Is 14 Day Filmmaker Legit? My Honest Opinion

14 day filmaker FRONTPAGE

Is 14 Day Filmmaker Legit? Or is it a scam? In this review, I’ll help you determine if the program is worth your while or not?

Content creation was considered more of a hobby than a serious source of income back in the day.

However, nowadays, with the fast advancement of our technology, entertainment and other forms of multimedia have significantly become more sophisticated as well.

As a result, the demand for content creation has greatly increased in the process.

If you are among the people who want to take advantage of the industry’s income potential, then there’s a good chance you have landed to Paul Xavier’s 14 Day Filmmaker program.

And if you want to take the course but there’s still a nagging feeling about its legitimacy and want to be more sure, then the article I have prepared is just for you!

But before I begin, allow me to have the privilege to disclose that I am NOT an affiliate of Paul Xavier or in any way promoting his digital products. This review is my unbiased opinion on the program he is offering.

So without further ado, let’s begin…

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Who is Paul Xavier?

Paul Xavier is a content creator and digital entrepreneur that’s primarily known for his training course and publications on content creation.

I’m sure that his backstory is something we all have heard before—he used to have a regular 9 to 5 job, but he eventually felt his career unfulfilling and quit his work to pursue a filmmaking business.

During his first years as an entrepreneur, he mainly creates marketing campaigns for various companies. And then, as he gained more experience, he decided to establish a training program that would help entrepreneurs and video bloggers create videos and films for their respective endeavors.

Aside from 14 Day Filmmaker, he has another training program called Next Level Creators.

Paul claims that he was able to help four people become millionaires, about 50 people hit the six-figure mark, and about 100 individuals are earning $1,000 plus regular income through his program.

However, I have no way of validating his claims since I find it challenging to find any solid proof over the internet.

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I also found Paul’s YouTube channel. It has over 21K subscribers, but it doesn’t seem that he is active with publishing videos at all. Despite the channel being established two years ago, he only posted 33 videos in total.

I’m not sure if he has a website especially dedicated to video production or another YouTube channel that I am not aware of, but if the “Mr. Paul Xavier” channel is his only content release, then I’d find that odd considering his supposed expertise.

Anyhow, I do believe that he is legitimate, and based on his video content—I say that he can definitely help you create stunning videos and photos for your social media profiles.

So is 14 Day Filmmaker legit? Let’s continue and learn more…

What is the 14 Day Filmmaker?

As you might have already surmised, 14 Day Filmmaker is a training course on creating video content. It primarily revolves around the basics of shooting videos, editing, and other topics related to content creation.

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Thus, if you are an aspiring video vlogger on YouTube or a social media influencer in general, then Paul Xavier’s program might help you achieve your goals.

Although he claims to have helped hundreds of people, you have to bear in mind that the program only involves training on creating video content. And it doesn’t comprise lessons on how you can monetize your publications or market them to gain traffic and generate sales.

With this being said—you may have to search for other programs that may complement Paul’s training course, or you may want to avail an all-in-one package like Sunny Lenarduzzi’s YouTube for Bosses 3.0 or Charlie Chang’s The 6 Figure YouTube Academy.

I’ve also reviewed several training programs related to income opportunities online and other eComm platforms, and you can see the complete list of reviews here.

What are the Lessons Taught in the Program?

The training program is quite extensive, and it will take you two weeks to complete the course, to be exact.

An overview of the 14 modules included are as follows—

  • First Day: Fundamentals, Gear, and Camera Setting
  • Second Day: Focal Lengths and Lenses
  • Third Day: Composition
  • Fourth Day: Cinematics Movement
  • Fifth Day: Lighting
  • Sixth Day: Sound Design
  • Seventh Day: File Management plus Introduction to Editing
  • Eighth Day: Walkthrough to Professional Editing
  • Ninth Day: Introduction to After Effects
  • Tenth Day: Virtual Job Shadows
  • Eleventh Day: Scriptwriting and Using a Storyboard
  • Twelfth Day: How to Shoot Your Commercial
  • Thirteenth Day: How to Edit Your Commercial
  • Fourteenth Day: Organic Distribution

As you see, the lessons inside the training are pretty broad. It tackles every aspect of the craft, which can significantly help newbies in the field.

If you’re interested in knowing how much the program is, then let’s continue to the next section and find out…

How Much is the Program?

The 14 Day Filmmaker training course will only cost you $48! Considering the value you’re going to receive, the price of the program is a pretty good deal.

On the sales page, you’ll find that it used to be $198. However, it is only a marketing strategy, in my opinion. And it has always been $48 from the start. Either way, $198 is still a good price if you ask me.

As good as the program could be—there’s no refund policy which may be highly inconvenient for individuals who are not satisfied with the results they’re getting.

Also, you need to consider the startup cost of video blogging.

Although creating a YouTube account is free, you need the proper equipment, to begin with. With this being said—you need to prepare a budget of at least $1,300 to a maximum of $10,000!

That’s a huge amount of money! Also, you have to take note that venturing into this craft doesn’t always lead to success. You’ll need to formulate an effective strategy as well to generate quality traffic.

Anyhow, if you’re looking for a more profitable and affordable source of income online, then you have to check my best work-from-home recommendation!

Is 14 Day Filmmaker Legit?

I’m sure you already know where I am going with this. From the information I’ve gathered, the 14 Day Filmmaker is a legitimate training course you can engage in.

If you’re planning to purchase of the program’s services, I do believe that you are in perfectly good hands, and it can help individuals who are new to the field of content creation.

Things I LIKE about 14 Day Filmmaker

I have summarized some of the noteworthy things about the program—


The very first thing I’d like to mention here is that the program is very affordable in consideration of the value you are going to receive.


Paul Xavier is a legitimate digital entrepreneur and content creator that you can put your trust to.

Quality Training

As mentioned, the program covers a wide range of essential topics on content creation. In addition, Xavier is an apparent expert in the field with years of experience.

Therefore, you can expect quality training from his program.

Things I DON’T LIKE about 14 Day Filmmaker

Now, here are some of the downsides of the program you have to take note of as well—

No Refund Policy

First and foremost, the program does not offer a refund policy.

As affordable as the program is, it may still be a little inconvenient for people who are not satisfied with the results.

No Monetization Training

As mentioned in the earlier section, the program only focuses on content creation. And you will not get training on how you can monetize your work of art.

If you are searching for a program that can teach you how to earn income online instead, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

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Final Thoughts

I hope my content has provided you the answer—is 14 Day Filmmaker legit? Is it a good use of your time and money or not?

If you are an aspiring content creator or a digital entrepreneur looking for methods in marketing your products, then Paul Xavier’s training course can definitely help you as far as I am concerned.

Although it doesn’t have a refund policy, I think the $48 cost is still a good deal.

However, you also have to bear in mind that engaging in video blogging doesn’t immediately lead to success, as I pointed out earlier.

The first thing you need to do is to gather the necessary items such as a set of cameras, lighting equipment, microphones, and other accessories. And you may need to prepare a budget of $1,300 to $10,000 to gather them all together.

Aside from completing the equipment needed, you also need to plot a strategy and have a lot of patience as you venture into this field.

If you have the budget and are up for the challenge ahead, then you can check out Xavier’s program in teaching you the basics of content creation.

But as I said, it doesn’t include lessons on content monetization. And if you are looking for a platform that can provide you with reliable income, then let’s continue to the last part of today’s review…

How I’m Making a Living Over the Internet

Affiliate Marketing is probably the most popular eComm platform around the world. First and foremost, they can be a lucrative source of income once the business is managed effectively.

Additionally, many people turn to affiliate marketing for several reasons, such as the following—

  • The platform is 100% legitimate
  • No upsells of any kind
  • Very low risks
  • It suits all levels of experiences
  • You’re not involved with inventory management or delivery
  • Last but not least is that the potential profit is limitless since you can advertise as many brands as you wish

As you might have already guessed, your primary responsibility is to market a company’s product by promoting them through your blog posts or vlogs if you’re a social media influencer.

You earn commissions every time someone clicks your links and uses them to avail of the offerings of the company.

Well, of course, your chances of succeeding in affiliate marketing depend on the quality of engagement.

If you’re completely new to this business and don’t know where to begin or how to start, I have something that should put those doubts away and help you gain confidence.

Do you see the highlighted text below?

Give it a slight click and discover how you can publish posts that are attracting traffic and generating sales.


And to help you kickstart everything, I’m also giving away my book to show my appreciation to you just by being here today.

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Denis Signature 2022

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