Is a Scam? Or is it a Legit GPT Site?


Is a scam? Or is it a legit source of passive income?

If you are particularly looking for an easy way of earning money online, then you might have come across GPT sites.

These platforms provide income opportunities through simple tasks such as surveys, beta testing, social media postings, etc.

Like many, the prospect might have enticed you, which lead you to search for legitimate GPT sites as well.

And I’m sure one of the results in your searches is a site called

In this article, I’ll provide an analysis of the program and help you determine whether they’re worth your while or not.

But before I begin, allow me to have this privilege to disclose to you that I am NOT affiliated with and would NOT earn referral income if you eventually sign up.

This article is my unbiased take on this income opportunity and whether they’re worth looking at.

Without any further delays, let’s begin…

Who are the Creators of Timebucks?

I tried searching for the people behind the program but with no luck. There’s not much information about on the internet.

So I checked their domain site to get some background info about the program and found the following data—

Timebucks IMAGE 1

As you see, the site was established on April 18, 2014. Also, based on their domain address, they are headquartered in Dallas, Texas, as shown below—

Timebucks IMAGE 2

I also didn’t see signs of any VPN connections, which tells me that the data I have gathered about them is genuine.

Not disclosing credentials and basic business info isn’t uncommon to GPT sites. However, this doesn’t immediately conclude that the business is a scam. And the primary reason is that the risk involved is very low.

For one thing, becoming a member of is absolutely free. And since no money is going out, you don’t have to worry about any losses.

Also, as mentioned, the business has been in operation for over seven years now. And being in the industry for this long doesn’t just happen—it says a lot about the program’s credibility and how they take care of their customers.

In addition, has an excellent rating in Trustpilot, which suggests the quality of the program and its legitimacy.

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So does this mean that it is legitimate? Or is a scam after all?

Let’s resume to the following sections and learn more about the program…

What is is a GPT (Get-Paid-To) site that provides an incentive to members when they accomplish a given task such as watching ad videos, clicking on ad posts, completing specific tasks, paid surveys, testing unreleased applications, playing games, browsing a specific site, etc.

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But what makes unique is they pay you cash straight away. This is unlike any other GPT sites that pay you in the form of points that you convert to cash, cryptocurrency, or electronic gift coupons.

GPT sites like normally provide free registration to their platform. Thus, the question here is how the business generates profits?

Well, these GPT platforms act as the middleman between their members and a company that needs data from a particular demographic. The company provides payment to the GPT site, which in turn pays its members for participating.

Also, the tasks involved are relatively easy as you in the earlier statement, and it won’t take much of your time as you take on the required actions.

With this being said—don’t expect that much in regards to your income. Yes, you’ll earn money, but it won’t be sufficient to support your monthly household expenses.

I’ve also reviewed several income opportunities online in the past, and you can check these articles out if you like—Super Affiliate System Pro 3.0, Laptop Lifestyle Academy, Elite Traffic Pro, and eComm Warrior Academy, just to name a few of them.

Or, you visit our site and see the full list of reviews here.

What does offer?

And to get a much better understanding of how the program works, let’s go over some of the tasks available in their dashboard:

Paid Surveys

As mentioned, is the middleman between you and an agency or business that needs that data gathered from the surveys.

But before you can take the survey, you have to qualify first to the requirements of the party conducting the survey.

The task is relatively easy, which could take only about a maximum of 20 minutes or less. The expected incentive per survey ranges from $0.30 to $1.00.

Lastly, the frequency of surveys wouldn’t be regular—there will be times when you have one to three surveys in a week, while there’ll be some when you don’t receive anything at all.

If you rely on paid surveys alone, I bet it would even be difficult for you to break a meager $10 a week.

Clicking Ads

This is a very simple task. All you have to do is click a 60-second advertisement (the clip you normally see in the middle of your gaming or YouTube videos) and watch it until the end.

The average earnings for watching advertisements is at least $0.006 per video clip.

If you are looking for a higher and more stable source of income online, then you better check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

Video Watching

Aside from clicking ad videos, they may also ask you to simply watch a video.

Just like the previous one, the clip is more promotional in nature. The good news, however, is that there are no required demographics for this one, unlike paid surveys.

Again, the payout for watching a video won’t provide you that much, which is about $0.005 per clip.

CAPTCHA Encoding

I’m sure you’ve seen those annoying CAPTCHAs as you are signing up or downloading a file or installing an application over the internet.

And yes, you’ve heard that right! There are businesses that are willing to pay you for solving CAPTCHAs.

As for, they’ll require you to encode at least 20 CAPTCHAs for $0.003.

Instagram Task

For this one, the program will need you to use your Instagram account for following a particular influencer and reacting to their stories.

There was no mention of how much you’ll earn, but I bet it’s going to be only a few pennies.

Download and Install Applications

Another low-paying task of is beta testing an application by installing them on your smartphone.

However, upon accepting this task, you have to bear in mind the risk of malware or viruses infecting your device.

TikTok Task

Again, it involves your social media account, and this time it will require you to finish TikTok-related tasks such as following a personality or posting content.

However, it will subject you to follow specific guidelines to qualify and complete the tasks.

Daily Bonuses

The top five highest point earners for the day earn additional rewards—the first place member will get a bonus of $20, while the fifth-place member will get $1.

Referral System

You also earn a $1 referral reward for every successful signup. In addition, you also get 15% of their earnings as a bonus.

However, you have to take note that Referral Marketing is much different from Affiliate Marketing.

Referral Marketing is more focused on rewarding their customers or current members for inviting someone into the program. On the other hand, Affiliate Marketing is a branch of eCommerce that allows you to earn profits by promoting various brands through your online publications.

In addition, the gap of potential income between Affiliate Marketing and Referral Marketing is significant. For example, the average annual earnings of affiliate marketers are over $65,000.

ZipRecruiter provides a forecast of $157,700 of passive income a year from affiliate marketing.

On the other hand, as you see from the presentation above, your earnings from GPT’s are extremely low, and I doubt that it would break $10 in a week.

But if you’re looking for a higher and more stable source of income online, then you better check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

How to Get Paid?

As I discussed, immediately pays you cash after every completed task.

However, there’s a ceiling of $10 before you can get paid, and the payout is every Thursday, New York time.

Also, you get an option to receive Bitcoins instead of cash if you wish.

Is a Scam?

No. is not a scam. It is a legitimate GPT site that provides small amounts of income.

However, you may have to be cautious in providing some of your personal information and in lending your social media account for their purpose.

But overall, I still believe that they are a good source of passive income.

Things I LIKE about

Here are some of the advantages of this GPT site—

Excellent Customer Rating

As mentioned in the earlier sections, has garnered a 4.3/5.0 rating out of 1,000 plus respondents.

Positive Reviews

In addition to the excellent rating, they also have tons of positive reviews from its members, as shown below—

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Referral Fees

What makes unique from the rest of the GPT sites around is that they provide a $1 reward on every successful invite and a 15% cut from your recruits.

Things I DON’T LIKE about

Now, I also listed the cons of that you have to take note of—

High Withdrawal Requirement

The ceiling before they approve your payout is pretty high, in my opinion.

The incentives from the tasks are very low, and it will take a lot of time before you reach $10.

Payment Period

Again, a huge downside of the program is related to payout. You have to wait until Thursday before they provide your $10.

If you are looking for a more reliable source of income online, let’s continue to the final part of today’s article…

Final Thoughts

I hope my review has provided you with the answer you need in the question—is a scam? Or is it a good source of passive income after all?

If you are looking for a passive income, then you can check out 

So if you are looking for a better alternative than GPT sites that can deliver a higher and more reliable source of income, then let’s continue to the last part of today’s discussion…

How I am Earning Reliable Income at the Comfort of My Home

When you search the web for the most reliable source of income online, then I’m pretty sure that you’d come up with affiliate marketing in your searches.

And this rightfully so for many apparent reasons such as the following factors—

  • The platform is 100% legitimate
  • Very low risks
  • Cost-effective
  • It suits all levels of experiences
  • You’re not involved with inventory management and shipment
  • But most importantly, the marketers’ potential profit is unlimited since you can represent as many businesses as you like

And as you might have already guessed, affiliate marketing is a business model that enables you to earn money by promoting the products of the company through your online content.

You earn commissions every time someone clicks your personalized links and avails the products eventually.

But as easy as it may sound, your publications need to be generating a high level of engagement on a regular basis.

If you are new to the business and don’t know how to start the venture, then I have something that should put your doubts to the side.

Do you see the highlighted letters below?

Consider giving it a soft click, and I will show you how you can create quality publications that are generating leads and converting sales.


And to express my gratitude to you just by reading my “Is a Scam” review, I am also giving away my book to help you gain confidence as you begin your business.

4 step-method



Denis Signature 2022

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