Digital Prosperity Movement Review: Read This Before You Buy! (I bought the basic version)

Welcome to my in-depth review of the Digital Prosperity Movement. Today, I’ll be diving into the details of James Francis’s training program to help you figure out if it’s the right fit for your digital marketing ambitions. Are you currently considering the Digital Prosperity Movement but feel hesitant about its MLM structure? You’re in the right place! This article is crafted to address those concerns and more.

Digital Prosperity Movement FRONTPAGE

In our exploration today, I’ll break down the program’s pros and cons, aiming to provide you with a clear, unbiased analysis. By the end of this review, my goal is to equip you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about whether this program aligns with your goals, or if you might be better off exploring other opportunities.

Before we jump in, I think it’s important to clarify that I am not an affiliate or representative of the Digital Prosperity Movement. This means I won’t receive any commission or perks for discussing their program. My insights are offered freely and impartially.

So, let’s get started…

Who is the Founder of the Digital Prosperity Movement?

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The guy behind Digital Prosperity Movement is James Francis, who’s into creating digital business stuff like training courses and ready-made systems. Finding solid info on him online isn’t easy, but what I’ve found shows he’s all about teaching and building these systems.

James’s story is pretty common among online business folks. He wasn’t happy with where he was at in life when he was younger, so he started looking for ways to make money online. This led him to internet marketing.

He started this journey back in 2008, aiming to make enough money to live the way he wanted. But here’s the thing: it’s hard to find out a lot about his background in online marketing and MLM (multi-level marketing), so it’s tough to say for sure what his real deal is.

So, what’s the deal with Digital Prosperity Movement? Is it just another online scam, or is it a real, legit business?

Stay tuned as I break down everything you need to know in the rest of my review of Digital Prosperity Movement.

What is Digital Prosperity Movement?

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On the Digital Prosperity Movement landing page, they advertise the program as something that offers training on paid traffic and sales funnels. However, this isn’t exactly the case because, as per my research, they operate more as a Multi-Level Marketing company that offers the business opportunity of Enagic’s Kangen Water.

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However, to give a different perspective, from my own experience, a few years ago (I believe it was in 2020), I bought the “basic version” of James Francis’s course, which gave me access to what is called “Your Six Figure Blueprint”.

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This gave me lifetime access to 18 videos narrated by James Francis himself.

The course (That I bought) is good basic training on how to create an affiliate marketing online business.

To tell you the truth, I liked this course, and it gave me a “new” perspective on his methodology called the Prosperity Formula.

The one thing that stuck with me back then from his course is to use a different methodology than your competitors when you offer a product to a prospective client. This makes your product or service unique and will translate into more sales conversions.

However, I soon realized that the core business of Digital Prosperity is more of a high-ticket, MLM-promoting business. I realized this when I tried to gain access to the rest of the courses included in the member’s area that I had access to (There were nine courses included, but for $29, I had access to the first one only):

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To get back to the real experience here of the Digital Prosperity Movement, and what the whole system is all about, your main responsibility with them will be to market the Digital Prosperity Movement brand through their premade templates and sales funnels.

In addition, there are other upsells involved. They will require you to make these so-called upgrades in order for you to gain access to the other features of the program.

I looked up Trustpilot’s websites, and depending on who wrote what, the program has mixed reviews. Some will praise it (76%), while others (24%) say it is an absolute MLM Pyramid scam! Out of 63 Reviews, the Trustpilot rate is 3.7 stars out of 5…

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If you’re looking for a more affordable program that can help you earn reliable income online, then you have to see my best work-from-home recommendation!

The Enagic Water Upsell

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Once you are a member of the Digital Prosperity Movement, they will aggressively promote you to the controversial Enagic Water business opportunity, which is a direct selling or Network Marketing company.

If you haven’t heard of Enagic Water, they are a company that basically offers a super overpriced water purification machine that will cost you a minimum of $1,980 to a maximum of $10,000! Apparently, many people are not buying the product because of the company’s low sales.

I will not talk about it any further, but you can learn more about them by referring to these reviews about them—

What’s Included in the Training Course of the Digital Prosperity Movement

If by any chance you decide to avail the Digital Prosperity Movement’s offering, the following are the features you will benefit from—

Digital Marketing and Sales Training Academy

These are the core lessons of the training. It is the part of the program that primarily focuses on sales funnels and how to set up your Facebook account ad campaigns properly. As you see, it doesn’t seem to be enough, considering the price of the membership fee, which is $105.

There are a lot of resources online that are free and cheaper programs you can turn to if what you’re after is the basics of sales funnels and paid ads. Plus, you won’t really get the essentials of the subject matter since they are more focused on the recruitment side of the business.

Automated Online Sales System

In the next section, James shows you how you are supposed to automate your income-generating system.

What I find truly odd about internet gurus who promote DFY systems is that they promise an automated business that generates high profits. However, this isn’t exactly the case because no matter what eCommerce platform you are engaged with, it still needs your attention and specialties for your site to be successful.

Global Facebook Community

You will also gain access to the private Facebook Community of the Digital Prosperity Movement. It basically gives you the opportunity to share your thoughts and exchange ideas with your fellow members.

Weekly Live Training Sessions

The program also organizes a weekly live training session where each member will have the opportunity to share and exchange thoughts to help them with their endeavors.

30-Minute One-on-One Coaching Call

They also claim that you will receive a one-on-one coaching session for a total of 30 minutes. However, I highly doubt that 30 minutes would be sufficient to tackle the concerns you have in mind.

One-on-One Mentorship

The mentorship referred to in this part of the program is the mentorship session from your upper line or the people who have recruited you.

Here is a video of a former member that explains his experience:

I have also reviewed several legitimate e-commerce platforms in the past well. You can check them out if you like—Performance Dropshipping, Kindle Publishing Income, The Six-Figure YouTube Academy, and Affiliate Marketing Mastery, just to name a few of the programs I have reviewed.

You can see the full list of reviews by clicking this link.

How Much is the Program?

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The initial cost will depend on the business package you are prospecting. However, you have to provide them with a startup cost of $105 for the membership fee. Then the price goes up depending on what program you avail of, and as you can see, it varies between $1,497 and $20,000.

In addition, they will also require you to purchase the business opportunity of Kangen that is at least $1,980 to a maximum of $10,000.

But that’s not all. Kangen also has a monthly maintenance fee of $760.

So as you can see it can become very expensive!

If you are looking for a source of online income that’s more affordable and can definitely help you gain financial independence, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

The Kangen Business Opportunity

As mentioned, Digital Prosperity Movement is more focused on promoting their DFY system and Kangen’s business opportunity. To learn more about the compensation plan of Kangen, refer to the following video—

Is Digital Prosperity Movement a Scam?

So, is Digital Prosperity Movement on the up and up?

When I look at everything – the whole setup, the scarce details about the guy running it, James Francis, and their focus on MLM (which a lot of folks are iffy about) – I don’t think Digital Prosperity Movement is trying to rip anyone off.

It is a real company that’s into MLM (or really looks like that way).

But here’s my take: it’s probably not the best use of your time or money. The cost to get started is really high, and the stuff you’d be selling? Well, that’s pricey too.

The Good and Not-So-Good of Digital Prosperity Movement

Besides the basic course that I bought in 2020, there’s not much about the program that could lead me to recommend it. It would be better for you to refrain from engaging in this program altogether and search for better alternatives.

What’s Okay About Digital Prosperity Movement

Honestly, after trying their basic course back in 2020, there’s not a whole lot I can say that’s great about Digital Prosperity Movement. My advice? You might want to skip this one and look for something better out there.

What’s Not Cool About Digital Prosperity Movement

Here are a few things about Digital Prosperity Movement that you might want to think twice about:

Selling Questionable Products

The first thing that bugs me is that they’re pushing this MLM deal with a not-so-great rep, including an expensive water filter system. Doesn’t sit right with me.

It’s Basically MLM in Disguise

Even though they don’t come right out and say it’s an MLM, the focus is way more on getting more people to join than actually selling a solid digital marketing course or tools that could really help you make it big.

Wrapping It Up

My Final Take on Digital Prosperity Movement

I hope my rundown on Digital Prosperity Movement helps you figure out if it’s the right fit for you or if you should keep looking.

They say they’re all about teaching you to use sales funnels and run paid ads, but from what I’ve seen, that’s not really the main dish.

The big thing here is they’re an MLM business at heart. They teach a bit about that stuff, sure, but a big part of their game is pushing these super expensive ‘magic water’ products.

Taking all this into account and considering what folks on Trustpilot are saying, I’d give Digital Prosperity Movement a 7 out of 10. It’s not failing, but it’s not top of the class either.

An Alternative

In summary, the Digital Prosperity Movement offers an interesting approach to digital marketing, but it may not be the perfect fit for everyone. If you’re looking for a more cost-effective and comprehensive solution that caters to both beginners and advanced affiliate marketers, I have a great alternative for you.

I’d like to introduce you to “My Best Work-From-Home Recommendation!

This platform is not just about giving you the tools; it’s about teaching you how to use them effectively. It’s designed for those who are just starting out in affiliate marketing, as well as for seasoned marketers looking to enhance their skills and strategies.

What sets this recommendation apart is its holistic approach to affiliate marketing. You’ll find resources that cover every aspect of the field, from the very basics of setting up your first website to advanced techniques in traffic generation and conversion optimization.

The focus is on building a sustainable and profitable online business, with a strong emphasis on ethical practices and long-term growth.

Moreover, the community aspect of this platform is invaluable. You’ll be joining a supportive network of like-minded individuals who are all working towards similar goals. Whether you need advice, feedback, or just some encouragement, you’ll find it here.

So, if you’re searching for a comprehensive, affordable, and supportive way to dive into the world of affiliate marketing, look no further. “My Best Work-From-Home Recommendation!” is designed to guide you every step of the way, ensuring that you have the knowledge, tools, and support to achieve your online business goals.

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Denis Signature 2022

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