Super Affiliate System Pro review (A 2021 update)

In this review, I will discuss John Crestani’s online program called Super Affiliate System Pro and whether it’s worth your time and money.

Super Affiliate System Pro

John Crestani is an experienced affiliate marketer and probably among the most prominent personalities in the field.

Due to his massive popularity around the globe, he was featured twice on this site to assist potential clients receive necessary information and updates before they sign up for his program.

You can check our past reviews of his system here—Super Affiliate System and Super Affiliate System 2.0.

And from these past contents, it is concluded that they are legitimate. However, the high price of the program may render it to be only suitable for people with enough budget to accommodate the cost.

For today, we will be looking into the newer version of the program and help you determine whether it’s still a good online course to invest in.

But before I begin discussing today’s topic, I’d like to disclose that I am NOT an affiliate of John Crestani’s program and NOT promoting them. This review is based on facts found online and available to the public.

With that out of the way, let’s start my Super Affiliate System Pro review…

Who is John Crestani?

When you search for a legitimate online course, I am sure that John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System would be among the top results on Google.

He is also popularly known for his showmanship and energy during his presentations.

John Crestani

His video sales letter is quite entertaining. If you happen to have seen one, you know that he’s all about the racks of Benjamins, “as they call in the hood.” And when you avail his programs, he’ll introduce to you to the Benjamins and how you can be friends with them.

As cringey as his promotional videos may be to some, his program actually does produce positive results.

In fact, John Crestani was even featured in several reputable news agencies, including Forbes, Business Insider, Yahoo Finance, Inc., and Affiliate Summit.

Super Affiliate System Pro Image 2

He also offers A LOT of very valuable free content on YouTube.

You may check it out >here<.

What is Super Affiliate System Pro?

John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System Pro is an online training course that aims to help its students achieve financial freedom through affiliate marketing.

His program is comprehensive, and it takes about 50 hours of training in six weeks before you can become one of his super affiliates.

Super Affiliate System Pro Image 3

Although the program is very legitimate and produces success stories, it has few flaws in my opinion, which are typical in any business model.

One of which is that John seems to guarantee success and that his methods are foolproof. You have to take note that there are no quick ways to “success” in affiliate marketing, and it may (and most likely will) take some time before you achieve the results you desire.

Some of the time, it may not even meet any clients’ expectations at all that may lead them to conclude that the program is a scam.

Another downside is that it will cost you a grand ($1,000) and that may not suit everybody, especially those who are unwilling to spend that much, especially if you are just starting out, out of a job or any other monetary reasons. I will explain their pricing and modules more extensively in the following sections.

But if you’re looking for a lot more affordable course on affiliate marketing that can provide high-quality training, then you have to check out my top work-from-home recommendation!

How much does the program costs?

If you’ve been following John Crestani for the past few years, he hasn’t changed the base price of the updated version of the program, which still costs $997.

Super Affiliate System Pro Pricing

With so much free and more affordable content online, what makes John Crestani’s program unique and stand out from the rest?

Let’s continue with my Super Affiliate System Pro review and find out the answer…

How does the Super Affiliate System Pro work?

The modules of the Super Affiliate System are organized per week. And you should learn everything in about six weeks.

Just by referring to the duration of the training, you can immediately surmise that you will be getting an extensive lesson on affiliate marketing.  

Below is a list of subjects included in his course to give you a better perspective on how Super Affiliate System Pro works—

The Welcome Module

Before the official training begins, you will be receiving the Welcome Module from John Crestani, which is about 97 minutes long!

This section basically entails how the entire training will progress.

It also includes the preparation process, such as proper mindset and attitude, setting goals, common psychological barriers to success, and the great advantages of affiliate marketing and what differentiates them from the rest of online platforms.

First Week—The System Setup

The first week of the training is intended to provide you the basics of setting up your affiliate marketing system.

Before you can begin earning income and working towards achieving financial independence, you must learn how this system works first.

Aside from the basics, John will also provide you how to use and take advantage of Clickfunnels. This is a platform that many affiliate marketers often use in helping them increase the traffic to their site and improve sales in the process!

He’ll also share his insights on manually setting up your funnels if you want to know how to grow your email list organically.

Second Week—Google Ad Campaign Training

Google Ads is among the best ways to drive traffic into your online sites or social media profiles. What it does is that it generates ads based on the particular keyword search by a Google user.

This section of John’s training course is a gold mine because it will benefit affiliate marketers and every individual engaged in eCommerce. It’s a short module compared to the other module, but very useful, especially to newbies.

For this module, you’ll learn the basics of setting up a Google Ad campaign, location targeting, ad split testing, and device targeting.

However, experienced affiliate marketers may not find it beneficial because it lacks important topics like explaining negative keywords, earnings per click, manual bidding against automatic bidding, and keyword match explanation.

Third Week—YouTube Ads Setup

For the following week, John will provide an interesting topic on YouTube Ads. And I believe that it is a good skill to invest in considering that YouTube is among the top three social media platforms and one of the top search engines online today.

However, it won’t be that much use if you don’t own a YouTube channel and have no plans as of the moment to have one.

This may be the case—it’s still good to know that you have the knowledge running YouTube Ads if you decide to create a channel in the future.

Fourth Week—Advanced Tactics

The fourth week contains a combination of various topics that include additional affiliate marketing techniques, general ad compliance, and the basics of Facebook Ads.

The fundamentals of copywriting are also taught here. However, the materials on copywriting may not be that extensive and may not only benefit beginners in the field.

Copywriting is a skill that every affiliate marketer must possess because you are essentially marketing people to avail of your products.

Fifth Week—Presell Pages and Selling

For this week, it is all about scaling your affiliate business through increased marketing campaigns and focusing on preselling pages.

If you don’t have any idea how to presell pages work, John will provide you a template you can use as you carry out your strategies.

In addition, he will also provide lessons on how you can optimize your campaigns through Clickfunnels.

Sixth Week—Product Selection

Searching for the right product to market is the fun part of the process, in my opinion.

In this module, you will receive insights on niche and sub-niche selection. He’ll also discuss the top niches in the market today, including happiness, health, and wealth.

This section of the course is especially useful for affiliate marketers who cannot fully decide what niche to engage in.

Again, the program is expensive, and some individuals may find it hard to fund the training course and the ad campaign.

But don’t be discouraged.

There are more affordable options that can still provide you high-quality lessons on affiliate marketing. You need to check out my best work-from-recommendation if you’re interested.

Is Super Affiliate System Pro a scam?

Despite many allegations found online, there are NO reasons to believe that John Crestani is a fake guru.

Overall, he is a very likable and reputable guy despite those cringey moments in his video sales letter, like the money gun and showing off his luxurious lifestyle that includes his friends—the Benjamins. ?

But then again, if you can do it, why the heck not?!

As mentioned earlier, the downside of the program is that it is expensive!

His program is legitimate and does work for some people, but it won’t be the case for the rest. And it seems to me that he guarantees success the way he advertises his program.

Such an instance can become problematic for clients who paid for their programs in full but didn’t experience any sort of success. As a result, they may (and probably will) deem it as a scam.

This may be the case—However, let me again reassure you that this is a legit program.


  • The creator is a credible personality in the affiliate marketing scene
  • His program doesn’t necessarily require an email list to progress
  • Extensive studies on increasing traffic
  • Three-month payment plan for Super Affiliate System Pro
  • Interactive community
  • High-quality contents on affiliate marketing
  • Tons of positive feedbacks


  • It is expensive
  • Aside from $997, there are undisclosed charges like the domain name, Clickfunnels, web hosting, and monitoring and tracking software.
  • It only focuses on affiliate marketing and limited niches
  • It lacks important materials on lead generation like the explanation of negative keyword, earnings per clicks, manual bidding against automatic bidding, and keyword match explanation
  • Unlike other versions of the program, Native ads weren’t included in the updated version
  • No free trial
  • It mostly concentrates on Clickbank products

Super Affiliate System Pro review—Final thoughts

I hope my Super Affiliate System Pro review has provided you sufficient information and how it works and helped you in determining whether they’re a good use of your time and money or not.

Although he is a prominent figure in the affiliate marketing scene and his program generating successes, I still don’t feel recommending them, especially to individuals who are on a tight budget.

You can try John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System Pro if you have sufficient funding to accommodate the costs of the programs.

But if you’re looking to learn quality affiliate marketing lessons without breaking your budget, then I have something for you!

Let’s continue to the last section and discover a more affordable way to achieve financial independence through eCommerce…

How I earn income online

John Crestani is absolutely right when he advertised affiliate marketing as the best source of income online.

Affiliate Marketing is way better than dropshipping or any online money schemes around for many reasons, and it includes the following—

  • It is free, to begin with!
  • It is free of any risks!
  • No upsells!
  • It is a more reliable source of income once you figure out your winning formula!
  • But most importantly, unlimited income because you can essentially promote as many businesses as you want!

Yes, your main task as an affiliate marketer is to basically promote products and services through a personalized affiliate link provided by the brand you’re going to promote.

The links will be attached to your website or social media contents, and then you’ll earn commissions every time someone engages them and use it to avail the products offered on the landing page of the business.

But as mentioned earlier, John Crestani’s programs may not be for individuals looking for a budget-friendly online course.

If this is the case, then you no longer have to worry any further.

Tickle the description below, and I will show you how you can create the perfect marketing strategy that’s generating massive leads—


The affiliate marketing industry continues to grow as the online spending increases, especially since the confinements of COVID-19, and the fact that the number of companies investing into their affiliate programs is constantly increasing.

To be completely honest, there has never been better time to get involved in Affiliate Marketing! That is just ONE facet to building an online presence.

A website can be monetized in many many ways. It’s up to you to make it happen!

To conclude, just for being here on my website I am offering you my free e-book.

Just click on the link below and download your copy!

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