before you can start making money with the “YouTube Partner Program (YPP)”?

Here is the eligibility and program threshold:

Easy Cash Club 9

As you can see, you need at least 4000 watch hours in the previous 12 months and 1,000 subscribers in order to be eligible.

They fail to mention this in the sales video.

We also have to factor in that being on YouTube and creating revenue from it, is not something that is easily done!

So let’s look inside:

Here is what you get

Easy Cash Club 12

You get access to 8 video lessons:

Easy Cash Club 13

Lesson 1 – How the Easy Cash Club strategy works

Lesson 2 – How to find topics

Lesson 3 – How to create engaging Youtube thumbnails

Lesson 4 – Formats that work

Lesson 5 – Easy Cash Club Fast Money Making Methods

Lesson 6 – How to find content for free

Lesson 7 – How to use the ECC software

Lesson 8 – How to upload ECC Videos to Youtube & Insert Affiliate Links

You also get 2 bonus videos:

Easy Cash Club 14

Bonus 1 – 60 second money making secret

Bonus 2 – Free video content forever

Now the software to create those videos is pretty simple to use, just type in what you want to say and add images then it’s done.

Step 1 – type in your “script” or upload an audio file

Easy Cash Club 15

Step 2 – Add images and preview Video.  (These are still images, not a video per se)

Easy Cash Club 16

Step 3 – Upload to Youtube

I tried a few sentences and added a few images.  It is CHEAP and BORING!  The voice is robotic, doesn’t matter the language and if you chose male or female!

It’s NOT the easy way to riches! Even if this software helps you create some videos easily, will they ever be watched by anyone?

According to professional YouTubers, it takes a lot of “views” to make money – they say that the average money made is between $1 and $7 per 1000 views. This is usually made through Google Adsense.

But not all videos will show an advertisement, and as I mentioned earlier, you need a big following to be even eligible to make money.

It’s just like anything else, there is no easy way to be rich, you have to be prepared to put in the required effort and work.

To make $2,000 in a day like the sales video said, you would need at least 285,000 views per day, and that is at the best scenario of $7 per 1000 views.

No automated video making software is going to make you $2,000 per day right from the start. It’s simply not possible!

The professional YouTubers that make thousands of dollars per day have been at it for years and years and they gained a following of fans by creating unique content that people are interested in. And they get millions of views!

Now imagine a video that has been created by software that has translated text to some sort of generic video, with no interaction by a real person and no personality whatsoever, only a few images and some text. Do you think that it will ever compete with these professionals?

There is also the fact that, according to “Steve”, this AI software will mimic the human voice from the text that you have entered into this special software. I have tried the videos and the voice is barely one of a human, and I personally don’t like it.

And the real cost?

Well after the initial $37 you will be hit with three upsells, the first is $97 plus $7 per month thereafter, the second upsell is for $77 and a third for $47. That could bring the total cost to over $250.

If I had to give this one a summary, I would say that it’s full of empty promises like making believe it’s an easy way to make money online, without any experience and with little or no work.

I can tell you from experience that, even though it may be possible to make “some” money eventually with this system, it will not be as easy as they pretend it to be.

It is just another “too good to be true” system.



Being sold on ClickBank it has a 60 days money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.

There isn’t much else that I could find that would be positive at this point.


Fake Testimonials, even images from some University of Illinois person.

Fake Owner – Who is Steve Johnson and why can’t we find anything about him owning this system anywhere?

Hyped up money claims

False scarcity, they pretend that this “sales page” will disappear in a short period, which is not true! Check again next week and it will still be there!

Videos made up of different images and robotic voice are not what people want to watch!


If you eventually decide to purchase this system and expect to make the kind of money that they say you can make with it, then I have to say that you will most probably be disappointed.

I have exposed everything that is fake about the system but I leave it up to you to decide if it’s for you or not.

That being said, the question on everyone’s mind: Is it a scam?

It depends on how you see it. The reason I say this is that the definition of a scam is a “fraudulent online business scheme”.

If you take all the fake and the hype out, then you cannot say it’s a scam because you do receive a product/software for the price you pay.

Also, the fact that you can get your money back is another factor here.

In my opinion, these kinds of systems are what I call “VERY LOW-QUALITY” systems.

So there you have it, folks. The ball is now in your court.

What if I told you that there is a real and true method to make money online!

Are you ready to create your own money-making website?

If you are serious about learning how to make real and honest money online, without all the hype and fake, then the platform that I have been using for the past three years, and that has made it possible for me to make a passive income with it, is the real deal!

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If you want to learn more about my method of making money online, I have created an e-book:

The 4 step method


You can get your own Free copy by clicking on the button below.

When creating an online business you need 3 important elements to start with:

Education, Websites and Expert Help.

When you join you will get all three and will also offer you my personal support from within the platform!

So go ahead and GET IN NOW!

You have nothing to lose and a thriving online business to gain!



As always, if you have any questions or want to leave a comment, please do not hesitate to use the comments section below, I will happy to assist you in any way I can.

8 thoughts on “Easy Cash Club Review – Can you really make $2K per day?”

  1. Hi there

    This is really educating and informative. Trust me, You have saved so many newbies like me from another internet scam. I will never subscribe to a platform that the owner refused to show his face. There is no point in hiding your identity if what you are doing is really legit and truly a solution to humanity’s problem. Easy Cash Club is a fraud to me, including every single, get rich quick scheme out there. Someone can easily make $2k daily, but it will take hard work and consistency to start earning that 

    • You are absolutely right! For someone to make $2,000 per day is not impossible, but not with a $37 system. Youtube is a legit way to make money, but it’s not possible to start and make 2 grand a day right away! It’s simply fake and hyped up statements to make you buy their system.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my article!

  2. Too good to be true online businesses keep pouring into the online world, and I don’t believe we would ever get enough of them because they don’t plan on packing up anytime soon. 

    The claim made by Easy Cash Club is obviously unbelievable and I wouldn’t advise anyone to get involved, because $2000 a day is a nearly impossible amount to make for doing almost nothing. 

    • I totally agree, if it’s too good to be true, it usually is! From what I have seen in this system, it is not worth your time or money. A few videos and a couple of PDFs will not put you ahead of already successful Youtubers. As I explained, it takes a LOT of views and a lot of subscribers to make money on Youtube, let alone $2,000 per day. It’s a big lie, that’s what it is!
      Thanks for taking the time to comment on my website!


  3. Easy cash club is just another poor program, that only looks to benefit the owners. I don’t think there is any visible plan to benefit the subscribers. They only succeed in building castles in the sky and trying to play on the emotions of their subscribers. I will definitely not register for this, I wouldn’t advise anyone else to do the same.

    • Hi Louis,

      I really agree with you, this system will only make the (hidden) creator(s) money, nobody else! You are wise not to buy this one! I expose them for what they really are so that people like you can be warned and get away!
      Thanks for commenting on my article!
      I wish you lots of success!

  4. This is a great analysis, Your review is very much complete, as I’m left with no more question to counter its authenticity. Actually, i get to read this article just at the right time, as I was looking for better money making programs and one of my contact suggested me easy cash club but I can see its a very low quality website from your review and I cant trust my funds with them. Thanks for the eye opener

    • Hi,
      Thanks for your kind words! I always try and show people what these systems really are and expose the fact that the sales videos are just made to play with people’s emotions and create a sense of urgency in order to lure them in. Once you are in, these very low-quality systems are always a disappointment! I am grateful that I have helped you!



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