Review: Can Chatbots Improve Your Sales? is an AI-powered chatbot software that offers support to digital marketers to increase their sales. They also provide various services that are supposed to improve their online business and provide better marketing strategies. From this thought alone, you can easily determine why they are making a huge wave in the internet marketing genre. But are they living up to the hype they built? Or are they all just hype that provides nothing but empty promises?

If you are among the many people who got caught up by the hype and you want to know if they’re worth your time and money, then the article I prepared is exactly what you are looking for. In today’s review, I will discuss the basic features of the software, and I will reveal to you some of the important things about it that you may not be aware of to help you decide if they are indeed what you need to help you take your business to the next level.

So without further ado, let’s begin today’s review…

Product Overview:

ConversioBot Website was founded in 2016, and it is the brainchild of life-long friends Simon Wood and Giri Prakash. It’s a chatbot application that is powered by artificial software. It mimics human interaction that gives you automation in handling client concerns and the like. The bots are advertised as capable of interpreting, processing, and responding to your users’ unique communication with artificial intelligence. 

They can basically respond through texts, auto-chats, tests, and voice chats. The AI software takes and can accomplish approximately 60% to 90% of the team’s workload, depending on how the business owners use them in interacting with their audience. As a result, it boosts and maintains the sites’ credibility while helping the digital marketer and their team in managing more important matters that impact their business’ profitability and cash flows.

Aside from the Ai-powered chatbot, some of the features of that you have to take note of are as follows—

  • The software works on major platforms like WordPress, Shopify, ClickFunnels, and Facebook, just to name a few.
  • It is fully integrated with popular email auto-responder programs like MailChimp, Aweber, GetResponse, etc.
  • It is also integrated with other productivity platforms like ClickUp, Zappier, etc.
  • It offers customizable chatbots that you can create in minutes
  • allows you to track engagement using Google Analytics, Facebook Ads, and Google Ads.
  • The program also gives you unlimited access to over 12,000 chatbot conversations in a month.
  • 10 AI chat templates for your landing pages.

Although the software appears to have a lot of potential, it is recommended for website owners that already have an established business or unless you already have plans or a set of strategies on how you are going to utilize the application. It requires a monthly payment, and it may not serve value, or you may only waste your money if you don’t know how to use the software.

Recommended: if you are searching for a program that can help you to start your online business from scratch and support you all the way, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

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How Does Work?

Once you are fully registered to, you will observe a clean and user-friendly dashboard. It has less clutter that allows you to easily navigate the features. But how do they actually work in a real-world scenario? You might have come across chatbots as you are interacting with a specific site or by clicking a business profile on social media sites like Facebook. 

Well, that is basically the main feature of They provide your audience with a quick response to their concerns. But what makes stand out from the rest of the competition is the additional feature they offer for a low monthly price, which I will discuss in the next sections.

The process of setting up and using the services of is explained on the landing page of the site. But to give you a rundown of how it works, the following is the summary of’s process—

  • First and foremost, select the best pre-made chatbot templates and design that suit your website’s theme. Or, you also have the option to create your own chatbot template and design using the program’s simple drag-and-drop feature
  • After you have selected your site’s chatbot template and design, go to the embed code section and copy the link provided
  • Now, all you have to do is to paste the code you have copied on your website. And then, make sure that you activate the chatbot feature. You can also apply the chatbot codes to your Facebook Messenger interface. If you are still unsure about the entire process, the good thing is that they also provide a step-by-step tutorial on the subject matter.

That is the entire setup process of! It is that straightforward! Even if you are new to chatbots, setting them up is not complicated. And it is as easy as discussed earlier to create or choose the template, copy the code, and paste it on your website. Again, if you are still confused, they provide a video tutorial on how to create chatbots for your business. If you have questions or concerns, you can always contact their live agents to provide you with the help you need.

And if you are already sold on buying the AI-powered chatbot software, the price and other membership plan features are explained in the following section.

Effectiveness of in Increasing Sales

There are two ways in which can help improve your site’s profitability. First is the Bot Landing Page, where an AI assistant will automatically appear whenever your audience goes to your landing page. Second is the Hijack Bot, where you don’t need to create a website to take advantage of the chatbots. All you have to do is to paste your affiliate links when creating templates for your chatbot. And whenever someone engages in the links, an AI assistant will automatically appear on the sales page of the site you are promoting.

According to Leadoo (among the top conversion platforms), using chatbots can actually improve your site’s engagement by 10% to 100%. Although there’s no sufficient proof to back it up, it is wild, considering that it is only a chatbot. And this is most likely because the fast response to concerns coming from the AIs creates a positive link between you and your audience.

In addition, you also have to bear in mind that they are not only supplementing chatbot services but lead generation as well as other sources that could potentially improve your site’s traffic. However, you also have to remember that there are still no guarantees, and there’s still a likelihood that you will fail if you are unable to formulate an effective strategy that includes promoting the affiliate links to the appropriate target market.

Yes, chatbots like what offers work. But you still have to manage your expectations and plot your course carefully in order to fully take advantage of the chatbot’s capability.

I don’t entirely trust the reviews a website displays on its landing page because there are instances where some of them fabricate them or cherry-pick the best ones commending their program. However, received a positive overall rating from TrustPilot where they obtained a rating of 4.2 over 5 stars.

Trust Pilot Rating

They also received tons of positive comments from their clients, as shown below:

Trust Pilot Review 1
Trust Pilot Review 2

Pricing and Plans offers two-tier membership packages that include the following: Lite Membership Package Costs $35 per Month

  • Customizable chatbots
  • It works with major digital marketing platforms like Wix, WordPress, ClickFunnels, Shopify, etc.
  • 99% uptime data upload through Microsoft Cloud
  • Full integration with Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Zapier, ClickUp, and Google Analytics
  • Full integration with leading email autoresponders software like Aweber, MailChimp, and GetResponse, just to name a few
  • It works with apps linked to Zapier
  • The information is translatable to all languages around the globe
  • A step-by-step tutorial video on how to use
  • Customer support
  • Unlimited access to over 6,000 chatbot conversations in a month
  • is in full compliance with General Data Protection Regulation Pro Membership Package Costs $47 per Month

  • It includes all the features mentioned in the previous section, plus the following benefits
  • License to multiple sites
  • 10 AI chat templates for your landing page
  • Watermark removal
  • Advanced features from that include Delayed Bots, Full Page Bots, Exit Bots, and Embeddable Bots
  • Full commercial license from, which means that you get to keep 100% of the profits
  • It gives you the ability to generate chatbots on external websites that you are affiliated with

The only clear upsell that has is the 10 AI chat template which will cost you $197. But a huge downside of the program is they do not have a refund policy. Thus, if you already provided them with a payment, it would be better if you use the most out of it.

Overall, I still believe that it is a good value for your money, especially if you have a big digital marketing business operation. It improves your website’s visibility and keeps your audience engaged in what you are promoting.

Recommended: If you are looking for a program that is more complete in helping you generate reliable income anywhere and anytime, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

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What I Like/Dislike

Now, let go over some of the positive and negative notes that you have to consider to help you determine if is the right software to take your digital marketing business to the next level:

What I Like About

Here are the positive notes about—

  • They provide you with a choice on whether to use their 10 DFY templates. Unlike other DFY programs, where they force their upsells on you
  • Although the software is straightforward, they provide clients with a step-by-step tutorial on how to use their chatbots
  • In addition to chatbots, they also offer assistance in helping your site generate traffic and improve engagement from your audience
  • The chatbots can work in multiple languages
  • is integrated with major platforms such as Aweber, ClickFunnels, Facebook, etc.
  • Excellent 24-hour customer support

What I Dislike About

Below are the negative notes that you have to consider before buying’s chatbots and other traffic-related applications—

  • Firstly, they do not have a refund policy
  • Although it works on major programs like the ones I mentioned, they are not part of the package. And you have to buy them separately

Final Thoughts/Conclusion is an excellent program to keep your audience engaged by providing them with a quick response to their concerns or any questions about the chatbot. In addition to their chatbot services, they also offer other features that can boost your site’s traffic and improve engagement from your visitors. And the great thing about the program they offer is that they will only cost you between $30 to $45 a month!

With this being said—I believe it is appropriate to give a decent rating of 9 out of 10 stars:

If you are seriously considering as your partner in helping your business grow, there are other notes that you have to bear in mind before you buy a membership. First of all, it is not recommended for newbies who are just starting from scratch unless chatbots are already plotted out in your blueprint. Chatbots are easy to use, but if your site isn’t generating any quality leads, then your monthly payment and efforts in maintaining them would go to waste.


Chatbots are excellent if you already have a digital marketing business. But if you don’t have one yet and you don’t know where to start, then I’m sure you might have heard affiliate marketing along the road as a lucrative and reliable source of income at home.

And this is NOT hype created by internet gurus to get money from you! I have used affiliate marketing myself since 2016, and it has been producing reliable passive income over the past seven years! 

In addition, many people are turning to the amazing advantages of affiliate marketing because they are low-risk and it doesn’t require high capital to start with. You can start your affiliate marketing business with only about $500! Unlike dropshipping or Amazon FBA, you don’t need to concern yourself about storage or shipping products. But the best part of affiliate marketing is you will have the opportunity to market as many brands as you like. Thus, it results in a greater passive income that supports your monthly expenses!

Again, if you are not sure where to begin, but you are serious about succeeding in affiliate marketing, then allow me to share with you a program that helped me when I was just starting out in 2016. 

This program has provided me with the information, tools, and other resources I need in order to succeed in this industry. It helped me gain skills in searching for high-paying topics, establishing a profitable site, creating high-quality content, and utilizing social media to my advantage, just to name a few.

Are you ready to start your own affiliate marketing venture? Then do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of the proven program that has provided me with all of the learnings I need to succeed over the past years.

Click the highlighted description below and begin your affiliate marketing journey today!

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And to show my gratitude for being here with me today, I am also giving away my eBook for free to help you kickstart your affiliate marketing business.


4-Step Method eBook


Denis Signature 2022

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