Is Videos Vault (2022) Legit? Or is it a Scam? Let’s Find Out…

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Is Videos Vault Legit? Or is it a scam? For today’s topic, I’ll help you decide whether the program is a good investment or should you avoid them?

If you have these questions in mind, then you have come to the right place!

The popularity of TikTok boomed during the pandemic. It became a go-to hobby for people around the globe when many places underwent lockdown.

With this being said—interest grew as well as in the earning potential of the social media platform.

And if you have browsed the web for ways on how to take advantage of TikTok monetization, then there’s a good chance that you have landed on Elise Darma’s Videos Vault.

In this article, I’ll particularly talk about the specifics of the program and some of its strong and weak points.

And at the end of the review, it should help you decide if they’re worth investing time and money in or not.

But before I begin today’s discussion, let me disclose that I’m NOT an affiliate or representing on behalf of Elise Darma and in NO way promoting any of her digital products.

This content is my unbiased and honest take on the program.

So once again, is Videos Vault legit? Or is it a scam?

Let’s begin and find out…

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Who is Elise Darma?

Anytime I am reviewing a digital product or business opportunity, I would normally go to the testimonials and check whether the people giving testimonies are

Elise Darma is a digital entrepreneur that has gained success from social media. And she literally started her career as a social media professional for a company in 2010!

She was a full-time employee for a few years, and then she finally decided to establish her own social media service in 2014. Since then, she has been able to help many companies gain traction in cyberspace.

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As of today, her accounts have a huge number of followings. For instance, her YouTube profile has over 80K subscribers, her Instagram profile has over 160K followers, her Pinterest profile has over 9K followers, and her TikTok profile has over 14K followers.

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Just by referring to the information above, you can immediately surmise that she definitely knows her craft, and you can learn a lot from her training course. 

As I explained earlier, I’ll particularly talk about her TikTok training program and whether they can indeed help you earn money through the said networking site.

Aside from Videos Vault, she is also the founder of two courses related to social media monetization, such as Instagram Growth Boss and Story Vault, which I reviewed in the past as well.

What is Videos Vault?

As you might have already surmised, Videos Vault is a program that offers training on TikTok Monetization.

It’s rather an interesting training course to take. Although TikTok has been around since 2016, it only became widely popular during the peak of the COVID-19 epidemic.

The platform has become immensely popular since then, especially among the younger generations. This may be the case—they’re still relatively new in regards to monetization.

Don’t get me wrong. Such an instance is an advantage than a disadvantage because TikTok monetization isn’t saturated yet. 

And what it also means is that your chances of succeeding are a little bit better compared to more established social media applications like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat, etc.

Anyway, if you are specifically looking for a program that can help you take advantage of TikTok monetization, then Videos Vault may deliver you the results you have in mind.

It discusses creating video posts that generate engagement and lists of video ideas to keep your business going.

So what are the topics included in the online courses?

Let’s go over the following sections and find out what you can expect from the course…

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How Much is Videos Vault?

The Videos Vault training program is loaded with tons of value in regards to taking advantage of the income potentials of TikTok.

With this being said—you might expect that the program would cost you a lot of money. However, you’d be surprised that Video Vault is only priced at $47.

However, I am not sure if there’s a refund policy since I wasn’t able to find one on her landing page, or if there are upsells involved after you have availed of the program since she is also the founder of other training programs.

Although TikTok monetization is a new frontier in digital marketing, it may not be as profitable compared to other eComm platforms.

And if you’re for programs that can boost your profit, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

What are The Topics Included in the Training Program?

Videos Vault is categorized into two categories—

  1. How-To Video Training – the first part of the program talks about the basics of creating a TikTok video. In addition, you’ll learn optimization techniques such as understanding how algorithms work and using hashtags and video captions to your advantage.
  2. Vault of 300 Video Ideas – in the second section, Elise shares her 300 video ideas on publishing content that generate traffic and convert sales. It also includes the two levels of editing videos, coaching services, and other digital products related to TikTok monetization.

Videos Vault is ideal for people who are looking to pursue their passion for social media content creation and earn some money as well.

The program is also perfect for coaches and service providers looking to take advantage of TikTok as a source of income.

Aside from the core modules in the program, she also bonuses such as the following—

  • The Video Traffic Path System – talks about how to attract traffic and retain your audience
  • The Video Ideas Generator – Elise shares her strategies in brainstorming for ideas
  • How to Batch Create Your Videos – the essentials of organizing your work
  • Off-Camera Training for the Camera Shy – as the title suggests, she shares her philosophy on overcoming camera shyness
  • Access to Elise Darma’s Money Vault Club – you’ll get access to her private community

Elise’s program, however, isn’t the only online program around that’s offering social media monetization training.

I have reviewed several of them, and you can check them out if you like—The 6 Figure YouTube Academy and YouTube for Bosses 3.0, just to name a few of them.

Or, you can check the full list of reviews here.

Is Videos Vault Legit? Or is it a scam?

Elise Darma is a legitimate and credible social media influencer and digital marketer. Therefore, her Video Vault program is 100% legitimate, and you can definitely trust the program in helping you monetize your TikTok posts.

What I DON’T LIKE about Video Vault

There’s nothing negative I can say about Elise Darma’s training. It’s an excellent course to take for anyone pursuing to earn some money from their social media posts.

However, it may not be for people who want to gain a high income on the internet. Check out my best work-from-home recommendation if you are looking for a better alternative.

What I LIKE about Videos Vault

The following are some of the best traits of Videos Vault:

Elise Darma is Legit!

As mentioned in the previous sections, Elise Darma is a legitimate social media expert and online entrepreneur.

She has been in the business for over 10 years now. Therefore, you can indeed put your trust in her program.


Another great thing about the course is that it’s very affordable.

Quality Training Program

As mentioned, the modules included in the program are high quality and would definitely aid aspiring online entrepreneurs who want to take advantage of TikTok as a source of income.

Final Thoughts

I hope my review for today has provided you the information you need in determining the answer to these questions—Is Videos Vault legit? Is it worth your while or not?

Either way, the program is very affordable, and you won’t have to break the bank if you decide to avail them.

She has been in the social media industry for quite some time, and I’m quite sure that she can indeed provide you the help you need in growing your online business.

However, the only thing I have about TikTok monetization is it may not be for people who are looking for a high source of income online.

Let’s continue to the last section of today’s review, and I will present you with a much better option…

How I Earn Income

Affiliate marketing is the best source of income online for many apparent reasons, such as the following—

  • 100% legitimate
  • Cost-effective
  • It suits all levels of experiences
  • No upsells
  • Not directly involved with product management and delivery
  • Potential profits are unlimited since you can advertise as many brands as you wish

Yes, the main responsibility of an affiliate marketer is to represent a brand by embedding their personalized links onto your online publications.

You earn commissions every time someone engages the links that you’ve provided and then use it to buy the offerings of the company you’re representing.

However, as easy as it may sound, it’s not going to be all fine and dandy.

You have to bear in mind that your success in this type of business relies on the quality of engagement and conversion generated from your posts.

If you’re new to the concept of affiliate marketing and how to effectively manage it, then you no longer have to worry any further!

I have the perfect answer to your problems!

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