Is a Scam or Legit in 2022?

Is a scam? Or are they legitimate? For today’s content, I’ll help you determine whether they’re a good business to venture into!

Paid Online Writing Jobs FRONTPAGE

Is a scam? Or, are they a legitimate program?

If you have these queries in mind, then you definitely have come to the right place!

You might have come across the program because of an email you have received today.

It might have sparked your interest since you’re a freelance writer and looking for opportunities to use your skills and earn income online.

Also, it is offered under Clickbank, which means that there should be some level of legitimacy about the program, right?

In this topic, I will discuss the specifics of the business, and hopefully, it will help you determine whether it’s the right one for you or not.

But before I begin today’s article, let me share with you that I am NOT an associate or affiliated with the program, and in NO way promoting any of their products, if there are any.

This content is my unbiased and honest review on the site and whether they’re worth your while.

So without further delays, let’s begin…

Who are the Creators of

Paid Online Writing Jobs IMAGE 1

The program has not indicated who its creators are nor mentioned the company they are under. Also, I searched the web for information on who are its possible owners but to no avail.

Such an instance is a common practice I observed with some Clickbank products with scammy intentions.

Anyway, without them disclosing any information about the business, I did the next best step, which is to check their domain name to get a glimpse of who they are.

The following is what I managed to find.

First off, the site is surprisingly in existence for over ten years now, as shown below—

Paid Online Writing Jobs IMAGE 2

With this being said—you may immediately surmise that the program is legit. Well, this isn’t exactly the case. Operating for this long isn’t proof of legitimacy.

For one thing, the site doesn’t have any income disclosure statement to show that its members are actually making money.

At their income disclaimer section, all you see is a statement with some of its paragraphs copied word-for-word from another site—

Paid Online Writing Jobs IMAGE 3

Another thing you have to take note of is that they weren’t able to provide its owners and founders despite being in existence for ten years!

In addition, it’s possible that they have changed the domain name, which would explain the ten years.

I also found that the site is headquartered in San Francisco, California—

Paid Online Writing Jobs IMAGE 4

However, I don’t trust this data completely because they are using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) which conceals its true identity.

With these factors in mind—is a scam? Is it a program that you should stay away from? Or is it legitimate after all?

Let’s continue and learn more about the program…

What is is a digital product that is listed under Clickbank. The platform is an affiliate marketing forum where many internet entrepreneurs go in search of products to sell on their sites.

As the name suggests, promises to pay freelance writers money for projects such as articles, website content, or blog posts.

After signing up, the programs’ process involves the following steps: registration, webinar, and accepting jobs that were pre-selected by the site—there’s no need to build your portfolio or bidding.

In addition, they ask for fess before you can successfully use their program.

This kind of setup is directly contrary to legitimate freelancing sites where you are given the opportunity to bid for jobs and build your account profile to attract potential clients.

Also, they are free to use and don’t require you any payment upon registration.

Apparently, such instances are a red flag right off the bat.

If you’re a newbie in freelance writing and looking for legitimate sites to work with, then stay away from and use UpWork, Fiverr, and instead.

Or, if you’re looking for a source of income online that provides higher income and financial stability, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

How Much is the Program?

Before you can access the supposedly earning potential of, you have to settle the registration fee of $27 first.

Again, you don’t have to pay a single cent with the legit freelance platforms I mentioned earlier during the signup process.

Anyway, the $27 price may not seem that much. But you’ll soon find out that there are upsells involved, which would cost you more money.

Some might say that the $27 cost is justified by the training video included in the package. Well, this isn’t quite so.

You have to take note that the webinar only consisted of basic information about the freelancing industry, which you can source for free through Google or YouTube.

How does really work?

In reality, you don’t get any writing projects and earn money from It will just funnel you to other programs that are supposed to make you money.

After you have successfully registered to the program, you receive several PDF files that offer no relevance. I suspect that most of the files they provide are bought from PLR (Private Label Rights) sites.

In addition, you will be bombarded with spam messages asking you to check out their referral links.

It is essentially a copy-paste platform. And the only way you’ll earn any money from them is if someone happens to clicks your link and buys the bogus program as well.

I have reviewed a similar platform in the past called that operates in the same manner. Coincidentally, the name of the programs appears to be oddly similar as well.

It is highly possible that these two scams are one and related to each other.

So yes, there’s no real income opportunity here.

If you’re looking for a more legitimate income source online, then my best work-from-home recommendation is what you are looking for!

Is a Scam? Here are some of the Red Flags…

Yes. is definitely a scam. I have listed below some of the red flags you have to consider—

  • As mentioned in the previous section, it’s just another copy-paste scam, and there’s no real opportunity here that could help you generate any reliable income
  • Misleading advertisement because it doesn’t really provide writing projects for freelancers
  • Instead of boosting your monthly income, it offers upsells that would cost you to lose money than earn anything

Positive Things about (if there are any…)

Nope. There are no positives about It is a scam that you have to avoid at all costs!

Final Thoughts

I hope my article has helped you in providing you the answer to the all-important question—is a scam?

The site is essentially operating a fraudulent program. They try to mislead freelance writers into believing that they can help them find projects through their services.

However, this isn’t exactly the case. Not even close! Like, it is just another copy-paste scam.

The price of $27 may be low, but it is just another one of their attempts to deceive its audience.

Instead of earning anything, you’ll end up with nothing, or worse, lose money. And this is because of the upsells that come after you have fallen into their trap.

If you’re looking for a more legitimate income source online, then let’s continue to the last section of today’s article…

How I Earn Income Online

When you search the web for the most popular sources of income over the internet, I’m pretty sure that affiliate marketing will come up as among the top searches.

And this is rightfully so for several obvious reasons, which includes the following—

  • Cost-effective
  • It suits all levels of experience
  • 100% legitimate
  • No upsells
  • Not involved with inventory management and delivery tracking
  • But most importantly, the potential profit is unlimited because you can advertise as many brands as you wish

Take note that your main responsibility is to market products or services through your online content.

And then, you earn commissions anytime a potential customer engages your personalized links and uses them to avail the products eventually.

Of course, your success in this venture depends on the quality of lead generation and sales conversion.

It may sound daunting, but with proper skills, you can succeed in affiliate marketing.

If you’re new to the idea of affiliate marketing and have no idea where to begin, then you no longer have to concern yourself about it because I got the perfect solution for you!

Do you see the highlighted description below in bold formats?

Give it a slight tickle and discover how you create posts that are driving quality traffic to your publication from scratch—


And to show you my appreciation by rendering your precious time in today’s review, I am also giving away an ebook that will help you kickstart your business—

4 step-method


Well, I believe we’ve covered sufficient grounds here!

Thank you for the time and effort in reading my “Is a scam?” article!

I hope to see you in the next articles!



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