Mastering Online Income (2021) Review: Is it Another Scam Site?

Mastering Online Income Intro Image

Name: Mastering Online Income


Price: $24.95 (A discount applied after trying to exit the checkout website) and $49.95/month thereafter

Affiliate marketing is among the top trends today in regards to earning income online.

In fact, you will find tons of results when you search for the keyword online. And I can relate that sometimes it can be overwhelming identifying which one is legitimate.

One of the programs that you might have come across is Mastering Online Income. And for some reason, it might have triggered your curiosity and want to know more about the company.

And if you’re looking for answers, then this article is what you’re just looking for!

But before I begin, I need to disclose that I am NOT an affiliate of Mastering Online Income. And I am in no way advertising their program.

With that out of the way, let’s begin my Mastering Online Income review…

But before we do, let me show you how I earn money online while I sleep (and also while I’m awake)

Click on this link to join me and millions of other members —>MY NO.1 RECOMMENDATION<–

Who owns Mastering Online Income?

At Mastering Online Income’s sales pitch video, there was no mention of the program’s creator.

All the presenter did is promote hype and badmouth the so-called guru industry despite the fact that they themselves are gurus and that the program they’re selling is suspicious right off the bat.

I will explain more about the red flags in later parts of the article. But for now, let’s investigate business’ identity a little further…

As the video ends, you will be prompted to provide your name, email address, and contact number.

And after you give them your personal information, you will be greeted with another sales pitch. The promotional video on their front page looks very similar to a previously reviewed program on this site.

And as the sales video progresses, my suspicion was confirmed!

The program is just a revamp of a scam program called The Job Quitter Club! They didn’t even change the contents of the video presentation—it is still the same crap.

Mastering Online Income - Job quitter club

In their sales pitch, a guy named Richard Harper from Chicago, Illinois, claims that he is the platform’s owner. As explained in the Job Quitter Club review, this is faked, and the person in the image is just a stock photo from Shutterstock.

To understand more about what the program offers, let’s continue with my Mastering Online Income review and dig deeper…

What is Mastering Online Income?

Mastering Online Income has no contents. You will be redirected to The Job Quitter Club’s sales page after you provide your personal information.

After seeing the same video, it becomes apparent that it is just a front act of the said website. If you haven’t read the program’s review yet, the same platform may also be a revamp of another online marketing scam called Private Cash Sites.

Maybe the two sites have gained an immense bad reputation in the past few years, leading them to create another misleading website. Also, the people behind the programs are likely one and the same.

Same as the two sites, the founders were faked, and the essential information was not disclosed—it includes items like date of inception, current owners, headquarters, or CEOs if there are any.

However, according to their domain age, it was only established recently, as shown below—

Mastering Online Income Domain Age

And their IP address places them in Washington, DC—

Mastering Online Income IP Address

I am skeptical about the place of their place of business, though, because they’re apparently using a VPN—

I understand that they have to keep some corporate confidential, but this is not always the case.  I can’t comprehend why some companies conceal even the most basic of information. It doesn’t make sense to tell you frankly.

You’re basically asking me to trust you and pay you for the program. But how can I trust you completely if you can’t even share your identity?

How does Mastering Online Income work?

As I emphasized in the previous section, Mastering Online Income appears to be only a front act. Therefore, the program doesn’t offer any content. And what you’ll receive instead are the contents found in the database of The Job Quitter Club.

Such action is a huge red flag!

If the program was legitimate, there should be no reason for you to use another domain name and conceal it, right?

Also, the program is supposed to teach you affiliate marketing. They mention that it is not a get-quick-rich scheme. But what they do instead is hype you by showing people who they claim are earning thousands of dollars regularly with the help of their program!

Affiliate marketing is an amazing eCommerce platform that can definitely help you earn reliable income online. But you have to remember that your income in affiliate marketing may take time before you fully reap the fruits of your labor, especially if you’re a beginner.

It may also fluctuate dramatically. There may be days when you’re earning significantly, while you may not be earning at all on other days.

But in due time, affiliate marketing can definitely help you achieve financial freedom. And having the right tools and attitude can boost your rise to the top.

You can check out my best work-at-home recommendation if you want to know more about how it works and how you can succeed using this eCommerce platform.

Is Mastering Online Income a scam? Here are some red flags!

Fake owners

As explained earlier, Richard Harper is not a real person! Concealing the true owners of the business is a huge red flag. And it’s a definite sign that the business might be fraudulent.

When someone says that they are not a fake guru, it doesn’t mean that they are indeed what these individuals say they are.

At one point in the video, he mentioned that he is not a guru. But he clearly mentioned right away that he is providing a platform that can help you earn thousands of dollars. Well, that is a guru as far as definition is concerned.

Also, faking a lifestyle is commonplace in the fake guru genre. They do so to intentionally mislead viewers that they are indeed living a luxurious lifestyle through the help of their system.

Like for example, the house and cars he claimed to be his personal property in his sales pitch showed up on many websites as I reverse search image it—

Mastering Online Income Fake Image I
Mastering Online Income Fake Image II

Fake it until you make it, as the saying goes.

Fake Testimonials

All of the photos in his testimonials are bogus. The images came from various stock photo sources like iStock and Shutterstock, as shown below—

Mastering Online Income Fake Testimonial I
Mastering Online Income Fake Testimonial II

And here is another example—

Mastering Online Income Fake Testimonial III

One photo may show a different position, but they are the same individuals—

Mastering Online Income Fake Testimonial IV

False Claims

In his sales pitch, he is misrepresenting affiliate marketing as easy. As I said, affiliate marketing is a good source of income, but it won’t be easy! And it may take time before you start earning significantly and achieve consistent income.

Fake Scarcity

They say that they will only take 100 people into the program, but it’s hard to believe that they still haven’t reached the required people in the span of one year.

When you visit their site, it says that one more individual is needed for the program to pursue. But this is apparently not true and only using it to pressure you to buy their bogus products!

No Income Disclosure Statement

If their system truly helped a lot of people, then where is the income disclosure statement?

If you’re looking for a more legitimate program that can help you earn reliable income online, then you need to check out my top work-at-home recommendation!


I didn’t see any positives about the product. It is a scam!


Fake owners

Fake testimonies

False hope

Fake scarcity

No income disclosure statement

Mastering Online Income Review: Final Thoughts

I hope my Mastering Online Income review has made things clear on why the platform isn’t worth your time and money.

With so many red flags, the platform is heading towards the category of a scam.

As I repeatedly emphasized in this article, Mastering Online Income offers no value at all. You are expecting to receive a product that bears the same name but what you get instead is a product from another program.

Such action spells a scam. It tells us that the previous program didn’t work. Thus, the creators resorted to creating another gimmick to mislead people into buying whatever they are offering.

If you truly want to learn how to unlock the full benefits of affiliate marketing, then let’s continue to the last section…

How I earn Income Online

When we talk about eCommerce, two platforms come into mind—dropshipping and affiliate marketing.

These are the most popular platforms around because they are suitable for all levels of experience.

However, affiliate marketing is much better than dropshipping, in my opinion. Dropshipping requires more work and capital. In contrast, affiliate marketing is cost-effective regarding starting your business, promoting your brand, and generating leads.

In addition, affiliate marketing is the source of income online for several reasons, and it includes the following—

  • It possesses no risks!
  • It is free, to begin with!
  • It can be a source of high and reliable income!
  • Absolutely no upsells!
  • Income is unlimited because you can market as many brands as you like!

Yes, your main task is to promote the brand using an affiliate link provided by the business you’re representing.

And then, you’ll earn commissions anytime someone engages your personalized affiliate link and uses it to purchase the products or services offered on the landing page of the brand you’re marketing.

Of course, your success in affiliate marketing will rely on the quality of traffic being driven into your online site.

If this is your concern, then you no longer have to worry any further! I have the perfect solution that will help your business grow!

Slightly tickle the description below and discover how you can create a stunning site that’s driving a lot of traffic—


So yes, I believe that is just about it!

Thank you for your time and for reading my Mastering Online Income review!

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