VIP Bot Club Review: Is it Worth Your While or Not?


Welcome to my VIP Bot Club review! In this topic, I’ll provide you with my analysis of whether this site is legit or a scam that you should avoid.

I was introduced to Aidan Corkery’s VIP Bot Club due to an email I received one day. Out of curiosity, I click the link to know what the buzz is all about.

The style of the sales page is something I’m all too familiar with—it appears like your typical Clickbank, JVZoo, or Warrior Plus digital product.

But unlike most programs I’ve encountered before, Aidan Corkery is actually a real person and not a stock image from Pexels or Shutterstock.

Also, the income opportunity appears to be legit and would only cost you $1!

It can’t be true, right? Anyway, if something is too good to be true, then it’s likely not to be true, as they always say.

But if you’re still wondering if they’re the real deal and want to know more about the program, then this review is especially just for you!

But before I continue, allow me to share with you that I am NOT affiliated or representing its creator Aidan Corkery in any way. I am NOT promoting any of his upsells as well. This article is my honest opinion about the program.

So without any further ado, let’s start…

Who is the Creator of VIP Bot Club?

VIP Bot Club is the brainchild of Aidan Corkery. He used to be a full-time high school teacher turned into a digital entrepreneur.

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He says that he is earning sufficient income to accommodate his lifestyle. However, he is not satisfied and wants to earn a higher income. Aidan also desires to have more time with family and enjoy life.

As a result, it led him to turn to alternatives such as online income opportunities.

Although there’s no information about him over the internet, I still feel that he is a legit online guru. For one thing, he is able to present himself in front of his audience.

It is an important factor because it somehow shows his confidence that the program is legit and not trying to scam you.

So is the program truly legit? Or is it a scam after all?

Let’s continue with my VIP Bot Club review and learn more about the program…

What is the VIP Bot Club? And How it Works?

VIP Bot Club IMAGE 2

VIP Bot Club is an online program that provides training on affiliate marketing. It also includes the basics of creating an email list and how to grow your funnels using automated bots.

To give you an insight into what to expect after signing up for the program, the following is a brief summary of the training course—

  • Aidan presents you his strategy in how to make a 6-figure income company
  • This supposed money-making tool teaches you how to scale your business
  • A step-by-step process on improving your sites’ traffic and growing your email list
  • A cheat sheet that summarizes the important pointers in the training course

It also includes a bonus package where you receive the following benefits—

  • 100 Days Clickbank Strategy – he claims to provide you a strategy that generates $100 daily
  • Generate Money with Bots – for this section, Aidan claims to show you how you can generate $2,500 income
  • Super Solo Bot Traffic – the package teaches you how you can scale your business with solo ad traffics
  • Instant Buyer Traffic – it essentially gives you the list of top-rated products that will attract new buyers
  • Elite Buyer Traffic – this part of the program is supposed to teach you how to find high paying clients
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I’ve also reviewed several online money-making schemes in the past. You can check them out if you like—List Leverage, Freedom Launchpad, Affiliate Dojo, and Money Bootcamp, just to name a few of them.

Or, you can check out the entire list of articles by clicking on this link.

How Much Will it Cost You to Join the Program?

On the front-end, the price of $1 seems to be a very sweet deal.

However, you also have to consider the $19.95 monthly membership fee, which was not disclosed during the sales pitch of the program.

In addition, there are upsells involved, which would require you a specific amount of payment from you to gain access.

Also, upsells have negative connotations. This is the reason why they referred to it as upgrades instead.

Some of the upsells (or upgrades as they call it) include the following—

  • Done-For-You Package – it comprises premade materials to be used to generate traffic to your sites
  • Done-For-You Digital Product – the product includes the training on the DFY system and premade resources that includes sales funnel and marketing materials
  • Buyer Extractor Case Studies – it is additional training on how to make money with automated bots
  • One-on-One Coaching Session – as the title suggests, it is part of the program that gives you the opportunity to have a coaching or mentorship session from their panel of experts

As you see, the upfront $1 cost of the program may not be really worth your while due to the upsells following your initial registration.

With this being said—if you’re looking for a more source of income online that can truly help you earn reliable income, then I highly suggest that you check out my top work-from-home recommendation!

Is VIP Bot Club a Scam?

As of now, I did not find reasons to believe that VIP Bot Club is a scam, but I don’t really recommend them either. I would give the system a 5 star out of 10.

What I LIKE about VIP Bot Club

The only positive thing I can say about VIP Bot Club is the $1 upfront cost.

Although I did not find reasons to believe that they’re a scam, I still believe that they’re not worth your while, and it would be better to search for more trustworthy programs.

What I DON’T LIKE about VIP Bot Club

Now, here are some of the disadvantages of VIP Bot Club that you have to take note of as well—

False Scarcity

Now, false scarcity is something that’s apparent with the sales pitch of VIP Bot Club.

It is basically a tactic that many dishonest marketers employ to create a bogus event that their product is in-demand, and soon they will no longer accept admission.

Misleading and Exaggerated Claims

Another con of Aidan’s program is the exaggerated claims.

They make it appear that the training is something unique and revolutionary that it has all the solutions to your financial problems.

However, the truth is that there is a lot of affiliate marketing training course that is way superior to VIP Bot Club. Also, some of the training relayed in the program can be sourced for free.

I also like to especially mention the $1 registration fee.

It seems like a slam dunk initially, but as I presented earlier, there are upsells and a monthly fee of $19!

Hidden Cost

As I mentioned, aside from the $1 initial cost of the program, the company also has upsells and a monthly fee which would lead you to spend more money.

If what you’re after is a more stable source of income online, then you better try my best work-from-home recommendation!

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Final Thoughts: VIP Bot Club Review

I hope my VIP Bot Club review has provided you with the information you need in determining whether Aidan Corkery’s program is the right fit for you.

You still have to practice due diligence if you’re still considering availing VIP Bot Club even though it’s not necessarily a scam.

In any case, I don’t recommend the program at all. The misleading marketing tactic is kind of a letdown which appears to be an act of desperation on their part.

Also, there are better programs around that can give you quality training on affiliate marketing and can definitely provide you with the essential tools and skills you need in mastering the craft.

Let’s continue to the next and last part of the article, and I will show you a much better option that can deliver financial stability than any done-for-you system could…

How I Have Become Financially Independent Online

Affiliate marketing is probably the most popular platform when it comes to the genre of “how to make money online.”

And they’re especially the most preferred go-to eComm platform by many, especially to newbies to the industry.

And this is the case due to several apparent factors, which include the following—

  • It suits all levels of experience
  • Very low risk
  • 100% legitimate
  • You are not directly involved with inventory and shipment
  • No upsells of any kind
  • Potential gains are unlimited because you can market as many brands as you like

And as you might have known already, your primary role as an affiliate marketer is to represent a company by promoting its line of products.

You earn commissions every time someone clicks your links and uses them to avail of the offerings listed on their landing page.

Well, of course, your chances of succeeding in this business model greatly rely on two factors—lead generation and sales conversion.

It can be especially daunting if you’re a beginner, but I have something to offer to you that should put all your uncertainties aside.

Do you see the highlighted text below in bold letter?

Give it a gentle click and discover how you can create stunning sites that attract quality traffic from scratch


And to show my gratitude for reading my VIP Bot Club review, I’m also throwing in my book to help you gain a head start—

4 step-method



Denis Signature 2022

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