Is Theorem Reach Legit? Or is it another Scam Site?

Theorem Reach Frontpage

Is Theorem Reach Legit? Or is it a scam? In today’s discussion, I’ll help you decide if the site is worth your while or should you avoid them?

If you have these thoughts bothering you, then the article I have prepared for today is specially made just for you!

In today’s discussion, I will talk about the specific features of the site and provide you with my unbiased analysis on whether it’s worth your while or not.

But before I officially begin, allow me to level with you and disclose that I am NOT affiliated with Theorem Reach and in NO way promoting any of their programs.

Also, I will NOT earn any affiliate or referral commissions if you decide to sign up with them.

This is my honest review of the program to potential consumers if they’re the right fit for your preferences.

So without further ado, let’s start…

Who are the creators of Theorem Reach?

Theorem Reach was co-founded by Garik Goldsheyd and Tom Hammond in 2014.

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Garik, in particular, is an alumnus of Stony Brook University in New York, and he has been the advisor of a mobile game developer at since February 2020. It is a company that he co-founded with Tom Hammond as well.

He was also involved with other advertising and media companies like Philo Media, Inc., Digital Broadcasting Group, Interactive Media Supervisor, and Mediavest.

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On the other hand, Tom Hammond only started in media and digital marketing in 2021 as a part-time owner of Pocket Burger Games.

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He also hosts a fairly successful podcast show in Spotify called The Monetization Minutes, where he talks about the digital and eComm industry.

With this being said—is Theorem Reach legit? Or is the developers of the program are a con artist that you should stay away from?

Let’s continue and learn more about the program…

What is Theorem Reach?

Theorem Reach is a GPT site that primarily offers income opportunities by answering online surveys.

However, they do not proctor their own surveys. The questionnaires are made by third-party agencies.

What this means is that you’ll be going to be redirected to the agency’s main survey site, and they are the ones going to regulate the survey process. No matter what way it is, the mechanics are all the same.

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There’s no wrong answer, and all you have to do is answer honestly.

But before you can proceed with the task, you have to take on the preliminary questionnaire first to determine if you are the right demographic.

The target audience is based on specific identifying factors such as geolocation, age, gender, lifestyle, etc.

Although it may not appear that relevant, the data gathered from these tests are used by a business research and marketing team to improve corporate profitability.

You also bear in mind that the tasks aren’t high paying, and the availability of the surveys is not as frequent as some might expect it.

I’ve also reviewed a number of online money-making schemes in the past. You can try them out if you like—,, Kindle Publishing Income, and Performance Dropshipping, just to name a few of them.

Or, you can refer to my official website to see the full list of reviews by clicking this link.

How Much is the Program?

The good thing about paid survey sites is that the registration is typically free.

You don’t have to concern yourself about upsells because most of the programs I’ve encountered don’t have them. Also, I don’t see any hidden charges.

Again, the problem with Theorem Reach is the frequency of the tasks, and they’re low-paying.

If you’re looking for a training platform that can help you deliver a higher and more stable income, then you have to check my best work-from-home recommendation!

Is Theorem Reach Legit? Or is it a Scam?

I believe Theorem Reach is not trying to scam you in any way. It is a legitimate site that offers the opportunity through paid surveys.

If you are thinking of signing up for the site, then you’d be glad to know that you’re in perfectly good hands.

Tom Holland and Garik Goldsheyd are two legitimate digital marketers and software developers that are more than qualified to help you with the essential training you need in becoming successful in the field.

What do I like about Theorem Reach?

The following are some of the things I admire about Theorem Reach—


The very first thing I’d like to point out is that Theorem Reach is a legitimate source of passive income.

Free to Play

Another positive trait that the program has is it’s free to sign up. You don’t have to pay anything, plus they do not have upsells.

Easy Tasks

Basically, paid surveys are very easy to work with.

If you have experience with GPT platforms in the past, all you have to do is to answer the items relayed in the questionnaire truthfully.

What I DON’T LIKE about Theorem Reach?

I have listed below some of the disadvantages of Theorem Reach that you have to take note of—

Qualifying for a Survey is Not Easy

Again, preliminary questionnaires are essential in order for companies to identify if they are the right market for their research.

Another thing I don’t like about this process is that they would still send you emails even if you’re not qualified.

Hard to Qualify for a Paid Survey

In addition to the annoying emails you receive daily, you also find that it’s kind of hard to qualify for a single paid survey task.

Make no mistake about it—the actual survey is easy. But it seems that the program is very strict on filtering the right market for the study or research.

They Do Not Proctor the Surveys

As mentioned, Theorem Reach is not the primary agency that regulates the surveys.

They are a third-party agency which means that they’re going to get a cut to your commissions. The problem with this type of setting is that it may expose your personal data to risk.

I’m not sure how the privacy policy of Theorem Reach works, but your information could be used for malicious intents if the third party is up to no good.

Anyway, you have to observe caution if you are being redirected to several sites.

Low-Paying Income

Paid surveys are generally low-paying.

I doubt that one task would even earn you $10 a week.

GPT sites such as Theorem Reach may not be the ideal platform if you’re looking for high and stable profits.

If what you are after is a high and stable passive income, then you better try my top work-from-home recommendation!

Final Thoughts

I hope the discussion for today has provided you the info you need in answering the all-important question—is Theorem Reach legit? Or is it not worth your while, and should you avoid them?

If you’re not comfortable earning with just a few cents and want a more reliable income, then working with GPT sites such as Theorem Reach is not the best option for you.

This kind of platform is not reliable, and it wouldn’t make any significant impact on your savings.

However, if you’re only looking for a passive income that can somehow help you with your budget, you may check out the program for yourself if you like.

Let’s continue to the last part of the topic, and I will show you a much better alternative…

How I Am Making a Living through the Internet

If you happen to browse the web for work-from-home jobs that have the highest and most stable source of income, you will find affiliate marketing among the top searches.

And this is rightfully due to several apparent factors such as the following—

  • 100% legitimate
  • Very low risk
  • No upsells of any kind
  • Cost-effective
  • It suits all levels of experiences
  • Potential gains are unlimited since there’s no limit to the number of the program you can advertise

And yes, your main job here is to represent a company’s brand by promoting using your eCommerce store, websites, blog posts, or social media content.

You earn commissions anytime someone engages your personalized links and utilizes them to avail the products listed on their landing page.

Of course, you also have to consider that your success in this type of endeavor heavily depends on the quality of traffic being generated by your publications.

And if you are new to the industry and have no idea where to start, then I have something to share with you that should put all of your self-doubts and uncertainties away.

Do you see the highlighted description below in bold text?

Consider giving it a slight tickle, and I will teach you how you can publish quality posts that are generating leads and converting sales—


And since you have read my article from start to finish, I’d like to express my gratitude by giving away my book to help you jumpstart your affiliate marketing business—

4 step-method



Denis Signature 2022

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