Super Affiliate System 2.0 by John Crestani [Honest review]

Super Affiliate System 2.0

If you are here on my review today, it’s because you wonder if John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System 2.0 is for you or not. You are most probably looking for a system to help you make some money online, and you heard of the Super Affiliate System.  The creator, John Crestani, has recently upgraded the original Super Affiliate System to a 2.0 version.

At the end of my review, you will have a greater understanding of what this system can do for you, how much it costs and what it involves.

Let’s see what it’s made of.

My Analysis

Super Affiliate System 2.0 (II)

Program name: The Super Affiliate System 2.0 (aka Internet Jetset)


Owner: John Crestani

Price: $997

I would like to start by saying that if you are reading this, you are already in the right mindset to build an online business.  You always must be vigilant, and by doing your due diligence and checking out a system before you buy it is the best way to be successful.

Who is John Crestani?

John Crestani

I’m pretty sure that if you are reading this review, you are probably wondering if this guy is real.  Well, I can assure you that he is real.  This is NOT the kind of system that hides behind a fake owner.  John Crestani has been around the Affiliate Marketing business for quite some time now and has made himself millions with his online businesses.

His humble start is what makes his story a real inspiration to anyone who wants to make it in this business.  He was fired from a dead-end job and was living on friend’s couches when one day he decided it was enough.  He self-taught himself internet marketing and in a couple of years he became a millionaire.  Sounds like a fairy-tale doesn’t it? However, this one is real!

According to Forbes Magazine, he started out at the prime age of 21, and what turned things around for him was the book “The 4-Hour Workweek” by Tim Ferriss.  He read that book and started his venture right away.

The 4 hour work week

He did not become rich overnight, it took him many years of trial and error, but he finally found something that worked.  He created some internet businesses that brought him a lot more money than he could have made if he had stayed at his dead-end job.

What really made a difference in his business is when he decided to “pay it forward” and he created the Internet Jetset system, and afterward the Super Affiliate System, to help people who want to become financially independent, have more time freedom and quit their dead-end jobs.  He succeeded very well with these, and now he has come up with version 2.0 of the Super Affiliate System.

What is Super Affiliate System 2.0?

Well for a change, I can say right away that this system is very legit.

Its ultimate goal is to help you create an affiliate marketing business and getting it profitable in the shortest period of time as possible.

The first thing I did to understand the system, was to go through John’s Webinar.  It’s an hour long and is packed with good free information!

The first thing John says in its webinar is that this method/system is NOT a get rich easy method and none of his student’s results testimonials are typical.  They are hardworking entrepreneurs who put in the effort and did the work, and that’s how they succeeded.

There are a lot of similarities in this with what I have been taught on the platform that I use to make money online.

You can check out how I do it here:  My No.1 recommendation

Make Money Online

Anyway, this system will teach you how to create a profitable online business, and how to monetize it quickly! The difference between this system and other Affiliate Marketing teaching platforms, (Even his version 1.0 of the Super Affiliate System) is that the usual methods concentrate on getting traffic to your website using the “free traffic” methods using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Social media sharing.  The downside of these methods is that you must be very patient, and work day-in-day-out for sometimes month and months before you can see any progress and meaningful traffic.

What usually happens is beginners don’t have the patience for this and they quit before making it!

What Super Affiliate Systems proposes is to accelerate everything (especially time & effort) with paid advertising.

With paid advertising and paid searches, you will be able to target BIG niches and end up on Google’s first page much faster and easier!  This, in turn, should help scale your online business to unbelievable levels much quicker than the free methods!  That is a fact.  It is also realistic!

The only downside is you need the resources ($$$) to be able to pay for the advertising, so anyone can do it IF they can afford it.

Here’s what you will get with the Super Affiliate System 2.0:

Goals Option Reality Will do

I will not go into details here, but briefly, this is what you should expect when you buy the Super Affiliate System 2.0.

It is spread out in 6 weeks, 50+ hours training videos in Affiliate Marketing.

It’s not a course that you can do in one day! That is why it is spread out in 6 weeks so that you can digest the information thrown at you. Most of the videos are done by John himself, not some paid actor just reading a script, which makes this course legit in my opinion.

Week 1 – Setup:  You will be setting up your goals, set-up your website and sales page, learn how to join affiliate networks and affiliate links, learn how to earn your first commission and also, how to set up Facebook ads that convert.

Week 2 – Understanding the system and choosing your niche: Here you start by creating yourself a millionaire mindset, choose your Niche and affiliate offers the will work best for you, and how to choose an ad network to create a profitable online business.

Week 3 – Advanced Marketing Skills: How to write profitable and advanced copywriting in 17 steps, optimizing ads to get people to buy your affiliate product, and advanced optimization techniques.

Week 4 – Facebook and Google Ads: Facebook ads and compliance, Advertising metrics to increase your profits and how to leverage Google advertising.

Week 5 – YouTube and Native ads: Scaling your YouTube ads, What is native advertising, Secrets to profitable video ads on Facebook and structuring your ads efficiently.

Week 6 – Scaling and automation: How to use Survey Funnels, Case studies, how to scale your business from $1,000 per day to $20,000 per day.

You also have access to the “Ready2Launch” campaigns, which are plug and play landing pages templates ready to set up an ad campaign that is ready to use.

There’s also a private Facebook group (for members only) and weekly coaching sessions.

Inside the courses, there are quizzes and homework.  It is a step-by-step process that is explained in detail.

Anyone who takes this course seriously should be able to make it happen, and if in fact, you have a hard time getting results, John’s team will be there to help you.

As you can see from the outline of courses, it is intensive and was made with the beginner in mind. During the first couple of weeks, the courses are focused on the essentials of affiliate marketing, copywriting and the required mindset to succeed.

Then you move on to the marketing and paid ads aspect of scaling and automating your online business.  This is where you should see some results.  When you find a niche that you can monetize, you build your advertising campaign around it, scale it up, then rinse and repeat!

If you are new to affiliate marketing, you should be able to follow because this course is broken down in 6 weeks for that simple reason.  There is a learning curve that you must go through before you can understand the basic principals.  John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System is designed to help you through that learning curve.

One thing I would like to mention here is that this version 2.0 of the Super Affiliate System is NOT a rehash of version 1 that I reviewed a while back.  It’s a brand-new version with new videos and a new method of earning money with Internet marketing.

Is Super Affiliate System 2.0 for you?

Questio: Is this for you?

I will be very honest here and this is my full disclaimer and honest personal opinion.

I am not a member of the Super Affiliate System.

I did not join because, well, first of all, I started my online business almost 3 years ago now, and it did not cost me $1,000 to get started.  I actually started for free.  I did, however, join a platform and been a member since then and I was able to scale my business without paid advertisement and I am making money online.

I appreciate the fact that this system is legit, but you have to realize the following:

Is this system real and can you make money with it? YES

Can anyone be successful with this system? YES

Is it affordable for everyone? NO!  That is the downside of it all.

Do I recommend this system? Well, this one I will leave it up to YOU to decide.

If you have the resources ($$$) to pay upfront $997, then invest a couple of thousands more in paid internet advertising and pay a monthly fee to host your online business, then by following John’s step-by-step course, you should be able to recuperate your initial investment eventually.

But again, it’s up to YOU and how much effort and work YOU will put in.  It is NOT a get rich quick method, and John says it clearly in his webinar!  He also mentions that his results or the results of any of his students are NOT typical, and you should not base your decision of joining his system on these figures.



Legit system! A lot of people have made a successful online business for themselves by following John’s training.

A lot of very good information and training.

Very beginner friendly with the step-by-step system.

A lot of bonuses within the system.

30-day money back guarantee.

Payment plan through PayPal


The price of $997 is not for everybody.

An advertising budget of $1-2 thousand to follow through, just to start.

Additional cost for third-party software.

No free trial period, just a 30-day money back guarantee.

One last thing

In this day and age where there are so many bogus, fake and low-quality programs, it is refreshing to find one that has a great foundation and has a promising way to really create something of value.  I truly believe that John’s system has that quality and we can trust his ways of doing business, and by cloning himself through his system, he is creating a great guild of online entrepreneurs that are successful.

What happens most of the time is that the inexperienced beginner has no patience and cannot wait to make money, so by not seeing any results fast, they usually quit.  That is probably the biggest seller of this system, because of the way to make it successful and make it fast!

What is not mentioned here is the fact that affiliate marketing can be very successful without paid advertising. 

Yes, I do agree that by doing so, people that use paid advertising will probably get traffic to their website much quicker than using the free methods like SEO, but what about people that can’t afford thousands of dollars right off the gate? 

You know, people who are looking for a way to get out of the 9-5 rat race, but cannot afford anything more than a couple of bucks per months on something else than groceries and gas?

There are many strategies that you can utilize to create a sustainable online business and become financially independent with a passive income coming in every month and making money while you sleep. And it doesn’t have to cost thousands of dollars to start.

There is a method that anyone can use, and the best part is that it is FREE to start and it can stay Free for as long as you like.  This platform (that I started with and still use every day) will help you build your online marketing business from the ground up.

Let me introduce you to Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate

Again, this is NOT a get rich quick thing.

You will start by learning the basics of Affiliate Marketing with an introductory step-by-step course, build your online presence with your own free website (they actually provide 2 absolutely free websites that they host on their servers) and they will provide all the tools and support you need to get you going. All of this for free, no obligations whatsoever.  This is not a Trial, it is free for as long as you want.

There is, of course, a premium membership which gives you even more, but it’s not an upsell, it’s a choice.

You can remain a free member for as long as you want.  It is the best way to test drive the whole platform without paying a cent upfront!

But Wealthy Affiliate is more than that.  It’s a community of like-minded people helping each other succeed with their online businesses.

And as a bonus, if you join today by clicking the link below, you will have me as your own personal mentor and coach.  I will be there for you every step of the way!

Click on the button below and start your own online business right now, no obligations or credit card required

Get your free account now

And may I also suggest that you get my free eBook:  The 4-step method

4-step method cover

In this guide, I will show you how you can use my method of making money online!

I will show you all the steps you need to take to finally get a proven and successful path to making money online! 

It is very beginner friendly and you will learn the way I make money online using Affiliate Marketing.

Get your free eBook


And I will see you on the inside!


If you have any questions or comments about this article, please feel free to drop me a line in the comments below.



16 thoughts on “Super Affiliate System 2.0 by John Crestani [Honest review]”

  1. Hi Denis,

    Thanks so much for taking the time to write a good article to read to know more about John Crestani and about Super Affiliate System 2.0

    I’m currently looking for a way to start my own business and work from home, I see many people are doing great and I want to be part of the new way to work from home with an online business.

    I’m always interested to read about people who had a problem in its life and found a way to make it happen, as reading from them what happened in their lives and how they found the way to solve it out to make a big business and now they share their story and they open an opportunity to more people to follow their steps to start a business and who knows, maybe in a few years, many people will be working from their home and running their own online business with success.

    For the moment I’m just a beginner and as you said, I have no 1K to put in, but I’ll check on your recommendation #1


    • Hello Alejandra,

      I know the feeling when you say that you cannot afford the 1k. Even though I see the benefits of the system, especially the speed it’s supposed to bring in results, thousands of dollars is not for every one!   If you want a lot cheaper way of starting your own business and work from home, go right ahead and check out Wealthy Affiliate, you will not regret your choice!

      I wish you a lot of success!


  2. Wow, i like this review as it is very honest one. I like Supper Affiliate System 2.0 as it is not promise to get rich quickly .The owner has experience in internet marketing and his system is based on true experience.

    The only problem is that this system is very expensive to start.I could not afford such amount of money even if i find the system is legit.

    Thank you for your post it inspires me because after reading it i found that i will succeed in my online business as success can’t come without effort.

    • Hi Julienne, 

      I understand that $997 is not for every one.  My recommendation could help you get started and you can start and get going absolutely free! Wealthy Affiliate will provide you with the training and website(s) you need.  Go ahead and check it out!

      I will see you on the inside.

      All the best


  3. Thanks Denis for this review. For a program that offers this much resources and is this expensive, it means one thing; it is solely for the elite in the society who wants a better way of making more money. it is definitely not for stay at home mums who wants to earn just a little bit more to support life after paying bills. Nor is it for students who wants to start earning through affiliate marketing. This Super Affiliate System 2.0 in my opinion should be made affordable so its patronage will cut across the respective demography of people who actually need it. More over, just as you pointed, Wealthy Affiliate offers a similar service but guess what, its free to join. Thanks again Denis

    • Hello Samson,

      I should add something that I did not mention in my review: there is a payment plan available through PayPal, and I believe that someone can make it in three payments but it’s still expensive…

      Wealthy Affiliate has a way to succeed online with a price that is a lot more affordable!

      Thanks for dropping by!


  4. Hello Denis. Thank you for sharing your honest review of Super Affiliate System 2.0 by John Crestani.

    Frankly speaking, I think this is an awesome system. The training are made in a way that you can become a pro in a short amount of time and one would achieve great success with this course. But… It is also so expensive. As a newbie, I cannot invest almost $1000 (even if I can afford it) into starting an online business. Almost everything is free or at least a lot cheaper these days.

    • Hey Barry,

      I know what you mean, It is a steep investment, especially for a newbie.  I tend to go with your thinking here, even if you can afford it, there are other ways to succeed online without having to spend thousands right away!

      My suggestion (Wealthy Affiliate) on the other hand is much more affordable, and you actually start for free!  Go ahead and try it, you will not regret it!

      Thanks for stopping by!


  5. Hey Denis,

    It’s the first time i come across this system, and I have to say I’m not that thrilled. First of all you need a substantial initial capital to start – the course + advertising costs. Second, I’m not sure how does this program proposes to achieve its target. Is it blogging, is it a simple review site, or it is just ads pointing to a sales site?

    Third, it doesn’t seem to have training on SEO, email marketing and acquiring free traffic – which are great for understanding how getting this kind of traffic works.

    Nevertheless it seems like a legit opportunity. Thanks for a great review!


    • Hey Marios,

      The system is based on paid advertising, so you choose a Niche and a product to sell, then you get your traffic from buying advertising. It is basically that simple, but in order to succeed, you have to know what you are doing, and John has a lot of experience in paid advertising. 

      According to my research, he spent half a million dollars in a year in advertising, so he knows his stuff and he’s showing the world how to do it.  

      Like I said in my article, is it for every one?  NO.  Simply because it’s not for everybody to spend thousands just to get started. But yes it is a legitimate opportunity for anyone who wants to put in the work along with their money, they will be shown a way to scale their online business much quicker than the free SEO methods.

      Thanks for stopping by!


  6. Hey there!I really enjoyed reading this post. I liked the way how you wrote the “Pros & Cons”. 

    I’ve been planning to earn money online. However, I know I have to keep in mind that it takes patience and effort to embrace success. Thank for describing this program the way you did!  I can now make a choice.

    Keep the great work mate. Cheers!

  7. I have to be honest, anytime you have to pay money to make money, I already think like it has a wrong feeling to it. Most people that are looking to make money online don’t have much up front capital to start, which is why they are looking to make money in the first place.

    But $997 to start is low enough to bait someone in my opinion. It is a lot, but not so much that it seem unattainable.  And the fact that John Crestani is indeed a real live person, does make it legit.

    In the end though, I agree that a cheaper way for those that can’t afford thousands of dollars is better.  I will check out your recommendation.

    • Hey James,

      Like I say in my article, this system is not for everybody.  If you want ti put in the work and at the same time want to invest some money to succeed quicker, this method will help you get there much quicker.

      But for most of the people that are just starting out, investing that kind of money is out of the question, so I do have an alternative, which is much cheaper.  You will be able to scale your business from the ground up with Wealthy Affiliate.  Give it a try you won’t regret it!

      I wish you success!


  8. I’ve never heard of this affiliate program before but it does sound very interesting! The only thing I’m worried about is the price as it is somewhat above my budget at the moment, but as soon as I earn decent money, I’ll think about signing up. For those who are new to affiliate marketing, joining Wealthy affiliate is probably the better option as it is free for starters. And since so many people become sceptical as soon as they see ads about building a successful online business, some of them would probably not be willing to spend money on something they don’t know. Wealthy affiliate will always be my favorite platform when it comes to building a successful online business. 

    • Hey Ruya,

      I am glad that you have already found Wealthy Affiliate.  Like you say, it may be in your future, but the price is steep for sure.  

      I wish you success!



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