Is Download Dollars a Scam? Here are Some Red Flags!

Is Download Dollars a scam? Or is it legitimate? For today, I’ll share with you my analysis of the program and help you determine if the program is right for you or not.

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Is Download Dollars a scam? Or is it a legit source of income after all that you can completely rely on?

When you visit their landing page, if you have experience with GPT (Get-Paid-To) sites, the phrases “it only takes three minutes” and “no experience needed” may immediately give you a good sense of what the program is all about.

Some GPT sites today make big promises about the money you could earn with them. However, in reality, the income potential with them is extremely low, and I know that it would not be sufficient to support your monthly expenses.

I actually have reviewed two of Shawn Josiah’s DFY (Done-For-You) systems in the past—namely, Perpetual Income 365 (which I reviewed twice in 2020 and 2022) and Click Home Income. Another of his digital product that you can find in Clickbank is called the Email Profit Academy.

Although his among Clickbank’s top sellers, I don’t recommend any of its digital products because most of them are rehashed, low-quality, number of fake testimonies and bogus information, and are focused on recruitment and upsells.

So is Download Dollars the same as with his previous products?

Let’s continue with today’s discussion and learn more about the program…

Who is the Creator of Download Dollars?

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Download Dollars is the creation of Shawn Josiah. And as I discussed earlier, He is an experienced digital entrepreneur and among the top affiliates of Clickbank and Warrior Plus.

Some of his notable accomplishments in internet marketing are as follows—

  • A multiple Clickbank Platinum Affiliate And Vendor of the Year Awardee for three straight years—2019, 2020, and 2022
  • He also Warrior Plus’ Top Five Sellers and Affiliates from July 2020 up to the present
  • He is a seven-figure affiliate, according to his claims

However, this doesn’t mean that he is promoting legitimate and quality products. It may only indicate that he is good at marketing a specific product on the said affiliate marketing site.

Also, despite his multiple accolades, there’s not much information about him over the internet. This may not be a complete concern if you ask me, but it would be nice to know more about the person you are working with.

This would also be a good opportunity for many people to learn more about him and his credibility as a digital entrepreneur and then determine if he is the right person to help them achieve their goals or would they continue searching for more legitimate programs.

So with this being said—is Download Dollars a scam? Or is he legitimate after all, considering his achievements in the business?

What is Download Dollars?

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Download Dollars is a new GPT site and just among the number of Shawn Josiah’s programs and other digital products offered in Clickbank.

As the title suggests, Download Dollars is basically a GPT (get-paid-to) site that provides income opportunities by completing a set of tasks—in this case; it’s beta testing applications.

You get rewards by simply downloading a specific program and providing your comments and reviews about your experience with the application. That’s it! Also, there are other tasks like surveys and more.

It’s relatively straightforward and very easy to do. And if there’s one thing that they get right is that the entire process will only take you about a few minutes.

On their landing page, you see claims that their system doesn’t fail and that it’s generating thousands of dollars monthly. And that the program has a 96% success rate.

You have to remember that as easy as GPT tasks are, the payout isn’t that great as well. In fact, it is extremely low, and I doubt that a week’s task could even reach $10!

If there’s one thing you have to know about Josiah, he is notorious for creating overhyped claims, elaborate fake testimonials, and bogus proof of income. You can read more about his schemes in my review of his Perpetual Income 365 and Click Home Income.

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Also, Josiah’s main forte is DFY systems. Now, as you go along with the program, you will soon realize that promoting DFYs is the true intention of Download Dollars which I’ll discuss in the following section.

If you’re looking for a legitimate program that can help you achieve your financial goals online, then you better see my best work-from-home recommendation!

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How Does the Download Dollars Work?

As I discussed earlier, Download Dollars works by downloading the app and beta testing it. And then, you earn money every time a task is completed.

However, as I mentioned, Shawn Josiah is primarily known for his DFY systems. A done-for-you system basically provides you with premade materials and other templates like a website, email funnels, etc.

Based on my experience with DFY programs, they also give you other features like various training courses and videos. I bet the content and materials they are providing are from PLR (private label rights) sites.

Another misconception that many DFY marketers are selling to their audience is advertising their programs as affiliate marketing. And obviously, this isn’t true.

DFY program is referral marketing—they are more focused on selling their own products and rewarding their clients with commissions. On the other hand, affiliate marketing concentrates on third-party brands where the digital entrepreneur represents them through their online publications such as websites, blog posts, newsletters, social media content, vlogs, etc.

To learn more about how affiliate marketing really works, then you can check the reference below—


Yes, there are upsells or the so-called upgrades. And the main upsells are as follows—

Upsell One: Unlimited Version

This upsell basically gives you full access to all of the available GPT tasks.

Upsell Two: DFY

Now, this part of the upsell activates the DFY system, as I discussed earlier.

Upsell Three: Cashback

It’s unclear what the third upsell really provides, but just by basing on the title, you can already tell that it involves earning opportunities through cashbacks as a way for you to boost your monthly income.

Upsell Four:  Income Multiplier

It is an upgrade to the DFY system where it includes the following additional features—

  • Email swipes
  • Sales funnels
  • Bonuses that they claim to boost your sale
  • Automation
  • Video tutorial

I also have reviewed several dishonest DFY sites in the past that are full of upsells. You read about them if you like—Affiliate Traffic Bot, Googlix,, and VIP Bot Club, just to name a few of the programs I have covered.

Or you can refer to the full list of programs I have reviewed previously and see whether you have come across any of them. You can read about them by clicking this link.

How Much is the Program?

The main program will cost you $19. Again, you may end up spending more money due to the number of upsells they require you to pay for—

  • Upsell One: Unlimited Version is $37 to $47
  • Upsell Two: DFY is $97 to $297
  • Upsell Three: Cashback is $67 to $127
  • Upsell Four: Income Multiplier is $47 to $97

This is a typical DFY scheme. They make big promises about the false potential of their program and hide the upsells that follow after you have paid for the initial cost. As a result, you will end up incurring huge expenses rather than making any savings.

If you are looking for a more legitimate program that’s more cost-effective and suits all levels of experience, then you have to try my best work-from-home recommendation!

The best method

Is Download Dollars a Scam?

Although Shawn Josiah is a multi-awarded Clickbank and Warrior Plus seller, I do not recommend any of his programs. As I discussed in my previous articles, Download Dollars are low-quality and overhyped, which is similar to Perpetual Income 365 and Click Home Income.

I also don’t particularly like how he uses fake information to lure people into buying his programs. If he fully trusts his program’s capability, then I don’t believe he needs to use any bogus information that would ruin his credibility.

What I LIKE about Download Dollars

I did not find any positive characteristics about the program that could lead me to recommend it—it is full of misleading claims and upsells. If you are indeed looking for a GPT site, then it is best to stick with the popular ones around, like Fusion Cash and Swag Bucks.

What I DON’T LIKE about Download Dollars

Now, below are the things I don’t like about Shawn Josiah’s Download Dollars—

Misleading and Extremely Exaggerated

The claims he has stated on his landing page are plainly misleading and overhyped.


The program is full of upsells, which are pretty expensive.

Final Thoughts and My Personal Rating

I hope today’s article has provided you with the answer you seek in the all-important question—is Download Dollars a scam? Or is it a good source of income after all?

Whatever your stand may be, I don’t recommend the program at all. As I said prior, there are better GPT sites you can turn to if paid tasks are your thing.

For example, you don’t have to pay any cent with either Fusion Cash or Swag Bucks. It’s completely free! Plus, there are no upsells!

With this being said—I am giving Download Dollars a rating of 4.5 over 10—Not a passing grade!

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A Better Alternative to Download Dollars

Affiliate marketing has been around for many years now, and the eComm platform has been able to help thousands of people reach their financial goals since then.

And it is for this reason that many are beginning to see its potential as a source of income online—

  • It is cost effective
  • You don’t have to deal with inventories
  • It suits all levels of experiences
  • Best of all, it can be a reliable income once you have managed the business effectively

If you are interested in knowing more about affiliate marketing and how it can help you gain financial independence, then you better check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

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