Beast Funnels Review: Is it Another Scam Site?

Beast Funnels  FRONTPAGE

Welcome to my Beast Funnels 2022 Review!

If you happen to search the web for the keywords containing the phrase “how to make money online,” you would find that the internet is saturated with online gurus claiming that they have the answer to your needs.

However, you have to bear in mind that this isn’t exactly the case for everybody, and some of them are just con artists trying to scam money from you.

And of the programs that you might’ve come across is Brendan Mace’s Beast Funnels. It is your typical done-for-you system with a marketing pitch that’s over the top. Such an instance makes them a little untrustworthy because it feels that they’re desperate and forcing the product on you.

In any case, if you’re still curious about whether the program is legitimate or not, then the article I have prepared for today is specially written just for you!

But before I begin, allow me to have this opportunity to disclose to you that I am NOT an affiliate of the program, and I will NOT earn any commissions if you decide to sign up for their program.

So with that being said—let’s begin…

Who is the Creator of Beast Funnels?

Brendan Mace is the brains behind Beast Funnels.

He has several social media accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, which have garnered over 58K subscribers—

Beast Funnels IMAGE 1

There’s not sufficient information about him over search engines. However, just by basing on his YouTube account, it seems that Brendan has been in the business of digital entrepreneurship for over ten years now.

Within that period, he has produced several programs, which are mainly DFYs. Some of them are:

  • Secret Weapon
  • Print Monkey
  • Zero Hour Work Days
  • The “No List” Secret

I also have reviewed one of his programs called Set & Forget. As you might have guessed, it’s another meaningless DFY (Done-for-you) system that will cost you a lot of money through upsells.

As long as he has been in the industry, it doesn’t seem to correlate with his online presence because over the span of a decade, he amassed a total subscribers of 58K.

Beast Funnels IMAGE 2

What are Beast Funnels?

Beast Funnels IMAGE 3

Beast Funnels is a done-for-you system offered under a digital affiliate’s marketplace.

It provides you with premade funnels templates. Yes, everything is already set up, and what you’ll have to do is use them and promote them to social media platforms or other similar means.

It was not directly implied that the program is a get-rich-quick scheme, but the way he presents his DFY system is sort of heading that way—it’s highly exaggerated and misleading.

You also have to bear in mind that the problem with DFY systems is that you’re basically getting the same product as the other person that is buying the promises of Beast Funnels.

What this means is that you’re competing with fellow members that have the very same content. Take note that search engines like Google are very strict on spam sites or repeating content which would lead to the filtering of your publications and gaining no traffic at all.

If what you’re after is a high-yielding and more stable source of income online, then you better check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

The only positive thing about the program is that DFY systems are typically very cheap. In the case of Beast Funnels, the upfront cost is only $6.93. However, you also have to account for the upsells, which I will explain in the next section.

Beast Funnels isn’t the first DFY system I’ve reviewed. I have written several reviews of similar platforms in the past, such as the following—, Affiliate Traffic Bots, The Lead Generation Blueprint, and Simple Affiliate System.

The mentioned articles are just a few of them that I made in the past. You can refer to my site by clicking here if you want to see the full list of reviews.

How Much is the Program?

As I discussed earlier, the program will only cost you $6.93 initially.

However, the upsells amount to a total of $795! But that’s not all. You also have to spend for the ManyChat script and autoresponder software, which would cost you $120 per year and $600 per year, respectively.

They do have a 30-day refund policy, but it is still highly inconvenient that you have to go through such trouble if you are not happy with their digital product.

Anyway, the breakdown of the upsells is as follows—

First Upsell: The Platinum Edition at $37

It is an upsell that is supposed to remove restrictions and give you full access to the program. However, there’s really no point in lifting the restrictions since Beast Funnels is really useless.

Second Upsell: Done-For-You System at $197

The upsells include 20 premade blogs that are used to promote Clickbank products. The problem with this setup is that the publications have already been used, which means that your $197 is certainly will go to waste.

Third Upsell: Done-For-You Multi-Million Dollar System at $197

It is another useless DFY that is supposed to give you millions. You what’s cringe-worthy here? They tell stuff and hype you about how amazing their products are but they show you without any proof.

Fourth Upsell: Unlimited Traffic at $197

The next upsell is talking about helping you to get more traffic. However, what he is really talking about is pitching the premade and worn-out content to social media platforms.

Fifth Upsell: License Rights at $167

Well, this is how DFY works. You really don’t need their permission in selling these programs because you can basically sell them like it’s your own products once you have purchased them.

Is Beast Funnels a Scam?

Well, I don’t believe that Beast Funnels is a scam. However, I don’t believe that his digital products are quality either. I give it a 1 star out of 10!

In my opinion, the program is useless, and it would be better if you search for better alternatives, such as my best work-from-home recommendation that can provide you with the essentials you need as you begin your quest in digital entrepreneurship.

What I DON’T LIKE about Beast Funnels

Now, below are some of the things I don’t particularly like about Beast Funnels—

Low-Quality Content

I can’t see any quality in the DFY system. This is also the same case with his other programs, and it seems like he is just recycling the content and continuously renaming it.

Expensive Upsells

Although the initial cost is only about $7, they have not mentioned that there are upcoming upsells which will require you to spend $795.

Hidden Costs

Aside from the upsells, there’s an additional that you have to consider, which includes expenses for the ManyChat script, which is about $120 per year, and an autoresponder application which is about $600 per year.

Unreliable Funnels

Your funnels are essentially connected to Brendan Mace’s. It only means that your funnels are going to cease to exist once Brendan no longer sees the platform as unprofitable.

What I LIKE about Beast Funnels

I did not find any positive things about Brendan Mace’s Beast Funnels. It would be best for you to leave the program alone and search for better options.

I do not discount that Beast Funnels has a low upfront cost and a 30-day refund policy. However, I don’t feel that it’s worth going through this trouble, considering how low quality his program is.

Final Thoughts in Today’s Beast Funnels 2022 Review

I hope the Beast Funnels 2022 review I have prepared has somehow helped you gain more relevant information about the program.

The one advantage of DFY systems is that everything is premade, and all you have to do is to attach them to your posts, such as in your social media accounts or publications if you own a website.

However, as easy as they may be, the pay isn’t that good, and you may have a hard time earning any reliable income from them.

Also, I would like to add how cringey and misleading his marketing pitch is.

The upfront cost displays an amount of about $7. However, the program also includes upsells, which would total you a hefty price of $720 annually!

If you’re looking for a better source of income, then there are a lot better options around that can help you achieve your financial goals.

In the next section of the article, I will present you with a much better alternative than Brendan Mace’s DFY system…

Here’s a Better Alternative to Beast Funnels

Affiliate marketing has been around since the mid-1990s, and the eComm platform has progressively developed over the year. As a result, it became extremely popular because it has already helped a lot of people.

In addition, the platform is beginner-friendly which suits levels of experience. And what makes them more attractive is that they’re cost-effective.

And if you’re wondering how to start your own affiliate marketing endeavor, then you can check out my best work-from-home recommendation and learn how you can effectively manage the business.

And to show you my appreciation by being here today and reading my review, I’m also giving away my book for no cost to you:

4 step-method



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