Auto Income Sites [2022 Review] – Scam or Legit?

Welcome to my Auto Income Sites review! For today’s topic, I’ll help you determine whether this platform is legit or a scam that you should avoid.

Auto Income Sites


Name: Auto Income Sites


Owner: William Dale (this is probably a pen name, we actually don’t know who the real owner(s) is (are))

Price: $47

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Auto Income Sites review: Is It a Scam? Or is it Legit?

Last year, lots of people lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

And because of specific health protocols, most major cities worldwide underwent lockdown, and activities have been limited to be done mostly from our homes.

So the best and most logical solution is to find work or income opportunities online.

I’ve been working in the comfort of my home years before the pandemic started. And seeing the dramatic increase in eCommerce and online related work in the year 2020 alone is quite remarkable.

But what makes me sad in all of this is how some people would take advantage of desperate individuals and profit from their vulnerabilities.

And yes, as the eCommerce trend rises, so as people who will attempt to steal money from you.

For today, I will talk about one suspicious website called Auto Income Sites that promises you a $500 a day profit.

But before I begin, allow me to disclose that I am NOT an affiliate of Auto Income Sites and not promoting their program. This content is the result of a thorough investigation and analysis of their product.

So with that out of the way, let’s begin my Auto Income Sites review…

Auto Income Sites Video

Who is William Dale? And what is Auto Income Site?

Auto Income Sites was supposed to have been founded by a person named William Dale.

Besides the suspicious testimonies and outrageous claims, that is basically all the information they’ve provided!

There was no date of foundation, CEOs, current owners, contact information, and headquarters.

There’s even no photo or video of the founder promoting his supposed life-changing system. This tells me that this guy is just a voice-over actor hired from freelance websites like Fiverr or UpWork.

Fortunately, I have my special set of skills in determining clues about parts of the business’ identity.

Based on my research, the website was just established seven months ago—July 29, 2020. And coincidentally, it was created during the peak of the pandemic.

Age of website
Domain history

Their IP address places them in San Francisco, California. But I am skeptical about this location because they are using a VPN, as shown below—

VPN Status

A VPN virtually masks your online identity, which makes you almost untraceable.

The question is—if you’re a legitimate business, why even attempt to hide basic information of your company.

Whatever the reason may be, their potential clients need to know them. How can they trust you with their money if you can’t provide them the information they need?

With this lack of information and seemingly unwillingness to publicize basic corporate information, does this immediately indicate that they are a scam?

Let’s continue with my Auto Income Sites review and find out…

How Auto Income Sites work?

The mechanics of how the system works was not discussed in any parts of his sales pitch. All he did is show you testimonials and how his system will help you get out of the rat race.

The sites’ marketing video begins with a news clip from ABC News. But let me remind you that it talks about the advantages of working at your home and the increasing demand for online workers.

And the news presenters did not mention even once Auto Income Sites or earning commissions online.

Also, you can see a graphic that says—

As seen on ABC Fox NBC

Again, there is no mention of William Dale’s system. And what they’re referring to is the opportunities of working from home and nothing else.

Their intention here is sketchy right off the bat because it indicates that they’re already trying to hype you and then hook you in buying their system.

The founder of Auto Income Sites mentioned that he made millions with his system.

But he also says that if you’re already earning $500 or more, then his system is not intended for you.

My point is, if this is true, then why wouldn’t he allow individuals from all walks of life to take advantage of such opportunity?

If his system is as amazing as he claims to be, why is it not available for everybody?

His claims don’t seem to add up.

If you’re looking for a legitimate source of income online, then you have to check out my top work-at-home recommendation!

They were formally associated with ClickBetter

In the refund policy, they proudly claim that they are linked to ClickBetter. Therefore, you are protected by its refund policy guidelines, as they stated.

Refund Policy

If you haven’t heard of ClickBetter, there’s a good reason why this is the case.

For one thing, ClickBetter has the reputation of being the place where scams and the rejects of Clickbank go.

If you’re not aware, Clickbank has strict policies to follow. And if the business has not complied with their stated guidelines, they will be banned from the platform immediately.

The refund policy of ClickBetter is no good either. Many complaints are stating that the refund policy is unclear or refund disputes are still unresolved.

Update: Since this article was written, the checkout has changed and is now through Digistore24 because ClickBetter was highjacked:

ClickBetter Highjack

Rehash of Commission Bootcamp

As I was doing my research, I also notice that the “Refund Policy” seemed very familiar! Well no wonder, here is an image of what I found:

Commission Bootcamp rehash

As you can see from the above image, the URL says, but the favicon says Commission Bootcamp. This tells me that the creator of this system is just rehashing the same product from before with a new name.

I actually wrote a review on My Commission Bootcamp (click on the title to read it) and it wasn’t a good review either!

Is Auto Income Sites a scam? Too many red flags!

Failed to disclose basic corporate information

You might argue that disclosing company background is a matter of corporate privacy.

Well, that is not the case!

First and foremost is that people need to know who you are before they trust you with their money!

I even doubt the name of the founder is real. It’s most probably a pen name that they use for the sales video purpose only.

Not disclosing even the most basic of information like current, owners, CEOs, date of inception, etc., is already a huge red flag!

Misleading Claims

I thought we are talking about working in the comfort of your home? And that is also what the news presenter has mentioned at the beginning of their marketing video, right?

But why is it that the testimonials and the presenter talk about commissions instead?


It seems to me that this more of an investment or business opportunity where you will promote something or recruit to earn income.

He mentioned many times in his video and even showed you his supposed bank account as proof that he has made a huge amount of money from his system. But this is likely, not true.

He shows money from his supposed bank accounts, but that doesn’t prove it came from what he calls the system. As far as I am concerned, it is just hype to make you believe that this amount of money is possible with this system.

Actually, I’ve seen this many times before. Fake gurus or courses make millions not because of their supposed money-making system but through paid-courses and upsells!


Also, they specifically mentioned that they need people who are earning less than $500 and those who don’t have prior skills or experience. This makes sense because individuals with an eCommerce background may find their system irrelevant and a total waste of money.

If they’re already making this much money, then why even go to the trouble of creating courses, dealing with impatient students, and managing the stress of angry clients and refunds.

Bogus Testimonials

When you look carefully, it appears like the people giving testimonies are reading a script as the video progresses.

Also, the acting is pretty bad. It looks like they’re forcing themselves to emit an emotion that makes them insincere and not authentic.

And yes, I said acting and script because they are indeed hired spoke persons from Fiverr, as you can see below—

Fiver Actor

Here’s another example:

Fiverr Actress

Also, in the last parts of the sales pitch, William Dale shows his bogus students’ PayPal account. Again, the figures he presents to you are a lie.

One image example is a stock image from Shutterstock—

Fake PayPal account 1

Another image I managed to trace is from a personal Twitter account.

Fake PayPal account 2

So maybe she joined Auto Income Sites, you might say, but that’s not exactly the case because the name and place were changed deliberately.

Again, her photo was used on a website called Omniflex as a testimonial with a different name and place of residence.

Fake Paypal account 3


As his sales pitch closes, he says that his money-generating system is free. But this is just an outright lie!

As soon as you put your name and email address in their registration box, you will eventually find out that his system’s actual price is $47.

It may not sound that much to some, but there are multiple upsells following your first signup. They will tell you things like you need this stuff to progress with their program.

Of course, you may feel that you no longer have a choice because you already paid for the first programs, and you might not get your money’s worth if you don’t purchase the upsells.

These systems all have the same feel and this is not the first time I review one of them.

If you look up my other reviews you will find similar systems with similar sales pitches and sales videos. Here are a few of them: The Home Cash Sites, Mobile Site Sniper, AZ Sniper,

If you’re looking for a more legitimate source of income, one that will not mislead you and attempt to make any upsells, then you better check out my best work-at-home recommendation!

Scarcity Tactic

Scarcity tactic is a common marketing strategy employed by many scams today.

Let’s take, for example, how Auto Income Sites use this technique.

They say that the program is only available for 24 hours, but I checked their website the next day, and it’s still there.

They claim that they only need 100 people for the program to progress, but why not 101 or 102? The site is seven months old, and with these few individuals needed to move forward, they should have already met them, right?

Finally, the last time I checked, the countdown timer indicates that it’s only 8 hours left before the membership expires. But the next day, I saw that it had gone back to 12 hours.

So yes, it’s all just a marketing strategy to get money from you.


So far, I haven’t mentioned any positive things about William Dale’s system in my Auto Income Sites review. Well, the truth is that I didn’t find any positive traits at all.

The beginning of his sales pitch is already suspicious. Thus, I don’t see any reason why someone would want to invest in his so-called system.


Fake Testimonials

Misleading claims

No corporate information was disclosed

How the opportunity works were not explained


They’re associated with ClickBetter

Auto Income Sites review: Final verdict

I hope my Auto Income Sites review has provided you sufficient information about the program offered by this guy named William Dale.

With this too many red flags, it indicates that the system is a scam, or at the very least a very low-quality product that won’t do anything else but make the creator richer.

Therefore, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, and you should avoid them at all costs!

If you’re looking for a more reliable source of income, then let’s continue to the last section…

How I earn income online

Affiliate Marketing is a way better option than any money-making schemes on the internet or online-related works for few apparent reasons, and it includes the following—

  • It yields higher income
  • It is more reliable and can provide you consistent income
  • No upsells
  • It is free, to begin with
  • And its most important trait is that income is virtually unlimited because you can market as many businesses as you want

What you’ll basically be doing is to promote a brands’ product or services through your online site or influence.

The brand that you’re going to promote will provide you an affiliate link. You will attach them to your website or other social media platforms.

You will then earn commissions anytime someone engages your link and use it to avail of the services or products listed on the brand’s landing page.

Of course, your success in this field may depend on the traffic being driven into your site.

If this is your concern, then worry no further!

I got your back!

If you’re a beginner or already have an idea of how the platform works, but struggling at the moment, then I have an excellent solution for you!

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24 thoughts on “Auto Income Sites [2022 Review] – Scam or Legit?”

  1. I don’t like it when a platform tells us we can earn a lot of money with them but doesn’t explain how it will be done. In my book, it’s being unrespectful towards us because it’s indirectly saying that we’re not capable of understanding what this “awesome” method is all about. When in reality, it’s just that there is no method behind their claims.

    • I totally agree with you, Ann.

      This is why I expose these kinds of systems so that people realize that they (the creators of these bogus systems) are just trying to squeeze money out of people so that they can make more systems like these. It’s a never-ending situation!

      • I’m sorry to say that Auto Income Sites got my $47 and also $47 on Commission Bootcamp. I’ve written for a refund but haven’t heard. When I called the guy that answered their phone said he was a start up specialist. He asked a lot of questions then asked me to download an App called Anydesk. He said it allowed him to see my screen so that he could train me with my finances using my Credit Karma or Lending Tree account. I was confused and felt rushed I logged into lending tree but then I cut off his app that allowed him to see everything on my lending tree such as credit scores and bank balances etc. I told him I was not comfortable with that process. He actually had the nerve to argue with me. He was rude and insulting. He wanted to move past that….I told him it wasn’t for me. I immediately sent emails asking for refunds. Tough lesson. By the way, he said there offices were in Seattle. Who knows…They are pushy and not what I want to work with or around.

        • Wow, Lauri!

          What a nightmare! Anydesk gave your “specialist” access to your computer just as if he was sitting right there in your home!

          Hopefully for you, he did not have enough time to gather too much personal information on you!

          Credit Karma will not hurt you. They give you a free credit score and credit report in exchange for information about your spending habits. It then charges companies to serve you targeted advertisements. The scores and credit report information on Credit Karma come from TransUnion and Equifax, two of the three major credit bureaus. If there’s a downside to Credit Karma, it’s the fact that, yes, they’re using your personal credit data to advertise to you. It’s no different than Facebook using your likes to serve ads based on your interests. That said, I would agree that the financial data makes it a bit more personal. But the fact that your specialist could see your accounts is VERY SUSPICIOUS and I would be VERY CAREFUL who you give access to your computer like that!

          LendingTree helps you get the best deal possible on loans. By giving consumers multiple offers from several lenders, they make comparison shopping easy. And it’s the same thing here, your specialist could have gotten a LOT of personal information from this site!

          It’s a good thing that you cut off his access because would have access to a lot of personal info for both Credit Karma and Lending Tree!

          If I were you I would check EVERYTHING by registering with Transunion or Equifax or maybe some Credit Monitoring app like ID Sheild so that you don’t have your personal info stolen.

          Hope this helps!

    • I am sorry for your situation, but if I were you I would contact my credit card company and dispute that charge, and if that doesn`t work, cancel it completely!

      • Dylan Brandon I don’t know how to get into your system and put my bank in addressing so I hope you get this I’ve been working on this off in weeks so thank you

        • Hello Brenda,

          First off, I am NOT Dylan Brandon and I AM NOT AFFILIATED WITH THIS SYSTEM!!!

          My name is Denis and I wrote a “Review” on this system and I am NOT recommending it.

          So if you were not able to put your bank in the system all the better because this system is NOT what they claim it is and you will most likely end up losing your money instead of making some.
          If I were you I would just try something worthwhile instead of wasting your time with this bogus system!

  2. I bought this system last week and the more we go the more money it cost. Please refund my money to my credit card and cancel this account. Thanks ShirleyEdwards


    • Hi Shirley!

      I am sorry to say that you are not asking the right person for your refund!

      I am NOT affiliated in any way shape or form with this system. In fact what I did is write a review about it and I DON’T recommend anyone to buy it.

      It’s the other way around I advise everyone to STAY AWAY.

      What you need to do is contact Digistore24 at or email them at to request your refund.

      Good luck

  3. So glad I read your review because I was in a desperate need to want to work from home but all the fact that you pointed out about their pitch was exactly why I searched to see if it was a scam. Thank you again you saved me my $47 lol. Just wondering though do you have any hard copies of that book? I’d gladly purchase! ?

    • Hello Meli,

      I am grateful that I was able to save you some hard-earned money ?. These systems that claim that you will get rich overnight with their over-hyped sales pitch and misleading claims are not even worth the time it takes to watch them.

      Now for my eBook, it is not published on paper but you can grab your own PDF copy for Free by clicking this link —> eBook

      I hope this helps ?

      Good luck

  4. So if they told me i would be charged $47 then $197 by Click Better but on my credit card it shows up as host blue for this fake site do I dispute it with my bank host blue or click better? This really is so messed up because I’m using my unemployment money to try and get employment or just a healthy income going for myself so I can get off unemployment and I’m struggling when I spend $250 out of $400 on a bogus ass class. This is the second time now. Its just so messed up, I literally just cried because people just use there intelligence in greedy and selfish ways it seems like in these type of businesses online. Scams are becoming to common, way to common these days. ☹

    • Hi Christine,

      I am so sorry for your situation! This is what I hate the most about these bogus systems: They take advantage of people no matter what situation they are in!!!

      I think you would be better off trying contacting Digistore24 at or email them at to request your refund. If not just dispute the charge that appears on your credit card. These unscrupulous people need to be stopped, so just dispute the amount no matter what name appears on the bill.

      Good luck!

  5. Thank you for your insightful review I am sure it will at least a few people, I am one of them. This type of information should be somehow posted on a site that reports possible scams to watch out for.

    Thank you again.

    • Hi Brad,

      I am grateful that my article has saved you some headaches! That was the purpose of it, to tell people how it is really. There are too many “get rich quick” traps online these days. I try to expose as many as I can!

      Good luck!

  6. Hi Denis,
    I was working for 24 h on such big crappy scams products in the make money online niche….
    Like the other sites you have mentionned, there are similar pitches, videos sales, and money narratives with certainly rehashed products under variable names, to effectively take advantage of desperate unware individuals and profit from their vulnerabilities.
    I will add wlickwealthsystem with Mateheew Tang even on Clickbank, multiple-income funnel in a certain way because we know that traffic authority is “no longer authority” in the market, also textbot is not far from a scam and level up is an oldie…
    Sorry, there is a lot of waste of your time when you go on searching.
    They don’t mind, because the future is online and they are using the technology, their skills, and knowledge to make big money as gurus on clickbetter, W+, discouraging folks’ newbies to come online. Thanks for the great reviews and let’s stand firm and open mind

  7. I have tried to get on four or five times n nothing got my refund back n tried again n still asking me to activate my card what is going on want to know why is it asking me to activate my card again just tried it this morning n nothing still asking me to activate my card so what is going on here

    • Whatever you do, DON’T give them your card number again. This is a bogus website and it doesn’t work. It’s a rehash of Commission Bootcamp, which is also a very shady system. If you were lucky enough to get your money back, run away! And don’t go back. That’s my advice!

  8. Hi Denis,

    Thanks a lot for the reviews! It really saved me a lot of headaches. I was about to join and place my credit card info when I decided to research first whether this is a scam or not. And then I saw your reviews. Thanks for the valuable service that you do for those seeking for income from home.

    Since you review online opportunities, do you have any recommendations for me about websites that you found legitimate? Your input will be appreciated. Thanks Denis!


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