Drop Servicing Blueprint Review: Scam or the Real Deal?

This article reviews the Drop Servicing Blueprint program by Dylan Sigley. In it, I help you determine whether it is a scam or a legitimate program to help you start a successful drop-servicing business. The article provides a closer look at the program, and I offer a comprehensive review of its pros and cons to help individuals make an informed decision about investing in the program.

Drop Servicing Blueprint Frontpage

If you are not using YouTube Premium and you are continually searching for ways how you can earn money at home on the said platform, then it’s likely that you have come across the advertisement for Drop Servicing Blueprint.

YouTube ads are a bit annoying, but if this one has triggered your curiosity, and you want to know more about it to figure out if it could truly provide the help you need in establishing your online business, then you’d be glad to know that the review I have prepared for today will provide you with the answers you need about the program’s legitimacy.

I will share with you my insights and an analysis of the modules they’re offering that’ll help you determine if they’re the right option or if you should continue searching for better alternatives.

But before I officially start, I want to share that I am not affiliated with Drop Servicing Blueprint, and I will not earn any commissions if you choose to sign up after reading this review.

So without any further delays, let’s get right into today’s discussion…

Let’s Meet the Creators of Drop Servicing Blueprint

Drop Servicing Blueprint is the brainchild of digital entrepreneur and social media personality Dylan Sigley. Before he discovered the amazing potential of drop servicing, he was a broke undergraduate individual that has over $60,000 in debt.

In 2015, he started to turn his life around and established his first digital business. Of course, like many businesses, he failed at first, but he started to become better as he acquired the necessary skills and mindset to succeed in the industry of drop servicing. His business progressively became profitable until it was able to generate six figures in a span of seven months, according to his own account.

He says that his experience and learnings along the way are what he intends to share in his Drop Servicing Blueprint.

Unfortunately, we can’t verify his claims since there’s little information we could gather about him over the internet, and all we have is his claims that this information is true.

So the question still remains—is Dylan’s program a scam? Or is it legitimate, after all?

Let’s continue with my Drop Servicing Blueprint review and learn more about the program…

What is Drop Servicing Blueprint?

As the name of the program suggests, Drop Servicing Blueprint is an online course dedicated to providing training on drop servicing. This kind of business model is an uncommon eComm platform, and some might even mistake them for dropshipping.

Well, they’re not exactly wrong because it is somewhat similar to drop shipping. Still, their only difference is that drop servicing renders services instead of delivering tangible products to the consumer.

The first thing you must remember about drop servicing is that most of their websites and landing pages have a similar vibe to a typical dropshipping site. However, the difference is that you’ll see a list of services on their database.

The services are related to freelancing tasks such as web designing, content writing, social media management, web development, etc. Under this setting, you also have to hire freelancers to provide your clients with the services they need.

In addition, it is less risky in comparison to a traditional dropshipping operation because you don’t have to deal with product quality, inventory management, shipment, customer support, and returns. If ever there’s a problem with the quality of the work, you can always have them edited by the freelancer instead of giving them a refund.

However, it is not as easy as it looks because drop servicing has several challenges. For example, there’s no accountability because you are over-relying on freelancers. Plus, you have to maintain standards in order to keep your clients happy so they’d return for more work.

This is the second time I reviewed a drop servicing program. The first one is called Drop Servicing University, and you can read about it if you want.

If you’re searching for an alternative source of income besides drop servicing, I recommend checking out my best work-from-home recommendation!

Create a Free starter membership Today

What Inside the Drop Servicing Blueprint Program?

Below is a summary of lessons you’ll find inside the Drop Servicing Blueprint online training course:

First Week: The Foundations

The first week of the Drop Servicing Blueprint explains the foundations of drop servicing, which includes finding a niche, how to set up achievable goals and the proper mindset going in.

Second Week: Build Your Business

It includes modules on how to establish your business, such as setting up your website, copywriting, creating funnels, and how to select a profitable brand.

Third Week: Get Clients with Free Marketing Methods

For this part of the program, you’ll learn strategies for cold emails, cold calls, social media ads, and SEO.

Fourth Week: Get Clients with Paid Marketing Methods

In the next week, Dylan will share with you his insights on utilizing paid methods using LinkedIn Ads, YouTube Ads, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, etc.

Fifth Week: Automate Your Business to Work on Autopilot

As the name suggests, it is training on supposedly automating your online business so you’d save time for more important matters.

Sixth Week: Scale to the Moon

Scale to the moon is a common phrase you’d hear in eCommerce. It means scaling your online business. With this being said—Dylan will share strategies on how you can scale your drop servicing site into a more profitable business.


The following are the bonuses in addition to the main training courses—

  • Advanced Scaling Methods
  • The Rapid Scaling Formula
  • Repeat and Referral Buyers
  • Conversion Rate Maximization
  • Managing Finances and Accounting
  • Increase Your Revenue with Upsells, Downsells, and Cross-Sells

How Much is the Drop Servicing Blueprint Membership?

The membership package for Drop Servicing Blueprint asks for a one-time payment of $997. They also offer a two-payment option of $397. However, the cost you have to pay doesn’t stop there. You also have to plan a budget for the web hosting and other marketing tools, which should be approximately $1,000.

However, I am not certain if they have a refund policy in case you are not happy with how the program is progressing.

If you’re searching for an alternative source of income besides drop servicing, I recommend checking out my best work-from-home recommendation!

Create a Free starter membership Today

Is Drop Servicing Blueprint a Scam?

No. I am 100% positive that Drop Servicing Blueprint is not a scam, although there’s not much information about Dylan Sigley online.

Now, the following is what other people are saying about Drop Servicing Blueprint:

What I LIKE About Drop Servicing Blueprint

The following are things I particularly like about Drop Servicing Blueprint—


Drop Servicing Blueprint is a legitimate program you can turn to learn about the ways of this business model.

Great Course!

They offer up-to-date, organized, and quality training on drop servicing in a way that simplifies complex concepts and organizes them into easily manageable sections.

What I DON’T LIKE About Drop Servicing Blueprint

The only disadvantage of Drop Servicing is the price. It may not be suitable for people who are under a tight budget.

Final Thoughts on My Drop Servicing Blueprint

I hope my review of the Drop Servicing Blueprint program has helped you decide if it’s the right fit for you.

In conclusion, the Drop Servicing Blueprint is a legitimate and high-quality program that provides up-to-date and organized training on the drop servicing business model.

Although it may not be affordable for those on a tight budget, it is a solid option for those looking to succeed in this field.

Based on my review, I would give the course a rating of 8.5 out of 10.

Drop Servicing Blueprint 8.5 star rating

A More Affordable Option

As I explained earlier, both drop servicing and dropshipping are high-risk and need sufficient funding to run your ads. With this being said, an alternative to the said business models is affiliate marketing. In addition, many people turn to this eComm platform because they suit all levels of experience.

Additional reasons why many people prefer affiliate marketing over any other platforms is because of the following—

  • It is cost-effective.
  • You can start the business with a capital of as low as $500 or less.
  • Your involvement in inventories and shipment is not a necessity.
  • Your Potential income is unlimited because you can market as many affiliate partners as you want.

If you are seriously considering taking affiliate marketing as a partner to success but if you have no idea where to start, then I highly recommend that you check out the platform I have been using for the past 7 years.

They offer a free starter membership that allows you to test drive the platform and see if it’s something you could see yourself doing.

It’s a great way to start building your online business without any risk on your part to see if this is the right path for you. And the best part is you will have your own website running by lesson 4.


Create a Free starter membership Today

And to show you my appreciation just by being here today, I am also giving away my eBook for free to help you start your business—


4 step-method toward success
Denis Signature 2022

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