Soul Manifestation (2021) Review! Is it Worth Your While or Not?

Welcome to my Soul Manifestation review! For today’s topic, I’ll help you determine whether this platform is legit or a scam.

Soul Manifestation FRONTPAGE

Welcome to Soul Manifestation review!

The program is another one of those spiritual or the law of attraction-themed Clickbank products that might be spamming your email.

If you are into this type of genre, then the soul readings and lifestyle tips of Soul Manifestation might have caught your attention.

After all, it isn’t that expensive. What could possibly go wrong, right?

But if you still want to be sure that you’re getting money’s worth, then today’s review of the Soul Manifestation product is just for you!

But before I begin today’s discussion, allow me to disclose that I am NOT a representative or affiliate of the Soul Manifestation, and in NO way promoting any of their products or additional upsells.

This program is my honest and unbiased analysis of the program and whether they’re a good buy or a bust.

So without any further delays, let’s begin…

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What is Soul Manifestation?

Soul Manifestation is a typical digital product offered in Clickbank. The program is supposed to provide you a reading of your life’s purpose and what they refer to as “soul path” or a fancy word of saying your future.

In addition, it also promises to help an individual help find their soulmate and how to have a lasting relationship with them. And then, health tips and some health

And I say “typical” because Clickbank seems to be saturated with programs that offer spiritual, manifestation, or self-help products.

I have become acquainted with the Soul Manifestation through a Facebook ad I saw on my timeline one day. I didn’t pay that much attention because social media sites are apparently full of them.

And then, I start seeing some of my friends are using them and posting the results on their timelines.

Honestly, I am skeptical about these types of programs, and I’ll never pay for something like it.

However, there are some positive things about it. Like for example, health and relationship tips that would somehow help its audience.

In the next sections of the article, I will explain the program a little bit further, and hopefully, it will help you if it’s indeed worth your while.

Let’s resume with my Soul Manifestation review and learn more…

How does the Soul Manifestation Works?

On their landing page, you will be greeted with an invitation to accept their “soul reading” by providing them with your name and date of birth.

And after doing so, you’ll get a supposed soul reading. Not to offend any beliefs, but the results appear to be random and premade.

At the end of the reading, the audience is asked to provide their email address, this time for the energy reading. Bear in mind that this is just a marketing tactic.

And if you fall for this, expect marketing messages spamming your email on a regular basis.

Anyway, after the energy reading is the light reading. And then there’s one last reading which they call soul path, which is just a sales pitch for the main product.

Below is a summary of what’s inside Soul Manifestation—

  • Personality Soul Code – it’s supposed to give you insights into who you are which I find absurd
  • Vibrant Health Soul Code – the section involves identifying your health challenges and how to overcome them
  • Love and Romance Soul Code – this section basically provides you love tips that could help you with your relationships
  • Healing Power of Music – as the title suggests, you’ll learn the healing capability of listening to music in recovering from painful emotional distress
  • History of Astrology – in this part of the program, you get the basic foundation of astrology from ancient civilizations such as the Greeks, Mayans, Egyptians, Celtic, Chinese, etc.
  • The Validity of Astrology – it essentially provides you with the validity of the craft and how it could help you with your decision-making

I also have reviewed several Clickbank products in the past. You can check them out if you like—Write Apps and Miraculous Manifestation.

Who Created Soul Manifestation?

According to the website information, the owner and developer of Soul Manifestation are Neuro Marketing, LLC.

However, there’s no more additional information about the company beyond that. I tried searching the web about the matter but to no avail.

Anyway, even without the company sharing them with the public, we can still gather vital identification using the company’s domain address as a source.

From the website URL alone, we can determine that the site was established on May 01, 2020, as shown below—

Soul Manifestation Image 2

I also found that they are headquartered in San Francisco, California—

Soul Manifestation Image 3

However, I wouldn’t trust the data completely because they’re apparently using a VPN connection—

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In my opinion, a VPN (Virtual Private Network) is perfectly normal if it’s being used by a private individual to protect their interests as they surf the web.

However, it may not make that much sense if you are a business selling products to the public.

And the reason why this is the case is that it disables potential clients from checking your legitimacy and credibility.

Well, yes, I understand that you have to have some confidentiality to protect corporate interests as well.

However, do you even have to conceal even the most basic of information like founders, current owners, headquarters, parent company, or the date of inception?

By doing so, it makes them suspicious. It appears that they are trying to hide something from the public.

How Much Will the Program Cost You?

The cost of Soul Manifestation is $39.95 plus bonuses.

Since it’s offered under Clickbank, the buyer is assured of a 60-day refund policy if they’re unsatisfied with the program.

To know more about Clickbank’s refund and cancellation policy, click here.

Is Soul Manifestation a Scam?

Clickbank is a legitimate affiliate marketing forum. In fact, it is where many newbie marketers to the platform search for products to promote.

However, it doesn’t mean that every digital product listed on their site is legitimate as well.

With this being said—you still have to exercise due diligence whenever you are shopping for products listed under the platform or products to market if you’re an affiliate marketer

In regards to the Soul Manifestation product, you can find other online soul readings and tips on relationship and health that requires no sort of payment.

So is it a scam? I’ll leave that thought to you.

But if you ask me, it is a scam, or at least a very low-quality product considering that you won’t really receive any value from the program, and most of what’s included in it can be found for free over the internet.

What I DON’T LIKE about Soul Manifestation

Random Readings

There’s nothing special with the Soul Manifestation product.

The results that they provide you are random, and it doesn’t have to do with your inherent qualities and character.

Low-Quality eBook

In addition to soul reading, you also get an eBook, as discussed in the previous sections.

However, the information relayed in the book can be sourced elsewhere over the internet. Plus, they’re free, and you don’t have to pay anything.

Also, a common practice employed by many Clickbank sellers is that they go to PLR (Private Label Rights) sites to buy copyright-free intellectual properties.

And then, they edit the eBooks and claim it as their own.

What I LIKE about Soul Manifestation

Although the program won’t cost you that much and offers a 60-day refund policy, I still believe that it’s not worth your while.

Save your money for more legitimate programs that can help you earn income.

And if you’re looking for a source of income that can provide you with high and reliable income, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

Final Thoughts: Soul Manifestation Review

I hope my Soul Manifestation review has helped you in determining why you shouldn’t avail yourself of their digital products.

As I said earlier, I am not really a fan of astrology and manifestation nor the law of attraction ideology.

I also believe that the soul readings that they provide are random. And it doesn’t have to do with your current disposition in life.

Let me also add that good fortune comes to people that work hard and persevere through challenges in life to achieve their goals.

Let’s resume to the last section of the article, and I will show a much better option that can improve your circumstances in life…

Do You Want to Learn How You Can Earn Income Online?

When you browse the web for the best sources of income over the internet, among the top results that you’ll find in there is an eCommerce platform called affiliate marketing.

It is very popular nowadays because of its great potential in providing financial stability once the business is managed effectively.

In addition, many turn to this platform because of several apparent reasons, such as the following—

  • 100% legitimate
  • Cost-effective
  • It suits all levels of experiences
  • Low-risk
  • No need to manage inventories or parcel deliveries
  • Most importantly, your projected profits are unlimited because you can basically promote as many brands as you like

And as you might’ve already guessed, your task as an affiliate marketer is to market products or services through your online content.

You earn commissions once somebody clicks on your personalized link(s) and uses them to avail whatever you’re promoting.

Of course, it’s easier said than done.

Your success in this type of business model relies on the quality of the traffic that’s being driven into your site and how well they’re converting into sales.

It isn’t that easy now, right?

If you’re a newbie to affiliate marketing and have no idea where to begin, then I have something for you to alleviate all your concerns.

Do you see the bold texts below?

Consider giving it a slight tickle and discover how you can create content that’s generating leads and converting sales from scratch—


And just by being here, I am also giving away my eBook to help you kickstart your business—

4 step-method


That’s just about it!

Thank you for rendering your time to today’s Soul Manifestation review!

I hope to see you next time!



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