Auto Chat Profits Review – Is this one a scam or can you really make $423.67 a day?

I received an interesting email invitation this morning and decided to check it out to see what it’s all about.

Here is a copy of the email:


This unbelievable opportunity is here to work from home. All you have to do is be brave enough to leave your boring

job behind!  A video shows you everything you need to know and you can work whenever you want, even the weekends.

I couldn’t believe how easy it was and I now make $2000 a week!

If you want to find out for yourself, click here… ==>>LINK

Have a nice day


So the first thing I saw is a claim that this “new” system for 2019 is using chatbot technology and is supposed to make up to $423.67 per day.

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Anyone looking to improve their financial situation and are looking for a solution would be delighted with what they claim here, wouldn’t they!

If you are reading this article today, then that means that you are one of the few people taking time to really do their due diligence and research the truth before buying into these kinds of digital products. I would like to congratulate you for doing so!

Let’s see if this is real and if you are going to make that kind of money with it if you do decide to try it.

I can tell you right now that this system does not live up to all the hype and revenues it promises. Let me tell you what platform I use to make money using affiliate marketing.

It’s my No. 1 recommendation for anyone who wants to create a passive income online.


Auto Chat Profits 1

My Analysis:

Name: Auto Chat Profits


Owner: Nobody knows!!! We are introduced to a spokesperson called Samantha Smith during the sales video.

Price: The cost is $37 plus numerous upsells.

I receive a lot of emails like the one I have shown you in the intro of my article. They always have a certain twist, a certain catch that gets me almost hopeful that this might be “the one” to make me a millionaire on autopilot. But I quickly wake up from the dream as soon as I click the link and start watching the sales pitch video. ?

I watched this video and it looked like many of the ClickBank products I have reviewed before.

This one says that it exploits a secret robot technology to automatically exploit a controversial 480 million dollar industry.

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And of course, it’s fully automated and so easy to use that you can start using it to make money in under 6 minutes and 14 clicks.

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This is where I feel that they go too far! Yes, there are ways to tell people that their system is supposedly very fast, but who the heck counts their clicks???

For crying out loud this is plain stupid!

And the worst is they repeat this statement so many times, it’s almost brain numbing!

Anyway, according to the video, this is an “all-done-for-you” system with an already built website already loaded with the bot technology. It’s revolutionary and you will be ready to make money “in under 6 minutes and 14 clicks”. Huh!

I watched the video, which looked pretty much like many ClickBank products I have reviewed in the past but something out of the ordinary happened by the end.

Another video started and gave a demo of what you get “inside” the member’s area!

From all the reviews I did up to today, this is the first time I see one of these digital product giving a demo. It’s usually “buy before you try” kind thing.

Of course, I jumped on and watched was a “new” experience for me.

What do you get with Auto Chat Profits?

So, the video starts and we are brought to the member’s area where “Samantha” logs in to her account.

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The first thing you will have to do is open a ClickBank Account (if you don’t have one already). Once you are inside, you will get access to instructions on how to create a ClickBank account and a done-for-you “robot” website.

Then, you will connect your ClickBank account with the website and this system will merge them together.

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One thing I really don’t like is the fact that you don’t own your website, it’s theirs and if they fold for whatever reason, your website goes down with them.

You also don’t get to chose the domain name…which really sucks if you ask my opinion. You end up with whatever name they chose…

Then you will have to connect an email autoresponder to all of this.

What they don’t tell you is that the autoresponders are an extra expense, these are sophisticated and are not free!

I am not even sure that they would allow such a system to be connected to them, but according to them, “it’s so simple I bet even an 8-year old could do it”

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Once these 3 items (ClickBank, Domain/Website and Email Autoresponder) were all connected in their demo, there was this chatbot that came on the screen and pretended that there was some fictitious person answering some questions.

At the end of the “bot” conversation, the “customer” was redirected to a ClickBank product of the system’s choice. If the “person/customer” buys the product, then the member of Auto Chat Profits will make up to 75% commission on that sale through ClickBank. (That part about ClickBank is true, commissions are really high).

However, that’s another thing I am not really fond about, not choosing what product the “customer” is offered. There are some pretty shady products and systems being sold on ClickBank, and I wouldn’t want to be associated with some of them!

In order to access the product, the “visitor” will be required to enter their email address. (This is where the autoresponder comes in)

That way you are building an email list at the same time. That part is actually good. There is a saying that goes “the money is in the list” so if this works like it says it does, it is a good thing to build an email list.

The big names in affiliate marketing call their email list their own personal ATM, so I kind of like the idea of a chatbot getting people to interact and give their email address. However, I am not certain that this method would actually work…

If you want to learn a REAL method of using Affiliate Marketing Click on the button below to create your FREE account:

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What about Traffic?

This all fine and dandy, but you do have to get people to visit these offers. What they suggest are solo ads.

This is like renting someone else’s email list. So you have to pay for people to be directed to your website, which is another cost that you would have to consider. However, it all depends on who you buy your “clicks” from. There are some legit providers out there, but some of them will just be “bots” and your traffic will never convert, so it could just be a waste of money. You really have to be careful with these and choose very carefully.

After the “demo” they come out again with the same old tactic of showing how they make money on autopilot, and they pretend to leave for a week after setting up the “system” and come back and show how much money they made on autopilot with them.

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But something caught my eye right after this while watching. It was something I had seen before!

If you look closely you see that the ClickBank screenshot it says “AFTER Using FMPS”

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FMPS that stands for “Five Minute Profit Site”!!!

I knew it! I knew there was something similar in this system. The Auto Chat Profits is a rehash of Five Minutes Profit Site!

Here is a screenshot from a review I did in July 2018 for the Five Minute Profit Site:

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They did not bother to change the screenshot from ClickBank for their “new system” video presentation. It has the same amounts and the same dates.

This goes to show that they are NOT making money with the system they are selling!! They make money with all these low-quality systems!

Just to let you in on my other review, I did not recommend the Five Minute Profit Site!

I actually looked up my past reviews and found more similar products, that really looks like the Auto Chat Profits. I would not be surprised that the hidden owner from this system is behind all of these:

Daily Cash Siphon

Profit with Alex

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The Daily Cash Siphon and profit with Alex also have the same feel and looks pretty much the same as The Auto Chat Profit.

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So the Auto Chat Profit could be called a “version 4.0”?

Bottom line here is that the “demo” is just part of the sale page!

They try and tell you that they use affiliate marketing and ClickBank, but I have proof right here that they are not making the kind of money they claim with this system.

It is pure B.S. if you ask me! The only thing we got to see with the demo is what the actual system looks like from inside the member’s area.

I will tell you this also: My full disclaimer here is that I did not purchase the system and I do not intend to purchase it either. This is based on my research of the system and what I found out and also the very low potential I see in it.

Pros and Cons


Because it’s sold on ClickBank, it has 60 days money back guarantee.

Relatively low price at $37, or when you try to leave the website, there’s a place where you can click to get it “free” for the first month but then it’s $7 monthly recurring after that. I have to point out that you have to put in your credit card number to access the Free Trial!

You can actually see a demo of the product – That is a new one for me! Usually, these systems are “buy before you try” kind of thing.

A rehashed product from earlier versions (versions with an “s”) of the system. It seems that this is version 4.0 (with a twist)!

The money they claim to be making on ClickBank is from being a vendor of the system NOT using affiliate marketing. Unfortunately, a lot of people will be caught in the “get rich quick” sales pitch.

Pre-made websites will likely be a duplicate of many others.

Chatbot decides on the offer you are promoting so you have NO control!

Traffic based on solo ads. Not that solo ads are a bad thing, but if you are starting out, you have to be very careful!

The owner(s) is (are) hiding behind a spokesperson. Any system that nobody claims it as their own is very suspicious!


Anyone who is beginning in affiliate marketing is not going to make the sort of money that they have shown on the sales video. Those screenshots (from other systems!) are what the hidden owner(s) is(are) making and beginners are not going to get anywhere that level if they do decide to buy this system.

The question everyone is thinking right now: Is this system a scam?

Well, it’s a close call, but no it’s NOT a scam.

The main reason is that you have access to some information and even without the upsells, you could probably get started with a basic website. Therefore, I cannot call it a scam. These kinds of systems are what I call “A very low-quality system“!

My solution to these Low-Quality systems!

If you are sick and tired of being told that there is always an easy way out, a turnkey system that you hardly need any work to make a pile of money, but always end up with some kind of scheme or very low-quality system, please read on.

With the tons of “all done for you” systems on the market today, it’s hard not to be tempted by them. However, I have the experience to tell you that these rarely deliver what they promise.

I would be even bold enough to say that none of these systems are even worth the low cost of accessing the “first level” of their membership, let alone all the “upsells”. They make you believe that you will make money even faster by paying hundreds if not thousands more… It’s a vicious circle.

I have learned over the past few years that if you want to build something worthwhile online, you have to build a solid foundation and grow from there.

My method is NOT a get-rich-quick method, but it’s one that works and will create a passive income for years to come IF you are willing to put in the necessary effort and time.

Affiliate Marketing gets a bad reputation from systems like this. However, it doesn’t have to be that way!

I found a platform that teaches everything about affiliate marketing through an easy step-by-step video course. They will also provide and host for you, 2 free websites so that you can get your business going and “earn while you learn”.

The starter membership is FREE for as long as you like. It’s not a trial period. You can remain a free member for as long as you need!

All you need to do is create a free account with your email address. No credit card required!

Why don’t you give it a try? It won’t cost you a dime!

Discover my proven method here!

I have built my website using Affiliate Marketing and I want to share what I know to anyone who wants to learn how I do it!

I wrote an e-book called Work Online From Home And Make Real Money and I am giving it away for FREE!

Work Online From Home and Make Real Money

Just click on the button below and get your free copy!

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12 thoughts on “Auto Chat Profits Review – Is this one a scam or can you really make $423.67 a day?”

  1. I’m always suspect of new programs that ‘turn up’ in your mail box – I’ve had a few myself over the years! 

    Considering this system does try and teach you something, and does offer a website, I’d agree and say it doesn’t seem like a scam overall. But, if it was just one price it would be more comfortable – the fact that it takes an extra $7 off you every month on the basis of inflated earnings is a concern. 

    Thanks for covering this system – one I’ll probably stay away from. 

    • Thanks for your comment, Chris.  As I said, this system is more of a version 4.0 of previously exposed low-quality programs.  They do offer your money back, and you do get “something” for your money, so yeah, it does not fit the definition of a scam.  But I just can’t recommend a system that says everything will be done for you in a certain amount of clicks.  That is just simple B.S.

  2. There are many ClickBank and ClickSure products like this. These are not scams, but we can say that these are useless. You will probably not earn any $ with it, but as you said, you can ask back your payment from ClickBank, but this is only wasting your time. 

    As you suggest on your site, it is better to start to use the Wealthy Affiliate program. This is a working affiliate program that can make profit to anyone who joins it.

    • Hi Gno,

      You have it right when you say that these systems are not scams but are also useless!  I try and expose them for what they really are and in that manner save people some aggravation wasting their time and then wasting some more to get your money back.  Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is very legit and true!

      Thanks for stopping by!


  3. I hadn’t heard of this particular money making scheme before but they are all alike.

    But it’s hard to criticize it sometimes because the prey on the ‘make money fast and easy crowd’. We all know it’s a scam, but you will be amazed at the thousands of people online that believe this stuff. Even on Facebook you see this sort of thing and the amount of people who say ‘show me how’ is unbelievable.

    The other thing is that although Clickbank is easy to register for, it’s certainly not the best place to be getting Affiliate Links as there are a lot of scams on the site.

    I think the review is great, very in depth and gives an honest view. Completely agree with you in relation to Wealthy Affiliate as an option – great company, great community, great training.

    • Hey Mark 

      Thank you for the great comment, my friend! It’s exactly as you say: They prey on the make money fast crowd!  That is why I expose them for what they really are so that anyone who takes time to do a little research prior to buying in these systems, will at least know what they are getting into!

  4. Thanks, Denis for this informative review on Auto Chat profits review. It is sad to note that these ill-fated systems are usually targeted at newbies in online business. I do get such emails from time to time, however, once I see make money on auto-pilot, I know that all that glitters is not gold. The funny thing is that owners of these websites hardly list their names or numbers for direct contact, but would want prospective buyers to purchase their products. Any site that promises to get rich quick within few days or 24 hours of joining the program is being deceptive to some gullible newbies. My own opinion is that often times, greed makes some people to be swindled of their hard earned money. There is no easy way of making money both offline and online. Making money online requires lots of hard work, patience and having the right mentor.

    • Hi Gracen,

      You are absolutely right!  There is no quick way, online or offline to make that kind of money unless you win the lottery.  These systems are made to lure the newbies that are unaware of these “laws” and get them to think that for $37 they can get rich overnight!  I try to expose them as much as I can so that they can be seen for what they really are!  Thank you for your great comment!

  5. So far, I’ve been just a “consumer” of the internet. I’ve been looking for various sites that promised an immediate gain, and I was skeptical about them.  Auto Chat Profit Review though it seems to have some advantages, my opinion is it’s not worth spending your money, without control like to Auto Chat Profit. 

    Wealthy Affiliate, on the other hand, seems to offer training for beginners as I am. You cannot win instantly but you have to build on a solid foundation and Wealthy Affiliate seems to fit that mold perfectly.  Thank you for this article.

    • Hi Carmen, 

      I am glad that I have provided you with helpful information and that I have directed you over to a great platform.  With Wealthy Affiliate, you will build your solid foundation and create a sustainable online business.

      I wish you success!


  6. It’s hard to believe how some persons still think that there are easier ways to make money with lesser work without having a defined sophisticated way of doing it.

    We need to ask ourselves one question, that, why a person wanna sell a system that will make u 423$ daily for just 37$? it’s very simple logic that good thing doesn’t come easy. But the saddest part is, the greedy people will still fall for this cheap scam.

    What most Affiliate Marketer needs to realize is that Wealth is process driven and it takes time to materialize. So why are we in such a hurry to fall for those cheap scams?

    • You are so right to say “why are we such in a hurry to fall for those cheap scams?”  And I have to answer:  No one wants to wait anymore, and these systems take advantage of that fact.  That is why they hype their systems to the max and lure innocent people in with their “too good to be true” offers.  

      This is where I come in.  I want to expose these systems for what they really are and try and get as many people as I can to realize that it takes time and effort to create something worthy, and none of these “done for you” systems will ever be worth the price you pay for them, since they will NOT produce what they claim to be able to.


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