Is Ecom Everything Legit? Or is it a Scam Program?

Is Ecom Everything legit? Or is it a fraud? For today, I’ll help you decide whether J Rich’s program is a good investment or not in 2022?

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Is Ecom Everything legit? Or is it a scam that you should refrain from engaging to?

If you have these concerns in mind, then you definitely have come to the right place!

Dropshipping is among the popular eComm platforms around. However, they can also be a very challenging business model to venture into, especially for individuals with no experience.

And like most newbies, the next best thing you might have probably done is turn to online training programs for help.

And one of the programs that you might have across is J Rich’s Ecom Everything.

In this article, I will discuss some of the specifics of the program and help you decide whether it’s a good use of your time or not.

But before I start today’s review, allow me to have the opportunity to share with you that I am NOT an affiliate or representing J Rich or any of his digital products in any way. This review is my honest and unbiased view of his program.

So without any further delays, let’s begin…

Let’s Meet the Creator of Ecom Everything!

Jeraun Richards or simply known as J Rich is the founder of Ecom Everything.

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He is a digital entrepreneur and social media influencer with over 240K followers on YouTube. His YT channel is your typical internet marketing video where he primarily talks about dropshipping and related platforms to the business model like Shopify and Amazon FBAs.

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And like any other typical internet gurus, he also likes to flaunt his cars and supposed luxurious lifestyle. However, he says that his life wasn’t like that before.

He struggled but managed to turn his fortune around through eCommerce. And now he is making a living doing dropshipping and selling online training courses.

However, I can’t fully verify his claims since there is little information about him over the internet.

So does this mean J Rich is potentially a con artist? Or is Ecom Everything legit after all?

Let’s continue and find out how the program works…

What is Ecom Everything?

As the name suggests, Ecom Everything is a program that is composed of a list of Ecom courses. Each of the training programs isn’t standalone, and you may have to settle monthly fees to get all of them.

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Also, you may notice that most of them are related to dropshipping, which J Rich is an expert on.

Anyway, the summary of courses is as follows—

Shopify Dropshipping

When we talk about dropshipping, I’m pretty sure most people who are familiar with the platform would immediately think of Shopify.

Although there are many dropshipping platforms around, Shopify is immensely popular to many digital entrepreneurs because it provides lower risk in regards to products-testing without having to own or pay for the products upfront.

In this course, aside from learning the basics of dropshipping, you’ll also get the essentials of Shopify and J Rich’s strategies in upscaling your business.

Shopify Dropshipping Products Platforms

In this course, you’ll get a list of some of the trending products today to help you gain ideas on what to market to pursue.

But the problem with this setting is that the people taking his program have access to this as well. If they have lots of clients, then it would saturate the market even further and make it more competitive.

Amazon Dropshipping Course

The dropshipping term used in Amazon is different. Although it’s still essentially dropshipping, they refer to the Ecom platform as Amazon FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon).

Again, the process is pretty much the same as a typical dropshipping operation with a minor twist. The process involves sending your products to an Amazon warehouse.

Once an order is placed, Amazon staff will take care of inventory management, parcel shipment, and customer service.

However, J Rich won’t be the one presenting this course. It will be another internet named RC Simon.

He is a social media influencer on YouTube as well. In his channel, he talks about anything related to eCommerce.

Drop Service Course

You may find lots of answers for what’s a drop service is over the internet, and most of them are convoluted.

But in layman’s terms, a drop service simply refers to hiring a freelancer or third-party contractor to do a task for you.

Now, you’ll get the strategies on how you can get the best people for the tasks and help you make your business profitable.

Print on Demand Course

This course is among the few courses in J Rich’s program that isn’t necessarily related to dropshipping.

Print on demand is a type of Ecom business model that involves selling personalized items printed on t-shirts, mugs, pillowcases, etc.

It may not sound that much, but print on demand is popular nowadays, and it could be a good source of passive income.

Stock Market Investment Course

J Rich also has knowledge of the stock market, and it is in this course that he shares his expertise on the subject matter.

However, I’m not sure how long he’d been doing stock trading and how successful he really is in the field, but I’d rather trust the opinion of a credible and experienced trader than someone who poses themselves as an expert.

Instagram Influencer List

In this section, the member receives a list of 900 social media influencers where you can partner in helping your business grow.

Private Chat Group

Last but not least is that you gain access to the program’s private community of like-minded people. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask J Rich and his panel of experts.

I’ve also reviewed several Ecom programs in the past. You can check out these articles if you like—Story Vault, Kindle Publishing Income, The Copy Cure, and Affiliate Marketing Mastery, just to name a few of them.

Or, you can check the full list of reviews here.

How Much is the Program?

If you’re interested in availing of Ecom Everything, then you have to prepare a monthly budget of $97.

It may not be that much to some, but I don’t feel that it’s worth it, considering the number of other resources around that are way more affordable.

But also be aware that there’s a no-refund policy in case you are not happy with the program!

If you’re looking for a more budget-friendly source of income online that can deliver far better results, then you better try my top work-from-home recommendation!

Is Ecom Everything Legit? Or is it a Scam?

I did not find any reason to believe that Ecom Everything is a scam.

In my opinion, Ecom Everything is a legitimate training program on dropshipping and other forms of passive income online.

What I LIKE about Ecom Everything

Here are some of the admirable things about Ecom Everything—

Decent Training

The courses are decent enough to teach you the essentials of some of the popular e-commerce platforms like dropshipping, print-on-demand, Amazon FBA, etc.

Decent Support System

Members are given the opportunity to talk to its founder Jeraun Richards and his team of experts.

What I DON’T LIKE about Ecom Everything

On the other hand, I’ve also listed some of the cons of Ecom Everything you have to take note of—

A Little Pricey

The $97 monthly fees may be a little inconvenient considering that there are many affordable alternatives that can deliver equal or even far better results.

Also, $97 will eventually compound to over $1,000 in a year. And I really don’t think the program is worth investing in.

And if you’re looking for a better option, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

No Refund Policy

Another con of the program is that they do not offer a refund policy when customers are unhappy with the program.

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Final Thoughts

I hope today’s review has provided you with the answer to the all-important question—is Ecom Everything legit? Or is it worth investing your time and money or not?

Although Jeraun Richards may be a legitimate digital entrepreneur, I don’t feel that his program is worth your while.

First off, I believe it is overpriced. There are better programs you can try that offer higher quality courses and can deliver far superior results for a much budget-friendly cost.

Let’s resume the last part of my review, and I’ll show you my top work-from-home recommendation…

How I Am Making a Living in the Comfort of My Home

When you search the web for the most reliable source of income online, I’m sure you’d find affiliate marketing among the top results in your searches.

And this is rightfully due to several apparent factors, such as the following

  • The platform is 100% legitimate
  • Cost-effective
  • No upsells
  • Very low risk
  • No need to manage inventories and deliveries
  • Your potential profit is limitless because you can market as many products as you like

And yes, your focus is to promote the company’s products through your online publications or social media posts if you’re an influencer.

You earn commissions every time someone clicks your personalized links and utilizes them to purchase the brands’ offerings.

Of course, your online content needs to generate quality engagement in order for your business to succeed.

If you’re a complete beginner to the whole idea of affiliate marketing and have no idea how to start your own business, then I have something to offer that should put your doubts away!

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And to show my appreciation to you just by reading my “Is Ecom Everything Legit” review, I’m giving away my book to help you kickstart your business.

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