Is CashCrate a Scam? A Review

Is CashCrate a scam or legit? Today’s topic focuses on whether this GPT site is worth your while or not.


Is CashCrate a scam? Or is it a good GPT (Get-paid-to) site to engage in?

If you have these questions in mind, then you’d be glad to know that the article I have prepared for today especially caters to your concerns.

With so many income opportunities online, it could be challenging to determine which platforms are truthful and could deliver what they had promised in their marketing pitch.

And one of the programs that you are likely you have come across is a GPT site called CashCrate.

They are in partnership with several legit and popular GPT sites such as FusionCash and Swagbucks, which would lead some to conclude that they’re legitimate as well.

However, you have to bear in mind that they’re separate sites, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re worth your while.

In this article, I’ll discuss the specifics of the platform and help you decide if you should even register for them

But before I begin, allow me to have this opportunity to disclose that I’m NOT an affiliate of CashCrate, and I won’t earn any commissions if you end up signing to the program.

So without further ado, let’s begin…                

Let’s Meet the Creator of CashCrate

The founders of CashCrate were not clearly disclosed. It appears that the site was managed by Patrick Clochesy from November 2008 to April 2019.

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However, what’s clear is that the site was established in 2006 and has its main headquarters in Las Vegas, Nevada.

After Patrick stepped down as the site’s general manager, he went on and became Powercode’s Director of Technology in 2019. He has a decent 82% rating which pretty much tells him he is credible and trustworthy.

However, since he left CashCrate, the site has transitioned into a third-party agent to other well-known GPT platforms and rewards sites like Fusion Cash, TellWut, Swagbucks, and MyPoints, just to name a few of the platforms they are in partnership with.

Such transition doesn’t immediately imply that the company is a scam in any way. But if you’re still curious about the question—is CashCrate a scam? Or is it a good source of income after all? Then let’s continue with my review and find out more about the program…

What is CashCrate?

CashCrate is listed as a GPT and rewards site, which includes paid surveys, free offers, paid offers, beta testers, and referral programs. I will explain them in a little more detail in the next section.

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As mentioned, they are in partnership with several platforms, which means that they earn commissions via lead generation.

In fact, when you click a specific platform on their landing page, you would notice that you would be redirected to a traffic analytics & market share site called before you get to the actual GPT program.

Although GPTs provide an easy source of money, they are not a good income opportunity. They’re basically low-paying and very unreliable.

If you’re aiming for a more stable source of income, then you better check out my best work-from-home recommendations!

I also have previously reviewed several GPT sites, and you can check them out if you wish and see whether you have encountered them in the past as well.

It includes topics such as, Crowdtap, Timebucks, and, just to name a few of the reviews I have published. Or you can check out the site for the full list of reviews by clicking here.

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How Does the Program Work?

Below are the mechanics of the program


The offers section of the program rewards you in two methods which include those that are free and paid. For free offers, you are rewarded just by signing up to a specific website or program.

On the other hand, a paid offer requires you to pay for the registration from your pocket. Some programs and sites do oblige you for a monetary value in exchange for the registration, which explains why you have to pull out money from your pocket.

The good news is that they will pay back plus the reward from participating in the research.

Paid Surveys

Paid surveys are the most common feature of GPT sites because the mechanics are relatively straightforward, and they won’t take much of your time.

Your task is to basically answer questionnaires provided by businesses. There are no wrong answers here, and all you have to do is to provide your honest opinion about a certain topic. Plus, it would only take you about a few minutes to finish the entire assignment.

The information gathered from these surveys is used to improve the marketing strategy of the company.


You don’t actually earn from shopping. What happens here is that they will give you discounts when you shop online using a particular eCommerce site.

Referral Commissions

Another way to earn extra money from CashCrate is by referring and successfully inviting new members to the program.

CashCrate offers two referral tiers. The first referral level provides earnings of 20% commissions, while the second level only generates 10% commissions.


Other income sources on the GPT site include tasks as simple as watching video clips, downloading games, beta testing, and other bonuses. Again, it may sound very easy, but you have to remember that it’s also low-paying.

How Much is the Registration Fee?

In general, the registration fee for GPT sites is free. And this is also the same case with CashCrate, and you can sign up for the program at absolutely no cost.

They will even pay you $1 just for signing up and confirming your email.

However, you have to be at least 13 years of age before you can join the platform and gain access to the sites’ benefits.


Like in any other rewards and GPT sites around, there’s a payout ceiling before you can withdraw your hard-earned money.

For CashCrate, you need to have at least $20 in your account before you can request a cashout.

In addition, the primary payout option for new and low-ranking members is through checks. You can only use your PayPal account for withdrawals if you have already gained high ranks in the program.

Is CashCrate a Scam?

I didn’t find any reason to conclude that CashCrate is a scam. As far as my research goes, I believe it is a legitimate GPT platform that provides income opportunities through paid surveys, offers, beta testing, shopping, etc.

What I DON’T LIKE about CashCrate

Now, below are some of the things I find disadvantageous about the program—

Low Paying Side Hustle

GPT sites, in general, are low-paying and unreliable. Therefore, this kind of platform isn’t for you if you’re looking for a more stable income online.

Limited Payout

As it was discussed earlier, the common payout in CashCrate is through a bank check, which is highly inconvenient. Firstly, they are sent via mail, and you have to deposit or withdraw them in the bank.

They have PayPal options, but you need to be a high-ranking member in order to use this feature.

Poor and Unsatisfactory Rating

As you see below, CashCrate has garnered a low rating on reputable sites such as the BBB (Better Business Bureau), Site Jabber, and Trustpilot.

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The poor rating of CashCrate is complemented by the huge number of complaints and bad reviews from their members.

And such comments about the program reflect how flawed the site is.

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One reason why online marketers ask for your email is so that they can send you regular promotional messages, and they also sell your email information to other online marketers so they can do the same, which is a common practice in the digital business in order to improve lead generation and sales conversion.

High Withdrawal Ceiling

The $20 payout ceiling is a little too high, and it would probably take you a huge number of tasks to reach the required withdrawal amount considering how low and inconsistent the pay is.

Low Income Potential

GPT sites are an extremely low-paying and unreliable source of income. If what you’re after is a good and stable income you can do over the internet, then these platforms aren’t the ones you are looking for.

However, it is possible to earn a high and reliable income online. Many people have already tried it and gained massive financial success.

You can check out my best work-from-home recommendation and learn more about how you can become more financially independent online.

What I LIKE about CashCrate

I don’t really recommend CashCrate, but I have listed the sites’ positive notes just for your reference—

Cash Over Points

CashCrate offers you cash straight away instead of points. However, as mentioned, you need to reach $20 first before you can withdraw your earnings.

Referral System

Referral commissions are commonplace on any reward sites like CashCrate. It is how they encourage their current members to invite new members.

Takeaway and a Better Alternative than CashCrate

I hope today’s discussion has somehow enlightened you on the subject matter and provided you with the answer to this all-important question—is CashCrate a scam? Or is it a good source of income after all?

In general, GPT sites like CashCrate provides an easy way to earn income over the internet. However, as easy as it may be, the payout isn’t that all too well.

As I repeatedly emphasized, the expected income is extremely low, and you may even find it challenging to earn even as low as $10.

Anyway, if you’re looking to get the most out of your vacant time instead of just wasting it away by mindlessly playing games or browsing social media, then I believe investing your time and effort in GPT and reward sites could be worth your while.

However, you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation if what you’re after is a high-yielding and stable income source.

To show you my appreciation for reading today’s review, I’m also giving away my eBook to help you kickstart your business:

4 step-method



Denis Signature 2022

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