Class With Jeff [Review] – Is ENTRE Blueprint worth the try?

This is a review of a product with several names: ENTRE Blueprint and Copy The Millionaire are 2 of them and all sold on Are they legit and worth the try?

When you get to the sales page the first thing you see is “Do You Want To Learn The Fastest Way To Become A Millionaire? (And How You Can Copy The Step-By-Step Process Starting Today)”

OK so yes, everybody reading this would like to know what is the fastest way to become a millionaire, and I would like to congratulate you on doing your due diligence by researching the product before buying in.

I analyzed and researched this system to find out if in fact, it is what it says it is: A fast way to become a millionaire!

Let’s find out!

Before we start, take a peek at what I do recommend as a system to create your own online business:

Click here to find out about My No. 1 recommendation

One last thing before we start, I am not promoting or affiliated with Class with Jeff,, ENTRE Blueprint, or Copy the Millionaire in any way shape or form. This review is based on my 7+ years of experience as an affiliate marketer, my research, and my own personal opinion.


Name: Class With Jeff / ENTRE Blueprint / Copy The Millionaire


Owner: Jeff Lerner

Price: Depending on the link you used to enter the sales page it varies from $7 to $39 – But it doesn’t end there…


OK so first of all let me say that the sales video by Jeff Lerner is not like the low-quality sales video I have seen so many times before.

Jeff Lerner is a REAL person and he’s not hiding behind a pen name or anything like that. On the contrary, he’s the one who is featured and narrates the sales video.

Class with Jeff - Jeff Lerner

So who is this guy?

I did some research and found that he’s well-known in the online business community. He’s an entrepreneur and speaker. He founded many businesses in the past and today his latest creation is the ENTRE Institute

His video says that he went from $400,000.00 in debt (from a failed restaurant business) to making $40,000,000.00 by building multiple successful online businesses since 2008.

Not a bad track record that’s for sure.

He’s been on TV interviews and featured twice in the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing companies.

So his reputation (from what is said in the sales video) is quite impressive, to say the least.

Now let’s talk about the sales video.

It’s well-made and it keeps the viewer interested, not as I have seen so many times before from the thousands and thousands of crap systems sold online.

However, it’s a typical sales pitch, it lasts approximately 20 minutes long and the main subject here is “the fastest way to become a millionaire”. So, it does include the “bundles of cash”, the exaggerated money-making claims, pleasant images of cars, houses and vacation places, and a “secret to create a full-time income from home” but I would not expect anything else from a sales video anyway.

There are also several people giving their testimonies and they seem legit unlike hired actors in other reviews I have done.

So not many things to say about the sales video except, It’s a sales pitch and it glorifies Jeff as a self-made millionaire that went from rags-to-riches.

Class with Jeff - Rags to riches

===>Check out My No. 1 recommendation<===

How does ENTRE Blueprint works?

After watching the sales pitch, I decided to take a look inside ENTRE Blueprint by clicking the “Yes I want the training and free bonuses now” button and go through the purchase process.

Yes I want the traiing and free bonuses now

The first thing that turned me right off is that in order to access the system, I am obligated to give him my phone/cell number!

Call me old fashion if you want but I have at least 300-400 spam callers numbers on my cell phone blocked list already, so if someone would call me from an unknown number, I wouldn’t answer the call anyway.

This is to set you up to get a call from their 1-on-1 Business advisers.

These so-called 1-On-1 Business Advisers are just salespersons that will try to convince you to buy in this “pay to play” business structure. (We’ll talk about the business structure a little later)

Class with Jeff - phone number obligated

Because of this, I backed away and did not purchase the system!

So how am I supposed to review this system then?

By doing research!

That is what I do!

I have over 7 years of experience in online marketing and I can find out how these systems works, I have seen hundreds of them before.

PLUS, I am not about to get my cell phone spammed daily with more endless sales calls (which I already receive too many) just for one review. I have learned this the hard way and I am now paying for it.

OK, enough said about this. Let’s dig into the actual system.

What I like

In the sales video, he talks about training on creating an awesome life and building a business that will stand the test of time. I can relate to that. It is sound advice that is certain.

Class with Jeff - mentor

He says that the easiest way for an average person to succeed and to become a millionaire is to find a mentor and copy what they did. I also agree with that statement, it is a known fact that and very successful entrepreneurs have done this.

Tony Robbins, one of my personal favorite mentors says so:

Class with Jeff - Tony Robbins quote

He suggests that you do the same thing and copy the top 3 business models that he has used to become a millionaire.

He then proposes the 3 P’s of excellence, which are in my opinion, absolutely necessary for anyone to succeed, so I totally agree with him when he says that these make up the foundation of a successful entrepreneurial mindset.

They are Physical, Personal, and Professional. Yes, they are! You need to master all three to really succeed!

The product itself (according to my research) is designed to help people get their online business set up quickly with easy to follow video training, and when you subscribe you will have to choose from three different business models that Jeff uses and pick the one that you prefer and suits you the most.

These are the same methods that Jeff used to get out of debt and make his millions.

I found a video on Facebook where he explains those 3 passive income ideas:

First is leasing properties and then sub-leasing them daily as a short term place to stay for a profit (Physical passive income).

Then he speaks of Affiliate Marketing, and how much potential there is in creating digital assets (or Digital Real Estate as he calls it) that can generate money for years for just a few minutes of work. He uses YouTube Video as an example.  People will watch a useful video for years on end when the information is valuable, and by inserting an affiliate link in the video, it can generate passive income for a long time.  (If you don’t understand what is Affiliate marketing, I explain it later in this article)

The third method he uses is lead generation.  He says that this is a “modified” version of affiliate marketing where you harvest information from one source and resell it to another (at a profit of course).

He said something in this video that really resonated with me:  “Digital marketing skills opens so many doors as it is the highest leverage skills set that you can plug into.” That is very true!!!

And while doing research on him, I found that his YouTube channel has a lot of free and valuable information.

He speaks from experience and offers a lot of free information that will benefit people that take the time to listen to him!

What I don’t like

What is not said in the sales video:

Up until their shutdown by FTC, Jeff was involved and promoting rigorously the now-defunct MOBE scam (A high ticket pyramid scheme), so he was involved in a pretty downright scam!

There is the fact that I also found his name attached to several similar high ticket programs, so this “Class with Jeff” is just a funnel to his other systems.

I did a little research and found 6 other programs linked to him:

Profit Countdown, Ultimate Laptop Lifestyle, Freedom Shortcut, Coffeeshop Lifestyle Secret, Six Steps to Freedom, and 7 Figures Dream Life.

Also, I never take any bold statements like the one seen on the sales video (Being named the fastest-growing company by Inc. 5000) as 100% true, so through my research, I found the article on Inc.5000 that he talks about in the sales video.

The article quoted Jeff Lerner as the owner and CEO of a company named Xurli.

Class with Jeff - Inc.5000

So I dug up some more and found out that this company ( was part of 2:20 Marketing Group, LLC, but no longer has any live websites and is no longer operating.

I started wondering why they stopped operating.

I found 5 defunct websites that used to be created and operated by Jeff Lerner and they were part of the 2:20 Marketing Group, LLC: (Now an Asian porn site – they bought the defunct web URL)

So that tells me that he had “issues” with these businesses and just closed shop and started anew. I have seen this “trick” hundreds of times before.

When a product or a site has bad reviews, develops a bad reputation, and is described as a scam or a low-quality product, the owner closes the shop and starts with a new name.

One of my latest reviews, Done-4-you Business has the same pattern and the same high ticket price as this product.

Talking about issues, well I found on the BBB website a lot of “issues” take a look at the image below:

Class with Jeff - BBB Complaints

So as you can see, it’s not all rainbows and unicorns when it comes to Jeff Lerner, he had his down moments offline and online also.

It’s easy to convince someone with a well-made sales video, so the best way to avoid being taken for a ride is to research.

In this case, I would say that Jeff Lerner has had his difficulties in the past, and he has learned his lessons well, and came out with the ENTRE Blueprint (the courses)  and the ENTRE Nation community (The platform), which is a “new” video training and community to create yourself an online business according to what he has learned and applied in the past (to make the millions he has made).

Exaggerated money earning claims:

Class with Jeff - exaggerated money claims
Class with Jeff - exaggerated money claims 2

The fact that he says that people with little or no experience will be able to earn $5,000 to $10,000 a month is quite exaggerated and pure hype!

I am not saying it’s impossible, BUT to earn that kind of money online, you need experience (and have a hefty budget, since this systems will end up costing in the thousands if you want to make that kind of money) and you have been successful in the past!

Systems that claim that they can get a total newbie to make that kind of money are just “selling” their products and trying to get anyone in…

First of all “earnings” are not profit.

Second, it doesn’t say how long it took to get to that level of money-earning. It could be a long time unless you follow his lead and pay for the High ticket system that his “1-on-1 business adviser” will try to convince you to buy.

So, in reality, it’s a recruiting game and if you can recruit another person to also buy-in, at a very steep price (several thousand dollars), then you could make a commission on that sales, but as I said before, it is NOT Profit!!!

And remember, in order to make the huge commission you have to invest the same amount in the system to “unlock” the resell rights.

If not, well your commission goes to the next up in line who has purchased at the high ticket price!


He says that for a small fee you get access to the whole package, including 3 special bonuses, one of them being FREE access to one of their ENTRE Business Advisers, and that they are “experts at helping people transform their lives by building an online business”. And they are supposedly worth $200 per hour, but you get this for FREE…

Sorry to burst your bubble here, but these “advisers” are salespeople and all they want is for you to purchase the highest level of the system so that they make the highest commission. They will say that you need to buy at the highest level not to “lose” any commission as I explained before.

The initial price is also very misleading since you’re not going to be able to make any money by paying $39.

You will definitely have to purchase one of Jeff’s high ticket systems, or in this case the ENTRE Blueprint, or become a member of the ENTRE Nation.

So be careful if you do buy-in for $39, you could end up spending thousands with no guaranteed results!


The question on everyone’s mind:  Is “Class with Jeff” or “ENTRE Blueprint” a scam?

No! I can’t call this one a scam. You are going to get “some” training and access to a system for $39.

However, with everything I found out (without giving them my credit card number AND my cell phone number) during my research tells me that you should be careful!

The true purpose of this system is to lead you into much higher ticket upsells.

This business model is not something that the FTC likes either.  Similar systems like MOBE and Digital Attitude have been shut down in the past.

My Advice:  Be Careful!

If you do decide to buy in, don’t rush in and don’t believe everything your “One-on-one adviser” will tell you.

They are just salespeople!


If you are looking to create an online business without breaking the bank doing so, my suggestion and recommendation is basically the opposite of what Jeff says in his sales pitch.

This method will not make you rich overnight and you will need to do work hard (no done-for-you here), like any other business (brick and mortar or digital) for that manner.

People tend to think that there is a magic button on the Internet and that making it rich overnight is possible, but it’s not the case!  It’s actually very different than most of the systems sold online today says so.  The ones that promote overnight success are the ones you should stay away from!

On the other hand, if you are ready and willing to make things happen, and you dedicate yourself, work hard, and use the right kind of training, your chances of success increase exponentially.

I found a method that is real and that makes earning online a reality: Affiliate Marketing!

Let me give you a definition of affiliate marketing: Basically, it’s making money selling other people’s products.


By receiving a commission on the sale you make as an affiliate.

Someone else has done all the hard work. They put the product together and test it, they produce the sales video, the advertising, and all the promotional stuff, and then they reach out to “affiliates” for them to sell their products.

You let other people do the hard work and you make money from it!

You might have heard also about dropshipping. is a “big pool” that allows you to sell their products as well and you can make a commission from 1% to 12% on selling anything on Amazon, and 12% is being very generous.

However, by selling digital products you are going to get a much bigger commission between 50% and 100% of the sale.

Why would they do that you ask? Well, it’s because it’s a win-win situation, you get a commission on the sale and they get MORE sales!

So the commissions are massive compared to Amazon. But again it all depends on your interest and knowledge…

The affiliate marketing industry continues to grow as online spending increases, and the number of companies investing in their affiliate programs is constantly increasing. To be completely honest, there has never been a better time to get involved in Affiliate Marketing! That is just ONE facet to building a business online, and a website can be monetized in many ways.

But you will need guidance.

When starting an online business you will need three important and necessary elements:

Website(s), Education, And Expert Training.

With Wealthy Affiliate you will get all three along with my personal support to guide you along the way.

Take a FREE test drive by clicking the button below:

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NO Credit Card required!

I also want you to have my Free eBook just to thank you for being here on my website:

4 step-method toward success

Click on the image or the button below and get your own copy.

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Denis Signature 2022

6 thoughts on “Class With Jeff [Review] – Is ENTRE Blueprint worth the try?”

    • Hi Ken,

      I am grateful I could be of help to you! Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I appreciate it!

      I wish you a ton of success!

  1. This is great info Denis.

    I appreciate all of the honesty. I stumbled on this blog 25 minutes ago because I wanted to see reviews on products I’m looking to promote as an affiliate.

    I’m glad I found you. I do not want to build an email list that’s recommending deceitful offers on the back-end.

    Any ideas (other than Wealthy Affiliate — I was turned off by the fact I couldn’t get “support” if I didn’t pay the membership) on some ETHICAL products to offer a ‘newborn’ list?

    • Hello Anthony,

      I will be blunt (and honest) here and say that there are some “worthy” products to recommend to your email list, but you will have to search very hard.

      With the years of experience I have, and with all the email lists I am subscribed to, I can tell you that over 95% of products and systems I receive a recommendation in my inbox are either plain out scams, or worthless crap!

      There is the bottom +-5% that is worth promoting but you will have to search far and wide to find them.

      My method is if you want to build your email list with loyal customers, you need to help them first. When you “give” them something that they appreciate and use to fulfill some kind of need they have, they will become your friend and customer!

      The problem with most of the systems that promote the “Make Money Online” niche uses the fact that people are looking for a “quick and easy” and “done for you” method. They (the average Joe) don’t want to put in the necessary work to build a solid and prosperous online business. They want the “get rich quick” method. Well, again with my experience, I can say that these methods that these “gurus” sell are only doing one thing: making these “gurus” richer and the ordinary people poorer when they buy-in.

      So to answer your question, ETHICAL products are there, but they are hard to find.

      My ethical system is Wealthy Affiliate! They are the real deal when it comes to creating an online business! Don’t get me wrong, there are other platforms out there (that I will not mention here) that are similar and offer similar experiences, but none of them has the kind of community spirit that Wealthy Affiliate has!

      To get to the fact that you say that you could not get “support” if you didn’t pay the membership with Wealthy Affiliate kind of surprises me. I can tell you that anyone who becomes a member of Wealthy Affiliate as my referral can get any kind of support they need just by sending me a message on the platform or even by sending me a private email (which I provide to all my referrals). I help anyone who wants to be helped, no matter if they are a “starter” member(Free) or a premium member.

      Your experience is not the rule but an exception! Members are very helpful and the whole community is always there 24/7 since there are millions of members all over the world.

      I wish you success!
      Stay Safe and prosper!


  2. Thanks for the response! The “Make money online” niche is starting to make me sick. You can smell the scams from a mile away, and yet, people still seem to flock to them like flies on… well, you know what i’m getting at.

    I’ll give W.A. another good look before pulling the trigger.

    I appreciate the reply. Thank you.

    • You are very welcome, Anthony,
      As I said, anyone who joins Wealthy Affiliate as my referral will get all the support I can provide, and that is NOT counting what you can get from the community 24/7/365 AND Site Support which answers technical issues and questions within a few minutes every time!

      I will see you inside 🙂



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