eCom Masters Club Review: Don’t Buy Without Reading This First!

Looking for an honest review of Earnest Epps’ digital marketing training? Look no further than our ECom Masters Club review! Our analysis takes a deep dive into the effectiveness of this training and whether it can truly help you achieve your goals in the world of digital marketing. Read on to discover our insights and recommendations.

eCom Master Club FrontPage Image

Working anywhere and anytime and having the ability to earn a stable income in the comfort of your home is very popular nowadays for obvious reasons. It gives you financial freedom while having the freedom to pursue your passion at the same time.

The rise of eCommerce also has resulted in an increase in demands for online training courses that will guide you to success in the industry. If you are among the many individuals who search the web for the best program that can help you, then it’s likely that you have come across Earnest Epps’ ECom Masters Club.

And if you’re here today to learn more about the program and determine if they’re a good idea to invest your time to, then you’d be happy to know that the article I prepared for today will provide you with the insights you seek.

But before I begin, indulge me for a moment to share with you that I am NOT an affiliate of any of Earnest Epps’ programs other than ECom Master Club, and I will NOT gain commissions if you decide to avail of the program eventually.

So without further delays, let’s get right into today’s discussion…

Let’s Meet the Creator of the ECom Master Club

eCom Master Club creator Earnest Epps

As you might already know by now, ECom Master Club is Earnest Epps’ training course and coaching services program. If you are familiar with his other programs, you might also know how some of them are expensive, like High Ticket Ecom Secrets, which costs $997.

The thing about internet gurus of today is that they enjoy bragging about their supposed luxurious lifestyle through social media platforms like Instagram or YouTube. I believe it is something that they do to somehow show that they are legit.

But this is not the case with Epps.

Unlike any other internet gurus around, there’s some information about him that we could use to verify his claims. I have managed to gather that he is a marketing and sales strategist with over 10 years of experience under his belt. He claims that he is an expert in both digital and traditional business models.

Beyond that—his backstory is as typical as you can get and that you might have heard over and over again—he used to have a regular 9 to 5 job in which he described the office cubicle as a prison.

However, he was able to find success and happiness when he discovered the amazing potential of dropshipping. It is mentioned on one website that he has a simple method for dropshipping that gives him the financial stability that supports his family.

The truth is that the dropshipping business, as a whole, is straightforward. However, it is not as simple as it appears to be. The business needs effective strategies and your constant attention in order to flourish.

With so little information about him—does this mean that he is a con artist? Let’s continue with my ECom Master Club review and learn more about the program…

What is ECom Masters Club?

eCom Master Club Website

ECom Masters Club is a combination of a mini dropshipping course. Still, mostly, it is a coaching services program that includes weekly calls and exclusive access to his social media group on Facebook. It is a mini dropshipping course because, after all, he believes dropshipping is relatively simple.

The basics of dropshipping is straightforward, as I have explained earlier. It is a three-party transaction that involves the seller (dropshipper), end-consumer (buyer), and supplier. In an eComm setting, you will need to establish an online store that typically includes web hosting, such as Shopify.

And then, you have to search for a supplier that can provide your clients with the products they have paid for through your store. The challenge here is that you don’t have control over the quality control of the inventories and their eventual shipment.

Therefore, there’s the likelihood that the products would be returned, especially if the supplier has not properly overseen quality control.

Yes, that is basically dropshipping in a nutshell. But you have to take note that you will need to have effective marketing strategies to attract online users to visit your store and buy some of your products.

It also involves a lot of trial and error to get the right set of strategies that works for your business. And this process will indeed take time and a huge amount of effort.

It is not as simple now, right? In my opinion, you will need more than the basics of dropshipping, which I find lacking in the ECom Masters Club program.

I also reviewed several dropshipping courses in the past that offers more extensive training aside from the coaching services and exclusive access to their community, such as Ecom Warrior Academy and Ecom Everything.

How Does Ecom Masters Club Works?

The following are what you can expect from Ecom Masters Club’s package—

Two Monthly Coaching Calls

The main part of the Ecom Masters Club dropshipping program is the coaching services. And as the name suggests, the coaching service is twice a month. Take note that the coaching calls will come from his team and not from Mr. Epps.

Let me also add that I believe the twice-a-month coaching calls are not enough, especially if you are starting from scratch. It may also be difficult for beginners to ask the right questions that would help your business. You will need all the help you need if you are a newbie.

Dropshipping Mini Course

The second main program of the Ecom Masters Club is the dropshipping program, and as the name implies, it is not an extensive course since its priority is the coaching services.

Access to Recorded Calls

As a member, you also gain access to the recorded call you have made with Epps’ team.

Niche Training

In this part of the training, Earnest will share his Four Pillars of Prosperity to help you find a profitable niche that suits you. You will also receive a worksheet that should ensure your progress.

Expert Vault

You’ll also receive insights from 17 different experts.

212 eCommerce Niches and Products

In addition to the Niche Training, this part of the program will provide you with more lessons on helping you find the right niche and products that sell.

Supplier Script

One of the unusual but unique packages, I would say, is the inclusion of a supplier script. This supplier script is supposed to give you the right words to say when transacting with suppliers and gain a favourable price overall.

I am not really sure how effective this script would be because different suppliers have different tendencies.

Private Facebook Group

You’ll also gain access to the exclusive social media community that is composed of like-minded people that would allow you to help one another.

33 Hot B2B eCommerce Products and Niches

Aside from aiding you in finding the best niches for you, they will also give you the hottest products and niches in the market today.

Bonus Packages for ECom Masters Club Members

There are also bonuses that include the following—

  • Weekly Live Calls – it is not exactly weekly calls. It is a webinar, actually more of a live training session where you will be grouped with other members
  • Weekly Live Google Ads Calls – in addition, you will also receive live training on Google Ads
  • Weekly Live Facebook Ads Calls – lastly, you will receive live training on Facebook Ads
  • Call with Epps – the last bonus for ECom Masters Club members is that they will get a one-time opportunity to talk with their founder—Earnest Epps

Are you searching for a top-notch digital marketing program to take your skills to the next level? Look no further! I highly recommend checking out my personal favourite work-from-home recommendation. It’s a fantastic option that has helped me and countless others achieve great success. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity!

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How Much is the Membership for Ecom Masters Club

The Ecom Masters Club offers three membership packages upfront, and it includes the following—

  • Basic Membership Package costs $29, which includes the coaching services, dropshipping mini-course, and supplier script
  • Elite Membership Package costs $47, which includes the experts’ training aside from the basic offering
  • VIP Membership Package costs $97, which includes an eBook, call recordings, and a 15-minute call with the founder

I am not sure, though, if there are any upsells or hidden costs involved. I also found that some people are saying that it was offered for $1, only to find out that it really costs $47. I personally did not find this offer, but if it is true, then they might have changed this marketing strategy because it’s apparently misleading.

Is eCom Masters Club a Scam?

NO, eCom Masters Club is not a scam.

While I don’t think that Ecom Masters Club is a scam, I do have some reservations about its overall value. In my opinion, the program falls short of providing adequate training for dropshipping. It places an overemphasis on live training, which may not be the most effective learning approach for everyone.

If you are looking for a program that won’t cause you to break the bank, then you should check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

Here’s what other people are saying about Ecom Masters Club—

What I LIKE About Ecom Masters Club

The pricing

The course offers decent content for only $47 per month.

Value for the beginner

The coaching calls can provide valuable guidance for beginners who need help making changes to their new dropshipping business.

What I DON’T LIKE About Ecom Masters Club

You have to manage your expectations when you are only paying about $100 for dropshipping.

These types of training programs are typically expensive but offer quality training on dropshipping, such as Ecom Warrior Academy and Ecom Everything, for example.

I suppose you get what you pay for.

You also have to bear in mind that the live training is not taught by Earnest Epps. It is prepared by his team instead. It would be nice if the founder himself would share his insights about dropshipping.

Final Thoughts on My Ecom Masters Club Review and My Personal Rating

In conclusion, my Ecom Masters Club review found that the program offers some valuable content and resources for those interested in dropshipping and digital marketing.

While there are some limitations and potential hidden costs to be aware of, the program is certainly worth considering for those looking to improve their skills in this field.

Based on my experience and analysis, I give Ecom Masters Club a rating of 7.5 out of 10 stars.

eCom Master Club 7.5 stars out of 10 rating

I encourage you to weigh the pros and cons for yourself and decide if this program is the right fit for your needs and goals.

A Better Alternative to Ecom Masters Club

Dropshipping can be a profitable source of income online, but it is among the most challenging and risky business models. First and foremost, there’s the challenge of marketing your brand and quality control over your inventories.

And if what you’re after is a less risky and beginner-friendly business model online, then you may want to consider affiliate marketing. In addition to the benefits mentioned above, the following are the factors why many people prefer them—

  • You are not directly responsible for inventory management and deliveries.
  • It is cost-effective, and you can start the business with a capital of as low as $500
  • Potential income is unlimited because you can promote as many businesses as like.

And suppose you are interested in a quality program that can teach you how to succeed in affiliate marketing. In that case, I highly recommend the training course that I’ve been personally using. Just click on the highlighted text or button below:


Create a Free starter membership Today

And to show you my appreciation just by being here today, I am also giving away my eBook for free to help you start your business:

4 step-method toward success



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