John Thornhills Ambassador Program Review

In today’s John Thornhills Ambassador Program review, I’ll provide you with my analysis of whether the program is legit or another get-quick-rich scheme.

Ambassador Program FRONTPAGE

Welcome to my John Thornhills Ambassador Program review!

A done-for-you system is likely one of the programs that you might have come across as you search for a “quick way” to gain financial success.

However, the problem with these programs is that most of them are really “get-quick-rich” schemes that offer nothing but empty promises.

Is John Thornhills Ambassador Program the same as any of these schemes with scammy intentions?

In this article, I’ll discuss the features of the programs and their advantages and disadvantages, and hopefully, it will help you determine if they’re worth your while or should you search for better alternatives.

But before I officially start, allow me to have this moment to share with you that I am NOT associated with John Thornhill or with any of his products.

And I will NOT earn commissions or benefit in any way if you make a decision to avail of their products.

So without further ado, let’s dive into today’s discussion and learn more about the program…

Let’s Meet the Creator of the Ambassadors Program

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As you might have already guessed, the Ambassadors Program is the brainchild of John Thornhill. He is a digital marketer that’s making his fortune from selling Clickbank and JVZoo products and programs.

In fact, he is the affiliate marketer’s top seller, with over $1.3 million of earnings under his name.

Not all Clickbank products are legitimate. Some online marketers on the said platforms are creating pseudo names and fake testimonials in order to lure their audience into buying the scam.

The good news is that John Thornhill is a real person, and the amount of income he was able to generate is among the proofs of his legitimacy.

Also, one of his programs was featured and ranked second in the Top Offers and Product to Promote on Clickbank’s official YouTube channel.

However, most of the programs he is promoting are done-for-you systems. The problem with these schemes is that they’re often low-paying and have expensive upsells.

So is the program a good investment? Or should you continue to look for better income opportunities?

Let’s continue with my John Thornhills Ambassador Program review and discover how the DFY system works…

What is the John Thornhills Ambassador Program?

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The John Thornhills Ambassador Program is a done-for-you system that provides its members with premade materials or templates such as a website, email funnels, applications, etc.

As good as the idea of having everything for you, the DFY has a huge flaw. You have to remember that the materials you are receiving are generic, which means that the content of the programs is generally the same as with the other members.

If you have seen ads by DFY marketers before, a prominent factor that you

Top search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Yandex have a strict policy on publications with duplicating content. With this being said—generating leads and attracting them would be extremely challenging.

I also reviewed tons of DFY schemes in the past, and I don’t recommend them if what you’re after is a reliable source of income online. Here are some of the articles I have published that you can read about—Affiliate Traffic Bots, VIP Bot Club, Googlix, and Infinity Processing System, just to name a few of them.

Or you can refer to the full list of reviews by clicking the link here.

What’s Inside the Program?

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The following are the features of the John Thornhills Ambassador Program—

Traffic Training

Aside from the premade templates, the program also includes training on the basics of internet traffic. The aim of the module is supposed to help the member to gain traffic using the program’s funnels.

The DFY Webinar Traffic Funnel

This part of the program is more on selling John Thornton’s webinars and several of his digital programs.

As the name suggests, it includes a DFY funnel that is designated to bring in traffic to the website.

The 99 Email Scripts

In this section, you will receive 99 DFY email templates which will be sent to your email list promoting John Thornton’s programs.

Your JV Page

The program includes teaching you how you can hire affiliates in marketing John’s digital products. The disadvantage of this program is that it will also require you to share your revenue with them.

Once they are able to convert sales, you will keep 50% of the profits, while the rest is credited to your team of affiliates.

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How Does the Program Work?

You can expect the following setup once you have decided to try out their program—

Personal Website

The hallmark of the DFY system is the generic webpage that you will present to your audience. However, you have to take note that it’s not really your website because it’s aimed to benefit John Thornton first and foremost.

Your name will be flashed on the said landing page, but ultimately, it won’t really give you the economic advantage you might be expecting when you join the program.

Premade Email Templates

As mentioned previously, you will also receive email templates that you’re going to send to the unfortunate recipients of spam messages in the sales funnel.

Live Webinars

From time to time, John organizes a live webinar.

Also, you obtain a license to sell John’s “prestigious” programs after attending his seminars.

Exclusive Link to Clickbank and Aweber

The members of the John Thornhills Ambassador Program also receive access to the program’s Clickbank account and official autoresponder email, which is Aweber.

The programs by themselves are user-friendly. In addition, you no longer have to be concerned about what you’re going to write since you already have the 99 email templates.

Generate Traffic to Your Personal Landing Page

You will learn strategies on how you can drive traffic to your landing page.

Again, this may be extra-challenging since search engine sites deemed duplicating publications are spam.

How Much is the Program?

If you’re interested in joining the John Thornhills Ambassador Program, then you have to prepare a hefty budget of $497. This is a little expensive when you compare them to a typical DFY system which is only under $100.

Also, you have to take into consideration the upsells you have to pay for in order to gain access to some parts of the program.

I’m not sure, though, if he offers a refund policy. But since it’s a Clickbank product, it’s likely that consumers are protected with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

In addition, a lesson on the basics of Aweber email autoresponder is part of the training, but the application is not actually included once you paid for the DFY system.

You have to pay for the Aweber software, which will cost you $15.

You’d also be offered the opportunity to enroll in John Thornhills’ Partnership to Success Program, which is about $4,997!

If you’re looking for a program that can help you gain financial stability without having to break the bank, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

Is John Thornhills Ambassador Program a Scam?

John Thornhills is definitely not a con artist. He is a legitimate digital entrepreneur with outstanding records as a seller in Clickbank and JVZoo.

However, my only concern with the program is that it is super expensive compared to a typical DFY scheme. Also, this is a consideration of how low the income potential is for the platform.

It seems to me that he is only taking advantage of the fact that he is Clickbank’s top seller. But beyond, there’s no quality in his programs as you see in its content. It’s no different from the usual DFY system.

But if you’re still planning to try the program, you have to manage your expectations and be willing to risk your $500.

What I LIKE about the John Thornhills Ambassador Program

The only thing I like about the Ambassador Program is that John Thornhills is a legitimate digital entrepreneur and have become the top seller of Clickbank.

Despite this information, I still don’t recommend DFY systems in general because of the low-potential income, upsells, and the series of messages that follow after you have signed up for the program.

What I DON’T LIKE about the John Thornhills Ambassador Program

Now, below are the disadvantages of the John Thornhills Ambassador Program you have to take into consideration—


First and foremost, the program is not budget-friendly.


In addition to the expensive initial costs, you also have to prepare for the ensuing upsells. This is in order for you to gain access to the programs’ more advanced features.

Low-Income Potential

DFY systems are basically generic programs that the seller recycles from one client to another.

As I explained repeatedly all throughout this article, it could be very challenging to generate leads and convert sales in a DFY system since search engines, and social media platforms are strict on materials with duplicating content.

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Final Thoughts on My John Thornhills Ambassador Program Review and A Better Alternative

I hope my John Thornhills Ambassador Program review has provided you with the information you need about the digital product and helped you gain sufficient insights in helping you decide if they’re worth your while or not.

Either way, I don’t recommend the John Thornhills program because it is very expensive. Also, DFY systems, in general, are low-paying and more difficult to work with, considering the spam restrictions of major search engine consoles.

If what you’re after is an income opportunity online that’s cost-effective and has low risk yet yields high and a stable source of income, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

And to show you my appreciation just by reading my John Thornhills Ambassador Program review, I’m also giving away my book to help you gain traction in the digital marketing business—

4 step-method



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