iProfitX Review! Is it Another Scam Site?

iProfitX Frontpage

iProfitX is a program that promises financial freedom through the DFY (Done-for-you) system.

But if you have prior experience with DFYs or have knowledge about how they work, you know that this isn’t exactly the case.

They make it appear that making money online is easy, but in reality, it takes time and tons of patience before you even gain traction.

The sales pitch of iProfitX is very similar to the programs I have reviewed in the past—cringey overhyped claims and suspiciously bogus proof of income.

And if you’re wondering whether they’re indeed a scam you should avoid, then this article is just for you!

But before I officially start, allow me to have this moment to disclose that I am NOT affiliated or related to any programs of iProfitX. This article is my honest opinion and unbiased review about the legitimacy of the program.

So without any further ado, let’s start…

Let’s Meet the Creators of iProfitX (if there are any…)

The iProfitX program introduces a person named Slade Cooper as their founder and current.

iProfitX IMAGE 1

There is no more information about who he is or where he is from. However, they claim that he used to be broke and unable to support himself financially.

And then, they added that he met up with a college friend where he received this magic formula to his miseries.

And as you might have expected, it changed his life, and he wants to share this secret, especially with you.

Of course, it’s just a form of flattery to trigger your emotions that would persuade unsuspecting individuals into buying low-quality products.

If you have experience with scam sites before, I’m sure the story sounds all too familiar to you.

It’s a little odd that these scammers don’t seem to change the plot of their stories—they were down in the dumps, and then some sort of a savior gives them a magic potion or secret that solves their financial problems almost immediately.

And that’s just basically all the information you’ll get about them!

Although I wasn’t able to successfully reverse image search the picture, the pattern is there. And like many scams, I have reviewed previously, the identity of this so-called “Slade Cooper” is likely bogus.

So does that mean the program is a scam? Or is it legitimate after all?

Let’s continue with my iProfitX review and learn more about the mechanics of the program…

What is iProfitX?

iProfitX is just your typical done-for-you system.

As the name suggests, you will receive pre-made digital materials and leverage a system that’s already in existence. Your main target is to drive traffic to the main website.

iProfitX Image 2

The program provides personalized referral links which the member will post on various websites or social media accounts.

And then, you earn a fixed referral commission once you have successfully invited someone into their system.

Again, the aim of DFY businesses is to improve engagement on the main sales page. By doing so, it should increase its Google ranks and site authority.

That’s basically how DFY platforms work. And yes, the task is that simple! But you have to take note that the pay isn’t great as well.

They may be able to generate traffic, but the conversion rate is usually very low for most of the time since the program is basically flooding the market with the same product and same sales page.

Another concern I want to mention here is although most DFY systems start at a low cost, most of them have upsells, which would require you to spend more money on their more expensive programs.

I have also written reviews on programs in the past related to money-making schemes. I suggest that you check them out and see if you have been approached by any of them—MYIGGA, the Secret Code System, Infinity Processing System, and Overnight Millionaire System, just to name a few of them.

Or you can visit my full list of reviews by referring to this link.

How Much is the Program?

The upfront cost of iProfitX is only $12.95.

But as I mentioned, they typically have upsells as you progress into the program. They will tell you that you need these upgrades to access special features or bonuses.

The good news, however, is that it comes along with a 100-day money-back guarantee.

iProfitX IMAGE 3

If what you’re after is a program that can truly help you earn reliable income online without having to break the bank, then I highly suggest that you check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

Is iProfitX a Scam?

The program’s legitimacy is in doubt without them disclosing basic info about the company and possibly even faking some of their backgrounds.

Aside from the promise of financial wealth, it is also important to know that the company you’re doing business with is credible and assured that you’re getting your money’s worth.

Things I LIKE about iProfitX

I don’t have anything positive to say about iProfitX. Also, I don’t recommend automated or done-for-you systems at all. I give it a 3 star out of 10.

The potential pay is very low. Although the cost of such programs is relatively affordable, you would still end up wasting your time and money nonetheless.

Also, I don’t think that they’re still worth any attention even if they have a 100-day money guarantee, as they claim.

Things I DON’T LIKE about iProfitX

Now, let’s talk about the disadvantages of iProfitX and why you shouldn’t engage with them—

Undisclosed Business Background

As repeatedly mentioned, iProfitX isn’t willing to share its true identity with the public.

Also, I highly doubt that Slade Cooper is even a real person.

It doesn’t necessarily indicate that the business is a scam. On the other hand, if your operation is legitimate, then there should be no reason not to disclose them to your audience.

False Scarcity

One of the very first things I have noticed about iProfitX is the countdown timer is placed at equal intervals all throughout the landing page.

It says 44 minutes before the said opportunity closes its doors to new members. Well, after a day or two, I returned to the site, and it still said 27 minutes left.

False scarcity is something many dishonest marketers use as a means to persuade audiences into availing of the program.

They make it appear that their digital product is revolutionary, and only a few people will have the opportunity to partake in its supposed advantages. But in reality, the program they’re offering is generic and low-quality.

Hyped Claims

Another medium most scams do is to exaggerate claims to create an aura that their product is the solution to their problems.

As mentioned, the products are often low-quality, and you may find it difficult to use them and help you earn income.

Potential Upsells

Programs’ cost of $12.95 may seem to be a sweet deal. However, based on my experiences with DFY systems, they will typically offer

Of course, such upsells are not disclosed during the sales pitch in order to lure the audience into buying the product.

If you’re looking for a better source of income online that can help you become financially stable, then you better try my best work-from-home recommendation!

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Final Thoughts: iProfitX review

I hope my iProfitX review has provided you the insights you need about the program and helped you determine if they’re legit or is it another scam site trying to get money from you.

The internet is saturated with sites claiming to have the solution to financial troubles. For example, iProfitX makes it appear that sending traffic is just that simple.

However, this isn’t exactly the case. And most digital entrepreneurs had taken them years before they were able to establish a stable online business.

You need to have a lot of patience and invest tons of cash into the business because getting quality traffic takes time to manifest.

Let’s continue to the next and final section, and I will present you with a much better alternative than iProfitX…

How I Am Earning Financial Stability Online

When you browse the internet for the best sources of income online that can bring in financial stability, I am certain that you’d come up with affiliate marketing among the top results.

And this is the case for several apparent factors such as the following—

  • It suits all levels of experiences
  • 100% legitimate
  • No upsells or hidden costs of any kind
  • Very low risk
  • You are not involved with product management or shipment
  • Potential gains are unlimited since there’s no limit as to the number of products you can advertise

And as you might have already surmised, your primary job in this nature of work is to represent a business by promoting their line of products.

You earn commissions every time a potential customer clicks your personalized links and uses them to avail of the products or services eventually.

Well, of course, your chances of succeeding in this business rely on the quality of traffic being driven to your sites.

If you are a newbie to affiliate marketing and in doubt, whether you have the skills to do it, then you no longer have to worry because I have something to offer that should put all your uncertainties aside.

Do you see the highlighted description below?

Click it and I will show you how you can publish posts that are generating tons of leads and converting them to sales eventually.


And to show my appreciation for being here, I will also throw in my book for absolutely no cost to help you kickstart your business.

4 step-method



Denis Signature 2022

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