The Black Friday Super Discount at Wealthy Affiliate for 2022!

Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Event

The best investment anyone can ever make to secure their financial future and succeed with their online business.

So, you heard about the Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Event, and you’re here to check it out.

First, let me tell you a little story about myself:

You could say that I’m an old-timer on the Internet. I started back in the late 80s with a computer that had two floppy disks and no hard drive.

So, I have been around for quite a while and have seen a lot of the changes that come and go. I saw the Internet grow from 3 million users when I first started, to today’s whopping 5.03 billion users!

I’ve always been passionate about everything electronics and especially computers, but this was all just a hobby, something I would do “after work”.

About 10 years ago, I decided to try and see if I could use the Internet to actually make some money.  I saw people making money with it, so I decided to start studying to see if I could get my piece of the multi-billion dollar pie.

When I first started, this was all a hobby, an after-work thing.

But as time went by, I got really interested and being a “newbie” to making money online, I didn’t know how to get going so I started buying systems that had no backbone if I can say it like that. 

I bought into some schemes and scams that were claiming that I could make money overnight but quickly realize this was not the way to go.

I almost quit.  One day, while checking one of these low-quality systems, I stumbled on a site that was promoting Wealthy Affiliate.

I had found my home on the Internet.

So, in January 2016, a day or so after joining, I became a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate.

And I never looked back.

Premium membership

In November of that same year, when the Black Friday event came on, I quickly took advantage of the special price and became a yearly member. 

What is great about the yearly membership is that I don’t have to worry about any monthly payments and once you’re a yearly member you stay at the yearly membership price for as long as you want.

It’s the The “Forever Price” Promise.

If you want to learn more about what Wealthy Affiliate is all about, just click on the link below and read my honest review. –> The Best Online Affiliate Marketing Platform

What is the Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Event?

One thing you have to know is that this deal only lasts a few days:

from November 25th, 2022 to November 28th, 2022.

This is the only time of the year that the Premium yearly membership goes from $495 per year to $299 per year which is 40% off the regular yearly price.

This also means that instead of paying $49 per month for a premium membership, it works out that you only pay $24.92 per month or $0.83 cents per day. 

Or you can choose the Premium PLUS Membership for $499 per year and save up to $689 off the regular price or $1.36 per day! That is 58% off the regular price of $99 per month!

You do realize that this is less or just about the price of a coffee per day to create your dream lifestyle right?

Limited time offer

History is repeating itself! The Black Friday Event is once again breaking all the rules!

As the cost of living is constantly increasing month after month and year after year, you would expect that the owners of Wealthy Affiliate would also increase their prices.

Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim

But these guys (Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim) are awesome and they keep the prices at a very fair and affordable level for everybody, while providing the best resources and tools to succeed in the online business world.

As we all know, inflation moves quickly and in recent years there are many economists exclaiming that it is moving at the highest rate ever. I can’t even go to the store here in Canada without paying $10 for a carton of eggs, or $8 for a loaf of bread! No joke!

So it’s refreshing to see that Wealthy Affiliate is taking an approach that few companies will ever even consider doing.

So instead of spending money on fluff and stuff on Black Friday, why not invest in YOUR FUTURE instead?

Start your own online business and create a NEW life for yourself!

Here is the deal and how and when it will be available:

  • Available from Friday, November 25th to Monday, November 28th, 2022
  • Premium Membership cost is only $299 a year (or $0.82/day) or
  • Premium Plus+ membership is only $499 a year ($1.36 /day).
  • You will be grandfathered to this price for life as long as you stay on this membership
  • No upsells – You gain access to everything Wealthy Affiliate has to offer and all of the regular numerous upgrades to the platform!
  • Wealthy Affiliate has been offering this Black Friday deal for a number of years now, and they have never increased their prices.  However, they said that this is the last year they do this offer!

In order to be ready to take advantage of the Black Friday Deal right now, and not miss this opportunity, you need to create a free account today, and once the deal is on just take advantage of it.

This way, you will be notified when the Black Friday Deal is on and you won’t miss it!

Click on the button below to become a Wealthy Affiliate starter member and at the same time take advantage of your access to the first 5 lessons for free (No obligations or credit card required).

Once you join the Premium membership they will also give you a free domain.

If you join with a Premium Plus+ membership they will give you 2 free domains.

Why should you become a yearly member?


One interesting fact about becoming a yearly member is the fact that people who commit to something on a yearly basis will most likely succeed at a very much higher rate. 

One of the biggest reasons people don’t succeed in affiliate marketing is that they don’t give it enough time.  They try something for a couple of months and if it doesn’t work or they don’t see any results right away they just quit.  Well, these people are the ones who are “The Losers”.

I found myself in that position early on in my online journey, and I almost quit.  But I persevered, and I am happy to say that it has paid off!  

Building and running a website (like this one) is a great way to earn money online, however, I have to be honest here and tell you that it’s not all fun and games and it’s NOT a get-rich-quick method either!

It really does work! But in order to be successful, you also have to be patient and persistent.

The starting point of all achievement is desire.  If you want it bad enough, nothing will stop you.

Affiliate Marketing takes persistence, consistent effort, and a lot of faith.   And faith here is just another word for persistence.

When you invest in an annual membership, the only way not to succeed is to not put in the effort.  If you follow through with the training, do your research, and work hard constantly you will reap the rewards. That is a certainty!

And I’m living proof!

I have been a premium member for 7 years now, and I will start my sixth yearly membership when the Black Friday deal goes on this year.  And I can honestly say that I’ve been very successful with my online business, all this thanks to Wealthy Affiliate and the training they provide and all the rest of the perks of being a premium or premium plus member.

I will quote here one of the co-owners at Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle Loudoun, he says this:

What you will get as advantages of being a Yearly Member

Not only will you put all the advantages on your side, but you will also be grandfathered to the discount price for as long as you remain a yearly member.

This year (as well as every other year in the past) when you join during the Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Event, you will also have access to some awesome BONUSES:

  • Bonus #1: Early Beta Access to new features and platforms for Yearly Members – Wealthy Affiliate is in constant evolution and I have seen so many improvements in the past 6 years that they are too numerous to list here.  The owners are always looking to make this platform better and better and they come out with a bunch of upgrades every year.  As a yearly member, you will have access to early Beta features instead of waiting for the new feature to be accessible to the rest of the members.
  • Bonus #2: My personal 1-on-1 support – I will be there for you every step of the way.  You run into a snag, I have been a member for almost 6 years so I know pretty much everything there is to know about the platform and I will be there to help you through private messages and chat!
  • Bonus #3: 2023 Success Hacks Bonuses. This year the bonus classes (which will all be for Premium Plus+ only) are going to be geared towards “Success Hacks in 2023”. There are going to be 9 Experts outlining their Success Hacks in the year ahead. These will be stacked with value and will be worth far more than the price of the yearly membership by themselves.

All bonus details will be available to you immediately upon upgrading to the Black Friday offer.

This includes the exclusive live class schedule, as well as anything that is downloadable, all will be available right away.

The “Forever Price” Promise.

As we all know, inflation moves quickly and in recent years there are many economists exclaiming that it is moving at the highest rate ever. I can’t even go to the store here in Canada without paying $7 for a loaf of bread!

But, as always Wealthy Affiliate is aiming to put our best foot forward and to put YOU first, as a key piece of our community member at Wealthy Affiliate!

They (Kyle & Carson the owners) are taking an approach that few companies will ever even consider doing. They realize that through all of the years, and all of the innovation and evolution that has taken place here within Wealthy Affiliate, they are currently offering their lowest prices ever.

A lower price than last year. A lower price than 16 years ago when they started this business.

What they want to do though is fulfill an ongoing promise to their loyal member of Wealthy Affiliate, and someone that is truly committed to their business and putting their hard money towards the membership.

If you join and upgrade to either of the Black Friday offers (Premium or Premium Plus+), you are going to be able to retain that pricing forever. So if you wanted to go Premium Plus+ yearly today for $499/year, 10 years from now you are going to be on that exact same rate.

Wealthy Affiliate is not just a training platform, it’s a community of like-minded members always eager and willing to help each other.

When you become a premium or premium plus member, you also get access to:

  • Weekly Live Interactive Classes with Jay – This is where we meet every week and learn a new skill taught by Jay!
Wealthy Affiliate Live Webinar
  • Over 500 hours of Expert Video Education – These meetings (live classes) are recorded and available to you as a premium member.  If you have a question about your online business, there is probably a video on the subject.
Wealthy Affiliate Live Training
  • Online Entrepreneurship Certification (50 lessons) – Learn to create a niche website using your “own passion” as an inspiration.  Do you have a passion or a hobby? Let’s create a website.
Wealthy Affiliate Training
  • Affiliate Bootcamp Training (70 Lessons) – You don’t know where to start? The Affiliate Bootcamp will guide you to create your own website promoting Wealthy Affiliate.  This is a very lucrative way to get started.  When you get a member to join Wealthy Affiliate, you get paid a commission that is recurring every month, not just a one-shot deal!
Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp Training
  • State of the art Catalog of Industry training – 1000’s of training modules, evolving daily, covering pretty much everything you could imagine in terms of running an online business. You can either search or choose a topic and get access to the best training in the industry!
Wealthy Affiliate Training HQ

4 Premium Plus advanced classes on various affiliate marketing subjects per week!

  • Earn money when you create your own training and share it with others – You know enough about Affiliate Marketing to show others?  Create some training and get paid for it!
Wealthy Affiliate create a training
  • Your own Authority Wealthy Affiliate Blog –  Use your blog on the platform to share your experiences and ideas with the rest of the 1.4 million members.
Wealthy Affiliate Blog
  • Site Comments Platform – A new addition to Site Comments from 2018.  When you comment on other members’ website articles, you earn real money, that can be sent to you through your PayPal account. Earn $0.50 for every second comment you make!
Wealthy Affiliate Site Comment
  • Website Hosting platform – You can host up to 10 of your own websites right here with the membership of Wealthy Affiliate.
Wealthy Affiliate Websites

This includes FREE SSL certificates.  Just this option is usually around $50 per year, per domain.  It is however included in your premium membership!

Wealthy Affiliate Site SSL

It also includes Site Speed.  This option will help your website to be in the top 5% when it comes to website loading speed!

Wealthy Affiliate Site Speed

Site Health:

Wealthy Affiliate Site Health

And Site Protect (Spam Blocker)

Wealthy Affiliate Spam Blocker
  • You will also have access to over 4200 beautiful themes – It’s your choice and these themes are “mobile-ready” so you don’t have to worry about your website being invisible on mobile devices!
Wealthy Affiliate Themes
  • Let’s not forget the world-renown Site Support available 24/7/365 – I have had only good experiences with them. They answer your query within minutes!
Wealthy Affiliate Site Support
  • Live Chat is always on so you can ask questions and get someone to answer you live 24/7/365
Wealthy Affiliate Live Chat
  • And so much more advantages
Wealthy Affiliate passion

The Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Deal is available, so go ahead and create your FREE account!

Denis Signature 2022

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