Done 4 You Business Review – Scam or $7,000 per sale?

Is Done 4 You Business a scam or can you really make $7,000 per sale?

In this review, you will find out exactly what you need to know before you join them.

Done 4You Business Scam

I have been invited by email today to join this “new” money-making opportunity.  I decided to check it out and give you my report.  As soon as I saw the landing page, I realized that this system is telling “non-techy” people that it’s “Done-for-You” and you can make $7,000 every 2 weeks!

The first thing I literally hate doing is giving my phone number online!  For many obvious reasons: Unsolicited sales calls, a scam artist posing as a tech from Microsoft saying my computer is out of date, bogus scams through text messages, and especially those orientation calls from these systems, which are basically salespeople trying to get more money out of you!

So I reluctantly filled in the form for this review’s purpose and was redirected to a sales page!

Since you are here, on this page, I can tell that you are looking for a method to earn money online.  Well first let me say that I don’t recommend this system!  So if you are in a hurry and you want to learn how to create a sustainable online business, built on a solid foundation, and with ALL the training and support you need to succeed and you would like to create it yourself (nothing is “done-for-you”), then click on the link below and learn how I earn money while I sleep (And while I’m awake too!)

Click here to find out about My No. 1 recommendation


Name: Done 4You Business


Price: VERY EXPENSIVE!!! – Between $3,247 up to $21,847 (The price varies upon the level and the administrative fees you choose)

Recommended:  NO


First, let me say that I am in no way shape, or form associated with this system, and this review is based on facts found on the Internet and available to the public.

From what I understand, all you need to do here is sign up, pay for advertising, and the profits are guaranteed because everything else is “Done-for-you”.  Sounds pretty simple…

However, I have seen these kinds of claims before and most of the time the story they tell is “too good to be true”.

They always leave the important parts out of the equation.

And, again, if this was true, and it was this simple to make $7,000 every 2 weeks online, why wouldn’t everybody be using their system instead of working at a job they hate day in and day out?

The answer is simple: It’s NOT that easy!

The “done-for-you” methods are 99% of the time only making money to the creator(s) and people on the top of the pyramid!

If you are in a hurry, I can tell you right away that this system is a rehashed version of another High Ticket Scheme, so I don’t recommend it!

I will reveal in this review why I don’t recommend it!

But before I do, here is another screenshot of their “Sales Pitch” just in case you have been sent this link (Which is a little different than the one up above):

Done 4You featured image2

If you are looking for a real method, one where you actually have to do some work yourself and be in control of your own business in order to create a passive income online, then  Check out My No. 1 recommendation

What is Done 4You Business?

Done 4You Business promises to provide you access to a “done-for-you” High Ticket Affiliate Program and the presenter says that this proven “system” is as easy as “pay for advertising” and “Receive a check” (Between $1,500 – $15,750), Then “rinse and repeat”.  Sounds pretty easy right?

The presenter lays it out in this simple diagram:

Done 4You Business High Ticket Affiliate Program Diagram

According to the presenter, everything is done for you except the 2 steps highlighted in orange (Pay for advertising) and green (Receive a check).

This seems very simple at first glance, but what is it that you pay to advertise for?

And how can they do all the work and you get a $15K check???

There is some mystery surrounding this explanation…They don’t explain what it is that the product is in the sales video, you are only told of the opportunity to make money.

So I dug a little deeper to find out what it was all about and tell you about it…

I also found out (through my research) that the owners launched a similar system in 2019 called “Secrets of the Wealthy“.

They still have this system out there and it’s still online.

From what I understand, Secrets of the Wealthy is a similar system as this Done 4You Business, except that they may have changed the name and are now using another URL for their sales funnel page.

Anyhow, whatever URL they use, this system is very similar, and the most likely reason that they have done this is that Secret of the Wealthy (SOTW) is not as popular as it was in the past, so they decided to launch the same system under a different name and URL.

So forget the fancy sales pitch and the done-for-you diagram up above, here is how this system REALLY works:

When and if you do invest in the program, you will be provided with a website (A Landing Page / Sales funnel), a telephone number,  a tracking system, a sales team closing the sales for you, and everything else you need to get going.

Then you will be told by your success coach that you need to spend some money on advertising, and this will have to be done on a monthly basis.

However, the ultimate goal is to recruit other people in the same system you have just bought.

It’s set up as a pyramid system!!!

Done 4You Business pyramid scheme

The only thing to sell is the right to resell the system and get other people to sign up!

This is a top-tier selling program meaning that there are “levels” and in order to make money, you must buy at the level you want and buy the right to earn at that level.

Let me explain how it works:

Gold Level – $3,000 plus $247 administrative fees = $3,247

Platinum Level – $7,000 plus $447 administrative fees = $7,447

Diamond Level – $14,000 plus $647 administrative fees = $14,647

Ultra Royal Level – $21,000 plus $847 administrative fees = $21,847

So to explain what I mean, in order to make a commission on the Ultra Royal Level, you would need to start by paying $21,847.

As you can see it can be VERY expensive.

Now you have to promote (by paying for advertising on a monthly basis) this system to other people so that they too buy the system.

And remember, you can only get a commission at the level that you have bought, so if you have bought the Gold Level and someone joins at the Ultra Royal level, it will be passed on to the next member “above” you in the pyramid that has bought at that level…

So if you do decide to join, your success coach will be explaining this to you so that you don’t “pass up” any opportunities.

These “success coaches” are salespeople!

They put pressure on you to upgrade to the highest level right from the start.

If you don’t, you would be losing a lot of money in commissions… Which makes sense when you look at the way the system is made up.

Now let’s say that you have a website already (hosted somewhere by a web hosting provider) and you have a sales funnel that is set up to sell this particular product (and you know how to create funnels, how to build them, and the technical part of it), now you have to pay these guys and hope that the advertising you buy will convert into sales.  Or you can simply use the webpage they provide that is “done-for-you” and let them do the work, you will be however paying for the advertising that they provide.

Let’s take for example that you joined at Gold Level(Paid $3,000 plus the $247 admin fee) and you promote the system on your website or the one they provided.

The basis of the program is that one of their “success coaches” will call and follow up with all of your “leads” generated from the advertising that you pay for, and close the sale for you.

Then, they get to keep 50% of the sale, which in this case would be $1,500, so you would still get $1,500 from that sale.

If we take what they tell you in the sales video word for word, and let’s say that you paid $500 in advertising, you still would make $1,000 without doing anything, or hardly anything…

This is how the program is set up to work, you pay for the advertising and the rest is done for you… This sounds awesome, doesn’t it?

Now is the time to take a step back and think, does this sound “too good to be true“? Can this be real?

Let’s think about it for a minute.

You just sit back, go on with your normal daily life, give total strangers thousands of dollars, let them do all the work and they send you money when they sell?

Let me say this:  Pyramid systems are set up in a way the there is always a loser at the bottom…

The people that make money with a pyramid system are the ones at the top of the pyramid!

Those are probably the people you see featured as testimonials on the sales page, they are the ones making money…

Done4You system testimonies

I am not saying it’s impossible to earn money with this system, what I am saying is do your due diligence before you invest in it!

I have gathered the facts that are readily available to anyone that has access to the Internet and wrote my review based on those facts.



You get a done-for-you landing/sales webpage and other things to get you going.


VERY expensive! The smallest amount that you will have to spend is $3,247

Trusting someone else to do all the work for you and handle your money…

They make it sound easier than it is and done-for-you systems are usually too good to be true.

Could end up like MOBE and being shut down by the FTC because of the way they do business is very similar to what MOBE was doing.

No real product, just reselling the rights to resell!


While it is theoretically possible to make money from it, my research points out the opposite.

Some people will say that even though the ultimate purpose of the system is to earn commissions, even if you don’t earn money with it, you still get a website, a phone number, and all the rest for the fee you pay for, which I don’t deny.

However, when you watch the sales video, they make it sound too easy, which can be misleading.  You are just buying the right to earn at the level you purchase.

My advice is to STAY AWAY!

Done 4You Business thumbs down

They even say so themselves in their earning disclaimer (at the very bottom of the sales page):

Done 4You Business earning disclaimer

So by doing your due diligence, as they advise YOU to do, the only thing left to say here is if you have thousands of dollars of “risk capital” just laying around and you are not afraid to lose it all, then maybe you could make money.

Is Done 4You Business a SCAM?

I leave this one up to you!  I have reviewed this program and did all the research for you.

It is your decision now.

Needless to say that I did NOT buy anything from them!

I will say this again:  It is misleading!

And from the experience I have gained over the past 7 years, I can also say that 99.9% of the time, when a system or a program tells a story that is too good to be true, it usually is!

Why not do something worthwhile instead of Done 4 You Business?

6 years ago, I was in your shoes!  I was going from one program to another, trying this and that, and lost a lot of money along the way!

That is until I found affiliate marketing!  This method is a straightforward process, and you don’t need to create anything.  You promote other people’s products, and when you make a sale through your affiliate link, the affiliated company that created the product pays you a commission.

The affiliate marketing industry continues to grow and online spending has increased tenfold in 2020, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic and people staying home and shopping online now more than ever!

The companies that were already set up for online shopping are still making a lot of sales as people can’t go to those “brick and mortar” buildings right now.  Plus, the number of companies investing in their affiliate programs is constantly increasing.

To be completely honest, there has never been a better time to get involved in Affiliate Marketing!

But you will need guidance.

When starting an online business you will need three important and necessary elements:

Website(s), Education, And Expert Training.

With Wealthy Affiliate, you will get all three along with my personal support to guide you along the way.

The best part is that you can test drive the platform for absolutely NOTHING! 

Not a dime!  No credit card necessary to log in!

Just choose a username, enter your email address and you are in!

Try it for free here

I also want you to have my Free eBook just to thank you for being here on my website:


Click on the image or the button below and get your own copy.

Get your Free Copy Here


Denis Signature 2022

As always, if you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to use the comments section below!

40 thoughts on “Done 4 You Business Review – Scam or $7,000 per sale?”

  1. Hi, I’m just starting in this online world and I was a bit skeptical about the claims this platform did. I decided to research a bit about them and… hey, I’m so glad I did. I have learnt through your site that this is not only a scam but also I have begun to distinguish a sort of pattern that all these scam sites follow.

    Thank you very much!

    • Hello Ann,

      I am grateful that you were able to find what you were looking for here. That was the exact purpose of my article, ti let people know exactly what they are in for if they decide to purchase one of their tier membership.

      I wish you a lot of success!

  2. Yes, Matt&Orlando IS The Biggest Scammers Ever! I joined with them a little bit over a month ago and I made a Fraud Claim, trying to get my $4,675 back as we speak right now 6/18/20 (Swear word removed) Orlando,Matt,Maisoon,& Everybody that is Connected with them and this Bull*** Affiliate marketing!

    • Wow!

      I am so sorry to hear about your loss of such a big amount of money! I knew these guys were unscrupulous, and you are just the proof that they are!

      As I said in my article, when it sounds too good to be true it usually is! These high ticket schemes are the worst, and it won’t be too long before they take this system down and leave everyone who has put money in it in the dust! That’s how these clowns operate. They did it before and they will do it again. Hopefully, your fraud claim will be taken seriously by whoever is responsible and stop them or at least stall them for a while.

      I totally understand your frustration and agree with you that this is NOT what Affiliate Marketing represents and these scammers should be stopped! It’s guys like this that give Affiliate Marketing a bad rep.!

      Thanks to your comment I have added the URL you provided ( to warn other people of the same scheme on that website.

      I sincerely hope that you will be able to get your money back. For that amount, you should take them to court and sue them.


    • Hello. I took the plunge @ 14k level. Its been many months with nothing in return. I can go on and on about all flaws in the business and including the people running it. Matt & Orlando push this deal heavily. They spend thousands per-day in advertising to sucker hard working people looking for an opportunity to make online. I’m going to tell why this actually works for them only. The CRM you get that collects all your new prospects info is totally broken. First of all they are poorly written emails and most emails going out to your new list are hitting the spam box. Its designed for the people the get under them only. They are using a totally different mailer, that’s currently working very well for them. Their funnel is always revised and updated with new info. New people get the outdated funnel and emails that convert poorly. And on top of it they are doing voice drops are SMS messaging.They tell you there doing this for you, they are not. Its seem to amaze me that they are not there to help anyone but them selves. Even knowing that they earn from 25% to 50% of every sale you make. They are not there to help you succeed at all. Guessing it makes competition for them. Really confuses me, Its pure greed! I do not want anyone going through what I’m experiencing. I backed out of promoting EMA any further.

      (Name removed) I would like to know if you had any reply back from your claim? If not, we need to talk. Just today I made a claim with the FTC. Also had help from an attorney. There’s loophole’s within the contact we signed. It has been falsely revised also. That’s illegal. On top of it I have a list of people that have lost in this program. So,If I don’t get my funds back real soon, they will be added to my claim individually. This make’s a strong case for filing a class action lawsuit.

      • Hey Todd, I came into the Platinum Level – $7,000 plus $447 administrative fees = $7,447 with $1,500 marketing 7 weeks ago and was upgraded to the Diamond level, I guess it was a special they were having plus a $175 a month for servicing the back office platform and the members area. I have gotten better leads on my own with free marketing than with the $1,500 that I paid out to Matt and Orlando’s admin. August 24, 2020 will be the beginning of the 8th week. No sales have been made and every time I send out a support ticket to check on the status of my hot prospects Matt and Maisoon get really upset for asking questions and tell me to “be patient, these things take time” They know that I am an active promoter of the system and they even got upset about that. I guess because I was using my own marketing tactics instead of theirs.
        The only one who actually spoke to my wife and I regarding the Done for you system after speaking with Matt, Orlando and Maisoon was Esteban, who made more sense of the system, but I was still skeptical as to why the done for you system must send out so many automated emails to a prospect when I never received so many myself.

        My question for you is what will come from a refund request or fraud case if the contract in the “doc u sign” states no refunds?

        Total amount spent upfront was $9,122 from my pocket and a recurring $175 per month from my wife’s pocket.

        I am tired of not seeing any results from this done for you system.

        I Need advice

        • Hello Jason,

          I’m the owner of this website and I am the one who wrote the review. You and other persons have shared comments on my website. The others have spoken about bringing them to court and filing a claim with the FTC. However, I have not had any contact with them and do not know the status of what has been written here.

          I wish you the best and hopefully, things will work out for you!


          • Greetings Dennis,
            I would like to be a part of any class action lawsuits filed against this company. Any guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

            Much Thanks,

          • Sorry Ian,

            I am not aware of any class action lawsuit against this company. There have been a few people in the comments that mentioned that they were going to bring them to court, but I don’t know anything about it. All I did was write the review and told people to stay away.

            Good luck

      • I would be interested in joining you. $9,500 total. I should have been smarter but got suckered in during the Covid income insecurities. There were a few red flags, but what should have made me pause was on the day Maisoon was to set me up I got a legal document which was NEVER discussed. Sprung on me from nowhere. I felt uneasy about it and was assured it’s customary and here we are. I don’t know what recourse to take and hoping we can connect. She was not very nice, like I was bothering her. The back office is a joke. I was told that 150 leads lead to 1 sale. I was told that the ad dollars would be for 30 days. They only were for 15. I’m mad at myself right now, I’m in debt because of this. PLEASE contact me.

      • Hey Todd,
        I am in the same situation as you and I just filed a claim with the FTC as well. I wanted to get in contact with you so we can built a strong action lawsuit against them. I can’t believe I put myself in this nightmare.

    • Hi, were you successful with getting your money back with your fraud claim? I am thinking of submitting one myself. Very deceptive advertisement.

    • Is there a way to join in a class action law suit against these guys? I lost over $20,000 with these thieves and would love to pursue them legally to get my money back. This system is currently the biggest scam I’ve seen online.

      • I am sorry for your situation Ian but I am not aware of any class-action lawsuits. All I did was write a review on a system I thought was not worth the money. If there is a class-action lawsuit nobody here has ever given any details. I did not buy the system so I can’t help you.

        Again, I am sorry.
        Good luck

  3. It’s really unfortunate how many scams pollute the online business world and turn off so many people. There really is a lot of potential out there but it can be hard to find a platform that delivers.

    I think the name of this system really says it all. If “Done4You” is really done for you and you don’t put in any work, then why would someone think you could possibly make money? It’s one thing to invest your money in a bank, but to think that you could double your money in weeks is ludicrous.

    If anybody were to ask me about the secret to being successful online is, I would simply say “you reap what you sow.” Put in the work and you’ll see results.

    Thanks for exposing this scam, I will definitely stay away!


    • Hi Isaac,

      You have it right my friend, we do reap what we sow especially online. I am grateful that I have geared you away from them and from losing your money. Most people don’t do their due diligence and check things out before spending their hard-earned money! So congrats to you!

      Here’s to your success!


  4. I appreciate your review of this site. I had considered joining them because of the claims they made. They sounded so good. But again, if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. I guess this is just another case in point that proves the proverb to be true.

    I actually considered parting with some of my hard earned money to try it out. Let me tell you that I am very glad I cam across your review before I did!

    • Hi Karin,

      I am “grateful” that my article helped you and you avoided losing your money.

      I wish you success in your endeavors!


    • You are very welcome!

      It’s the exact purpose of my article, to warn people to stay away from this system! I am happy I could be of help to you!

  5. I knew from the opening pitch that this was an absolute SCAM and I hope both of them wind up in jail. Good on you Denis for exposing these shysters!

    • Hey Mitch,

      Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment on my article!

      I have a mission! I help people avoid losing money. There are way too many systems that are not up to par online, and you are one of few people that can spot them from the beginning, and congrats for that!

      Stay safe!

  6. Hello, I was one of them that fell for the scam. I dove in at the highest level!! I even told them I was leery about buying in at the highest level, because I didn’t have that kind of money. They convinced me not to worry, it will be self funding before I know it. Instead of buying monthly advertising, I put a big chunk more so it would be self funding faster. Well, I even questioned them about the contract they have us sign, because there were discrepancies from what they were telling me. They said, don’t worry, that is just legal mumbo jumbo. It’s exactly what I am telling you, done for you system.

    I never had one sale. I took out credit to buy in, now interest is kicking in. I am struggling paying for them. If you could share with me the legal team or FTC info, so I can file a claim too, I would appreciate it greatly. I would like to get my money back and have them shut down.

    Thank you

    • Lynne! I am so sorry for you!

      This proves once again what I said all along!!! You must do your due diligence prior to buying anything!

      One thing is for sure, your testimony here will help others decide NOT to buy.

      I truly hope that things work out for you!


  7. Wow! I was just about to call in and hand over my hard earned money but my gut told me to do my due diligence. So happy I did and extremely grateful for your article and the testimonies.

    • Hi Alma!

      The purpose of this article was exactly what you have said here! People that do their due diligence and do a little bit of research PRIOR to buying will be in the same position as you are.

      I wish you a lot of success in your future, and I congratulate you on checking things out first!


  8. Matt and Orlando think they are running the perfect scam and the reason they put in legal documents to be signed last minute is so that the victims of their scam think they will have no options of appeal for getting refunds and are also agreeing not to hold them liable after they don’t make money. And the agreement has victims agree not to file any future lawsuit against them but settle only through arbitration. They have been sued and defeated in court in the past for these scams so they were advised to have people sign this new form as a protection against having to suffer the consequences for their scam. Maisoon is the one in charge of setting up their new victims in what they call an onboarding session. She comes across as a very educated and very trusting and friendly voice at first so that makes this scam appear more genuine. But that friendly attitude goes away after the money has cleared. Maisoon was also was used by Matt and Orlando to set up their other members from the 8 Figure Dream Lifestyles scam that was shut down by the FTC. Are they disclosing this to their new victims? The positive testimonials of people praising them are older or done as a favor to get a discount or more lead packages at no cost so that is very misleading. The video and pictures of Matt on the stage was at their 8 Figure Dream Lifestyles convention. Because they are very friendly professional and knowledgeable that makes they look very trusting and that is why the scam works for them. Matt also made a testimony video for Aleric who teaches Youtube advertising and in this video Matt says he spends $3000 every day advertising in Youtube. But they spend much more in ringless voicemail and texting. So if he is spending more than $90,000 every month then his profit margin can’t be much. unless he is lying about what he spends but why would he do that? Since people are struggling it is out of the questions for anyone to spend that kind of money to advertise so it isn’t a surprise that they are not making many friends by continuing to defraud people. Don’t be afraid to seek out legal counsel even if they made you sign something because there is no legal protection to shield them when they are running a scam. They need to be stopped!

    • Wow, Tracy! What a testimonial!!!

      This is just another proof to anyone that it’s worth checking things out before buying!!!

      Thank you for taking the time to tell your story!

      Good luck and stay safe!

  9. Hi! I wish I have known; these crooks stole $8500 from me and I never get a penny back since 2019. some even pretend to be Christian. how could you use the name of the Lord in vain to rip off innocent people who are struggling to make a living.?
    How do you live knowing that your daily job is to hurt innocent and honest people who is trying to make a decent living? give a better fighting chance to their sibling? how could you? …?

  10. Same thing happened to me and I lost 10k. I see Orlando seems just fine posting away on Instagram with his wife traveling. @joinorlandodiaz. I wonder what he’s promoting now? Any info on how to file with the FTC would be appreciated. They filed bankruptcy I believe so it’ll be like squeezing blood out of a turnip I’m afraid!

    • Sorry to hear that you lost money but I think that as you say, if they filed for bankruptcy, there’s not much you can do about it. Lesson learned the hard way!


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