Fiction Profits Academy Review: Is it Legit or a Scam?

Fiction Profits Academy promises to teach aspiring writers the secrets of becoming bestselling authors. But is this program legitimate or simply a scam? In this review of Fiction Profits Academy, we’ll evaluate the program’s teachings and features to answer this vital question and help you decide if it’s worth your time and money.

Fiction Profits Academy FrontPage

There’s a good chance you have stumbled across Karla Marie’s training course, Fiction Profits Academy, as you search for a program that can guide you in self-publishing.

Her sales pitch and how she presents herself might have impressed you and made you more interested in the program. And if this is so, then the topic I have prepared for today is just for you!

In today’s discussion, I will analyze Fiction Profits Academy and help you determine whether they’re a bang for your buck or if you should search for a better alternative.

Who is Karla Marie?

Fiction Profits Academy  Karla Marie

Before we start today’s topic, let me introduce the creator of Fiction Profits Academy.

Karla Marie is a digital entrepreneur and the founder of Fiction Profits Academy. She claims she has earned six figures of revenue from self-publishing books on Amazon.

However, it’s difficult to validate such claims since there’s not much information about her on the internet. She might be making more money selling courses than self-publishing eBooks.

Fiction Profits Academy YouTube Channel

She also has a YouTube channel with over 5K subscribers. There’s not a ton of content on her channel. She has also stopped publishing content because the last video she uploaded was about two months ago.

And like many digital entrepreneurs, she also takes advantage of email marketing and free online seminars to funnel potential clients into taking advantage of her products.

If you want to know more about her training program and whether it would provide value, let’s continue with my Fiction Profits Academy review and learn more about the course…

What is Fiction Profits Academy?

Fiction Profits Academy Log in

As you might have already deduced, Fiction Profits Academy is an online training program that teaches its clients the basics of self-publishing books on Amazon.

You can definitely make money from self-publishing, but it takes time and a lot of patience to achieve the stability you’re aiming for.

Of course, each business model possesses unique challenges. However, better alternatives are much more profitable and less risky than self-publishing.

Unless you’re seriously considering the notion and dream of being a published author, I believe this program is not precisely for you.

In addition, the price of Fiction Profits Academy is not really budget-friendly, and it may not be suitable for individuals who are under a tight budget.

If your passion is writing, you have to remember that there are much easier platforms, such as publishing blog posts or product reviews. And you can earn income from them by monetizing your content.

And if you’re interested in how content monetization works, you should check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

No 1 recommendation

What are the courses included?

Fiction Profits Academy offers ten modules to complete the program. I have listed below some of the topics included to give you a glimpse of what you’ll get once you decide to sign up for their program—

  • First Module: The Million Dollar Mindset (and yes, I believe it’s the typical mindset training you find in most online training courses today)
  • Second Module: The Basics of Self-Publishing eBooks
  • Third Module: How to Build Your Books
  • Fourth Module: The Perfect Cover for Your Books
  • Fifth Module: Blurbs and Formatting
  • Sixth Module: All Things KDP
  • Seventh Module: The Perfect Launch Strategy
  • Eighth Module: Facebook Advertisements Mastery Course
  • Ninth Module: Creating Raving Fans
  • Tenth Module: Scaling Your Business

What I particularly like about the training course is that it may also benefit people who want to learn Facebook Ads and email marketing. Also, since these two platforms involve marketing, it’s only appropriate that they’re included in the program.

Plus, the member gains access to their private Facebook groups. It allows them to ask questions or concerns about self-publishing and get answers from their fellow members.

Lastly, they also organize a weekly mentorship session with Karla to ensure its members are heading in the right direction.

I’ve also reviewed a similar program in the past that offers training on the essentials of self-publishing your works as well. You can check out my Publisher Supremacy review if you want to know more about the alternative of Fiction Profits Academy. 

How Much is the Program?

So, as I talked about earlier in the show, Fiction Profits Academy is not what you’d call easy on the wallet. If you want to join the program, it’s going to set you back $1,997 to get all the good stuff it has to offer.

Now, they do have payment options if you can’t swing the whole amount at once.

You have the choice to pay $649 each month for four months. But be careful with this one. Even though it might seem easier, when you do the math, it ends up costing you more in the long run. If you pay this way, it will total up to $2,596. That’s $599 more than if you paid all at once!

Their return policy is a bit of a bummer too. They’ll only give you your money back if you ask for it within 24 hours from when you bought the program. Once that day is up, getting a refund gets a lot tougher.

They have some really specific rules you’ll need to follow before they’ll consider giving you your money back.

They call their refund policy the “365-Day $6,000 Profit Promise,” and here’s how it works:

  • First, you’ve got to give the program a real shot. No half-hearted attempts – they’re looking for an honest effort.
  • Next, you have to watch all the training videos and give the lessons a try. So, you can’t just skip the material.
  • Also, you have to go to at least two sessions where you’ll be guided by a mentor. So, yes, you’re expected to show up and take part.

As a member, you’re required to create what they call ‘lead magnets’ and publish at least one eBook. This eBook has to follow the rules that Fiction Profits Academy sets out for you.

And it’s not enough to just write the eBook – it needs to be published on Amazon, and it has to follow the same Fiction Profits Academy rules.

Also, if you make $6,000 or more from your work, you can’t ask for a refund anymore. This might seem like a good deal because it looks like they’re promising you’ll make at least $6,000.

But remember, they’ve set up some pretty specific requirements. If you can’t meet these, you won’t be able to get your money back.

Here’s a video review I found on Youtube. It might help you make up your mind about the program:

Is Fiction Profits Academy a Scam?

No. Fiction Profits Academy is definitely NOT a scam.

Karla Marie and her Fiction Profits Academy is a legitimate program that provides training on self-publishing eBooks on Amazon.

You are in excellent hands if you consider purchasing their training course.

If you’re seriously considering publishing your work and have sufficient money to fund the asking price, then, by all means, go ahead and try the program.

I also discussed earlier that you could pursue your passion for writing and earn a high and stable income through your craft without breaking your budget. And one example I’ve provided is publishing regular blog posts and utilizing content monetization.

And if you’re looking for a more profitable platform and less risky than self-publishing, then you can check out my top work-from-home recommendation!

No 1 recommendation

What I LIKE about Fiction Profits Academy

Karla Marie and Fiction Profits Academy is Legitimate

Although there’s not a lot of information about Karla Marie, she is indeed a legitimate digital entrepreneur and an expert in self-publishing books online.

Quality Program

Fiction Profits Academy offers quality training on the business of self-publishing eBooks.

This program is the one you’re looking for if you dream of publishing your works someday.

What I DON’T LIKE about Fiction Profits Academy


First and foremost, the program’s cost of $1,997 is too high. And not everybody may have the money to pay for the total asking price of the product.

Unfavorable Refund Policy

The program’s money-back policy only guarantees a refund for only 24 hours. How can you gauge the training’s effectiveness if it’s only within that period?

Afterward, you have to wait for an entire year and qualify for each of the standards they have set to become eligible for a refund.

Final Thoughts: Fiction Profits Academy Review

I really hope that this detailed review I’ve given about the Fiction Profits Academy has given you the facts and insights you need to decide if this program is worth your time and money.

While it’s true that the program and the person who created it are not a scam, I still can’t bring myself to fully endorse it for a bunch of reasons. The biggest reasons are that it’s pretty expensive and its money-back guarantee leaves a lot to be desired. I’ve explained this more in an earlier part of my review.

Also, if you’re hoping to dive into a business venture that will quickly turn a profit, this program might not be the best fit. Success here isn’t going to come overnight. You’ll need to buckle down, be patient, and really commit to working towards your goals.

Some people might think that following their passion for writing and earning a solid, reliable income just doesn’t go together. However, that’s not the complete truth.

It’s absolutely possible to make a good living from your writing, even if you’ve never had any formal training in it. You can start by regularly posting blogs and then look at ways to make money from these posts. One way to do that is through something called affiliate marketing.

If you’re curious about how all this works and want to learn more, stick around! In the final part of my article, I’ll dive deeper into this…

How I Earn Income Online

Affiliate Marketing is probably the most popular eComm platform around. And it is rightfully so for many apparent reasons—among them is that it is highly lucrative and suits all levels of experience.

The following are additional reasons why many people prefer affiliate marketing over other sources of income online—

  • It is 100% legitimate!
  • It can be a stable source of passive income if the business is managed effectively.
  • It is cost-effective.
  • You are not involved with product management and delivery of parcels
  • Potential income is unlimited because there’s no limitation to the number of brands you would like to market

And yes, as you might have already surmised, your primary responsibility as an affiliate marketer is to promote a brand through your blog posts or social media content.

The company will provide you with a personalized affiliate link that you will attach to your online content. And then, you earn commissions every time someone uses your link to purchase the products or services listed on the company’s landing page.

Of course, your success in this type of business model relies on the quality of traffic generated from your content and how effectively they’re converted to sales.

If you’re new to affiliate marketing and have no idea where to begin, then worry no further! I have the perfect solution for you!

Consider giving the description or button below a click and discover how you can create quality content that generates leads and converts sales.


Successful Online business

And just for being here on my website, I am offering my eBook for Free. In it, I explain how I earn money while sleeping (and when I am awake too).

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Just click on the button below and get your copy right now!

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I believe we’ve covered sufficient grounds here!

Thank you for taking the time to read my Fiction Profits Academy review!


Signature 2022

5 thoughts on “Fiction Profits Academy Review: Is it Legit or a Scam?”

  1. It’s edging closer to “scam” as she has now started advertising “zero startup costs” and stating in a video ad that Amazon has a new device called Fiona that this course leverages. Actually, Fiona is the name of Amazon’s management building. Pretty fraudulent, pretty scammy.

    • Hi MJ,

      I suppose if you look at it that way, it can be deceiving for sure!
      Thanks for taking the time to comment on my article!

      Stay Safe


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