The CB Cash Code Review – Can you really make $80,000 per month?

Here is an email I receive from someone I had subscribed to a little while ago:


Subject: $80,000 for Denis

Hi there,

I want to let you into a little secret that is about to change your life FOREVER.

You see, this secret video will teach you an incredible secret that ordinary people are using to make money, quickly and easily, each and every day. Because the fact is that people just like YOU are using just one site, ClickBank, to generate in excess of $80,000 every single month! >>

Watch The Video HERE This is truly a life changing opportunity! Do not blow it!



$80,000 per month!!! At that rate, I would be a millionaire within a year or so! Who doesn’t want to be a millionaire!!!

Of course, I followed the link, and I was not surprised to find the same kind of sales video as I have seen them time and time again!

Super hyped up and showing off screenshots of bank accounts with loads of money in them.

As soon as I saw this, I decided to give the program the full review and find out exactly how I’m supposed to be a millionaire within a year!

However, if you are in a rush, I can tell you right away that I don’t recommend this program for the obvious reasons listed in this blog post.

However, I do have a solution to your search for a legit way to make money online.

It is my No. 1 recommendation


CB CAsh Code featured image


Program Name: The CB Cash Code


Owner: George Patterson (Found a few George Patterson online, but no one claiming to be the owner of The CB cash code) – Red Flag no.1

Price: $37 (of course with upsells of $147 and $197 )


OK, first of all, the Sales Page Video is extremely hyped up and VERY exaggerated!

All those screenshots of thousands and thousands of dollars in a week.

The narrator claims that you can make $80,000 per month only working 10 minutes per day!!!!

All you have to do is use your iPhone for 10 minutes over a champagne breakfast in Jamaica and the profits will be coming in all day

This is insane and it really makes no sense whatsoever. Red Flag No.2

The narrator talks about crooks and fake gurus looking to con you out of your hard-earned money:

CB Cash Code - 1

Well take a look at this and tell me it doesn’t look like something fake that is looking to con you out of your hard-earned money:

In this testimonial, the lady says that she didn’t know anything about running an online business prior to finding this “website” (she’s talking about ClickBank) and was only using her laptop for email and Facebook.

She claims that she is now making more than $80,000 per month only working 10 minutes per day and her profits keep pouring in!!!

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I looked up this spokesperson giving the testimony and here is what I found:

She is an actress that offers her services on Fiverr:

CB Cash Code 3


Here is this guy saying that this program has made him enough money to buy a BMW i:

CB Cash Code - 4

And here he is offering his acting services on Fiverr:

CB Cash Code 5

I have seen this actor before on another review I have made for Tube Profit Sniper. Red flag No. 3

This is what these very low-quality programs do, they hire actors and give them scripts to read. Why would they hire actors to give their testimonies if it was such a great program!

It looks like it is very FAKE to me anyways!

To get back to the sales video itself is very looonnng! And all those emotional stories about his “sad past” blah blah blah!

Oh! but according to the narrator, everything is going to get better when you start making money online on autopilot WORKING 10 MINUTES A DAY with the CB Cash Code!

But you know what? I watched the whole thing and there is NOTHING in the video about what you are supposed to learn with their program. All they do is play with people’s emotions and lure them in that way with their very long and emotionally filled sales pitch!

I have seen these kinds of sales video before but this one surpasses them all! Especially the money claims!

There are a lot of screenshots about how much money this “George Patterson” is making but nobody can base their income potential from these. He is making all this money selling low-quality programs to inexperienced users who are looking for a quick way to make money online.

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And the best of all, he is selling this program on ClickBank. So yeah! The CB Cash Code is sold on ClickBank!

Once the long sales video was finished I went on ClickBank myself and checked out their affiliate page and guess what I found in the disclaimer:

CB Cash Code 6

This program is just recycled from one I have reviewed not so long ago called EcomProfitSniper.

My review of the same kind of low-quality program can be viewed by clicking this link. Red flag No. 4

So this program is sold by the same person(s) hiding behind a fake name (George Patterson) and hiring the same actors for their fake testimonies.

What do you get if you buy The CB Cash Code?

Once you enter the membership area, what you get is 4 PDFs documents!

That’s it! That is their whole program.

No video, no audio, nothing. Just 4 PDF documents!

The documents themselves are not lies and are giving correct information, however, you will NOT make $80,000 per month working 10 minutes per day following the instructions on these documents!!!

The documents you get are:

The CB Cash Code Main Guide:

This document is geared toward teaching you the basics of Affiliate Marketing and the ins and outs of ClickBank. How it works and how you can search and choose programs and products to promote.

They also mention some facts about designing your sales page, how to find some traffic sources and how to understand ClickBank stats.

There is nothing in this document that you can’t do yourself very easily with a search engine like Google or Bing.

ClickBank cash Pro:

This document is about getting traffic to your website using paid advertising. They talk about PPC (Pay-per-click), SEO (Search engine optimization), Display Advertising and E-mail marketing just to name a few.

All of these must be mastered by anyone who wants to have success in an online business. The documents do explain these, but there are no thorough explanations. And with 48 pages for all these subjects, they can just cover the simple basics.

It goes on about subjects like how to avoid common mistakes, creating email sequences for your email campaign and integrating your ClickBank account with a link tracker like clickmagick.

They also show you how to set up your first paid advertising campaign with Google keyword planner, and how to use keywords.

I am not saying that the document does not have any value, but the information it contains could again be easily found by doing a little of research by yourself.

ClickBank Book Plus:

This document is aimed at social media and shows you how to create a Facebook page and using the influence of social media, in general, to drive traffic to a landing page and product page. Again basic stuff that anyone can learn for free using their own Internet connection and a search engine.

ClickBank Cash Code secret Method:

The secret method described in this document is not really a secret. It is basic stuff that you could find just by doing a little research. Things like building personal branding, choosing and finding your target audience, building your website and blogging on it. That is their big secret!

In summary, what you will get if you buy the program is really NOT what they say in the sales video.

They say that it is very easy, you can start “under 5minutes and 14 clicks” and that you will make tons of money on your first day!

I got news for you, it is simply NOT the case, you will NOT make money on the first day, let alone $80,000 per month with these documents.

PDF documents are given away for free all over the Internet, so these are very overpriced for what they are worth.

If you are a “newbie” who has never had an online business, you will be lost and by yourself trying to make sense out of these. There are a lot of better ways to learn Affiliate Marketing.

Pros and Cons


The price is relatively cheap at $37 – But there are expensive upsells.

Being on ClickBetter, you do get a 60-day money back guarantee.


Fake Owner (Who is this George Patterson? He is nowhere to be found. No picture, nothing)

Fake Testimonies by hired actors

Very overpriced for the value, exaggerated and low quality.

Lots of Red Flags!

Is it a SCAM?

Based on my personal opinion and experience, I will call this program “very low-quality” instead of a scam because of the fact that it is legit and sold on ClickBank, so you do receive “something” for the money you pay.

However, my verdict is:

“I really don’t recommend this product!”



There are more and more programs like these coming out every day, and this one, as I already pointed out, is just a recycled product with a different name.

Do you want a real method of making money online?

In my years of doing business online, I have seen all kinds of these very-low-quality programs, and because of my inexperience, I also have been scammed and taken for a ride quite a few times.

Not to sound like this sales video, but I did struggle to get going and make money online. But, one day back in early 2016, while searching to see if a certain product was worth the try, I ended up on a review.

The online entrepreneur I had found was recommending this platform I had never heard about before called Wealthy Affiliate. I checked them out and within a few hours I was a full pledged premium member, and I have never looked back.

It is my No. 1 recommendation for anyone looking for a true and real way to make money online.

But just don’t take my word for it, check it out for yourself by clicking on the button below.

If you want more information on how to start an online business, you can also get instant access to my FREE eBook:

The 4-Step method toward success by clicking the button below:

4 step method eBook

Get your free eBook

The main purpose of this website (and this post) is to help people like you create an online business and succeed.

When you join me on the Wealthy Affiliate Platform, I want to assure you that I will be there to HELP YOU and I will be your one-on-one coach!

Let’s do this together



If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them in my comment section below.


This post contains affiliate links. Please visit my Affiliate Disclosure page for more information.

8 thoughts on “The CB Cash Code Review – Can you really make $80,000 per month?”

  1. Hi Denis! This is a great and thorough review of CB Cash Code. 

    I hate seeing super hyped up claims about making thousands per day and doing no work because it’s not true!  

    I’m glad you wrote this post revealing the truth about this program. Hopefully you prevent people from wasting their time and hard earned money!

    • Hi Tiffany,

      It was the exact purpose of this blog post, to expose these very low-quality programs.  They tend to be more and more aimed at getting people that are looking for something to get them out of a jam, only to get their money for something they probably could have found for free by doing a little research.

      Hopefully, this will help them make a wise decision!

      Thanks for your comment!


  2. Prior to this article, I had never heard of the CB Cash Code. We all dream of getting a lot of money in a small amount of time, but $80,000 in a month sounds amazing…but too good to be true. I would have never know that they hire actors and actresses as testimonial people. This George Patterson guy is making a lot of money from what appears like scamming others with the promise of money with little work (with a no- guarantee that you pointed out). Thank you for exposing this in this article – very well written!

    • Hi Andrew,

      Thanks for dropping by and checking my review.  It is a well known fact that to make that kind of money online cannot be made overnight like this program promises. All I want to do here is to inform people that, while it is very possible to make $80,000 per month online, it will not happen by buying these fake programs, selling their product with fake testimonies and very hyped up money claims.

      There is a way to make money online:  You have to put in the effort and work at it contently! 

      For those who believe these charlatans and think that they can make that kind of money on an automatic all-done-for-you system will be very disappointed as soon as they buy in!

      Thanks for your input Andrew!

  3. Thanks for the insightful and honest review.  I had a look at the sales video and was instantly put off.  I have seen so many all spouting the same thing.  The problem is this stuff works on beginners who don’t have enough experience yet and are desperate for success.

    I tell you what I was surprised about though from your review was the fact they pay people to do testimonials from fiverr.  This must be one of the most dishonest things you could do.

    I really hope beginners find your review like I did before jumping in.  

    I love the way how you listed the red flags to look out for.

    Apart from Wealthy Affiliate, have you had success with any other programs online?

    • Hi David,

      I am grateful that you have found my review of value to you.  It is in fact a shame to have fake testimonies to promote something that will not do what they say it will.  There are programs like this one coming out everyday! That is why we have to be vigilant all the time online.  

      To answer your question about success, I can honestly no, I had no success until I joined Wealthy Affiliate and followed their training.  It hasn’t been easy, but with perseverance and effort I have been able to succeed!

      Thanks for your comment, and I wish YOU success!


  4. Thanks for debunking CB Cash Code with proof. I wanted to know how can someone earn $80.000 by working 10 minutes a day and I found your review. Yes, I totally agree with you that this product has passed all the limit of money claims and 100% scam. I really enjoyed your review and you are doing a nice job by saving people from scammy products.

    • Hello Sanjay,

      I really dislike dishonesty! This program is really on the edge of being called a scam.  Especially the part that it’s recycled from a similar one and all the red flags I have mentioned here. I make it my mission to reveal the truth about these very hyped up and low quality programs/systems promising unrealistic money claims!

      I am happy that you have found my article of value to you!

      Thanks for commenting!



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