High Ticket Profit System Review: Scam or Legit?

For today’s High Ticket Profit System review, I will relay the features and the advantages and disadvantages of the program you have to put into consideration!

High Ticket Profit System FRONTPAGE

A warm greeting to my High Ticket Profit System review!

This program is probably something that you have become acquainted with as a result of an email advertisement you received.

The promise of earning sufficient income at home is highly appealing, but of course, there are still some concerns in the back of your head about whether they can really live up to what they guarantee.

And if this is indeed what troubles you, then you’d be happy to know that the article I have written today is specially written just for you!

In it, I will point out the important features of Glynn Kosky’s High Ticket Profit System and my analysis of the program in order to help you determine if they’re the right program for you or not.

But before I officially begin, indulge me for a moment to disclose with you firstly that I am NOT a representative of the system, and I will NOT gain any profits if you decide to purchase the DFY program after reading this article.

So without further delays, let’s begin…

Who is the Creator of High Ticket Profit System?

High Ticket Profit System IMAGE 1

Glynn Kosky is a name I am very familiar with since I have reviewed two of his programs in the past, such as Commissionpages.net and AffiliSites Pro.

And these are done-for-you systems that I do not recommend, especially if you are looking for a high and reliable source of income.

Anyway, he is a digital entrepreneur with years of experience in internet marketing, yet it appears to me that he is stingy about sharing his credentials in the industry. There’s hardly any information about him when you browse his background over the internet.

However, according to his “About Me” Page, he developed a great interest in how the internet works and eCommerce in 1999 when his family bought him his first personal computer.

He started selling video games and other computer software through his website in his early years in the industry.

And then he finally became a full-time internet marketer in 2013. He also has a YouTube channel where he shares his insights on anything about the genre of making money online.

High Ticket Profit System IMAGE 2

The channel has over 9K subscribers at the time of this writing. In addition, the profits the social media profile is generating (According to StarsStat) aren’t impressive as you see in the reference below—

High Ticket Profit System IMAGE 3
High Ticket Profit System IMAGE 4

Well, that’s pretty much the general information I could gather about him.

With this unwillingness to disclose necessary information about him, does it mean that Glynn’s DFY system is untrustworthy and generally a scam? Or is it legitimate after all?

Let’s continue with my High Ticket Profit System review and learn more about how the program works…

The High Ticket Profit System DFY Program

If you have heard of Glynn Kosky, I’m sure you know that he is a well-known digital marketer that primarily focuses on selling DFY system.

And yes, High Ticket Profit System is no different from many of his DFY systems. It seems to me that he is just continually rehashing one from another to cover up his tracks.

The practice that many marketers do is revamp the program whenever their audience is slowly catching on to their schemes.

Anyway, as you might have already known by now, High Ticket Profit System is a done-for-you system.

The mechanics are relatively straightforward and simple—they will provide you with a set of premade materials and templates like a website or sales funnels, and all you have to do is to market them through email marketing or social media platforms.

But as easy as they may be, you have to realize that the potential income is not great as well.

They usually advertise themselves as an affiliate marketing type of income source online, but in reality, they are two different business models. A DFY system is more of referral marketing than affiliate marketing.

For instance, referral marketing is focused on marketing their products. The brand or company rewards its members for successfully inviting someone into engaging the referral links and availing of the products or services.

On the other hand, affiliate marketing is much more diverse in regard to brand representation. This type of eCommerce model is concentrated on promoting third-party brands. You basically earn unlimited commissions every time someone engages your personalized links, and then it’s converted to sales as a result of how effective your marketing campaigns are.

If you truly want to benefit from affiliate marketing, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

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How Does the High Ticket Profit System DFY Program Works?

The primary selling point of DFY programs such as the High Ticket Profit System is that the mechanics for the platform is very easy. The following is the general procedure to give you a better understanding of how the DFY system works—

  • First Step: Registration – once you have done with the registration process, you will be brought to your personal dashboard, where you can find your referral links and other materials needed for the task
  • Second Step: Referral Links – click on your so-called “affiliate links” to get access to your personal affiliate network. And then, all you have to do is to copy and paste the affiliate links
  • Third Step: Complete Your Profile – it’s pretty much self-explanatory
  • Fourth Step: Activate Your “Affiliate Network” – as the name of the process suggests, this part of the program is supposed to activate your DFY system and automate the process
  • Fifth Step: Automation – another characteristic of DFY system is the idea of automation. They claim that you don’t have to do anything once the system is activated

The concept of automation is, of course, misleading since you still have to do some work like actively promoting the site and enticing people to click your links.

You have to remember that you have to create engagement in order for your sites to generate sales.

Exaggerated claims and giving out false marketing are just some of the common practices some internet marketers do to generate traffic.

You can check out some of the DFY systems I also have reviewed in the past for reference. Here are some examples—Beast Funnels, Perpetual Income 365, VIP Bot Club, and Googlix, just to name a few of them.

You can also see the entire list of reviews I have published by clicking this highlighted description.

How Much is the Program?

Like many DFY systems around, such as Glynn’s Commissionpages.net and AffiliSites Pro, High Ticket Profit System is also loaded with upsells in addition to the front-end cost of the program.

If for some reason, you’re interested in the DFY system, the front-end cost of the program is $17. Plus, it is attached with a 30-day refund policy. I’m not sure, though, if there are conditions required in availing of the money-back guarantee.

And as mentioned, there are upgrades or upsells involved. And the following are some of the upsells you will need to gain access to some features of the program—

  • Upsell One: The Unlimited Access to Feature costs from $47 to $67
  • Upsell Two: The 100% Done-For-You System costs from $67 to $97
  • Upsell Three: Unlimited Feature costs from $67 to $97
  • Upsell Four: Automation costs from $47 to $67
  • Upsell Five: ATM Edition cost from $37 to $67
  • Upsell Six: License Right costs from $97 to $197 (this feature is likely to be access to PLR sites)

Another common practice by some dishonest internet marketers is that they only show you the front-end cost, and you would only learn of the upsells after you have purchased the DFY program.

Now, if you are looking for a better source of income that can truly help you generate income online, then I highly suggest that you refer to my best work-from-home recommendation!

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Is High Ticket Profit System a Scam?

I wouldn’t go as far as saying that the program is a scam, but I am NOT recommending it either. Like I said in my previous reviews of his DFY system, High Ticket Profit System is overhyped and misleading, and if they do have training modules to offer, it probably is subpar and won’t be of any relevance to you.

Some of the reviews I have looked into appear to be just relaying the specifications you will already see on the landing page. I suspect that they are affiliates where they’ll earn referral commissions if their readers fall into the trap.

Anyway, one example of an honest review I have managed to find online is as follows—

What I LIKE about High Ticket Profit System

I did not find anything positive about the program that could lead me to recommend it in any way. It is in your best interest just to stay away from High Ticket Profit System at all costs, although they have a 30-day refund policy.

I’m sure you don’t want to get into the trouble of talking to unresponsive customer support if you are unhappy with the program.

What I DON’T LIKE about High Ticket Profit System

Now, below are the things I don’t particularly like about the High Ticket Profit System—

Exaggerated and Misleading Claims

The sales pitch of the program is full of overhyped claims that it feels like it’s too good to be true. The video sales letter is cringeworthy, which would lead some to believe that it’s likely to be a get-quick-rich scheme.


The front-end cost of the program is the one they usually present at the beginning of the sales pitch. But in reality, the DFY system consists of several pricey so-called upgrades that will cause you to incur more expenses than save money.

Final Thoughts on My High Ticket Profits System Review and Ratings

The DFY system promises big earnings quickly, but it’s not that simple. Remember, you’re getting the same stuff everyone else in the program gets. Plus, you need to attract enough traffic (paid or free) to your offers to make sales.

Big search engines like Google and social media sites like Facebook don’t like duplicate content. They often flag it as spam or even as a security risk.

This means it can be really hard for people in the DFY program to make money and get sales.

So, considering all this, I’m giving the High Ticket Profit System a score of just 3 out of 10.

Looking for a Better Option Than DFY Systems Like High Ticket Profit System?

Affiliate marketing is a top choice for earning money online. Here’s why it’s one of the best options out there:

  1. It’s cost-effective – you don’t need a big budget to start.
  2. It’s all about creating SEO-friendly content that draws in and engages your audience, which leads to traffic and sales.
  3. Your earning potential is limitless. You can partner with as many brands as you want.
  4. No worries about managing inventory or shipping.
  5. It works for everyone, no matter your experience level.

It might seem a bit overwhelming at first, but with some effort, even beginners in digital marketing can find success in affiliate marketing.

And if you’re curious to learn more about affiliate marketing, just click on the button or highlighted text below:


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As a thank you for being here, I’m excited to offer you my book absolutely free! It’s designed to help you jumpstart your journey in affiliate marketing.

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