Laptop Lifestyle Academy (2021) review—The Basics of Working Remotely

Welcome to my Laptop Lifestyle Academy review! For today’s topic, I’ll help you determine whether Jake Tran’s course is legit or a scam that you should avoid.

Laptop Lifestyle Academy Front Image

The pandemic has left a lasting impact on today’s generation.

Although vaccines are now being distributed worldwide and nations are slowly recovering, most of us still prefer to work in the comfort of our homes.

Aside from health purposes, the pandemic also revealed the great benefits of working from home—potential income is higher, and it is way more economical.

And as you’re searching for a reliable income online, you might have come across Jake Tran’s training course.

It might have caught your attention, and you want to know more about how it works or whether it’s a scam or legit.

If this is your concern, then today’s topic is just for you!

But before we go through the analysis of the program, allow me to disclose that I am NOT an affiliate of the program and in NO promoting it. This content is my unbiased opinion about the training course based on my research.

So without further delays, let’s begin my Laptop Lifestyle Academy review…

Who is Jake Tran?

Before I start discussing what Laptop Lifestyle Academy offers, let me introduce its creator first.

Laptop Lifestyle Academy Jake Tran

Jake Tran is a digital marketer and social media influencer with over 480k subscribers on his YouTube channel and 12k followers on his Instagram account.

Laptop Lifestyle Academy Jake Tran Instagram

One thing I like about Jake’s YouTube channel is he provides value to his audience. In addition, the contents are well researched and very interesting.

I can say that he is a very talented YouTuber. And considering his sets of skills, one would expect that the courses he would be involved in are related to video content creations.

But let’s continue with my Laptop Lifestyle Academy review and determine whether the program is a good fit for you…

What is the Laptop Lifestyle Academy?

The Laptop Lifestyle Academy is a training course that teaches its clients the essentials of being a remote worker or freelancer.

A remote worker means someone working from home, and it includes a wide range of careers such as:

  • Content writers
  • Copywriters
  • Social media managers
  • Virtual assistants
  • Bookkeepers
  • Transcribers
  • Data encoder

And these are only a few examples.

Newbies to this type of work will greatly benefit from the program because it includes the benefits of working from home, where to find work, and how to pass interviews.

However, its only flaw is that it doesn’t provide actual training for the niche of your selection.

Nonetheless, the program’s cost is reasonable, and as I mentioned, it would be especially beneficial to the right individuals.

I’ve also reviewed several income opportunities online in the past. You may check them out if you like—Super Affiliate System Pro and Overnight Millionaire System.

How much is the Laptop Lifestyle Academy?

Laptop Lifestyle Academy will cost you a single payment of $97.

The $97 seems affordable to some, but you can find free content on the internet that can teach you the basics of freelancing and work from home.

If you’re looking for a higher and more reliable source of income, then you need to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

Laptop Lifestyle Academy Work from Home

How does the Laptop Lifestyle Academy work?

The courses offered by Laptop Lifestyle Academy are categorized into nine sections and comprise seventy lessons.

To give you a better perspective of how the program works, let’s look at the summary of the training program—


This section of the training course basically entails his background and what to expect as the program progresses. This part is also divided into two videos.

The first one is a typical story we hear from these gurus where he tells of his story from being a minimum wage earner into making a $40 profit per hour.

And in the next video, he discusses the great opportunity in affiliate marketing.

Part one—why remote and why now

In the first module, you will get a six-part video where Jake Tran provides his insights on the great advantages of remote work and other freelancing sites.

Part two—how to get your money back from this course  

Unlike other training courses online, the Laptop Lifestyle Academy has a dedicated section on refund policy. This is a huge plus because it shows the creator’s sincerity in providing value to its clients.

Jake will also give you tips on how you can fully optimize his program so you’ll get the best possible results.

Part three—why would someone hire me

The third part of the module talks about insights on the hiring process of companies looking for remote workers. This section is especially for individuals new to freelancing and work-from-home careers.

Part four—what remote job is best for you

The fourth section is the exciting part because it provides advice on choosing the right niche that perfectly suits your interests and skills.

Part five—learning your remote job

This section gives you tips and tricks on the essentials of remote working.

Part six—the dreaded act of networking

The module basically entails starting your work-from-home career the right way and what are the things to avoid to prevent any possible mishaps along the way.

Part seven—the formula to crafting irresistible resumes

As the title suggests, this section teaches you how to create an effective resume that will help you land jobs online.

Part eight—my secret to applying for jobs

The eighth module entails Jake Tran’s personal journey as a remote worker.

Part nine—how to crush any interview

The last section of the training courses includes topics on successful interviews, interviews for particular coding, find high-paying jobs, etc.

Laptop Lifestyle Academy Jake Tran 2

Is Laptop Lifestyle Academy a scam?

No, I actually didn’t find any reason to believe that Jake Tran’s Laptop Lifestyle Academy is a scam.

It is a legitimate program that offers basic training on work-from-home careers.

If you’re considering the program in helping you train in becoming a successful remote worker, you may try the training course at your own risk.

However, because freelancing and remote work is a broad topic, there is no actual training involved. You have to bear in mind that digital jobs may include careers in writing, data entry, SEO specialist, virtual assistant, transcriptionist, and the list goes on.

All Jake can provide you are the basics in starting your career as an online worker. If you’re looking for a specialized skill related to your niche, you may have to search for other online training courses.

And if you’re searching for a better source of income online, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

Pros—what I like about the Laptop Lifestyle Academy

Legitimate program

You’d be happy to know that you are in perfectly good hands in case you consider signing up with the Laptop Lifestyle Academy.

Decent refund policy

They offer a decent two-week refund policy if you are not happy with their program. Also, it’s important that you haven’t gone through 50% of the materials to qualify for the refund.

Also, the two-week period is sufficient to determine whether the program works.

Reasonable price

The $97 cost of the program is affordable.

Cons—what I don’t like about the Laptop Lifestyle Academy

No actual skills are taught

As mentioned, there are no actual skills taught here. You may have to search for an online training skill that particularly specializes in your niche.

Laptop Lifestyle Academy review: Final thoughts

I hope my Laptop Lifestyle Academy review has provided you the sufficient information you need in determining whether the program is worth your money or not.

Even if $97 seems not that much to some, I feel that it’s still a waste of money considering the free sources online.

I am a copywriter and content writer for three years now and earning sufficient income to support myself as a freelancer and remote worker. And during my early years in the industry, I’ve never sought the help of training courses.

I depended on YouTube content, and it helped me significantly!

But I have to admit that there is a much better opportunity than digital careers, let’s continue to the last section of the article and find out…

How I earn income online

When we talk about eCommerce, two platforms immediately come to mind—dropshipping and affiliate marketing.

Dropshipping is a great opportunity, but it may not be preferable for beginners.

On the other hand, affiliate marketing isn’t only a good source of income, but it also suits all levels of experience.

Also, it’s the way better source of income online compared to other money-making schemes you find on the internet for several apparent reasons, and it includes the following—

  • No risks
  • No inventories to handle
  • It is free, to begin with
  • It is a higher and more reliable source of income
  • Unlimited income because you can essentially promote as many brands as you like

Does it sound great?

And yes, what you’ll basically be doing as an affiliate marketer is to market a brand through an affiliate link provided by the company you’re going to represent.

And then, you’ll earn commissions every time someone engages the link and uses it to purchase the products or services offered on the business’s landing page.

Of course, your success in affiliate marketing will rely on your marketing strategy and the quality of traffic being driven into your content.

If you’re a complete beginner and have no idea how to start your business or already know how it works but struggling as of the moment, then you no longer have to worry any further because I have an excellent solution for you!

Tickle the description and discover how you can create an online site and contents that are attracting a lot of traffic from scratch—


Well, I believe that’s just about it!

Thank you for taking the time and effort in reading my Laptop Lifestyle Academy review!

And for being here on my website, let me offer you my FREE e-book that teaches the 4-step method I use to earn money online. Just click on the button below and get your copy right now!

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