My Online Startup Review: Read This Before You Signup!

Welcome to My Online Startup review! For today, I’ll provide you with my analysis of the program and help you determine if the program is right for you or not.

My Online Startup FRONTPAGE

A warm welcome to My Online Startup review!

The industry of affiliate marketing has exponentially grown since the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic two years ago.

Health protocols during the peak of COVID-19 have limited us to the confinement of our homes to neutralize the spread of the virus. As a result, it forced us to look for alternatives over the internet, and I bet among your top searches is affiliate marketing.

And this is because for a very good reason. The potential income for affiliate marketing is very high once you have managed it effectively. And if you want to know more about affiliate marketing and how it works, then I’m sure you have likely turned to online training programs for help, such as My Online Startup.

In this discussion, I will present the important features of the program and its advantages and disadvantages, and hopefully, it will help you determine if they’re the right fit for you or not.

But before I officially begin, allow me to disclose to you that I am NOT an affiliate of Chuck Nguyen and I’m NOT marketing any of his programs. I will not gain any commissions if you decide to avail the My Online Startup training program.

So without any further delays, let’s begin…

Let’s Meet the Man Behind My Online Startup

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The brain behind My Online Startup is Chuck Nguyen. He is a digital entrepreneur who is based in Melbourne, Australia.

There’s not much information about Chuck when you search his background online. However, his page says that he started with internet marketing in 2004, and he has grown into a six-figure digital entrepreneur over the last few years or so.

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Also, I managed to find out that he was actually involved with Earn Easy Commission. It is an MLM operation that sells a DFY system. Although there were no definitive reviews about the program being a scam, it is generally not recommended because it is extremely overhyped, misleading, and full of upsells.

It appears that Earn Easy Commission is already defunct because once you refer to the site, it will only redirect you to the landing page of My Online Startup. This got me thinking if the program may also be an MLM scheme.

Anyway, he also owns a YouTube channel with no subscribers, and his last video was uploaded four years ago. Needless to say, his social media profile isn’t earning him any money.

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With so little information about him and considering his background in MLM, does this mean he is untrustworthy? Or is the program a legitimate training you can put your complete trust on?

Let’s continue with My Online Startup review and learn more…

What is My Online Startup?

My Online Startup is advertised as an online course that aims to provide training on affiliate marketing and other ways you can earn money in the comfort of your home.

As I stated earlier, affiliate marketing today is a huge industry because of its capability to help you achieve your financial goals while doing the things you love.

It basically involves representing a brand by promoting them through your content. And then, you earn profits every time someone uses your personalized links to buy the brand’s products or services.

Some popular methods many people use today in affiliate marketing are blog posts, social media content, websites, newsletters, etc.

Refer to the video below to learn more about affiliate marketing—

With the progressive rise of affiliate marketing, there’s also an increase in the training programs and use of the word “affiliate marketing” in their campaigns. In fact, 99% of the programs you’ll find over the internet are created by these so-called internet gurus.

Unfortunately, not all affiliate marketing training programs are legitimate, and most of them are only using the term for profits.

So is My Online Startup the same as many scams and dishonest programs around?

If you’re searching for a legitimate program that can help you gain reliable income online, then you need to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

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However, if you’re still interested in knowing more about the program, let’s take a look at its mechanics and learn more about its legitimacy and potential in helping you master affiliate marketing…

What’s Inside My Online Startup Training Program?

Now, the following are the features of My Online Startup online course—

MOS Training Videos

First and foremost are the training modules you’ll get from being a member of My Online Startup. Here is the complete list of the 9 modules inside the training module—

  • Getting Starting – What Can You Expect from the Program
  • First Step: The Gameplan
  • Second Step: Success Mindset
  • Third Step: Affiliate Marketing
  • Fourth Step: Lead Generation
  • Fifth Step: Authority Platform
  • Sixth Step: YouTube Marketing
  • Seventh Step: Focus on TikTok Marketing
  • Eight Step: Target Solo Ads

All in all, you will get a total of 51 training videos.

I find it odd that he has YouTube Marketing in his modules since he is unable to manage his social media profiles and earn sufficient income from the platform.

MOS Tools and Resources

You will also receive tools and other resources that should help you in your digital marketing endeavor. However, these are not directly offered under the My Online Startup brand. You actually have to get them outside of the program.

What this means is that the expenses depend on the items you’re going to purchase.

Some of the tools and resources they recommend are as follows—

  • Clickbank – affiliate marketplace
  • SiteGround – site hosting
  • Bluehost – another hosting site, but this is more popular than SiteGround
  • Wealthy Affiliates – this is a very popular affiliate marketing platform (of which I am already a member).
  • Thrive Themes – it is a site builder for WordPress
  • Jumpstart Themes – it is another site builder for WordPress
  • Grammarly – a plugin that checks grammatical errors
  • LongTail  Pro – a keyword research tool
  • GetResponse – email autoresponder software
  • ClickFunnels – sales funnel builder

And there’s many more…

It is a long list, but you have to take note that you have to purchase them separately because they are not included in your membership plan for the program.

I also find it strange that My Online Startup markets itself as affiliate marketing but recommends a competitor program such as Wealthy Affiliates.

The mentioned program is actually the one I highly recommend. It’s very legitimate and probably the most popular you can find online because of its budget-friendly price and high-quality tools and resources.

If you are interested in knowing more about Wealthy Affiliates, then you can check out this link.

MOS Support System

My Online Startup also offers a support feature to help their members and assist them whenever they have concerns or want to clarify the offerings of the program.

How Much is the Program?

The membership for My Online Startup is free. However, you have to settle a one-time payment of $147 to access the program’s premium features. It also comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are unsatisfied with how the program is progressing.

Is My Online Startup a Scam?

No My Online Startup training program is NOT a scam.

However, the training courses they offer could be improved. And the free membership is a lure to get you in and then you have to spend a LOT of money to adhere to all of the other tools and resources they recommend.

What I LIKE about My Online Startup

The one positive thing about My Online Startup is the 30-day refund policy they promise.

If you’re looking for a legitimate program that can really help you achieve your financial independence, then it is better that you check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

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What I DON’T LIKE about My Online Startup

The following are some of the disadvantages of My Online Startup—

Limited Accessibility

My Online Startup is limited to specific regions such as the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Denmark, Germany, etc.


The beginning of his sales pitch doesn’t disclose the upfront cost of $147. They repeatedly mention that it’s free. Well, the membership is free, but you have to pay the required amount to gain full access to the program’s features.


As mentioned, tools and other essential resources are not part of the membership program. You have to avail them outside of the My Online Startup program, which means that you’ll incur more expenses.

His required tools and applications will cost you an approximate total amount of $3,223.04 in just the first year!

Final Thoughts on My Online Startup Review and My Personal Rating

I hope My Online Startup review for today has provided you with enough information you need to help you decide if the program is the right fit for you or if should you continue searching for better alternatives.

Due to the hidden costs, extra costs, and exaggerated claims, I am giving the program a 6 out of 10 rating

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I’m giving them 6 ratings because the training may still provide some value, one way or the other.

A Better Alternative to My Online Startup Review

If you’re searching for a more legitimate affiliate marketing program that offers high-quality training on the subject and is way more affordable compared to My Online Startup, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

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I believe that’s just about it in today’s My Online Startup review!

And to show you my deep appreciation just by being here with me today, I’m also giving away my book to help you jumpstart your affiliate marketing venture and gain immediate traction in the business—

4 step-method


I hope to see you in the following reviews!


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