The Millionaire Society Review

The Millionaire Society FrontPage

It’s very important for everyone to take a closer look at what’s being offered out there on the web.

It’s actually also very important to be on the lookout for anything suspicious!

What’s odd and even strange about the sales video of The Millionaire Society is that they are fussing about other ready-to-go scams making huge promises when they are doing the same scammy thing themselves.

Although they don’t outright promise that you’ll become a millionaire, they claim that their system will allow you to earn $30 per hour, every hour, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year round. If you do the math, that is still a hefty chuck of cash, a little more than a quarter of a million in a year.

Also, it’s sort of funny that they mention their system doesn’t pledge to make you millions, yet the very name of the program is “millionaire.”

So, let’s dig deeper into the system and find out what it’s all about

Product Overview: The Millionaire Society

The Millionaire Society Website sales Video

The website does not mention who are the people behind the development of The Millionaire Society website. But I managed to find that a certain Mack Michaels owns the website. The only information he provided about himself is that he is a 30-year-old married man with an ailing wife.

To hide from the public when offering a system is a BIG red flag, especially if they are making huge claims about the potential of their program. The thing is, if your program is indeed producing a huge sum of money with just a simple push of a button, then you should be proud of yourself and your team that you were able to develop such a program.

In any case, if you’ve seen the marketing pitch for The Millionaire Society, it’s difficult to really determine what exactly they are trying to sell. However, if you have years of experience reviewing DFY (Done For You) schemes like me, you’d know that the video is very typical for this type of program: “exaggerated claims with no income disclosure statements to back it up.”

In general, all done-for-you schemes have the same mechanics. They just differ in the marketing pitch and gimmicks.

As with The Millionaire Society, they promise to give you loads of cash with a simple push of a button they refer to as their Turnkey Business System. The program promises to provide the essential lessons in creating a profitable website that runs on autopilot.

From this marketing pitch alone, you can immediately determine that it is a get-rich-quick scheme. Although they provide some sort of lessons to whatever they are trying to promote, the lessons are typically low-quality and were typically (and most probably) purchased from PLR sites based on my experience with DFY schemes.

Recommended: If you are looking for a program that can legitimately help you succeed in affiliate marketing, I recommend that you check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

How does The Millionaire Society work?

The Millionaire Society program promises to deliver an established and profitable site in just a few minutes. Now, this is one of the hallmarks of a DFY system. They tell you that you don’t have to do any work; all that is left for you to do is buy their program, register, and wait for the floodgate of cash to flow.

You have to bear in mind that the focus of DFY schemes like The Millionaire Society is not to help people like you and me become financially independent.

Their aim is to sell the same program and upsell(s) by offering additional options to earn commissions. They make their sales pitch really over-the-top, hoping to attract someone who might not realize it’s a scam.

As the name suggests, the main selling point of done-for-you systems is the already-made digital materials like a website, landing pages, ad banners, sales funnels, and other resources related to the business.

Although the thought of easy money and having everything prepared for you sounds alluring, you have to remember that this is not possible through DFY because you are essentially receiving the same content that is not optimized as with any other members of the program.

Prominent platforms such as Google and Facebook filter duplicating and content that were not optimized because their system sees them as potentially risky.

As for the training course they promise, allow me to reiterate that there’s nothing revolutionary about the program. And what you’ll receive instead is a set of generic and outdated training videos, PDF files, and eBooks. Whoever the developers of the programs are, there is no part of The Millionaire Society that is life-changing.

Effectiveness of The Millionaire Society

As mentioned in the previous section, The Millionaire Society is all hyped. In my opinion, not all DFY schemes are scams. My problem with them is that it appears they are so desperate to gain traffic that they exaggerate the potential of their program, create gimmicks, and create false information about the program.

Again, they make the DFY scheme sound easy. But they strongly depend on free or organic traffic, which is the most challenging lead to generate. The websites they own and the content they publish are not optimized. So, they rely on their sales funnels or email lists to promote their products. Under this setup, you need to create a very engaging subject line and email content to draw attention from your audience.

Pricing and Plan

If by any chance you are interested in the program, they offer a $4.95 payment for the trial period. And once you are ready to fully commit to the suspicious operations of The Millionaire Society program, you have to pay them $97 per month after the trial period. The program is sold under Clickbank, meaning the front-end cost is refundable within 60 days.

However, this isn’t the case with the monthly fees because you are assumed to be satisfied with the program, which is why you are still a member. It also has upsells for the VIP Upgrade, which will cost you $47 and will be added to your monthly payment.

Recommended: If you are searching for a more affordable program that can deliver far better results than The Millionaire Society program, then you have to check out my work-from-home recommendation!

Create a free Starter Membership Today!


I have listed the specific advantages and disadvantages of The Millionaire Society that you have to take note of in order for you to determine if they’re a good value for your money or if you should search for better alternatives.

First and foremost, we have to discuss the pros of The Millionaire Society:

  • A $4.95 cost for the 7-day trial period, which is cheap if you are really interested in taking a look inside the product and getting a feel of what it can do
  • 60-day refund policy for the front-end cost

Now, the cons of taking the program of The Millionaire Society are pointed out as follows:

  • An expensive upsell that is added to the monthly payment
  • Impractical monthly payment of $97, considering how low-quality the program is
  • Exaggerated claims with no income disclosure statement to back up their claims
  • False scarcity
  • Insufficient information about the developers of the website
  • The program is overhyped; they do not produce high-quality traffic because of their over-reliance on free and organic traffic. Once your business is gaining attention, it would be best for your business to invest in paid ads to boost your online presence even further.

Final Thoughts

The Millionaire Society is a DFY scheme that promises nothing but overhyped claims and false hopes.

Although I can’t completely say that it is a scam, I do not recommend it to anyone as well. Their training course is not organized and is outdated. Thus, it will not serve any value to you, and you are only wasting about $100 per month on their low-quality program. In addition, they promise easy traffic, but this is not the case if you are using organic traffic from sales funnels.

With this being said, I am giving The Millionaire Society a deserving rating of 2 out of 10


Internet gurus usually market done-for-you systems as affiliate marketing. However, this is not the case because it is more referral marketing than affiliate marketing. Genuine affiliate marketing allows you to earn commissions from promoting various products and services. Thus, your potential income should be lucrative since there’s no limit when it comes to brand representation.

On the other hand, referral marketing earns you commissions through invitations of individuals to the same program and other programs they are in partnership with.

Affiliate marketing can be a high and reliable source of income once you have optimized your website and content effectively.

In fact, I have been in affiliate marketing since 2016, and it has been generating lucrative passive income over the years.

However, it hasn’t been an easy journey, especially since I started from scratch and with no experience. Like you, I also searched the internet for a program that can help me get through and become a success in affiliate marketing. After endless hours of searching, I did find one that has been guiding me to this day.

They guided me on how to create a profitable website, optimize paid ads, and publish engaging content that converts to sales, to name a few.

If you are interested in the same program that helped me over the year and you are ready to start your own affiliate marketing journey, then you have to click the highlighted description below—


Create a free Starter Membership Today!

As a way to show my sincere thanks for joining me today, I’m also sharing my eBook with you. It’s designed to help you get started on your affiliate marketing journey—no strings attached!

4 step-method toward success



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