How to Make Real Money on the Internet And Start for Free!


Have you ever been scammed?

Did you buy a product or a program that promised you to be rich or to make a ton of money “really easy and really fast”, only to end up with a bruised ego and less money in your wallet?

I truly know how you feel! You are not alone my friend.

The main reason I decided to write this article is because of this exact reason, I hate scammers just as much as you do!

When I first started years ago, I was a complete beginner and I foolishly believed a lot of fake programs and scammers and I have been their victim more than once (even too many times to even mention it here) so believe me, I know, losing money to very low-quality or fake programs is not a good feeling!

You feel betrayed and frustrated at the same time!  You put your hopes in a dream that ends up being a nightmare!!!

I am an honest person, and I hate it when people take advantage of the inexperience of others with their hyped-up and super fake sales video:

For only $37 and 10 minutes a day, let me show you how to make $2,000 by tomorrow!

Yeah right!

Have you noticed in those sales videos, they show people with big mansions and fancy cars and the narrator is usually someone with a generic name like «John Smith»

The saying “If it’s too good to be true, it usually is” fits right in, don’t you think?

So, I made it my mission with this website to help whoever wants to listen to my personal experiences and my recommendations and show you how to make real and honest money on the Internet.

But right now, I am going to tell you a well-known secret:

“There are NO magic buttons and NO get rich overnight program”.  It simply doesn’t exist.

I wrote a guest blog not too long ago on the subject that I titled:

Ways to avoid being scammed online.

You can click here to read it.

Don’t get me wrong here.  I am not saying it’s impossible to make money online, on the contrary, it’s more real than it has ever been.  However, it’s like a brick and mortar business or anything else in life in that manner, in order to succeed, you have to put in the effort, and work your butt off to make it work!  Plain and simple!


If you are still reading, it means that you are really interested in the REAL “Make Money Online” business and you want to know more.

Make Money Online

OK, let me ask you a few questions:

  • Have you had enough of those “get-rich-quick scams” that never deliver the results they promise?
  • Do you want to make a difference in your wallet every month and to your bottom line this year?
  • Are you ready, willing and able to put in the extra effort to make it work?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are ready to start and there is a way to success!

The most scalable and endless kind of business you can start online these days (and my favorite of all time) is Affiliate Marketing!  It is based on promoting other people’s products and services.

With this business model, you will create your passive income.

Passive income is what makes this kind of business so scalable.  Let me explain:

When you create a post like the one I am writing right now, you insert affiliate links.  These affiliate links are there to stay and will be there for years to come. When someone clicks on your affiliate link and buys the product or service you are promoting, you make money!

Therefore, every time you create a post or promote a product, it stays on the Internet, for years to come or as long as your website is active.  So, it’s like a snowball.  The more content you put on your website, the bigger it gets, and bigger means better in this case.

For example, this blog post could be making me money for many years to come.  That is the beauty of Affiliate Marketing!


So how do you start?


By building a website to put your business online for the whole world to see!

But first, let me say that I don’t want to show you how to build a website!

I am here to show you that you can build a business!

A business that will bring you multiple sources of passive income.  The kind of business that you will be able to work whenever and wherever you want!

Interested?  Please read on!

When I found out about Affiliate Marketing, I didn’t know anything about it.  I was searching for an honest way to make money online without being scammed by very low-quality and fake programs that I had been a victim of before.

One day, while doing some research about one of those low-quality programs, I ended up on a website like this one, which is aimed at helping others with their online ventures.  There was this platform that he was recommending, so of course, I checked it out and was convinced within a few hours of browsing around that I had found my “Home on the Internet!”

Let me introduce you to Wealthy Affiliate!

It’s the ultimate all-in-one, beginner friendly, step-by-step business training on the web! 

At Wealthy Affiliate, the members are part of an ever-growing amazing community of over 1,000,000 members.

It has everything you need to start and grow a successful and profitable online business.  No hype, no untruth!  Just plain and proven strategies that will get you results!

The best part is that the starter membership is completely FREE!

Risk-Free, No obligations, no credit card required at sign up!

Just enter your email and you’re good to go.


But I know what you are thinking right now:

Can I really make money with Affiliate Marketing?

Does it require a lot of work?

Is it worth the effort and time spent?

The answers are Yes, yes and yes!

Whether it’s to supplement your current income or to create something full-time and fire your boss, you can succeed if you stick with it and put in the effort.

If I can do it, so can you!

Let me show you a glimpse of what you get when you join Wealthy Affiliate:


1) The best online business training on the Internet

A continually updated and real step-by-step method to get your online business going right away.  You will be present on the web with a few “blog posts” within the first few hours.

I know that, at first, building an online business can be intimidating. But with the “Online Entrepreneur Certification” course, you will build your business from the ground up right away, and you will have your website up and running in no time!

If you are not certain what “niche” you want to start with, you can also start with the “Affiliate Bootcamp” course, where you will learn how to start promoting the Wealthy Affiliate Platform and make residual money every month.

2) State-of-the-art and beginner friendly website builder

If you want to have your “own place” on the Internet, you will, of course, need a website.

Wealthy Affiliate provides everything you need to start including a place to host your website, along with a very user-friendly platform to build a beautiful and professional site.

3) Help from the friendliest, most supportive community on the Internet

When I first started out, this is what really appealed to me.

Wealthy Affiliate has a really robust and helpful 24/7/365 support system in place, no doubt about that.

But it’s the community that shines here at Wealthy Affiliate.

We are 1,400,000 strong!

You will have access to thousands (over 1800) of experts and online entrepreneurs, from over 190 countries around the world, and some of them already making 5 and 6 figures revenue per month, helping everyone that asks!

There are 10,000 new businesses built monthly in this community!

You have a live chat that is always buzzing 24/7 and helping members since when you sleep, someone on the other side of the planet is working and helping.

4) Here is a short video that tells the story briefly but really well!

I could go on and on about all benefits that Wealthy Affiliate offers but you should really check them out for yourself by clicking the button below – NO strings attached!
Click Here to get started

You will not regret it!

If you do want more information before going in I have written a full Wealthy Affiliate review.

Click here to read my FULL REVIEW of Wealthy Affiliate.

I also invite you to check out my Free Guide titled Work from Home and Make Real Money.

You can access it by clicking on the button below:

Free Guide Button

make money while you sleep

10 thoughts on “How to Make Real Money on the Internet And Start for Free!”

  1. Hi Denis,

    Great article! I’m also a Wealthy Affiliate member. My website is about forex and crypto.

    I have learned so much from Wealthy Affiliate on how to monetize my website with Affiliate Marketing.

    It’s not a get rich quick way but a real and decent way to build a long-term business.

    Keep up the good work!


    • Hey Bert,

      Thanks for chiming in my friend. I agree with you when you say that Wealthy Affiliate is a great platform to learn about Affiliate Marketing. It is the best training and learning community on the Internet.

      I wish you success and wealth, my friend!


  2. Hey, I really enjoyed your article. It was very informative! I like affiliate marketing. I have been learning so much and there is still so much to learn. I need to stop getting distracted so I can pump out content. I have made my first bit of money from Wealthy Affiliate and Amazon finally though so I hope it all goes up from here for both of us!

    • Hey Justin,  

      Congrats my friend!!  If you are able to make $1 online it’s possible to make $100.  If you make $100 it’s possible to make $1,000.  

      You get the picture!  Keep on pushing and you will get there my friend!

      Sorry for my late reply, I was offline for a couple of days…


  3. Unfortunately when I was first looking into earning online I actually purchased two programs in a row that sounded fantastic – promises of wealth and apparent easy-to-setup systems…and obviously I was burned by both of them! 

    I know that internet marketing can easily turn into a full time career so it is something I have been looking into recently. I didn’t however, realise that you could learn the ropes for free! 

    What level do you have to be to be accepted into this Wealthy Affiliate program – is there an exam to take before you can take on their learning routes?

    • Hi Chris,

      You don’t have to be any level whatsoever.  Wealthy Affiliate is for the brand newbie to the advanced marketer.  There is always something new to learn everyday, no matter what level you are!

      Don’t hesitate, like I said it’s completely FREE to join.

      See you on the inside!


  4. Hey Denis,

    Many people still doubt if you can make real money online, and who work online, knows for sure that it’s really possible to make real money online.

    Actually I feel it is more convenient than to work offline, from the leisure of your house, and at your own time.  There are many benefits working online.

    But you mentioned it correctly, that there are very few online platforms which are worthy and offer free starter membership, like wealthy affiliate.



    • Yes! Jivita, Wealthy Affiliate is one of the very few places on the Internet where you can start making money online for Free and the best part is it stays free for as long as you want.  I have seen many members start for free and build their businesses from the ground up with their free websites.  And the conveniences of working directly from home is not comparable to any 9-5 job!

      Thank you for taking the time to comment on my article!

      I wish you a lot of success!


  5. Nice one Denis

    I couldn’t agree more with your review. Wealthy affiliate is truly the best place for anyone who wants to go into affiliate marketing. I joined the platform like a year ago and ever since I have been loving it.  The training and tutorials are great and whenever you are lost there is always someone to help you out so I think it is a great place .

    • Hi Bibian,

      I couldn’t agree more!  Wealthy Affiliate is a great platform, and the community aspect of it is unique!  There is always someone around to help, no matter what time of day…or night!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my article!



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