High Income Copywriter Review: Is it Worth Your While?

Welcome to my High Income Copywriter review! This article aims to help you determine whether this platform is worth your while or not.

High Income Copywriter FRONTPAGE

Welcome to my High Income Copywriter review!

The art of copywriting involves marketing skills in the form of writing or copy. The craft can be a profitable source of income if you have the skills and are able to manage the business effectively.

Although it only involves creating written content, it is not easy as it sounds.

As mentioned, it also requires creativity and persistence for anybody to be successful in this career.

If you are searching for an online training program that can teach you copywriting, then I’m pretty sure that Dan Lok’s High Income Copywriter is at the top of your search results.

And this is the case because Dan is a very popular personality in the field, with almost 4 million followers on YouTube alone.

Despite having these facts in mind, if you still want to be sure that his program could indeed deliver what they promise, then today’s topic is just for you!

But before I begin, allow me to disclose that I’m NOT affiliated with Dan Lok. This article is my honest take on the program and whether it could really help you.

So without any further delays, let’s begin…

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Who is Dan Lok?

Dan Lok is a very popular internet personality. He is primarily known as a multi-millionaire digital entrepreneur that has gained massive success from copywriting.

Dan also has a huge fan base on social media. For example, his YouTube channel is quite popular, with over 3.77M subscribers on the platform.

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If you haven’t seen his talks before, I’m sure that what you’ll notice first is his flashy attire and the way he presents himself in front of his audience.

His presentations are defined by his high energy and enthusiasm for the subject at hand. However, he swears a lot and sounds condescending at times. So if you’re not comfortable with this, you may not like his talks.

Anyway, he is a legitimate copywriter. And if you’re looking for a program that can teach you this model, you can check out Dan Lok’s High Income Copywriter.

This may be the case—there are disadvantages that you have to consider before buying his program. I will explain more about these cons in the next chapters.

Let’s resume with my High Income Copywriter review and find out how the program works…

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Inside the High-Income Copywriter Training Program

High Income Copywriter is an online program that provides training on Copywriting.

The modules of the program are divided into eight lessons that run approximately 5 to 6 hours per session.

First Module: The Mindset of a High-Income Copywriter

Like any online training program, the High Income Copywriter begins with a mindset exercise.

Don’t get me wrong here. I don’t have problems with mindset exercises.

I do believe that mentally preparing yourself for the task at hand is highly important. However, my issue with this section of the program is, does it really have to be about 10 hours?

This part has the lengthiest duration compared to the more relevant topics.

Second Module: Copywriting and Sales Psychology Secrets (The “How” and “Why” People Buy)

Copywriting is the power to persuade potential customers to buy a product. Now, this is one of the reasons why some copywriters get high payments for their services.

In this section, Dan Lok provides his secrets on the psychology involved in copywriting and how to make a copy that generates sales.

Third Module: Your Prospect’s Mind and Design Genius Marketing Strategies

The third module of the High Income Copywriter training course is about 6 hours long. And it teaches you the logic behind prospecting an audience or market and finding the right niche.

Fourth Module: Creating Irresistible Offers that Sell Like Crazy

The next part of the program is all about putting together the skills you have learned from previous modules and taking action.

At the end of the lesson, Dan will give you the opportunity to sell him a product using his five basic copywriting techniques such as:

  • Hook
  • Primary Promise
  • Price and Terms
  • Bonuses
  • Guarantee

In addition, you also receive some sort of self-help-themed lessons such as eliminating bad habits, low self-esteem, and procrastination.

Fifth Module: Assembling Kickass Landing Pages and How to Write Highly Profitable Emails

In this section, Dan Lok teaches you how you can take advantage of:

  • Headline
  • Bullets
  • Call-to-Action

In addition, you also receive ideas on how you can utilize some of the most common phrases in creating a headline or bullets:

  • What
  • Right… Wrong
  • Secret to
  • How to
  • Number

Lastly, you also learn how to create basic pages for your website, such as:

  • Sales page
  • Checkout page
  • Optin page
  • Downsell page
  • Upsell page
  • Thank you page
  • Download page
  • Webinar registration page

Sixth Module: Writing a Million-Dollar Copy Without Creating Hype or Exaggerated Claims

For this module, you’ll learn how to write copy that generates traffic and converts sales without the need to overhype or exaggerate your claims.

Seventh Module: Turn Your Copywriting Skills into a Predictable and Sustainable 6-Figure Business

As the title of the section suggests, Dan shares his insights on turning your copywriting into a reliable source of income.

As the module progresses, he once again emphasizes the importance of selecting the right niche that works for you.

Eighth Module: The Seven Deadly Mistakes Most Copywriters Make

The name of the section is an apparent pun from the “7 Deadly Sins.” Anyway, the last part of the program is just a pointer of what the copywriter has to avoid when creating a copy.

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How Much is High-Income Copywriter?

If there’s one thing about Dan Lok’s programs, is that they’re expensive. For example, the cost of the High Income Copywriter is $2,497.

If you can afford the program as of yet, they also offer installment plans of $999, which is payable within three months. But you have to bear in mind that you’ll end up paying more if you choose this option.

Let me add that the price of the program seems impractical, considering that there are cheaper alternatives you can turn to.

I also reviewed another copywriting training course in the past called The Copy Cure by Marie Forleo and Marie Belgray. It is considerably less expensive than Dan Lok’s High Income Copywriter.

You can check the review out here if you like to read the article.

But if you’re looking for an online training program that’s way more budget-friendly yet can deliver equal or far better results, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

Is High-Income Copywriter a Scam? Is Dan Lok a Charlatan?

I have been following Dan Lok for quite some time now. Although there are issues surrounding his credibility in the industry, He is still a legitimate copywriter that you can put your trust in.

If you like to try out the program for yourself, then, by all means, do so at your own risk and if you have the budget to pay for the program.

What I LIKE about the High Income Copywriter

Dan Lok is an Established Internet Marketer

First things first, Dan Lok is a very popular online personality. If you have tried searching the web for ways to earn income, I’m sure you have come across Dan Lok at some point.

Good Training in Copywriting

Although there are lots of unnecessary topics in his course, the copywriting lessons he shares are very beneficial, especially to newbies in the industry.


Members also receive bonuses and free resources aside from the core training.

Exclusive Membership to His Community

Lastly, the new members gain access to Dan Lok’s exclusive online community, where they can exchange insights with fellow members.

What I DON’T LIKE about the High Income Copywriter


The price of about $2,500 dollars is impractical, especially for people who are under a tight budget and can’t accommodate the ask of the program.

If you’re looking for a more affordable program that can teach you how you can gain financial independence online, then you have to check out my top work-from-home recommendation!

No Money-Back Policy

High-Income Copywriter does not offer any refund policy—this, to me, is a huge turn-off considering how expensive the training program is.

Dan’s Personality may be Awkward to Some.

Some of the comments I’ve read about Dan are focused on his personality and demeanor.

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, and like any typical internet guru, he likes to wear flashy attires and show off his supposed luxurious lifestyle.

But what makes his vibe a little awkward is just the way he talks to his audience.

He swears a lot and seems to enjoy talking his audience down in his presentations. Such action is apparently his strategy to reach more people, but instead of convincing them to buy the program, it feels braggy and condescending.

It appears that he’s making you feel like a stupid person for not taking action by not buying his products and making him a little richer.

Issues and Accusations attached to His Name

As I repeatedly emphasized, Dan Lok is a popular influencer and internet personality.

And like any famous individual, you can be certain that issues about him would eventually come out.

One of the recent accusations about him is that he has plagiarized/stolen ideas from other content creators.

For example, Dan Lok’s The Dragon 100th Path allegedly has been stolen from Alex Charfin’s The Billionaire Code framework. (1) (2)

Plagiarism seems to be a trend in online marketing nowadays. This may be the case—it is still disgraceful to steal someone’s ideas and claim them as yours.

Lastly, there is news and rumors circling around that some parts of his luxurious lifestyle are fabricated.

An article published by the Vancouver Sun on July 27, 2020, reports that Dan Lok was allegedly sued for his failure to settle the monthly rent of his West Vancouver home. (3) Lok claims that he ended the lease agreement and that the owner was looking for more money.

So what this indicates to the public is that he may have never really owned a $35,000,000 mansion at all. This really doesn’t change the fact that the program we are reviewing here is very legit.

Final Thoughts: High-Income Copywriter Review

I hope my High Income Copywriter review has somehow helped you in determining whether the training program is a good use of your time and money or not.

I do believe that the program may be beneficial to anyone who wants to learn the skill of copywriting and achieve financial independence by taking advantage of the business model.

However, it may not suit everybody, especially people who don’t have enough savings to pay for the full price.

But don’t be discouraged! There are many affordable alternatives around that can deliver equal or even far better results.

Let’s continue to the last part of the article, and I will show you a better option…

How I Earn Income Online

Affiliate Marketing is the most popular source of income over the internet for many apparent reasons, and it includes the following factors—

  • 100% Legitimate
  • Cost-effective
  • It suits all levels of experiences
  • You’re not involved with inventory management and its eventual delivery to customers.
  • No upsells
  • Low risks
  • Potential profit from the business is unlimited because you can essentially promote as many businesses as you wish

And as you might have already guessed, your main job is to represent a brand by promoting its offerings through your blog or video blogs if you’re a social media influencer.

And then, you earn commissions every time someone engages the embedded links and uses them to avail the products or services listed on the landing page of the brand you’re representing.

If you’re new to affiliate marketing and have no idea how to start the business, then you no longer have to concern yourself about it because I got the perfect solution for you!

Do you see the highlighted description below?

Consider caressing it softly and discover how you can create online publications that are generating leads and converting sales—


And to show my appreciation to you just by being here today, I am also giving away my eBook to help you kickstart your affiliate marketing business.

4 step-method


Well, I believe we’ve covered sufficient grounds here!

Thank you for rendering your time and reading my High Income Copywriter review!


Denis Signature 2022

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