Easiest System Ever Review: Can it Really Give You an Easy Way to Drive Traffic?

Done-for-you solutions promise that they will do the heavy lifting for you when it comes to building a website and generating traffic. They overhyped the program so that you no longer have to worry about the initial inception of the business because they will carry over 90% of the workload for you.

Easiest System Ever FRONTPAGE

A great example of what I’m talking about is a program you might have seen recently named ‘Easiest System Ever.’ I don’t need to go into detail about how much they’re exaggerating their service just by its name.

Although there’s a slice of truth when it comes to the description of “easiest,” what they don’t tell you is if it can produce quality traffic and engagement from your audience because your leads are all coming from funnels. The site and content that they provide are not optimized and suitable for Google search engines and social media platforms.

For today, I will provide a review of the specifics of the Easiest System Ever program’s features. I will share my insights about the program and help you determine if they’re a good value for your money or should search for better alternatives that can give you the best opportunity. So without further ado, let’s get right into today’s discussion…

Product Overview: Easiest System Ever!

Easiest System Ever Website

The domain of Easiest System Ever was established on February 27, 2012. However, the website has undergone several transformations, and we have no way to confirm what was the previous genre of the website.

In addition, you won’t see the business or person who owns the program in any parts of the website. But according to my research, it was founded by an internet entrepreneur by the name of Devon Brown. Again, we have no way to confirm his identity and credibility since there’s very little information about him either.

Easiest System Ever Devon

In any case, Easiest System Ever is a done-for-you scheme that provides already-made websites, content, templates, and other essential materials needed in creating and running a digital marketing business. 

  • Hosting, coding, and multiple DFY websites
  • Lead generation from sales funnels
  • Copywriting, email marketing, and integrated email autoresponder
  • Product creation and merchant accounts management
  • Payment processing and customer service function
  • They also offer assistance from their support team and access to their exclusive social media groups

The features of DFY’s are promising but you have to bear in mind that they do not always deliver results. The website, content, and ads are not optimized for Google or Facebook. You also have to take note that the already-made materials they provide you are the same as with other members. Therefore, the said platforms filter DFY content because their system views duplicate content as spam. 

Also, they have a strong dependence on funnels, which is not always the most reliable source of traffic especially if you are unable to create engaging content for your email marketing or if they are duplicated, for that matter.

Recommended: If you are looking for a program that can teach you how you can fully optimize the benefits of digital marketing, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation

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How the Easiest System Ever Works?

The thing about DFY programs is that they usually explain their program as revolutionary.

Well, in fact, This system basically works very similarly as with any other DFY system around.

When you watch the video ad clip of the Easiest System Ever, they only explain the process in a few seconds, then the entire video is dedicated to overhyping the program and exaggerating its potential. The simple step involving the process of Easiest System Ever is as follows—

First Step: Set-Up Process

First, you’ll have to fill in the necessary information such as your name and email address. They mentioned that the setup process will take at least one business day because they will customize the page according to your preferences.

You have to remember that once you provide them with your email address, you also become part of their sales funnels which means that you’ll be receiving the same email marketing from other members of the Easiest System Ever. What this also means is that you are essentially selling the same programs to each other.

Second Step: DFY Traffic

The second step of the process doesn’t require any work from you. As they mentioned on their landing page, they are supposed to generate the leads for you including email marketing. I have been in the digital marketing business for almost 8 years, and how I wish it would be that easy to drive traffic. Generating leads that create sales is a lot more challenging than just wait for someone to do it for you.

Third Step: Collect Your Commissions

Again, I wish that it could be that easy to earn money from your sleep. But apparently, the last step of the process of the Easiest System Ever is to collect your commissions if someone happens to buy the program.

If you are interested in earning money from home at your own pace, the traditional and genuine process involves capital of less than $500 for affiliate marketing plus skills and experience to succeed. It is not a get rich quick method. It should take a few months of trial and error and patience.

Effectiveness of the Easiest System Ever

Done-for-you systems are relatively cheap for a good reason. They make promises of an easy path to the top and you don’t have to do any work because they do the heavy lifting for you. Based on my experience and as with others, this is not exactly true. Although they provide you with already-made websites, content, templates, email content, and other related materials, there are still no guarantees that their funnels would generate quality traffic.

Even though the DFY materials you received are personalized, they are not optimized and it is still basically the same structure as with any other members of the program. What this means is that they possess no value when it comes to promoting them to prominent applications like Google and Facebook where most of the potentials are present.

You’ll also notice success stories on their landing page. However, I don’t entirely trust the reviews a site is displaying on its landing page because there are instances where some of them fabricate them or cherry-pick the best ones commending their program.

In addition, you won’t find any third-party review websites like TrustPilot about the Easiest System Ever.

Pricing and Plans

Before registration, you will have to attend a recorded webinar from Devon Brown himself. It is not a live webinar. And when you see that the countdown clock indicating that the event would close within 5 minutes is a prop. If you don’t believe me, try refreshing the page and you’ll notice that it will go back to 5 minutes every time you do so.

After the webinar, you will be offered the Easiest System Ever for a 14-day trial of $9.95. Afterward, $47 to $97 per month or a one-time payment of $397 to $797 for lifetime access.

It is a little expensive for a DFY system if you ask me. The great thing about the program is that consumers are protected by Clickbank’s 60-day refund policy. If you purchase the system and feel you are not getting the results they expected, go ahead and contact ClickBank directly.

In addition, they have hidden costs and tons of undisclosed upsells that you’ll learn about as the program progresses. Two of the upsells I know of are as follows—

  • 3X Your Results in Less Than 1 Hour Per Week – it costs $39 and gives you 26 pages of a report on how to boost affiliate (more of referral) commissions
  • https://gratefulaffiliate.com/wealthy-affiliate-review/Done-For-You Service Setup – it costs $67 that helps newbies in setting up their DFY websites

As I said, the Easiest System Ever is too overpriced for a DFY scheme. Most of the DFY systems I reviewed only have a front-end price of below $50. If you are looking for a far superior program that can truly help you create a profitable website, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

What I Like and Dislike about the Easiest System Ever

The following are the advantages and disadvantages of the Easiest System Ever that you have to consider before buying the program. Let’s first discuss the pros of the Easiest System Ever—

  • Everything is already made for you like websites, content, and marketing materials
  • They offer a 30-day refund policy
  • In addition to the DFY system, they also provide video tutorials on the subject matter of other ways to earn money online and how to use their program
  • A 14-day trial period before they deduct the $9.95 front-end cost

Now, below are the cons of the program that you have to take into consideration—

  • It is expensive for a DFY system 
  • Tons of hidden costs and upsells that you’ll discover as the program progresses
  • There is no guarantees that their funnel will generate quality traffic and therefore earn you money.

Final Thoughts/Conclusion

Actually, every DFY scheme I have reviewed claims that their program is easy, and you don’t have to do anything yet you’d earn thousands of dollars in a few short hours or days. 

Now, one of the things they teach in business schools is that if there’s something “too good to be true,” then it’s most likely not true. But what I appreciate about the Easiest System Ever program is that they do not claim to be an affiliate marketing program, not as far as I know. 

This is because DFY systems don’t use affiliate marketing. Instead, they use referral marketing, where you earn commissions by referring to one or a few products that are related to the brand you’re currently doing business with. It’s different from promoting many products and services that match the content you create.

In addition, DFY materials are recycled content that is used by the members of the program. Although they are personalized in some way, they are still not optimized, which causes them to be filtered and categorized by Google or Facebook as spam. Thus, their only resort to drive traffic is through sales funnels, which is not always the best kind of traffic.

With this being said, I am giving Easiest System Ever a rating of 6 out of 10 for their personalization (with a deduction for the DFY part):


Affiliate marketing has been my main source of passive income since 2016. And it has indeed helped me boost my budget and helped me save money. It has also helped thousands of people around the globe to gain financial independence without having to leave the comforts of their homes. The reason why many people are becoming deeply interested in affiliate marketing is because it is beginner-friendly and you can essentially start the business with as little as $500 capital!

The low-capital investment also makes the business low-risk. In addition, you don’t have to worry about inventory management and shipment, and all you have to do is effectively sell the brand through your content or websites. Last but most importantly, the profit for affiliate marketing is unlimited because you can market as many products or services as that best represents your brand.

If you are not sure where to start, there’s one program that has helped me over the years that taught me how to build an optimized website and content that draws attention and creates positive engagement from my audience. Consider clicking the highlighted description below if you are interested in the program and start your affiliate marketing today—


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And to show you my gratitude for being here today, I am also giving away my eBook for free to help you kickstart your affiliate marketing business from scratch.


4 step-method toward success


Denis Signature 2022

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