The Great Heist Review – Better be careful with this ClickBank product!

In this review, I will reveal what is “The Great Heist” by showing you exactly what you will get for your hard-earned money. Is this product as “great” as it says it is? Let’s find out!

If you have taken the time to watch the sales video, you have noticed that the narrator is telling you that you have been so lucky to land on their website and that you are on your way to riches with “The Great Heist” which is supposedly a “hidden 1.47 Billion Dollar market” that they have busted open!

And, since you are here today, you are doing your due diligence and checking if the claims that they tell is really something worth your time and money. Well, you have come to the right website!

In this honest review, I will reveal what exactly you get for your hard-earned money so that you can make an informed decision after going through my review.

So let’s begin!

However, if you want to know right away, I can tell you that I don’t recommend this system for the obvious reasons I reveal here in my review. If you are looking for an honest and true way of making money online, create a sustainable business and make money while you sleep (as I do), then just click on the link below and follow the instructions. You can get a starter account absolutely FREE, no credit card, no obligations. Go ahead and click the link below and begin your online success!

Click here to find out about My No. 1 recommendation

The Great Heist featured image


Name: The Great Heist (or Club Heist) It’s a little confusing of what this system is really called…


Owner: We have no clue. The creator of this system is hiding behind a narrator and smoke screen!

Price: $9But it’s not just $9, be careful and read the fine prints if you decide to buy, AND there are multiple upsells!

Score:  – I gave it a one-star rating because you get a 60-day money back guarantee, but by the end of the 60 days (or within 45 days) you will have been charged $83

Recommended: NO


Overview of Sales video:


The sales video itself is very typical of a lot of very low-quality digital products I have reviewed in the past. It starts off with a pretty shady look at the global economy by saying that houses are being lost, lives are being torn apart, and marriages are failing. Then it goes on about after being a corporate slave all his life he lost his job.

Same old sad story that I have heard so many times before. They pry on people’s emotions and use this to get them to buy their system by saying that they were so miserable until they found this revolutionary system that you can use and make $4,687.50 per day like he did using Messenger based marketing.

The Great Heist sales video

Then he goes on saying that he purchased a luxury ocean view condo in 2 months of using this system… All on a done-for-you system made by Chinese computer science graduates based in Chicago! And that you will never need to purchase another course or program again!

Wow, this is pure B.S.! I can tell you right now that this is very far from the truth!

So, the sales video itself does not reveal much about what it is you are buying except for the fact that it’s using Messenger based marketing.

Let’s see exactly what it is that you are getting by taking a look inside The Great Heist.

If you are fed up (like me) of trying these very low-quality systems that promises you riches overnight without ever delivering what they sell, let me tell you how I make money online and how you could also start your own online business for FREE. ===>Check out My No. 1 recommendation<===

What is The Great Heist

The first thing I noticed, and THIS IS A BIG ONE: The system is NOT just $9!

The initial $9 will give you access to the system for 14 days only, then you will be charged $37 per month to keep access to it.

The Great Heist Clickbank Checkout

Also, there are three upsells before you actually get to the basic part of the system.

The first one is called “the Club Heist” but it doesn’t say what you get with that other than you can make more money??

The second one is “the crypto millionaires calendar” so I assume it has to do with cryptocurrencies and that one is $147.

And there’s a third upsell called “The e-commerce profiteers society” and that is $97 and this one should be teaching you about e-commerce obviously.

Anyway, after refusing all three upsells, you finally enter the member’s area and you will have access to this:

It`s called “Club Heist” and you get access to three different menu items.

1- The Great Heist menu item will give you access to 2 PDF documents:

– The China Secret – Chatbot Secret #1

-The Ultimate FB Chatbot step-by-step guide

Then it hit me: “I have seen these before!!!”

Yes! The exact same documents are in a review I did a couple of months back called “Insider Profit Group“.

I went back to look at my other review and found this:

Insider Profit Group main menu

The member’s area is pretty similar if you ask me, but the main thing is that everything in both “systems” are the same!

And in my other review, I had figured out that this “system” was nothing more than some PLRs:

Insider profit group PDF document

And I had found the exact same product on a PLR distribution website:

FB Chatbot PLR bundle

I then checked what other products was included in my Insider Profit Group review and figured out that “The great Heist” should be called “The Great Rehash of Insider Profit Group” another very low-quality system that I have given the thumbs down already.

To be fair and to give you what I promised, here is the rest of what is included in “The Great Heist”:

2 – In the Cryptocurrency menu you will find two other PDF documents (The same as Insider Profit Group)

Airdrop Secrets – Get free Cryptocurrencies!

This is a guide on how collecting free cryptocurrencies works.

Millionaire Calendar

This is a calendar to keep track of free cryptocurrencies!

Like I said in my Insider Profit Group review, I have very little knowledge of how Cryptocurrencies work, and right now, I don’t have time to really get into them so I did not go through the ebooks themselves.

3 – the last menu item is about “eCommerce”.

There are four PDF documents here included:

The Ultimate guide to Shopify – It says that this is a video training but in reality, it’s another 56 page PDF.

E-commerce kickstart – How to become an Amazon Affiliate and this is a 55 page PDF. One thing you really need to realize here is being an amazon affiliate is a very lucrative way of making money online, yes, but you need a TON of traffic to your promotional website and make a lot of sales because the affiliate commissions from Amazon are very low (between 1% and 10%) depending on the product you promote.

EBay eCommerce secrets – This eBook is about earning money on eBay. The thing about this one is that eBay has done away with drop shipping in early 2019. You now have to own the product in order to sell it on eBay, therefore this eBook has no value at all!

The Amazon Rush – This is actually the exact same document as the first “E-commerce kickstart” PDF document, so that is NOT good!

They just plugged some documents in there and made believe it’s a system!

So there you have it! A total of 6 PDF documents. So much for a system that claimed that you would never need to purchase another course or program again!!!!



You have a 60-day money back guarantee from Clickbank.

To be fair, I will say that the documents provided does have some good information in them.


The $9 price tag is a catch to get more money out of you with recurring monthly fees of $37 per month membership cost! We don’t even know what kind of information you would be provided for $37, so really not worth it!

Rehashed from a previous version called Insider Profit Group.

Unrealistic and overexageratted money making claims

Lies after lies told in the sales video

Nothing but PDF documents. You can easily find these on the Internet by doing a little research.

No course structure, no support whatsoever and nothing like it is promised in the sale video – Just PDF documents.

Nothing about how to get these methods in front of a buying audience, nothing about “traffic”

The creator(s) of this system are hidden, which is always synonym of very low-quality systems.


Is the Great Heist a scam?

Well it depends on how you look at it. If we compare what we get with what is said in the sales video, then I would say that it looks pretty much like a scam to me. There is nothing in here that is done-for-you! And there is absolutely nothing that will enable you to make $4,687.50 within 2 months either!

The only reason I will not call it a real scam is because you do get “some” digital products in for of PDF documents.

I call these kinds of systems VERY LOW-QUALITY, and I do not recommend it!

I give it a big thumbs down!

Thumbs down

Are you looking for a “Real Method” of making money online?

If you are tired of chasing after bright shiny objects and push-buton, all-done-for-you systems that are all over the Internet, and you are looking to create a business based on value and truthful information instead, let me tell you that you are at the right place.

A few years back, I was just like you: buying products and systems one after the other without ever creating anything worthwhile. That until one day I decided (like you just did) to check things out before buying a product and ended up on a review like this one.

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But that’s not all, you will also get the first 10 step-by-step training courses and 2 free websites to get your business established, along with my personal support to guide you along the way.

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4-step method

Click on the image or the button below and get your own copy.

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And I will see you on the inside!


As always, if you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to use the comments section below!



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