Affilorama Review: Is It a Legit Affiliate Marketing Program?

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When you surf the web, you’ll see a lot of experts saying they’ve got the secret sauce to make you a success in online marketing. It’s tough to figure out who’s legit and who’s not because there are so many options out there, and you might have come across Affilorama while looking through all the online marketing courses available.

If you’re curious but not sure if it’s the real deal, then the article I’ve got for you today will help you decide if it’s worth your money or not.

I’ll give you the lowdown on what Affilorama has to offer—the good and the bad—to help you decide if you should go for it or look for something better. So, let’s dive right into what we’re talking about today…

Product Overview: Affilorama Affiliate Marketing Program

Affilorama Website

We’ve talked about how there are tons of online marketing and online shopping courses out there. But the one you’ll find the most is affiliate marketing. That’s because it’s easy for beginners, and you don’t need a lot of money to start.

Anyway, Affilorama is an affiliate marketing course that teaches you the ropes and offers extra goodies meant to help you make money. Turns out Affilorama is one of the early players, starting way back in 2005. It was created by Mark Ling and Steven Slade, the same guys who started Jamorama. To be honest, I’ve been doing affiliate marketing since 2016, and this is the first time I’ve heard about them.

The program also includes an online community of like-minded individuals that aims to help each member gain traction by sharing their insights or asking the forum for advice. In addition, they also give you a chance to become their own affiliate and market Affilorama and the other products they are in partnership with. You earn commissions every time someone purchases the products through your marketing efforts.

Yep, that’s pretty much how the course runs. Even though it started in 2005, it looks like they’re not updating the lessons as much as they should. This is especially true for the free training, which hasn’t seen any updates in years.

It looks like they’re mixing good lessons with not-so-good ones, which can make it confusing and tough for folks to move ahead. Plus, even though they’re still getting a lot of new students, it seems like Affilorama isn’t their main focus anymore. You can see this in their forums, which are pretty much dead. Also, you don’t hear as many success stories from past students as you used to.

Recommended: if you are looking for a complete program that can help you establish and manage a profitable website that is up-to-date and won’t cause you to break the bank, then you should check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

What’s in the Affilorama Training Course?

The training is broken down into different sections, such as:

Intro – The first part gives you a quick rundown of what affiliate marketing is and what you can expect from Mark Ling’s course.

Market research (Finding Keywords) – This section teaches you how to find the right words to attract people to your site and how to use them to make your site and content better.

Building a Website – Here, you’ll get some fast lessons on how to set up and keep up your website.

Creating Content – This part shows you how to create content that not only draws people in but also gets them to buy stuff.

Promoting Your Site – The cool thing about Affilorama is that they also teach you ways to promote any products or services.

Effectiveness of Affilorama

I’m pretty sure the main part of the course, the one you pay for, does help you get your feet wet in affiliate marketing. But the free stuff? Seems more like a bait-and-switch to me. As I mentioned earlier, they haven’t updated that free material in ages.

Affiliate marketing can be a solid way to earn regular cash from home. But keep in mind, the world of online marketing is always shifting. As online shopping keeps growing, some of the old methods might not cut it anymore.

So, the free stuff they give you might not even be useful anymore. This could make you either buy the more expensive package or just drop out.

Based on my own start, learning the ropes in affiliate marketing isn’t easy. It’s mostly a bumpy ride, especially at first. Therefore, giving your followers outdated info could make things even more frustrating for them.

Recommended: I have been an internet entrepreneur since 2015, and there is only one program that genuinely helped me start and effectively run an affiliate marketing business. They still guide me whenever I feel lost. And if you are interested in the program that I personally used, then you should check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

Pricing and Plan of Affilorama

Affilorama offers two membership plans, which include the following:

  • Free Membership – it will provide you with 20 free training videos. You can get back to it anytime you like, but that’s just about it. You have to pay for the premium membership and upsells to access more features, which is basically the running currency for any type of program, for that matter.
  • Premium Membership – $1 for a 30-day trial and $67 per month afterward. It includes features such as 100 training videos, 15 domains, DFY content, etc.

It may not look that expensive, but you have to bear in mind that it has extra expenses that you may have to pay as well to access the more premium features of Affilorama:

  • AffiloTheme – it will cost you a one-time payment of $97. It includes themes for your Affilo-related websites such as templates for squeeze pages, affiliate link coating, opt-in forms, pop-up generators, and content headers
  • AffiloJetpack – it will cost you a one-time payment of $197
  • AffiloBlueprint – it will cost you a one-time payment of $497. In addition to the 100-plus video is another set of training videos. Apparently, the creators of Affilorama have not compressed the courses into a single program to make them refundable. And this is because refunds are not applicable to upsells and monthly

They have a 60-day stipulation for refunds. But you have to remember that they are generally applicable to the frontend cost only, if there are any. Also, the front-end cost is only $1, so I think asking for a refund for a dollar is not really worth your while.

Recommended: if you are looking for a more affordable program that does not have upsells or hidden costs but can still give you a better result, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

Pros and Cons

I’ve also laid out the good and bad sides of going with Affilorama’s course, and whether or not it’s worth your money. First off, let’s get into what’s good about Affilorama:

  • The platform offers various training courses, tools, and resources to help aspiring affiliate marketers succeed in their online business ventures.
  • They have over 100 lessons on digital marketing
  • They offer both free and premium content, with the premium options going into more depth on a variety of topics.

Now, the disadvantages of Affilorama:

  • Expensive upsells
  • The Free resources are outdated
  • Affilorama has received a mix of positive and negative reviews. Some users find the training valuable, especially the premium content, while others criticize it for being outdated or not offering enough hands-on experience.

Final Thoughts

As I repeatedly emphasized, it appears that Affilorama is no longer the priority of the founders, which explains why the forums are almost a ghost town and some of the lessons are outdated. Also, the $1.00 30-day trial may seem a steal, but you’ll soon realize it’s not as beneficial as it looks to be.

Remember that the $1 initial cost is the only refundable cost, and it is not applicable to monthly membership fees and payments for upsells.

Speaking of upsells, they are on the expensive side, considering the number of quality affiliate marketing programs around, but they can still provide some level of value.

With this being said, I am giving Affilorama a final rating of 7.5 over 10. Deductions are because of the outdated free content.

7.5 Stars out of 10

My Journey to Success in Affiliate Marketing

I mentioned earlier that I’ve been in the affiliate marketing game for about eight years. The beginning was rough, and I had my share of doubts about sticking with it.

But! I didn’t give up! I kept looking online for ways to get better. Out of all the courses and programs out there, one caught my eye. I was skeptical at first, but my drive to succeed won me over.

This program showed me how to build and improve my website and its content. They also gave me tons of tips and training on getting more visitors to my site and turning them into buyers. Plus, they showed me how to track my progress and use the info to get even better results.

I’m pumped to tell you that with their help, my website’s now pulling in steady extra income each month.

If you’re interested in the program that’s helped me out over the years, be sure to check out the details highlighted below.

Create a free Starter Membership Today!


To thank you for hanging out with me today, I’m also giving away my eBook for free. It’ll help you jumpstart your affiliate marketing business starting right now:




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