Six Figure Sunday Review: Is It Another Training Course Scam?

In this article, you’ll get a comprehensive review of the Six Figure Sunday program and a deep look at whether Adrian Gee’s hyped training is worth it or if it’s yet another scam preying on hopeful entrepreneurs.

I’ll break down the program’s features, look at what you get, and assess how well it can help beginners learn the ins and outs of affiliate marketing.

Six figure Sunday FRONTPAGE

We know that investing in a course can be an overwhelming decision, so I want to break down the details for you so you can make an informed decision. This will help you determine if Six Figure Sunday is an effective way to make money online or just a waste of your time and hard-earned money.

Do you happen to know Adrian Gee? He’s a pretty popular dating coach on YouTube who gives advice on how to approach women and other related topics.

But did you know that he also has a digital marketing training course called Six Figure Sunday? It’s supposedly designed to help beginners get started in the business world, even if they have no prior experience. He has a very long-winded sales video where he “discusses” his program, but if you ask me, it’s more of a very poorly-acted sales pitch.

It can also be somewhat awkward to sit through Adrian Gee’s presentation. And he vaguely touches on affiliate marketing. I understand if you have doubts about whether he can actually help you or if he’s just another typical internet guru to avoid.

If that’s the case, I’m happy to help! I’ve prepared an article that can provide some clarity on the matter.

But before I begin, allow me to disclose that I’m NOT an affiliate of Mr. Gee, and I will NOT earn any commissions if you decide to buy the program.

So, without further ado, let’s start…

Let’s Meet the Creator of Six Figure Sunday

Six figure Sunday showing affiliate marketing

As I already mentioned earlier, the creator of Six Figure Sunday is a dating guru who goes by the name of Adrian Gee. “Gee” is actually short for his real last name, which is Gruszka.

I’m not sure if he has Eastern European ancestry, but he appears to be from Australia. Beyond his YouTube channel with about two million views and what seems to be a superficial article about him, you’ll not find any sufficient information about him.

I recall in one of his videos where Adrian expressed his belief that people with traditional 9-to-5 jobs face limitations when it comes to earning six-figure salaries because they’re “stuck in the rat race.” However, having a degree and a stable job can also provide financial security. It’s worth noting here that while affiliate marketing does present some risks, it also provides a significant earning potential. And you don’t have to quit your job to do affiliate marketing.

If there’s one word I could use to describe Adrian, it would be “cringe or cringey.” Everything that comes from his mouth is awkward and, at times, even senseless.

In his video, he referred to his boss as Mr. Potato Head. Such demeanor strikes me something as an attitude problem more than anything else. Remember that we can’t force the world to like us—we are the ones who have to adjust if we want to achieve something wonderful in life.

His attitude towards women is also noticeable in a bad way. If you’ve watched some of his videos, he constantly refers to women as “prey,” which may be a trigger and offensive to some individuals.

Below is a video by Coffeezilla talking about the character of Adrian Gee and his programs. I suggest that you watch the video because it is very entertaining—

But if you want to know more about the program, then let’s continue with my Six Figure Sunday review…

What is Six Figure Sunday?

I am not sure what the thought process is in how he came up with the name of the program. Does it mean that you’ll only earn six figures on Sundays? Or are you supposed to earn your first six figures on Sundays?

Nevertheless, the concept of the program and the income opportunities it offers were not clearly explained in the landing pages’ video sales letter. But after 30 minutes, he finally mentioned affiliate marketing in his sales pitch, and he also mentioned that with his program, you would only have to work one day a week. On Sunday, maybe??

Affiliate marketing is a legitimate source of income online. It can indeed generate high and reliable income once you have set up the business effectively. With this being said—a lot of people want to learn how the platform works.

And a popular medium they turn to is internet gurus. The bad news, however, is that not all affiliate marketing courses you find over the internet are legitimate.

Unfortunately, Six Figure Sunday is not among the best ones that can truly help you reach your goals. Aside from the awkward and cringey personality of Adrian, the program is extremely overhyped and misleading.

Some of the popular affiliate marketing training courses that are indeed legit and I happen to have reviewed in the past as well are Super Affiliate System Pro by John Crestani, Affiliate Marketing Mastery, and Elite Blog Academy, to name a few of the reviews I have published.

You can see the full list of reviews and read about them if you like by clicking this hyperlinked text.

But if you are looking for the best program that can truly help you become successful in affiliate marketing, then you should check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

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What’s Inside the Six Figure Sunday?

The program is composed of a total of 8 modules that are 8 to 10 minutes each. It discusses the foundations of the affiliate marketing business but doesn’t go deep. The truth of the matter is that you would even get better tutorials over YouTube for free than paying Adrian any money.

Anyway, the following is an overview of the Six Figure Sunday online training course—

  • First Module: Your Passion = Money – the first part of the training is not revolutionary or anything special. It only talks about selecting the right niche for you that’s profitable.
  • Second Module: Building a Profitable Business – he claims to teach you how to create products of your own and how to sell them to your audience
  • Third Module: Don’t Have a Product? No Worries – he talks about choosing the right affiliate products, but he also includes topics on multi-level marketing, which may be his true purpose for the program.
  • Fourth Module: Membership Sites – as the name suggests, it teaches you how to create a membership, which is a far different alley from affiliate marketing.
  • Fifth Module: Creating Your Coaching Program – again, it’s a different topic from the previous two. In this section, you are going to learn how to be an expert digital marketing coach.
  • Sixth Module: Your Website – it includes lessons on establishing a website
  • Seventh Module: Put Your Product in Front of People – it talks about the different kinds of traffic and how to use them
  • Eighth Module: Great Relationships = More Money – it’s supposed to discuss how to build trust among your audience

From the content of the program, you might think that it won’t cost you that much money. However, this is not true. It’s extremely expensive, considering how elementary the program is, as shown in the next section.

How Much Six Figure Sunday?

If, for some reason, you are tempted by Adrian Gee’s awkward and over-the-top marketing pitch, the following is the three-membership option for the program—

  • The Core Membership package costs $497
  • The Essential Membership package costs $697
  • The Elite Membership package costs $997

The only variety among the packages is that the Essential Membership plan gives you access to their Facebook group, while the Elite Membership plan has some bonuses in it.

As you see, Six Figure Sunday is an overpriced-overhyped program that you have to avoid.

As I said, you will get even more value from free resources online, such as YouTube or Google Search.

If you’re interested in finding a top-notch training course that caters to both beginners and seasoned affiliate marketers, I’d love to share my best work-from-home recommendation with you! It’s been incredibly helpful for me, and I am certain that you could really benefit from it, too.

Create a Free starter membership Today

Is a Six Figure Sunday a Scam?

I won’t go as far as saying that Six Figure Sunday is a scam because he still has something to offer, but I strongly advise that you do not engage in this program. Six Figure Sunday is just a typical get-quick-rich scheme offered by an individual with an off-putting personality.

Here’s another video of Coffeezilla commenting on Adrian Gee’s training course—

What I LIKE About Six Figure Sunday

There’s nothing positive about Six Figure Sunday that could lead me to recommend it. It would be best for you to abstain from doing any business with him and search for better alternatives.

What I DON’T LIKE About Six Figure Sunday

The following are the things I don’t particularly like about the Six Figure Sunday training course—

Expensive Yet Almost No Value Program

The program is too overpriced, considering that the program almost provides no value.


The claims of the program are exaggerated.


Adrian Gee’s personality is too awkward and embarrassing.

Final Thoughts on My Six Figure Sunday Review and My Personal Rating

Overall, this Six Figure Sunday review has highlighted many of the issues that make Adrian Gee’s program not worth the cost.

Not only does it lack the necessary depth of content, but it also fails to provide valuable insights that an affiliate marketing beginner needs. That’s why I strongly recommend you look for other courses that offer good value and price points that are more suitable for your budget.

Everyone deserves to get what they pay for, and Six Figure Sunday falls short in this category.

If you’re serious about getting into affiliate marketing, look for courses that offer a well-rounded support system, good value for your money, and tons of useful knowledge. It’s the only way to get the most out of your investment and achieve success.

As Warren Buffet once said, “Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.” The best way to mitigate risk is to do your homework and make informed decisions.

Also, as I said earlier, the information he provides in his lessons can be freely sourced on YouTube or Google. There’s no extensive training whatsoever. Although he has a course to offer, I am still giving Adrian Gee’s program a big fat 0 out of 10—

Zero Star Rating

A Better Alternative to Adrian Gee’s Six Figure Sunday

The truth is, a real long-term solution for financial independence in affiliate marketing is not easy to achieve–but not impossible!

With the right training and a commitment to learning and implementing best practices, you can create (just as I did) a residual passive income that will ensure a secure financial future for yourself.

Ultimately, it’s up to YOU to find the right solution that works for your goals and needs. Regardless of what you choose, remember that success comes down to taking action, learning from your mistakes, and perseverance.

As Nobel Laureate Bob Dylan once said, “A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between, he does what he wants to do.”

Take control of your financial future and take action today.


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And to show you my gratitude for being here with me, I am also giving away my eBook for free and help you kickstart your affiliate marketing venture—



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