Perpetual Income 365 Review – Scam or $432/day? Take a look inside!

Perpetual Income 365 Scam

Is Perpetual Income 365 a scam? Does it really use a “Secret Netflix Algorithm” to create perpetual income? Take a look inside the member’s area and find out!

This new ClickBank digital product says that they are exposing a “shocking secret” that should be able to create a $432 per day income stream using this “Secret Netflix Algorithm”. Is this for real or is it just another one of the multitude of low-quality systems on the Internet today? Read on and find out!

Click here to find out about My No. 1 recommendation


Name: Perpetual Income 365


Owner: Shawn Josiah

Price: $9 upfront to access the system, then $47 per month. There are also 3 upsells which are explained later.

Score: I give it 5 out of 10 which is better than most systems I review simply because Shawn Josiah is a real person and the system has some credibility, why not a higher mark then? Because of the sales videos and what is not said to the purchaser before they buy!

Recommended: Yes, but with some reservations (I tell you why later in the article it’s not for everybody.)


The landing (1st) sales video is typical of a low-quality system:

  • False scarcity (24 hours to act and only 50 spots available until the system disappears in thin air, which is not the case! – Check again next week or month and the system will still be available to anyone who wants to buy it)
  • Exaggerated income claims (To make $432 /day with a secret Netflix algorithm)
  • Secret Netflix algorithm? I can tell you right now that there is nothing secret in this system, and Netflix has nothing secret in its business model.Secret Netflix algorithm
  • Hired actors giving false testimonies:

Here is an example:

Laura says that she is a stay at home mom and made $10,239.28 in the past 3 months

Perpetual Income Fiverr actress

Here she is offering her services as a video spokesperson on Fiverr

Perpetual Income Fiverr actress 2

I hate the fact that these testimonies are just scripts and are read by actors making you believe that they are making a lot of money with the system, when in fact they are just hired by the creator.

So basically the first sales video is just to get your attention.

Shawn does present himself in this one (just by name we never see his picture) and flashes his ClickBank Platinum circle award (having made over $500K in sales in 2019), which in itself is something worth keeping in mind. This guy knows how to sell and create income online, we can’t argue that! What is not said here is how much he spends in order to make those sales…

Where this guy lost me is when he talks about his secret algorithm (which is no secret at all) and when he uses actors to give false testimonies.

After watching the 7-minute video, I gave him my email address and was redirected to a second sales video!

If you are fed up (like me) with trying these systems that promise overnight success without ever delivering what they sell, let me tell you how I make money online and how you could also start your own online business for FREE.

===>Check out My No. 1 recommendation<===

What is Perpetual Income 365?

The second sales video starts with a story about how a Mr “X” contacted Shawn by email and wanted to help him quit his day job by sharing an amazing opportunity.

Mr. X supposedly worked for Netflix and had found a 3 part algorithm that Netflix (and other giants like Google, Apple, and Microsoft) used as a limitless ATM machine. They agreed to leverage the algorithm and make money with it themselves.

Apparently, after the very first hour of launching their first affiliate site, they made $112.

Perpetual Income 365 launch

This “secret method” that data scientists use is called MCCA, an acronym that stands for:

Perpetual Income 365 MCCA

And this is supposed to work with human behavior and compound interest. If you start leveraging this method for yourself, you too should be making a lot of money.

But this is just a lot of blah blah! The narrator goes on to say that a 7-year-old used MCCA to make himself $22 million a year. Really? a 7-year-old? I’m sure there has to be some adult behind his fortune!

Then the video gets pretty boring by showing beaches and lavish lifestyles making you imagine what life would be like with this system once you make the kind of money you are supposed to make! Typical of any other sales video for these kinds of products I have seen before.

Perpetual Income 365 dream

Then, again, we have deceitful testimonies, all of them are actors!

Here is an example:

“Andy” an ex-corporate Banker is now supposedly financially free from his 9-5 job!

Perpetual Income Fiverr actor 2

Here is the same guy on Fiverr offering his services for a HD promotional spokesperson video.

Perpetual Income Fiverr actor

The same goes for the section on the sales page where it says “What happy members are saying

Here is one of the testimonies from “Timothy Green”:

Perpetual Income Testimony 2

Again this guy is on Fiverr offering his spokesperson services:

Perpetual Income Testimony 2 fiverr

As I said previously, hiring actors to tell phony testimonies is the way of scammers, so this is a big NO in my book and I just think it’s a cheap and dishonest way to promote a system!

The rest of the video goes on and on about how everything is done for you and that when it’s set up you literally make money at the push of a button.

After watching the second video which is 42 minutes long, but still doesn’t tell what it is exactly, I decided to click on the link.

Well first off, when you try to get in the member’s area, you get hit with upsells after upsells.

The first upsell is called 5 Clicks Profits which sells for $197 and this upsell will unlock some additional plugins that change and captures more attention to the “money pages” that you get with the system to increase the opt-in rate and therefore could increase your sales.

The second upsell is Email ATM which is sold for $297. This one enables you to send out instant email broadcasts within the system.

The third upsell is Perpetual Asset Multiplier. This upsell is part of the money pages and it unlocks 5 extra templates of money pages and is sold for $127.

Once I had refused all the upsells, I got in the member’s area.

Here is what it looks like:

Perpetual Income 365 Menu

The system in itself is well-made and is a lot more than just videos and PDFs like I have seen so many times before.

Shawn has actually put in the effort into this to create a system that works. Like he says in his sales video, it’s a “done for you” system, and I agree.

To summarize what you get for $9 down and $47 per month is a system to promote the same system using email marketing.

I am not going to reveal everything inside the system, that would not be fair to the creator.

When it comes to the secret Netflix algorithm, well it follows the same “subscription” business model but that is not a secret.

It’s basically affiliate marketing!

What you need to do is to promote the system to others and when you get a sale (someone pays a recurring monthly payment of $47), you will get 50% of the sales, which is $23.50.

The system is set up in a way that it integrates (Integration menu item) with both the ClickBank platform from which you get paid and the email autoresponder GetResponse which you use to send out emails to your subscribers.

This means that you can stay within the Perpetual Income 365 system to connect and use both platforms without having to use them separately, which is useful.

Then you create money pages (Landing pages) to promote it (Money Pages menu item) from one of 2 templates provided.

And finally, now this is where you have to do the actual “work” and also the extra investment in your online business (The Traffic Crusher menu item). This is where you will be taught, through some videos by Shawn himself, how and where to buy Solo Ads to get traffic to your money pages.

What is missing from the sales video is that solo ads are not free, and in order to get good and convert traffic to your offer (in this case Perpetual Income 365), you need to buy solo ads from a trustworthy and experienced solo ads provider.

The system will give you some suggested good sources to do so.

But these can be very costly. If you want to make $442 per day (of actual profit, not just sales – which are very different) like the sales video suggest, you would need to invest a LOT of money on solo ads (probably in the $5K to $10K range based on current prices).

And there are no guarantees that the cost will get you a converted sale either. So it’s kind of touch and go.

I am not saying that it’s impossible to create a scaled passive income with this system, but you will need a lot of experience and a lot of anxious time waiting to see if your investment in solo ads will give you the return you need to make a profit!

You could be making $2,000 per month in sales but spend $3,000 in solo ads… It’s a bit like gambling when you are not sure what you are doing and /or have no experience buying solo ads.

There are the upsells that are there to help you with some of the tasks to be done, but since I did not purchase them I will not say anything about them.

I have to say that what I like about this system is that Shawn has done a good job with the videos and that he seems sincere. He even says in one of the videos that this is not a method to get rich quickly and that he has struggled himself for quite a while before making it big.

What I don’t like is the method he uses to sell this system, which is full of deceptions and it does not tell anything about what the actual system is about!

It’s the kind of system that you have to buy before you find out what it is exactly.



The system itself is well-made and better than most of the ones I usually review.

There is a possibility to make money with it IF you have a hefty budget for Solo Ads and you know what you are doing!

An ironclad, 60-day Money Back Guarantee from Clickbank.

Shawn Josiah is a real person and an experienced affiliate marketer, unlike so many other systems where the real owner hides behind a pen name!


The sales videos are misleading and make you believe that you can make a lot of money tapping onto a secret Algorithm, while in fact, the system uses affiliate marketing along with email marketing, which is not a secret at all.

Fiverr actors giving false testimonies in both sales videos

Exaggerated income claims. While it may be possible to make money with the system, there is one BIG thing that is not mentioned in the sales videos: how much you need to invest first in order to make any kind of money!

False scarcity and urgency which is non-existent and just a method/tactic to get you to click and buy the system and increase its own sales.

A hefty Solo Ads budget is needed to make the kind of money that is portrayed in the sales video.


The question on everyone’s mind: Is this system worth buying or is it a scam?

Well, first I can honestly say it’s not a scam! And as far as buying it, well it depends on your budget!

If you have money to spare and you want to take “a shortcut” to make some sales online, well this system could help you.

Notice I said sales and not profit. Sales can be made with this system, but as I explained earlier, sales are not profit.

This system has some value and the videos (made by Shawn himself) explain the method well.

As far as my personal opinion, well I am not a fan of solo ads so his methods are not appealing to me. But I can’t make the decision for you, I can only tell you what my opinion is.

I gave the system a 50 out of 100 because there is value in the system. I did not give it a higher rating because of the deceptive sales videos and the method used to sell it.

In conclusion, I recommend that you consider your “solo ad” budget prior to getting involved.

My method (which does not involve Solo Ads)

Affiliate marketing is a very legit method of making money online, so the methods depicted here are true.

Affiliate marketing is actually how I created a passive income stream with my online business.

This online industry is growing exponentially as more and more people increase their shopping and spending online. There has never been a better time to get involved, however, you will need guidance.

There is a community of over 2 million members that I am part of that helped me go from a complete newbie, not knowing what I was doing, to an experienced affiliate marketer.

The platform is more than just a few videos and some connection to outside digital products, it has thousands of hours of video combined with text-based and task-oriented training, live weekly classes, your own websites (up to 50) hosted right on the platform, live 24/7 support, SEO keyword search tools, Affiliate programs search engines, and a whole lot more.

Its members are one of a kind. They are always around on live chat and private messaging helping each other succeed.

When starting your online business, you will need three important and necessary elements:

Website(s), Education, And Expert Training.

With Wealthy Affiliate, you will get all three along with my personal support to guide you along the way.

Give it a FREE test drive for 7 days. You will get FULL access to the whole system (no credit card or commitment required)

Try it for FREE here!

I also want you to have my Free eBook just to thank you for being here on my website:

Click on the image or the button below and get your own copy.

4 step-method
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And I will see you on the inside!

As always, if you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to use the comments section below!

Denis Signature

8 thoughts on “Perpetual Income 365 Review – Scam or $432/day? Take a look inside!”

  1. You know Denis, you could make a LOT more money online if you got OFF of the Wealthy Affiliate Circle – it’s NOT that great of a program – and I’m judging by the fact that you’re here recommending it over A MUCH BETTER PROGRAM that you’re probably not “super affiliate status” quite yet – keep doing the fake reviews of products you’ve never looked at, maybe you’ll get there someday…

    • James,

      First of all, let me confirm that I have bought the system and that this review is based on facts from my experience with the system itself, so it’s NOT a fake review as you accuse me of doing here!

      If you would have taken the time to really read my article you can clearly see actual screenshots of the inside of the system. No, I did not buy the upgrades and I clearly state that in my review also!

      I have reviewed all aspects of the basic system:
      From the misleading sales video with their supposedly “secret algorithm” which is not a secret at all, it’s just a plain recurring payment system, to the fake testimonies given by Fiverr actors to finally getting inside of the system itself. It’s basically a system to promote the same system and get a commission from the referral…

      I must say that once inside the system, I admitted that it is well made, that some effort was put into it and it’s better than most “done for you” systems I have reviewed in the past and I concluded that the system is NOT a scam. There is some Integration with ClickBank and GetResponse as well as 2 pre-designed landing pages…

      However, one BIG element is missing from the sales video that misleads people to think they can make boatloads of money with this system: The cost of Solo Ads and the conversion of these Solo Ads!
      If your idea of “A MUCH BETTER SYSTEM” is believing the lies that they tell in the sales video to lure you in and then ending up spending thousands upon thousands of dollars on Solo Ads before even breaking a small profit, then please tell me where you see the better part, because I don’t!

      My method, that does NOT involve Solo Ads!!

      It has over 2 million members, I don’t think you can say that for the Perpetual Income 365 system, a one-man show from a guy named Shawn Josiah.

      Wealthy Affiliate shows you (Through video, text, live class, live help end much more) how to create your own online business while learning and becoming an experienced affiliate marketer, not just a cheap landing page connected to an autoresponder. All of this and plus a real community of helpful members always ready and able to help if you need some.

      In conclusion, I cannot agree with your comment and I will stay with Wealthy Affiliate. I may not be a Super Affiliate just yet, but at least I have learned to create my own online business instead of using the same landing page as everyone else is doing with The Perpetual Income 365 system.

      I could go on and on about how Wealthy Affiliate is 1000 times BETTER than this system with all the aspects I haven’t talked about here, but I think I said enough and I believe in what I said!.

  2. Hi Dennis

    I thought your review was vary fair and balanced and I agree with all your points.

    I bought the product and all the upsells earlier this week to evaluate it and see if I wanted to expose my list to it.

    I went through most of the training which I agree is well put together but when I got to the solo ads, I started to realise that the main drawback is that they only have one product (their own) and if you’re buying solo ads the maths don’t work out.

    I emailed support with a few questions. After 50 hours, no reply so I sent a reminder. 12 hours later I get a partial reponse and then 10 minutes later another email cancelling my account and refunding my purchases!

    Certainly not the sort of experience I would put my list through!

    Good luck with Wealthy Affiliate, I have another product I’m currently reviewing but may take a look later.


    • Hi Nick,

      Thank you for confirming my exact feeling about this product. I went through pretty much the same process that you did and got the same response. The math for the solo ads that Shawn Josiah explains in the training simply doesn’t add up to reality. Unfortunately, it is a similar experience to the very low quality and scam products out there. Especially the fake testimonies and the “secret algorithm” B.S. from the sales video…

      If you ever want to check out my method, I will gladly help you out and give you a tour within the platform. The community at Wealthy Affiliate cannot be compared to anything else on the Internet. We are people helping people succeed online!

      I wish you success and wealth!

  3. Hi!

    I really appreciate your honest review!

    I signed up for Wealthy Affiliate about 2 months ago, it was really a great experience BUT I found that it is not for me. When you say it is FREE, it is not free as you say, if you want to get the full training, you should pay $19 for the first month, and if you didn’t upgrade in the first week I think, you must pay $47 to get the full access, and then $47/Month until you delete your account.

    Wealthy Affiliate is only good if you get the full access, so it is not free at all, and honestly, a big part of the training inside Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to use Wealthy Affiliate, the other part teaches you how to do SEO correctly. The videos inside the training that is 5 levels training aren’t organized at all! It seems that Kyle had recorded several videos about everything and then titled them and put them where he thinks they suit in the training. For example, I think in level 3, he explains the banners in your website and how to leverage them (you have so many banners, by the way, lol, I think it is not very good), he mentioned that you should put different banners and test them on your most viewed post/pages. But at that level, you will not have any traffic, so it will somehow confuse the learners.

    I found Wealthy Affiliate after doing deep research, and all of the websites would recommend it, but it is logically normal because Wealthy Affiliate teaches SEO and the websites that rank and have trained with 70 videos on how to promote Wealthy Affiliate. They also have a great affiliate program, so it is common sense that all websites will promote it.

    Anyway, I really made great progress with Wealthy Affiliate. I wrote 22 posts on my website with high-quality SEO in less than a month, and I reached the 12000 in Wealthy Affiliate which is pretty good but I didn’t make any money. In my opinion, keeping working for a month on any business model and not making any money is considered not to be an effective business model.

    I know I would be seeing results in the coming months, but it transforms to be a job, not a passive income! I needed money fast, so I can’t keep doing the same thing and not seeing results for a long time, so I canceled my account in Wealthy Affiliate.

    I think the best thing in Wealth Affiliate is Jay’s webinars and those webinars can be accessed for free in different ways.

    After leaving Wealthy Affiliate, you mentioned that it has 2 million members but I can say that not even %1 of them are making real money, the SEO method is dead now. Google changed so many things and it is really hard these days to rank in Google, Wealthy Affiliate is teaching a kind of Bum Marketing (this is my opinion).

    I searched for other business models but all of them require some start-up money to invest, so I focused on affiliate marketing. I want tomorrow to start a new method for me which is Solo ads, I will promote perpetual income 365 as my first Solo ads campaign and I will be using Udimi and I will be testing 3 different providers. here are the top-recommended three:

    I don’t know what is your problem with solo ads but they are really the best method to do affiliate marketing and build your email list, you don’t have to be an expert on solo ads, what you should simply get any email swipe from your affiliate offer and put it in your solo ad.

    The solo ads that Udimi provides are email marketing specified, so your affiliate offer will go to a ready to buy high-quality traffic in any niche you want. Solo ads are faster and better than SEO for affiliate marketing, they don’t require that much of money to start, you can start with $20 to $60 in your first campaign and if you did it right, you will get sales in less than 10 days. And in Udimi case, if the unique clicks you ordered weren’t completely given, you will be refunded with the rest of the money.

    Thank you for your honest review about Perpetual income 365, I think the fake testimonials are completely normal as they are a part of the marketing and top internet marketers like Wesley Virgin use it. He orders fake recommendations by industry leaders like Grant Cardone! ( I don’t know if you think he is a top internet marketer, but he is really crushing it!), and you can use Perpetual Income to promote other offers as well!

    Good luck with Wealthy Affiliate, and a recommendation for you, put Jaxxy at the top of your website, I think it will convert better, and make the banners on your website lesser.

    I forgot to mention something about Wealthy Affiliate by the way, don’t you think that Wealthy Affiliate’s “Site Comments” is the same idea as fake testimonials, some of the commenters get paid to comment on people’s websites, isn’t this considered as a “fake testimonial”.

    I want to recommend one another thing for you, if you want to make real money with affiliate marketing, start taking money from your pocket, and investing it in Solo ads and different types of ads, it is really the real deal.

    Best Regards,
    15 years old online entrepreneur, nutrition and fitness advisor, and motivational speaker.

    • Hello Al-Motaz

      First, let me say that I genuinely appreciate the fact that you took a lot of time to give me your honest opinion on both my article and Wealthy Affiliate. That is what the purpose of this website is all about, being honest about everything and not hiding behind any pen name or fake promises.

      That being said, I read and re-read your comment and I must agree with some parts of it.

      The first thing I agree with is the fact that yes, some parts of the training at Wealthy Affiliate is a bit outdated. Both Kyle and Carson have acknowledged this and since things change at lightning speed online, they are presently as we speak, doing a major overhaul of the whole training part.

      You say in your signature that you are a 15-year-old entrepreneur. Well, congratulations! Not many people of your age have even the guts to even be an online entrepreneur.

      Entrepreneurship requires a versatility of skills and a range of passions and few people in this world have it. Whether it’s affiliate marketing, copywriting, leadership, team building, or selling, we need the hustle it takes to succeed in the business world. The journey to success has curves, bends, and roundabouts, and mine (or yours) is no exception.

      However, when you say that you wrote 22 articles in less than a month and you quit because you did not make any money right away shows that you are missing the whole point of being an entrepreneur. You did not understand the basics of consistency and persistence to make it as an entrepreneur and that Wealthy Affiliate is NOT a get rich quick method.

      They teach you to build an online business on a solid foundation in an easy to understand video and text format. It might not be for the experienced affiliate marketer, but for a complete newbie, it will take them from zero knowledge to understanding the principles of Internet marketing step-by-step.

      By the way, 22 quality articles with long-tailed targeted keywords in a month x 12 would certainly make Google notice you and rank your articles. That is how SEO works. You must be in for the long run! And it doesn’t matter how often Google changes its algorithm, SEO does not change that much.

      The basic thing that Google wants is a quality experience for their reader and that is how they rank websites.

      Oh, and also, the ranking system in Wealthy Affiliate (You say you’ve reached 12000) is just bragging rights. All it does is it shows how active you are within the community, nothing else.

      You will find hundreds of thousand different systems online promising you that you will strike it rich overnight, and Perpetual Income 365 is not that different, except for a few positive points I have enumerated in my article.

      The difference with Wealthy Affiliate is that they DON’T promise you a get-rich-quick method. Nowhere will you find on their advertising or website a statement saying that you will be making $500 per day within a day or a week or something in that manner. So, when you say that fake testimonials are completely normal as they are part of marketing, I must disagree with you. You name Wesley Virgin as an example but probably more than 99% of what Wesley Virgin post online is done by himself, so there is nothing fake there! He’s the real deal when it comes to making money online and he’s proven it!

      I also have nothing against solo ads. What I did say in my article is that Josh’s math calculation does not add up. I have a degree in accounting, so I know my numbers. The way he explains the “traffic crusher” is (in my opinion) just another sales pitch and if you follow it you probably set yourself up to lose big. To get the levels of revenues he says you should be doing, you will have to invest a LOT of money to make some. But when you spend more money than you bring in, it is called a LOSS.

      In your last statement, you say that if I want to make money with affiliate marketing I should start spending on solo ads. Sorry, buddy, that is not the way I see things. I do invest in advertising (Bing and Google ads), however, solo ads can be only worth the investment IF you have an offer that already converts. Buying solo ads to promote a system that I do not believe in is NOT going to happen!
      Good luck with your online business and I hope that you find what you are looking for.

      Best Regards,

    • Sorry to hear that Joshua!

      I knew this day would come! These “cheap and unreliable systems” are always up one minute and then they disappear as soon as they get a bad reputation.

      However, if you have purchased this system within 60 days, you can request your money back through ClickBank, they will refund your money as they are reliable…

      I hope this helps!



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