Fast review – A trick to make $1,700 per day?

There’s a new system that came out just lately called Fast Profits also known as Fast Profits.Online and it’s being promoted all over the internet. This system supposedly can make you $1,700 per day with a few clicks of your mouse.

Fast Profits Online 1

When I hear statements like this, I become very suspicious. So, of course, I took the time to review the system and see what it’s all about.

Unfortunately, there are so many very low-quality programs in scams out there that in today’s online business world it’s hard to define which one is which. I will do my best here to give you the information you need to take a responsible and a reflected decision before you use your hard-earned money to buy this system.

Let’s find out, shall we?

If you are already as skeptic as I am right now about this system, let me show you how I make money online!

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The first thing I always do when reviewing a system is I assess the sales video. I clicked on the play button and started to watch.

The first big red flag for me was the actual title of the video and how this system can show you how to make $1,700 every single day.

Did you calculate the amount of money that represents? $1,700 x 365 = $620,500 in a year. Well, wouldn’t that be awesome?

Fast Profits Online 3

My Analysis:

Name: Fast Profits


Owner: “Michael Carson” – Nothing anywhere showing a Michael Carson being the owner of this system

Price: $37 plus upsells obviously

Before we get into the sales video, I would like to point out something I found. They try to put a face to the owner’s name and they have put up an image of a man saying he is the “founder” of the Fast Profit Online System. He is supposedly called Michael Carson:

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As you can see with this other “Red Flag”, we have an impostor in the house, not a founder!

The sales video starts with the usual “This is Highly confidential and for your eyes only” kind of thing.

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This “statement” is very typical of a very low-quality system like I have reviewed before.

They want you to think that you are in a “private” session and that you have an advantage over other people not as lucky as you are to be invited to their system. I hate to tell you this, but there is nothing private about this system. NOTHING.

This is followed by a screenshot of an outstanding amount of money in a “bank account”. Wow, 2.8 million dollars.

This screenshot can easily be manipulated with photoshop and be fake as well, but we’ll never know so we have to believe it is true after we found out that the “founder” is fake, yeah Right!

The “Get-rich-quick” method is usually too good to be true, and as it turns out, this system looks like it is just that: “Too good to be true”

But that’s not all that is fake. There are people making testimonies on the video and they all thank “Michael” because they are all making boatloads of money with his “system”.

I counted 6 people making testimonies in total and I found all of them on Fiverr. Here are two just to make my point:

Fast Profit Online - 7

She claims that she’s a “Full-time mom because of the help of this incredible system”.

She probably means because of her gigs with Fiverr. I have seen her before on another review I did not so long ago, called Voice Cash Pro.

Here is another one:

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He says that he no longer struggle financially and is able to afford vacations for his family, thanks to Michael and his Fast Profit System.

I found this guy again in another review I did in the past called Easy Insta Profits.

I could go on for another four testimonies, but I think I made my statement by now.

Again a BIG RED FLAG with FAKE testimonies!

To get back to the sales video, apparently, everyone who tried this system has made $20,000 in their first 3 weeks. Well we

The story goes on.  He says that he’s a business analyst and consultant by profession and co-owned a consultancy agency. He supposedly has helped companies (his former clients) increase their revenue by as much as 63% with e-commerce.

Then one day, he was fed up of making them rich, while he worked the long hours. He figured out that one of his “hack” that had helped one of his client increase its revenue by 67%,  could be applied to any other online business. So he decided to “systemize” his method.

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He wanted this method to be as easy as possible, so he claims he invested $27,000 researching and testing his system, and came up with “Weird trick” that is supposed to generate $1,700 a day!  He even let his computer illiterate father try the system and within “a few clicks” made $1,182.93 on his first day!!!!

Then the sales video goes on about how you can have tour dream vacations and make a lot of money and not have to worry about your financial future using this system.

Are you worn-out by all the FAKE systems out there?  Want to create a real online business that will thrive for years to come? Check My No. 1 recommendation

What is Fast Profit System?

I think that at this point your guess is as good as mine because we have some clue that it’s about e-commerce, but that is it.  He says that he has a weird trick or a hack that generates $1,700 per day, but there is nothing in the video that says what it is.

This is a classic “buy before and find out later” which will 99 times out of 100 be too good to be true.  So I dug a little more, to see if there were any clues left behind that would give me a sense of what the product is about, this is what I found in the Privacy Policy:

Fast Profits Online is just a rehash of “The Ecom Formula”.  The later here is not online anymore, but it goes to show that this is not a “new trick”.  They have just renamed the old product.

Another thing I noticed and found really strange is that in the video, he pretends that he dislikes Affiliate Marketing (along with binary options, paid surveys, and forex), but he uses affiliate marketing to promote this product through ClickBank, which is a marketplace for digital products. This is kind of contradictory wouldn’t you think?


All we can assume here is that if you do decide to buy this system, you will get some kind of training on either rehashed PDFs or edited videos on how to set up an e-commerce store in either or platforms.

E-commerce is a very lucrative method of making money online, I am not arguing that fact.  What I am trying to prove here is that it is not as easy as this system is trying to pretend.

How can a $37 system be able to make you generate $1,700 per day?  Think about it for a moment.  If this was the case, I would jump in right away! And so would a LOT of other people.

The only individual making money with this system is whoever is hiding behind it.  Plain and simple.



  • Relatively cheap at $37 – But don’t forget the upsells!
  • Sold on ClickBank, so you do have a 60-day money back guarantee


Obviously all the red flags:

  • Fake Owner
  • Fake Testimonies
  • Hyped-up bank statements
  • Hyped-up money claims
  • Rehashed from an old system
  • No clue of what you are buying until you give them your credit card number

I could go on here but I think you get the picture


I will be totally honest with you here.  I did not purchase the system for the obvious reasons and all the red flags I have enumerated in my review.

I did not want to waste my time and energy going through something that is not worth it anyway and then asking for my money back.

What I can say is that from my experience, these kinds of systems will provide you with some basic training in some digital format, and you will be left on your own trying to figure how you will be able to make $1,700 per day with it.

I am NOT saying that making $1,700 per day using e-commerce is impossible.  What I am saying is that it is very unlikely that if you do decide to buy the system, that you will make the kind of money that they claim you will be making right away.  It simply doesn’t work that way!

Is The Fast a scam?

Well, I have to say that it’s a close call.  The only thing that keeps me from calling this one a real scam is that you can get your money back if you are not satisfied.

What I will say though is that this system is what I call a “Very low-quality” system.

It uses all the fake elements to create a big hype, which is mostly a lie!

What I am saying here is it is very unlikely that you will make $1,700 per day by using this system.  To make that kind of money every day you will have to work a lot more than 1 hour a day as he leads you to believe.

This is what I suggest instead

Like you, a few years ago, I was looking for ways to make money online.  I have been scammed out of my hard-earned money more times than I want to admit.  So every time I would end up on a site like this Fast Profit System, I would become very skeptic and I would do my due diligence and research the system prior to giving them my credit card number.

I finally ended on a platform that had trustworthy training and has really taught me step-by-step the ins and outs of affiliate marketing.   But it’s more than just a training platform, it’s a community of caring and helpful like-minded people.  There are over 1 million members and it’s growing daily.

Let me introduce you to Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate

You can join this community for free, no obligation and no credit card required.  All you need to do is enter your email address and chose a username and you are in.

Once you are in, you will have access to 10 lessons and 2 free websites, that you can keep for as long as you are a member.  But don’t just take my word for it, click on the button below and start your successful online business today!

Get your free account here

I also invite you to check my FREE guide:  Work Online From Home And Make Real Money

Work Online from home and make real money

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And when you join, I will dedicate myself on being your personal coach, so if you end up in a snag or have any questions, I will be there for you!

Let’s do this together!



6 thoughts on “Fast review – A trick to make $1,700 per day?”

  1. I’ve been receiving some emails promoting me to check out the Fast Profit Online site. To be honest, I have no interest, but they are bombarding my inbox like crazy. From your review, I guess there’s nothing much to gain from this program. When there are fake reviewers, the system is bound to be a spam and I am glad I don’t have to waste any money just to find that out. 

    • I totally agree with you Cathy, how can a $37 system be able to make that kind of statement and then lie about all the testimonies, even the “owner” is fake!  You did a good thing to stay away!

  2. Thank you for taking your time to review this site, there are so many scams out there and the unfortunate thing is that people will continue to fall prey. To be honest all the red flags you have highlighted are too big and salient to ignore. An impostor, the hype and the bank statements, in all honesty I would not advise anyone to venture into this.Thanks for the telling the truth about this one. 

    • Hi Clement,

      Yeah, with all the fake testimonies and stock photos, this one is not a winner.  I would suggest that you check out my alternative, which makes a lot more sense and there is no one hiding behind a stock photo there!  Wealthy Affiliate will get you going for FREE!

      Thanks for stopping by!


  3. HI Denis,

    Thank you for providing such a good information about the Fast Profits Online. I am persuaded that it is possible to make this amount of money $1700 per day, but not as fast as this company pretends. I don’t understand how people can do these kinds of things, putting fake testimonials and photos. I think we really need to be careful with these courses online. I already am a Wealthy Affiliate member and I am so pleased with this platform. It is by far the best place to build a real business online. How did you find out for the fake pictures? Well done!

    Thank you for this excellent post!

    • Hi Daniella,

      These fake systems are all look alike and once you have found how they work, it’s pretty easy to expose them for what they are!   These fake photos and testimonies are all over the internet, you just have to do a little research and they are easy to find.  I am glad that you are with Wealthy Affiliate already and taking advantage of this wonderful community!

      I will see you on the inside!


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