Bye 9 to 5 Review: Is Jordan Mackey’s Program Legit?

Welcome to my Bye 9 to 5 review! For today’s topic, I’ll talk about whether they’re legitimate or a scam that you should avoid!

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Becoming an influencer and earning a full-time income through social media platforms like YouTube is a popular path, especially for the younger generations.

And when creating YouTube contents come to mind, one might immediately think of being in front of a video camera. Some people are comfortable doing such tasks, while others dread just imagining the prospect of taking videos of themselves.

But the good news is that you don’t really have to show yourself or even talk to take advantage of the income opportunity on YouTube. And some of the popular ways to do so are through re-uploads, affiliate marketing, and ad sense.

Today, I’ll discuss a program called Bye 9 to 5 that claims to help you earn a stable income from YouTube without even presenting yourself in front of many people.

I’ll provide you my analysis and honest opinion about the program and help you determine whether they’re worth your while or not.

But before I start, let me disclose that I am NOT an affiliate of Jordan Mackey and in NO way promoting his YouTube channel or any of his programs.

So with further ado, let’s begin my Bye 9 to 5 review…

Who is Jordan Mackey?

Jordan Mackey is a social media influencer and an expert in lead generation and affiliate marketing.

According to his bio, Mackey is a college graduate and received a Master’s degree in Business Psychology. However, like many students in the US, he incurred a huge amount of student loans during his studies.

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He realized that working from 9 to 5 isn’t much of a help in supporting him with his monthly expenses and paying off the student debt.

To make the long story short, Mackay discovered that you don’t necessarily have to show yourself or even speak in order to make a YouTube video. He started his first YouTube channel that same day and plotted how he’s going to make it work.

Fast forward to the present—he now has several YouTube channels that were generating six figures per year. I haven’t located some of these channels, but his main channel is under the name Bye 9 to 5 that have 33K subscribers at the time of this writing—


So yes, he is legitimate and definitely has the skill and experience to teach YouTube content monetization.

However, you may also find other programs online that are related to lead generation, affiliate marketing, or YouTube content monetization.

In fact, Bye 9 to 5 isn’t the first course I’ve reviewed, and here are some of the several programs—Super Affiliate System Pro 2.0, Ecom Academy Warrior, Elite Traffic Pro 2.0, and YT Money Master Course, just to name a few of them.

What is Bye 9 to 5: Tube Monetization and Automation? And how much is the cost?

Bye 9 to 5: Tube Monetization and Automation is an online training program that teaches its student the basics of YouTube channel creation and monetizing your content through affiliate marketing.

The name of his program pretty much summarized his aim, and that is to help digital entrepreneurs and YouTube vloggers quit their 9 to 5 jobs and start earning reliable income online.

If you’re an aspiring Vlogger, I believe Jordan Mackey’s course can provide you with a lot of value. Aside from receiving the basics of YouTube, they will also teach you how to generate traffic to your content and monetize your channel.

Anyway, signing up to Tube Monetization and Automation will cost you $247. The price may also seem reasonable, but you have to take note that there are way cheaper options out there.

And if you want to know what I am talking about, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

Let’s continue with my Bye 9 to 5 review and find out how the program works…

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How Bye 9 to 5: Tube Monetization and Automation works?

Bye 9 to 5: Tube Monetization and Automation is a 20-hour training program and comprised a total of 20 modules.

Below are the topics included in the program—

  • First Module: Welcome and Overview
  • Second Module: Choosing the Perfect Niche
  • Third Module: The Basics of YouTube
  • Fourth Module: The Review on Passing Monetization
  • Fifth Module: Instant Monetization
  • Sixth Module: Video Topic Research
  • Seventh Module: How to Create and Edit Your Videos
  • Eighth Module: SEO Secrets for Truly Going Viral
  • Ninth Module: Advanced Monetization Techniques
  • Tenth Module: My Three Niche Case Studies
  •  Eleventh Module: Outsourcing and Automation
  • Twelfth Module: Affiliate Marketing on YouTube
  • Thirteenth Module: Affiliate Marketing Networks
  • Fourteenth Module: Affiliate Marketing Strategies
  • Fifteenth Module: Affiliate Marketing Without Channel
  • Sixteenth Module: High Ticket Offers
  • Seventeenth  Module: Non-YouTube Affiliate Marketing Strategies
  • Eighteenth Module: Affiliate Marketing Mindset
  • Nineteenth and Twentieth Module: Affiliate Marketing Resources and Conclusion

As you see, it’s a pretty comprehensive training course about setting up your YouTube account, lead generation, and monetizing your YT channel through affiliate marketing.

With this being said—you’ll definitely receive a very detailed lesson on the said topics in case you decide to register for Jordan Mackay’s program.

Is Tube Monetization and Automation Legitimate? Or is it Just another Scam Program?

Tube Monetization and Automation is definitely not a scam. It is a legitimate online course that teaches lead generation and affiliate marketing.

As I mentioned earlier, Mackey has the experience and skill to help you get started with YouTube monetization. Also, his training course is a lot cheaper compared to other more popular programs like John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System Pro 2.0 or Ecom Warrior Academy.

However, if $250 is still out of your budget, there are more affordable options that can provide you with the same or even better results. And if you’re looking for a more budget-friendly alternative, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

What I LIKE about Bye 9 to 5: Tube Monetization and Automation

Jordan Mackey is Legit!

Jordan Mackey is a credible personality in the field of affiliate marketing. Individuals with no experience and starting from scratch will definitely benefit from his course.

Quality YouTube Contents

Aside from his training program, his YouTube channels also offer a lot of value.


I believe $247 is a reasonable price considering the amount of value you’ll going to receive from his course.

Excellent Refund Policy

The program comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee in case that you are not happy with the results you’re getting.

To me, the duration of the refund policy is actually a good sign because it implies that the creator of the training course is extremely confident that it can deliver positive results.

What I DON’T LIKE about Bye 9 to 5: Tube Monetization and Automation

Not for everybody

Bye 9 to 5: Tube Monetization and Automation may only suit a few select of people, and this is because not everybody is into publishing content to YouTube.

Apparently, this is the only con I can think of. Overall, Mackey’s course would be excellent for anyone who wanted to earn income through YouTube.

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Bye 9 to 5 Review: Final Thoughts

I hope my Bye 9 to 5 review has provided you enough information about the training course, and helped you in deciding whether it’s a good use of your time and money or not.

The program is relatively less expensive when you compare them with other well-known affiliate marketing programs. And if you have the budget to accommodate the program’s price, you may definitely sign up and try their training course.

I believe that with Mackay’s level of expertise in the area of YouTube monetization. He can definitely help you with starting your online business. However, I also advise that you manage your expectations since our experiences may vary from person to person.

But don’t lose heart if you don’t have the budget to cover the cost. And if you’re looking for a better alternative, then let’s continue to the last section of the article…

How I Earn Income Online

Affiliate marketing is the best income opportunity online for many apparent reasons, such as the following—

  • It is 100% legitimate
  • Risk-free
  • The online entrepreneur isn’t directly involved with inventory and product management and parcel deliveries
  • It is free, to begin with
  • It can be a high and stable source of income if it’s effectively managed
  • Potential income is unlimited because you can promote as many brands as you wish

And yes, your job as an affiliate marketer is to basically represent a company by promoting their products or services through your blog or social media content if you’re an influencer.

The business will provide you an affiliate link which you’re going to attach to your content online. And then, you earn commissions every time someone engages your personalized link and use it to buy their offerings.

Of course, your success in this type of eComm platform may rely on your ability to drive quality traffic to your content.

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I believe that’s just about it!

Thank you for the time and effort in reading Bye 9 to 5 review! And just for being here on my website, I am offering my eBook for Free. In it, I explain how I earn money while sleeping (and when I am awake too ?)

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Until next time!



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