Invi$ible Review – Scam or Legit? See what’s inside!

Invi$ible says it’s a new and “unique” method that you can make $14,286.45 in 3 days, no camera or English needed. Are you wondering if Invi$ible is a scam? Or is it really a method to create yourself a hefty bank account?

In the make money online world, there seems to be an overabundance of systems, gurus and teachers that are ready and willing to separate you from your hard-earned money in exchange for teaching you their secret to riches.

Is Invi$ible another system that is full of empty promises?

Please read on, we will decipher this system for you.

Click here to find out about My No. 1 recommendation that actually works!


Invi$ible intro

Name: Invi$ible


The owner (s): Brendan Mace in partnership with Jono Armstrong

Price: $12.97 For the front end product and multiple upsells!

Recommended: No


First and foremost I like the fact that we actually see who is behind this system.

Brendan Mace is a very successful Internet Marketer from British Columbia, Canada. He has launched many products in the past and has made himself a fortune with them.

Brendan Mace

From what is explained on the sales page, Invi$ible is a system that teaches you to make money with Affiliate Marketing and Launch Jacking, which is a method where you take advantage of new product launch, and the buzz they create, to attract new customers.

They say that you can do all this without showing your face, they even go as far as saying that you don’t even need to speak English.

The reason that they say you don’t need to speak English is that one of their affiliate (for another of their product) was making at least 400 sales for them and after checking this affiliate out, they realized that he wasn’t showing his face and did not speak any good English either.

He sold the products using a “pen name” and remained anonymous.

However, I believe that this is just a rehash of another similar product that Brendan came out with, in early 2018 called Incognito.

It looks pretty much the same anyway…

So, what is Invi$ible and how does it work?

The first thing that usually happens when you buy in a low priced front end product like this one is you get bombarded with upsells.

Invi$ible is no different.

This annoys the hell out of me that most of these “Done for you” products always have upsells that tell you that if you don’t buy this “upgrade” to what you just bought then you will be missing out on a wonderful opportunity.

Oh and they call them “OTO” or One time offer, so they kinda force you to buy more and more. If it was just one I wouldn’t mind, but it’s a never-ending tale that goes on and on

Here is a graphic representation of what you should expect when you decide to buy the front end product:

Invi$ible Affiliate funnel

As you can see here, someone could end up paying $561.94 in total with these endless upsells!

Disclaimer: I went through the whole upsell “ride” and did not buy any of them, so I will only review the front end product here.

So when you first enter the member’s area you will see this menu:

The person you see in the video is Brendan Mace’s partner in this product: Jono Armstrong and he gives an overview of the system in the introduction video.

If we take a look inside the actual menu, the first item there are training:

Module 1 (and the emphasis of this system) is based on is Solo Ads and how to use it to profit and scale your offer.

Invi$ible Solo Ads training

If you don’t know what solo ads are, that’s where you purchase “clicks” and you send them to your offer.

What you have to do is to go to an established internet marketer that sells his clicks on a platform like Udimi, who usually has a huge email list already, you send this person your link (offer) and they, in turn, use their list to send traffic to your link. The way it works is you are charged by the number of clicks or emails your message will be sent to.

There’s a lot that you need to know about solo ads because you can run through a lot of money and if you don’t know what you’re doing you could lose a lot of money. But a lot of internet marketers have built their whole entire business on solo ads if you know what you’re doing and if you know how to do it, you could make a lot of money fast.

The training video will give you insight into the following:

How to find trustable solo ad vendors

How to find products on affiliate platforms.

How to set up your own autoresponder service to capture the leads. (this is not a FREE service, autoresponders in the Make money online niche have a monthly fee – The free autoresponders don’t allow make money online websites)

How to create landing pages.

How to set up tracking to see where your traffic is coming from (and also to make certain that the solo ads you bought are worth your money).

Basically this is the whole system (promoted on their sales page) in one video.

There are some other trainings beside Solo Ads,

The second module is:

Make $100 per day on Facebook

Invi$ible Facebook Training

This one will give you training on how to use Facebook ads (organic and free) to make $100 per day (supposedly).

The third module is training on using Quora to make money:

Invisible quora training

I am a member of Quora, where I answer a lot of questions, but I have not made any money there yet. They tell you in this video that you can promote your offers on Quora by answering questions and drop your affiliate link.

As far as I know that Quora does NOT like direct affiliate links, and the moderators will delete your link, and you could even get banned…So do read the terms of service before dropping any affiliate links in there!!!

Then Module 4 suggests that you will make $50 – $200 / day suggesting names???

Invi$ible Name suggestingTraining

This one seemed very odd to me…They suggest that you use Squad Help. This is a website where they have contests for people to suggest to people names for their brands. When you sign up, you see a bunch of people looking for a good name for their brand. You submit your idea for a company a name, a tagline or a logo suggestion (if you have a good idea) through one of their contests and if you win the contest you get a monetary reward. Your suggestion, in order to win, will be rated by the contest holder.

You’ll only win if your idea is selected as the winner. Most contests pay between $50 and $200 in a cash prize, some may pay a little higher. This is where they got the “Make $50-$200 by suggesting names!”

This is definitely NOT your typical way of making money online and more of a lottery in my opinion!

Module 5 is about making money on YouTube

Invi$ible YouTube Training

There is a lot of money to be made with YouTube, so there isn’t much more to say here. However, this training will not be enough to give you all the information you need to build an affiliate marketing business. It just scratches the surface.

Then you have the Solo Finder menu item:

Invi$ible solo ads finder

This one (which is the whole software in a sense) will help you find solo ads provider and they are supposedly “verified” by the creators of this system. You will be shown a bunch of different niches to do your research including (in order of appearance):

Internet marketing, Make Money Online, Health, Social Media, Personal development, Dating, and Travel.

When you click on one of them you will be shown some of their “verified” solo ads providers and you can choose them for your campaign.

The next item is an Optin Page template that you can download.

The reason behind this is that you don’t want to just send your traffic to a sales page, but you want to be able to collect their email address also and be able to follow up with them. This template is a good start I guess… Not my way of doing things since a lot of people are going to use the same template, but that is the way it is set up here.

The BONUS section has pre-written email swipes, a case study called “10K email manifesto” by Jono Armstrong and a YouTube ads training course. (By the way, in order to make money on YouTube with ads, you need a minimum of 1000 subscribers)

The last item on the menu is SUPPORT, which is just email support through a third party, nothing to be proud of if you ask me…

So that is it! The whole system is based on SOLO ADS.

So where is that Invi$ible element? I could not find any training on how to become invisible and make money with pen names, not showing your face or not speak[eak English...

Red Flags

Pen Name, Hiding your identity, Automated software

One thing I have seen a lot in my past reviews is that when a system uses a pen name to hide their identity and automated software, it is usually either a scam or at least a very low-quality system. Now, are you the person that wants to be known for being a promoter of systems that are not up to what they claim?

Lies and missing information

They lead you to believe that you are going to learn how to become invisible and make money while being hidden behind a pen name, but, as you have seen in this review (and looking through what’s included) there is nothing in the front end product that will provide this!

Overhyped income claims

They seem to have a common theme of making $100 – $200 per day on all of their video training, which is pure HYPE, I don’t see anyone making that kind of money with what is provided in this system.

If you are fed up (like me) of trying these low-quality systems that promise you riches overnight without ever delivering what they sell, let me tell you how I make money online and how you could also start your own online business for FREE. ===>Check out My No. 1 recommendation<===



Low cost for the front end product

Money-Back Guarantee from Warrior Plus


You will need a hefty advertising budget

Not guaranteed to make any money at all with Solo Ads!

You will need other software like ClickMagik which is like $30 per month to follow the leads sent to your offer by the solo ads provider…

Hyped up money claims

Missing information…Nothing about becoming invisible in the system


These guys know what to say and how to promote systems that are actually not worth that much. The ones making money on this are the creators, the ones selling the system itself, not the ones who try to make money using the system itself!

I for one, will not promote crap digital products with no substance to people who really want to make money online.

I am not saying that it’s not worth $12.97 because you do get some decent training and “stuff” for your 12 bucks, but you are not going to be making $14,286.45 in 3 days. That is a certainty!!!

To top it all, that’s not the way I want to make my money online, and I’d rather work hard to build something else like this blog that helps people instead, and show my face!!!


No, I cannot qualify this system as a scam because you are getting a digital product for your money.

However, it is very misleading and you should not expect to make the kind of money that they show on their sales page.


How about a real online presence, one that you can build yourself?

No matter what you chose to do, I can assure you that NO systems out there will enable you to make “fast cash”!

Yes, the method that they provide here will be faster to get traffic, but there are a lot of people that use paid traffic and they say that it costs a lot!!!

My own experience has taught me the same because you have to pay for so much testing before you can find a combination that works!

Invi$ible uses affiliate marketing, and I have to say that it is my preferred method.

What I love about affiliate marketing is that it’s very easy to get started and you can build and scale your online business with it!

However, just building an email list will only be part of the whole system. You also need to build the trust that people need in order to buy from you!

I personally use a platform that is more of a community of like-minded members always eager to help one another:

Wealthy Affiliate advantages

When starting an online business you will need three important and necessary elements:

Website(s), Education And Expert Training.

With Wealthy Affiliate, you will get all three along with my personal support to guide you along the way.

Nobody wakes up one day and just know how to do this stuff. You will need support and training!

Stop wasting your time with low-quality products and systems and start your new adventure with a FREE test drive.


Free test drive

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