Set & Forget Review (2020) – Is Brendan Mace’s system worth it? Take a Look inside!

In this Set & Forget Review, I give you a look inside the system and dissect it so that you can make a decision for yourself if it’s for you or not.

As usual, since I am subscribed to many affiliate marketing email lists, I received an invitation just the other day about this new system from Brendan Mace called Set & Forget and I got very curious about it. So much so that I decided to test it out for myself and see if it really performs the way they say it does.

I have heard it so many times before from sales pitches selling systems that say: “you don’t have to do any work and you will be making a ton of money”. Is this system any different?

If you are searching for a “look inside the product”, congratulations for doing your due diligence, you came to the right website.

I will decipher the system for you and once you have gone through my article, you will have a good idea if it’s for you or not.

Click here to find out about My No. 1 recommendation


Set Forget Review

Name: Set & Forget


Owner: Brendan Mace & Diego Hernando

Price: $13.03 (with a ton of upsells!!!)

Recommended: NO


On the sales page, the animated video says that there are only 3 steps to this system so that you can make money.

Step 1 – “Set & Forget” the system

Set & Forget Step 1

Step 2 – Activate the built-in traffic

Set & Forget Step 2

Step 3 – Refresh Daily to check your earnings

Set & Forget Step 3

One thing I noticed from the sales page is that there are no promised amounts like “Make $500 per day” or anything in the sorts.

They do have an example of earnings (which is not typical of anyone using this system by the way!) but that’s about it.

Set & Forget Exagerrated Money Claims

HOWEVER, they do mention in the sales video that “they” make $300-$1,000 daily with this same system:

Set & Forget Exagerrated Money Claims 2

Did you notice I put “They” in bold?

That’s because this is usually what happens with “Done-for-you” systems.

The only ones that make money in these kinds of systems are the system’s creators.

I must say that I strongly believe that is the case here too. I have reviewed some of Brendan Mace’s products in the past (Invi$ible being one of them) and they all have the same feel.

They are all hyped up and they all have a bunch of lies in them, which is what they sell: “Lies” or “dreams”. They lead you to believe that their systems is the big revolutionary product that is going to make you a millionaire!

I personally dislike people that make tons of money on other people’s lack of knowledge, and Brendan Mace is one of them!

He sells “dreams” and they end up being nightmares for people who buy is crap products!

Enough said about the sales video, let’s see what you get when you do buy the system.

If you are fed up (like me) of trying these very low-quality systems that promise you riches overnight without ever delivering what they sell, let me tell you how I make money online and how you could also start your own online business for FREE. ===>Check out My No. 1 recommendation<===

How does Set & Forget really work?

First let me tell you that if you do decide to buy the front-end product for $13.03, the sales pitch will definitely NOT stop there: you will be hit with 5 other upsells telling you that you need these to make “more” money. The real fact is that this is where these guys make the bulk of their money, with upsells, NOT the front-end product.

The upsells are where they supposedly help you make more money, but the reality is that you actually spend more and they make more.

I also have to say that these upsells are the bulk of the product that you buy for $13.03, so I will go ahead and describe each one of them since they are the biggest part of the system as shown below:

Set & Forget Upsells

The first upsell is called “Set & Forget PRO” (Upgrade to Platinum) – This one is supposedly 95% off from the regular price of $660 and they sell it for $37. This will unlock the front end product (which has limited time and features) with unlimited everything…

The second upsell is called “Done For You 20 Blogs” – This upsell is supposedly “ONLY for the next 100 people, and according to the top banner on the upsell page, there are only 7 spots left. That’s another selling tactic. They lead you to believe that there is a scarcity and that you must hurry if you want to “get in”. There is absolutely NO TRUTH in this! As I said and I repeat, It’s a selling tactic, that’s it!

This upsell is supposedly selling at its regular price of $297 per month (on the sales page – But when you get to the checkout page you are told that the regular price is $1,997 and that the discount price is “Only” $197. With this upgrade, you get 20 websites that they have chosen because they have generated them over $1,000 per day. So basically, you get a copy of what is working for them. However, have you thought about what happens when you just post a copy of something on the Internet? Not much! It’s a copy and search engines hate copies!

The third upsell is called the “Done For You Multi-Million Dollar system” – This upsell gives you “access to Brendan’s own system that generates thousands of dollars every single day” according to him anyway. It’s called Project Profit Academy and it supposedly generates over $1,000 per sales in high ticket products, so you would only need to make a few sales every day to make up to $3,000 per day.

It sounds very interesting since instead of making a few bucks commission on regular affiliate products, this one should make you over $1,000 per sale. The thing is, if it works the way the front-end product does, you will just be spending an extra $197 and not get any results. (I’ll explain what the front end product looks like and how it performs after the upsells)

The fourth upsell is called “Unlimited Traffic” – This upgrade is really called the limitless traffic program and it’s the same product as Brendan has sold on basically all of his products before. My review of another product of his called Invi$ible had the same product in it as an upsell and for the same price of $197. It’s supposed to siphon traffic from his own pages and redirect it to whatever you want… Hmmm, not so sure about this. Why would he give away his own traffic?

If it’s an upgrade to what is in the front end product “The Instant Traffic”, I don’t think it will do much more than get you banned from Social media sites…

This is actually what is in theInstant Traffic” menu of the front end product – links to social media sites:

Set & Forget Instant Traffic

Last but not least, the 5th upsell is called License Rights – And what it does is exactly what the name says. It gives you the right to sell the “Set & Forget” product as if it was your own and keep the profits. You will need to dish out another $167 to get the license rights.

So, if you calculate, the whole package (including the front-end product) would cost $809.03 if someone was to buy all the upsells.

Now, let’s take a look at what the actual Front end product is.

It’s supposed to enable you to set up simple websites that will generate passive income.

The first thing I noticed when you click on Campaigns and get to your “Campaign Manager” is that there is a LIMITED TIME.

Here’s what I mean, as this is what you see at the top of the page:

Set & Forget limited time

So OK then, the front end product is only good for 20 days! Brendan never mentioned this in his sales video! So you have 30 days to ask for your refund to a product that is only going to work for 20 days!

When you click on create a new campaign you will be given 5 pre-written sales pages that you can use to promote and sell.

They range from Affiliate marketing, Woodworking, Diet, Acne, and Diabetes. These are all ClickBank products and what you need to do is give it a campaign name, your ClickBank ID (if you don’t have one they provide a link to get a free account), then save and publish.

Actually, where it is published is still a mystery to me, but anyhow, once you have it published, you need to go and “spam” (post) to all the media sites with the links I showed you in the image above and supposedly “set & forget”.

In this case I would say forget your money!

I did a test run just for fun (I did NOT use my Facebook account as I did not want to get banned) and this is the results after 3 days:

Set & Forget campaign manager

As you can see, NOT ONE HIT, zero, zilch! So much for setting and forgetting. I think that what he means is to forget that you will make money with this!

By the way, the big green button that says “Claim your bonuses here” is a link to Brendan’s Messenger profile and if you follow through the automated messaging, it will bring you to a “free Training” which is basically another sales page for another one of his products that came out lately called Print Monkey

You also get access to another one of his products called Urgency Suites Pro which was selling for $97 back in 2018 for the front end product, is full of upgrades and upsells that can end up costing in the thousands like this product. This has run it’s course and is now given away as a “bonus”!

My opinion here is that it’s not even worth trying for free! And I found a ton of negative reviews on it also!

I may decide to do a review on either one of these at a later date, but it will most likely be the same crap.

But to get back to this review of Set & Forget, there you have it. That’s it!

Unless you spend close to a thousand dollars, you have access to 2 menu items. Some pre-written pages and some links to Social media sites!

This one is not worth your time and/or money!



30 day Money back guarantee. But I would not count on getting your money back soon… I tried clicking on support and it gave me Brendan’s email address:, so I tried sending an email to this address and here is the result:

Set & Forget email address0

Basically then, good luck getting your money back. This “pro” is more of a “con” if you ask me!


Not even worth the $13.03 you pay for the front-end products.

No support whatsoever!

Hyped-up sales videos telling you that you will make hundreds per day, while in fact, nothing happens.

The same kind of useless systems that Brendan sells over and over again!


Brendan Mace is a very good salesman. He has the way to say the right things and is very persuasive and he uses sales tricks to create the sense you are missing out.

However, what he sells does NOT perform the way he says it does. He has been doing the same thing over and over again and he comes out with the same kind of products, with rehashed names and that’s how he makes his money, by taking advantage of people with little to no knowledge about Internet Marketing.

He makes false promises and is only in it for the money, not to help anyone out but himself! (That is my own opinion)

Now the question on everyone’s mind: Is Set & Forget a Scam?

Well, to be honest here, I cannot call it a scam. Only because you do get something for your money, and a real scam is losing out to someone taking money from you and you get nothing.

However, I will say this: It’s a useless product and the only person that will be making money with it is Brendan himself.

He and Jono Armstrong are just selling and not telling you the full truth. It has the feel and is very similar to scams, and it doesn’t live up to its promises!

If I were you I would just STAY AWAY!

A real alternative!

The system reviewed here uses affiliate marketing as a business model and if your goal is to earn a substantial passive income, then I suggest that you forget about the “all-done-for-you-automated” systems sold online. They all have the same similarities and all they do is make money for their creators.

The affiliate marketing industry has exploded in the last few months (since the pandemic began) and online spending increased exponentially. The number of companies investing in their affiliate programs is constantly increasing. To be completely honest, there has never been a better time to get involved in Affiliate Marketing!

I use affiliate marketing as a business model as well. However, I focus on building a business, not trying to take a shortcut with some magical system. About 5 years ago, I was jumping from one shiny object to the next without ever being able to make a cent online, until I found a platform that teaches Affiliate Marketing the right way!

I truly believe that anyone who uses the same step-by-step training and tools I use can earn passive income online with affiliate marketing.

When starting an online business you will need three important and necessary elements:

Website(s), Education, And Expert Training.

With Wealthy Affiliate, you will get all three along with my personal support to guide you along the way.

Wealthy Affiliate is a mix of an online education platform about affiliate marketing and website development, a Social Media network, and a blogging platform. It gives you access to a huge technical platform and experts that support your online business.

The community of positive like-minded people, who are coming from 196 different countries, motivates and supports you through your journey. Our huge knowledge library is your ladder to success.

One cool thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that you can also start for free!

That’s right, you don’t need a credit card to take a test drive and to decide if it is right for you!

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Denis Signature 2022

2 thoughts on “Set & Forget Review (2020) – Is Brendan Mace’s system worth it? Take a Look inside!”

    • Hi Judy,

      First off, I am NOT Brendan Mace. I wrote a review on his system!

      To quote what I said in my review: “Unless you spend close to a thousand dollars, you have access to 2 menu items. Some pre-written pages and some links to Social media sites! This one is not worth your time and/or money!”

      I’m sorry but I don’t recommend it, and it’s really NOT 100% done for you!


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