Is Click Home Income Legit? Or is it a Scam?


Is Click Home Income Legit? Is it a scam? Today, I’ll help you decide if they’re a good use of your money or should you avoid them.

If you have these concerns in mind, then the article I have prepared for today’s discussion is specially written just for you!

But before I officially begin, allow me to have this moment to disclose that I am NOT an affiliate and NOT representing the program in any way. I also DO NOT promote any of their products or subsequent upsells.

This article is my honest opinion about the program and its effectiveness in helping you become financially stable online.

So without further ado, let’s begin…

Let’s Meet the Founder of Click Home Income

Click Home Income IMAGE 1

Click Home Income was founded by Shawn Josiah—he is a digital entrepreneur and an expert in online money-making schemes with years of experience in the field.

He only launched the product very recently—January 21, 2022, to be exact.

Anyway, I researched Shawn Josiah’s background and found little information about him.

There’s also not that much on the about section of his official page. The only thing you’ll read there are his accomplishments, such as earning the following accolades—

  • Clickbank Platinum Affiliate in 2019
  • Clickbank Platinum Affiliate and Vendor for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021
  • Enlisted in the Warrior+ Top 5 in July 2020 up to the present
  • Clickbank’s #1 eComm Business for Perpetual Income 360 in 2020 up to the present
  • He is a 7-Figure Affiliate Marketer

Aside from Click Home Income, he is the proud founder of some of the selling e-products in Clickbank, like Email Profit Academy and the already mentioned Perpetual Income 365 for which I did a review when it first came out in early 2020. You can read it here.

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So is Click Home Income legit? Or is it something that’s not worth your while after all?

Let’s continue to the next part of today’s discussion, and I’ll present you more about the specifics of the program…

Click Home Income IMAGE 3

What is Click Home Income?

The first thing I’ve noticed when I started researching info about Click Home Income is that there’s no conclusive answer on what it is.

When you Google search the topic, you’d find many answers but unclear on what the program can truly deliver.

Also, the other review sites I’ve visited offer no help at all. Also, they make the program’s 7 Income Streams appear revolutionary and unique in the industry. But I highly doubt such claims.

As I read through their sales page, I indeed found that the program isn’t special. In substance, it is a freelancing platform that is similar to UpWork or Fiverr. The only dissimilarity is that it is free to join the two mentioned applications.

The so-called 7 Income Streams are basic tasks that include the following—

  • Income Stream 1: Document conversion tasks, for example, converting a PDF file to a Word document and vice versa
  • Income Stream 2: Content Writing
  • Income Stream 3: Logo Designer
  • Income Stream 4: eBook Cover Creator
  • Income Stream 5: Transcribing
  • Income Stream 6: Voice Overs
  • Income Stream 7: Ghostwriting

There are also applications for a DFY system. However, these are upsells that you have to buy first before gaining access.

Also, you will discover more upsells after you have initially signed up for their program. I’ll explain them in the next section.

I’ve also reviewed several money-making schemes in the past. If you like to read them as well, then you can check out these sites for reference—, Timebucks,, and Printable Profits, just to name a few of them.

Or you can refer to the official site to see the full list of reviews by clicking here.

How Much is the Cost for Availing Click Home Income

If you’re interested in availing Josiah’s digital product, then you only have to prepare an amount of $19. In addition, it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not happy with the results you are getting.

It may seem affordable at first sight, but this isn’t exactly the case because, aside from the

Upon purchasing the program, expect upsells to come your way. You will have to buy these so-called “upgrades” to continue having access to the program.

Some of the upsell products include the following—

  • Click Home Income Unlimited – $37 to $67
  • Click Home Income Done-For-You System – $97 to $147
  • Job Hunter Pro Upgrade – $67 to $97
  • Multiple Streams of Income Masterclass – $67 to $97
  • Click Home Income Reseller – $127 to $197
  • Passive Income Masterclass – $67 to $97

If you want a much better source of income that’s affordable, less risky, and most importantly, no upsells, then you better try my top work-from-home recommendation!

Is Click Home Income Legit? Or is it a Scam?

I did not find any reason to believe that Shawn Josiah’s Click Home Income is a scam. For now, I’d say the program is legitimate—it is only $19 anyway and has a 30-day refund policy.

If you want to try the program for yourself, then you may do so at your own risk.

What I LIKE about Click Home Income

Here are some of the things I find praiseworthy about the program—


As I mentioned previously, I did not find reasons to conclude that the program is a scam as of now.


Secondly, you only have to pay $19 in order to gain entry to Click Home Income.

Extensive Refund Policy

Lastly, Click Home Income guarantees to return your money within 30 days after purchase if you are not happy with the results you’re getting.

What I DON’T LIKE about Click Home Income

Let’s again reiterate some of the downsides of Click Home Income—

Exaggerated Claims

The program may be legitimate, but I find some of their claims scammy, and they are apparently hyping their programs to attract more audiences to buy it.

Some examples include calling their system foolproof. I’ve been in the freelancing business for almost four years now, and it is not foolproof. You will still encounter ups and downs, and you may have to change your strategy once so often to succeed in this trade.

Another claim I find sketchy is claiming that a document conversion task would pay up to $20. Honestly, I have never seen anyone pay $20 or even $10 for that specific task.

It is a Paid Freelancing Platform

The 7 Income Stream sales pitch is not unique and revolutionary, and it is only a gimmick to make their program appear mysterious and trigger the curiosity of their audience.

In reality, the 7 Income Stream is only a collection of 7 different freelancing tasks, as I explained earlier.

If you’re planning on trying online freelancing jobs, then there are more legitimate platforms like UpWork or Fiverr. Plus, it is completely free to avail and has no upsells.


The cost of the program might seem budget-friendly at first sight, but you have to take note that there are upsells in order for you to gain access to some of its features.

As you have seen earlier, the upsells are expensive, which would cost you to incur more expenses.

If you want a more affordable program that can truly help you progress financially, then you have to refer to my best work-from-home recommendation!

Final Thoughts

I hope the article I have written for today has provided you the answer you need in answering this all-important question—is Click Home Income legit? Or is it a scam?

Either way, I don’t recommend Click Home Income to anyone. Allow me to emphasize what I told you earlier, if you’re looking for a career change and want to try online freelancing instead, then there are more legitimate programs like UpWork or Fiverr.

Also, I can honestly say that it looks and feel like the previous system I have reviewed from the same creator Perpetual Income 365, with a different name and twist.

If you want a higher and more stable source of income, then let’s continue to the final part of the article, and I will present to you a much better opportunity than Click Home Income’s programs…

How I Became Financially Stable at the Comfort of My Home

When the most profitable eComm enters the discussion, I’m sure you’d find affiliate marketing among the top results in Google search.

As yes, they’re very popular for many apparent reasons such as the following factors—

  • It is highly cost-effective
  • It is 100% legit
  • Very low risk
  • You are not obliged to handle inventory management or shipments
  • No upsells of any kind
  • Most importantly, your potential earnings are unlimited since you can advertise as many brands as you like

Your main task in this business is to market a business by promoting their line of products through your blog posts, website, online merchant store, social media content, etc.

And then, you gain commissions anytime someone clicks your personalized links and buys their offerings afterward.

However, you have to take note that your chances of success rely on the quality of traffic being driven to your creations.

If you’re completely new to this type of platform and don’t know where to begin, then I have something for you that should put all your concerns and self-doubts away.

Slightly click the highlighted texts below, and I’ll show you how you can publish quality contents that are generating leads and converting them to sales—


And to show you my appreciation, I’m sharing with you my book for absolutely no cost as a sign of gratitude for being here today!

4 step-method



Denis Signature 2022

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