Is Billy Gene is Marketing (2021) a Scam? Or, is it Legitimate?

Is Billy Gene is Marketing a scam? Or is it legit? For today’s review, I’ll help you determine whether they’re a good investment or should you avoid them?

Billy Gene is Marketing FRONTPAGE

I bet you’re visiting this content because you want to know—is Billy Gene is Marketing a scam? Or is it legitimate?

It’s actually a good question to ask since Billy’s course is among the top results on the internet if you search for online training courses that teach income opportunities online.

Also, Billy Gene is a popular personality on social media that has thousands of followers worldwide. But even if this may be the case—you still want to be sure if he is the real deal and not some typical guru faking a lifestyle to obtain more followers and gain profits.

And if you want to know the answers, then today’s topic is specially made just for you!

In this article, I will provide you a thorough analysis of Billy Gene’s courses and whether they’re worth every penny, or should you search for other courses on the internet?

But before I start, allow me to disclose that I am NOT an affiliate of Billy Gene and in NO way promoting his program.

So with that out of the way, let’s begin…

Who is Billy Gene?

Before I discuss what is Billy Gene is Marketing, allow me to introduce the man behind the program first.

Billy Gene is a digital entrepreneur and social media influencer. However, he rose to fame as an internet guru that specifically teaches how to take advantage of income opportunities online.

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Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are probably two of the most popular millionaire school dropouts in our history. And to create a compelling background, their story has been pretty much the norm with all of these gurus you’ll find on the internet.

The pattern in Billy Gene’s story is somewhat similar. He is from San Diego, and he dropped out of college to pursue his dream of becoming a millionaire.

In 2010, he started with Facebook ads. It is a good move because Facebook was only a few years old at that time, and using Facebook ads wasn’t widely used by digital marketers.

Because Facebook ads weren’t saturated in those periods, his business grew exponentially.

He also saw great potential when social media marketing was starting to become a popular medium for many entrepreneurs. However, he observed that many of them weren’t good at it.

This instance gave him an idea, and he began creating educational courses to help digital marketers set up their social media ads.

He established Billy Gene is Marketing, Inc., in 2013 when he realized that many businesses are willing to pay him to teach them online marketing.

Billy apparently knows his stuff but does his program provide genuine value to his audiences, and is it worth your time and money?

Is Billy Gene is Marketing a scam? Or is it legitimate?

Let’s continue and find out how the program works.

What is Billy Gene is Marketing? And how does it work?

Billy Gene is Marketing is a series of online training courses that range from earning money through social media, selling techniques, setting up webinars, etc.

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As you can see, the program doesn’t only focus on social media marketing. It also comprises other ways how you can take advantage of income opportunities online.

Also, bear in mind that the courses in “Billy Gene Is Marketing” are offered separately. What this means is that the prices vary depending on the course of your choice.

To give you a better understanding of the program, below is a summary of each of the courses’, the descriptions and prices—

Monthly Genius Ad-Vantage Membership program ($97)

It is a program where Billy Gene shares his experiences as a digital marketer and the valuable lessons he’d learned along the way, and what he would have done to make his growth faster and a little better if he’d start all over again.

GENE-IUS YouTube Masterclass ($997)

The course is basically a tutorial on creating a YouTube Ad account and properly setting it up to obtain optimum results.

The program may yield positive results to some of his students, but the price of $997 is just too much. Plus, there are free materials on the internet where you can learn not only the basics of YouTube Ads but for other social media ads as well.

Sell like a GENE-IUS ($997)

In this course, Billy shares his techniques on how you can close business deals.

Again, the $997 price tag is way too expensive!

You can find tons of free materials on YouTube if you want to gain insights on how to pitch effectively and close deals.

Clicks into Customers 2.0 ($1,497)

It is a course that provides the essentials of creating PPC ads. In addition, the program includes topics on building sales funnels, landing pages, and email lists.

Yes, maybe the program is legitimate, but the price is ridiculously high!

Also, bear in mind that this course may not work for everybody, leading them to believe that it’s a scam.

The Gene Pool Elite ($8,613)

The program includes courses on sales funnels, copywriting, closing deals, etc.

In addition, people who availed of the program will have access to the following—

  • Live weekly training
  • Private Facebook group
  • An extensive review of previous training
  • And more…

I can’t recommend anybody spending $8,613 just for a single program. But you could try it if you have the budget and willing to spend that much money.

I’ve also reviewed several similar income opportunities online in the past. You may check them out if you like—Super Affiliate System Pro and Overnight Millionaire System.

However, if you’re looking for an affordable program that can teach you how you can earn significant income online and achieve financial independence, then you better check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

Is Billy Gene is Marketing a Scam?

I didn’t find any reason to conclude that Billy Gene is Marketing a scam.

Billy Gene is a genuine and humorous guy. You’ll find his podcast and YouTube channel very entertaining and informative if you happen to visit them.

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My only concern with his program is the cost.

Again, let me remind you that although it may produce positive results, it won’t always be the case for most of his clients.

The program’s cost may not be able to justify those who didn’t get the results they expected which may lead them to believe that it might be a scam.

What I DON’T LIKE about Billy Gene is Marketing


You will get an upsell for Billy’s so-called Million Dollar Month Blueprint once you signed up.

I bet that there are more upsells after the initial registration because of his desire to update and add courses continuously.

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Undisclosed charges

As mentioned, the program is being updated regularly. What this means is that the price of the courses may vary from time to time.

Therefore, be sure to thoroughly read the contract details before you provide them your billing information.

Here is one example of an undisclosed charge—

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“F” BBB rating

In order to check the credibility of a company, most people refer to their BBB (Better Business Bureau) profile.

Although having a negative BBB rating or not having a BBB profile doesn’t necessarily mean that the company is a scam, it would greatly affect the decision-making of any potential clients.

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Billy Gene is Marketing has obtained an “F” rating which mostly came from unresolved issues.

Too expensive

As I repeatedly emphasized, Billy Gene is Marketing is way too expensive. If you don’t have a sufficient budget, I don’t recommend the program at all!

No refunds

Aside from being too expensive, the program has no refund policy.

If you’re looking for a better source of income online, then you have to check out my top work-from-recommendation!

What I LIKE about Billy Gene is Marketing

Billy Gene has a great personality

Billy Gene’s enthusiasm and high level of energy are pretty inviting.

However, the downside of such a character is that he also loud, curses a lot, and utters words that may offend someone.

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It may provide results

As mentioned, the program may yield positive results for some individuals. However, this won’t be the case for most of his clients, leading them to conclude that they were scammed.

Positive customer feedback

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Final thoughts

I hope today’s article has provided you with the answer to this important question—is Billy Gene is Marketing a scam? Or is it legitimate?

But either way, I don’t feel recommending them, especially if you are on a tight budget.

It’s okay to fail sometimes—it’s part of our growth. But I believe that spending $8,700 for a training course only to find out that it didn’t work in the end is an expensive way to fail.

But if you have the means to cover for the course’s cost, then by all means, do so at your own risks!

But if you want to know a much better way to earn income online, then let’s continue to the last section…

How I earn income online

You would find tons of results when you search for income opportunities online. And the results could be very overwhelming, and determining which ones are legitimate could also be challenging.

Affiliate marketing is the best source of income online, and I say this with complete conviction for several apparent reasons—

  • 100% legitimate
  • It possesses no risks
  • It is free, to begin with
  • It is a reliable and higher source of income
  • No need to worry about inventory management
  • Most importantly, the potential income is unlimited because you can essentially promote as many brands as you wish

Does it sound great?

And yes, your main responsibility as an affiliate marketer is to advertise the products or services offered by the brand you’re promoting through your online content if you’re a website owner and social media if you’re an influencer.

However, what good your products would be if you cannot attract audiences so that you’d have the opportunity to market the brand. With this being said—your success in this type of business depends on your ability to drive quality traffic to your content.

And if this is your concern, then worry no further! I got your back!

Slightly tickle the description provided below, and I will show you how you can create a stunning website from scratch that’s generating a lot of traffic—


Well, I guess that’s just about it!

Thank you for your time and effort in reading my “Is Billy Gene is Marketing a Scam?” content!

To thank you for being on my website, I am offering my e-book, FREE of charge.

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2 thoughts on “Is Billy Gene is Marketing (2021) a Scam? Or, is it Legitimate?”

  1. Thanks for this very valuable review about Billy Gene is marketing.

    It is great to learn from people who have managed to hit the big time, but he really doesn’t make it easy for people to follow him due to the huge amounts he charges.  I would not risk paying those amounts to find out that the training was beyond me.  Even though he can teach me what he did, it doesn’t mean that everyone can replicate it, so there is a chance that I could still fail and be greatly out of pocket.

    I would like the guarantee of money back, or a free introduction before I would join this system.

    • I agree with you, Geoff,

      The fact that there is a no refund policy is very unappealing. His course may not be for everybody and to have to pay that amount of money before is too much for me too!


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